#!/bin/bash ../.port_include.sh source version.sh port=python-3.6 version=3.6 workdir=Python-3.6.0 useconfigure=true configopts="--build=i686 --without-threads --enable-optimizations --without-ensurepip" makeopts="-j$(nproc) build_all" installopts="-j$(nproc) build_all" files="${PYTHON_URL} ${PYTHON_ARCHIVE}" export CONFIG_SITE=$(pwd)/config.site if [ -x "$(command -v python3)" ]; then # check if major and minor version of python3 are matching if python3 -c "import sys;sys.exit('.'.join(str(n) for n in sys.version_info[:2]) in '$PYTHON_VERSION')"; then echo 'Error: python3 version does not match needed version to build:' $PYTHON_VERSION >&2 echo 'Please build python3.6 with Toolchain/BuildPython.sh !' >&2 exit 1 fi else echo 'Error: python3 is not installed, please build python3.6 with Toolchain/BuildPython.sh !' >&2 exit 1 fi