# Patches for RetroArch on SerenityOS ## `0001-Add-SerenityOS-platform.patch` Add SerenityOS platform ## `0002-Find-libgl.patch` Find libgl ## `0003-Add-strlcat.patch` Add strlcat() ## `0004-Disable-pthread_attr_setschedpolicy.patch` Disable pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() ## `0005-Use-SDL-software-instead-of-hardware-rendering.patch` Use SDL software instead of hardware rendering ## `0006-Set-default-options-for-SerenityOS.patch` Set default options for SerenityOS Set libretro cores path to `/usr/lib/libretro` Set video and audio driver to sdl2 Disable vsync The libretro core won't keep running in the background when we are in the menu. Don't pause gameplay when window focus is lost Set some config paths to home directory