#!/bin/sh set -e script_path=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) cd "${script_path}/.." if ! command -v tar >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Please install tar!" exit 1 fi if [ "$#" = "0" ]; then VERIFY_GIT_STATE=n elif [ "$#" = "1" ] && [ "$1" = "--verify-git-state" ]; then VERIFY_GIT_STATE=y else echo "USAGE: $0 [--verify-git-state]" echo "This script runs Serenity and exports a set of manpages through ArgsParser," echo "and places them in Base/usr/share/man/." echo "If --verify-git-state is given, this script verifies that this does not modify" echo "the git state, i.e. that all exported manpages already were in the repository" echo "with the exact same content." exit 1 fi echo "This script assumes passwordless sudo." sudo true if [ -z "$BUILD_DIR" ]; then if [ -z "$SERENITY_ARCH" ]; then export SERENITY_ARCH="i686" echo "SERENITY_ARCH not given. Assuming ${SERENITY_ARCH}." fi BUILD_DIR=Build/"$SERENITY_ARCH" echo "BUILD_DIR not given. Assuming ${BUILD_DIR}." fi if [ -e fsmount ]; then echo "Directory 'fsmount' already exists." echo "Manual cleanup needed. You might also need to unmount first." exit 1 fi if ! [ -d Base/usr/share/man/ ]; then echo "Base/usr/share/man/ does not exist. How did that happen?! o.O" exit 1 fi echo "Using 'ninja run' to generate manpages ..." export SERENITY_RUN="ci" export SERENITY_KERNEL_CMDLINE="fbdev=off panic=shutdown system_mode=generate-manpages" # The 'sed' gets rid of the clear-screen escape sequence. ninja -C "$BUILD_DIR" -- run | sed -re 's,''c,,' echo echo "Extracting generated manpages ..." mkdir fsmount sudo mount -t ext2 -o loop,rw "$BUILD_DIR"/_disk_image fsmount # 'cp' would create the new files as root, but we don't want that. sudo tar -C fsmount/root/generated_manpages --create . | tar -C Base/usr/share/man/ --extract sudo umount fsmount rmdir fsmount echo "Successfully (re-)generated manpages in Base/usr/share/man/" if [ "$VERIFY_GIT_STATE" = "y" ]; then echo "Verifying git state ..." if [ "" != "$(git clean -n Base/usr/share/man)" ] || ! git diff --quiet Base/usr/share/man; then echo "Failed: There are missing and/or outdated manpages." echo "$ git status Base/usr/share/man" git status Base/usr/share/man echo "$ git diff Base/usr/share/man" git diff Base/usr/share/man echo "You may need to run ./Meta/export-argsparser-manpages.sh on your system and commit/squash the resulting changes." exit 1 else echo "Verified: No missing or outdated manpages. Great!" fi fi