#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import os import sys PERMITTED_MAPS = ['map', 'shift_map', 'alt_map', 'altgr_map', 'shift_altgr_map'] REQUIRED_MAPS = ['map', 'shift_map', 'alt_map'] # See Userland/Libraries/LibKeyboard/CharacterMapFile.cpp # and Userland/Libraries/LibKeyboard/CharacterMap.cpp. GOOD_MAP_LENGTHS = {90, 128} def report(filename, problem): """Print a lint problem to stdout. Args: filename (str): keymap file name problem (str): problem message """ print('{}: {}'.format(filename, problem)) def validate_single_map(filename, mapname, values): """Validate a key map. Args: filename (str): keymap file name mapname (str): map name (altgr_map, alt_map, shift_altgr_map) values (list): key values Returns: bool: key map is valid """ all_good = True if not isinstance(values, list): report(filename, '"{}" is not an array'.format(mapname)) return False # Cannot continue other checks if not any(values): report(filename, 'no values set in {}'.format(mapname)) all_good = False for i, c in enumerate(values): if len(c) > 1: report(filename, 'more than one character ("{}") for charmap index {} of {}'.format(c, i, mapname)) all_good = False if len(values) == 0: report(filename, 'map {} is empty.'.format(mapname)) all_good = False if len(values) not in GOOD_MAP_LENGTHS: report(filename, 'length {} of map {} is suspicious. Off-by-one?'.format(len(values), mapname)) all_good = False return all_good def validate_fullmap(filename, fullmap): """Validate a full key map for all map names (including maps for key modifiers). Args: filename (str): keymap file name fullmap (dict): key mappings Returns: bool: keymap file contains valid key mappings """ all_good = True if not isinstance(fullmap, dict): report(filename, 'is not an object') return False # Cannot continue other checks for name, map_ in fullmap.items(): if name not in PERMITTED_MAPS: report(filename, 'contains unknown entry {}'.format(name)) all_good = False all_good &= validate_single_map(filename, name, map_) for name in REQUIRED_MAPS: if name not in fullmap: report(filename, 'map {} is missing'.format(name)) all_good = False if 'altgr_map' in fullmap and 'alt_map' in fullmap and fullmap['altgr_map'] == fullmap['alt_map']: report(filename, 'altgr_map is identical to alt_map. Remove altgr_map for the same effect.') report(filename, '(Or add new characters!)') all_good = False if 'shift_altgr_map' in fullmap and 'alt_map' in fullmap and fullmap['shift_altgr_map'] == fullmap['alt_map']: report(filename, 'shift_altgr_map is identical to alt_map. Remove shift_altgr_map for the same effect.') report(filename, '(Or add new characters!)') all_good = False return all_good def run_with(filenames): """Check list of keymap files for errors. Args: filenames (list): keymap files to check Returns: bool: All keymap files are valid """ passed = 0 for filename in filenames: with open(filename, 'r') as fp: fullmap = json.load(fp) if validate_fullmap(filename, fullmap): passed += 1 print('{} out of {} keymaps passed.'.format(passed, len(filenames))) return passed == len(filenames) def list_files_here(): """Retrieve a list of all '.json' files in the working directory. Returns: list: JSON file names """ filelist = [] for filename in os.listdir(): if filename.endswith('.json'): filelist.append(filename) else: report(filename, 'weird filename (ignored)') # Files are in "filesystem" order. Sort them for slightly more # aesthetically pleasing output. filelist.sort() return filelist def run_here(): """Check all keymap files in the working directory for errors. Returns: bool: All keymap files are valid """ return run_with(list_files_here()) if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../Base/res/keymaps/") if not run_here(): sys.exit(1)