#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import sys import requests # Must be exactly three lines each! # No trailing newline! (I.e. keep it as backslash-newline-tripleapostrophe.) TEMPLATE_PUSH = '''\ {commit}{post_commit} (pushed master: {status}) {compare} https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/{run_id}\ ''' TEMPLATE_PR = '''\ {title} ({actor} {action}: {status}) {link} https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/{run_id}\ ''' SERENITY_BOT = '' def compute_lines(wrapper): actor, run_id, raw_status, event = wrapper if raw_status == 'success': status = 'The build passed.' elif raw_status == 'failure': status = 'The build failed.' else: status = 'The build {}(?)'.format(raw_status) if 'action' not in event: # This is a push. if 'commits' not in event or not event['commits']: show_msg = '??? (No commits in event?!)' post_commit = '' else: commits = event['commits'] show_commit = commits[-1]['message'] if 'skip ci' in show_commit or 'ci skip' in show_commit: print('User requested to skip IRC notification. Okay!') return False # First line of the last commit: show_msg = show_commit.split('\n')[0] if len(commits) == 1: post_commit = '' elif len(commits) == 2: post_commit = ' (+1 commit)' else: post_commit = ' (+{} commits)'.format(len(commits)) return TEMPLATE_PUSH.format( actor=actor, status=status, run_id=run_id, commit=show_msg, post_commit=post_commit, compare=event.get('compare', '???'), ) elif 'pull_request' in event: # This is a PR. raw_action = event['action'] if raw_action == 'opened': action = 'opened' elif raw_action == 'reopened': # Reduce spam, don't notify about reopened PRs return False elif raw_action == 'synchronize': # Reduce spam, don't notify about PR updates return False else: action = '{}(?)'.format(raw_action) if event['pull_request'].get('draft', True): print("This is a draft PR, so IRC won't be notified.") print('Note: No rebuild occurs when the PR is "un-drafted"!') return False return TEMPLATE_PR.format( actor=actor, action=action, status=status, run_id=run_id, title=event['pull_request'].get('title', '???'), link=event['pull_request'].get('_links', dict()).get('html', dict()).get('href', '???'), ) else: print('Unrecognized event type?!') return False def send_notification(line): """Send a message to IRC channel via HTTP bridge. Ars: line (str): message to send """ print('> ' + line) try: response = requests.post(SERENITY_BOT, data={'msg': line}) except BaseException as e: print('Notification failed: {}: {}'.format(type(e), e)) else: print('Notification result: HTTP {}'.format(response.status_code)) def run_on(json_string): wrapper = json.loads(json_string) line = compute_lines(wrapper) if line: send_notification(line) def run(): run_on(sys.stdin.read()) if __name__ == '__main__': run()