# How to use FuzzilliJs 1. Download a copy of the Fuzzilli repo from https://github.com/googleprojectzero/fuzzilli 2. Install Swift and make sure it's in your path environment variable. 3. Build FuzzilliJs as you would the other fuzzers. [See ReadMe.md in the parent folder.](https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/master/Meta/Lagom/ReadMe.md) 4. Apply the add-serenity-support-to-fuzzilli.patch patch file to the Fuzzilli root directory. ```patch -p1 < /path/to/add-serenity-support-to-fuzzilli.patch``` 5. Build Fuzzilli with ```swift build -c release``` 6. Run Fuzzilli with ```swift run -c release FuzzilliCli --profile=serenity /path/to/FuzzilliJs```. See ```swift run FuzzilliCli --help``` for options. Alternatively you can use `FuzzilliJs.dockerfile` to build & run Fuzzilli and FuzzilliJs with Docker or Podman.