cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project( SerenitySuperbuild DESCRIPTION "Orchestrate host and target builds in a single build" LANGUAGES NONE ) # NOTE: Before CMake 3.19, if a custom command is attached to multiple step targets for Makefile and Visual Studio generators, # it might be run multiple times during the build. Enable new behavior of policy CMP0114 to avoid this, or apply the # workaround from if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.19") cmake_policy(SET CMP0114 NEW) macro(ensure_dependencies) endmacro() else() macro(ensure_dependencies proj) foreach(step IN ITEMS configure build install) if(NOT TARGET "${proj}-${step}") ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets("${proj}" "${step}") endif() if(step STREQUAL "install") ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies("${proj}" install "${proj}-build") elseif(step STREQUAL "build") ExternalProject_Add_StepDependencies("${proj}" build "${proj}-configure") endif() endforeach() endmacro() endif() get_filename_component( SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../.." ABSOLUTE CACHE ) set(SERENITY_ARCH "i686" CACHE STRING "Target architecture for SerenityOS.") set(SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN "GNU" CACHE STRING "Compliler toolchain to use for Serenity (GNU or Clang)") # FIXME: It is preferred to keep all the sub-build artifacts below the binary directory for the superbuild # However, this has an impact on developer's IDE settings and more significantly, the Ports tree. # See set(SERENITY_BUILD_DIR_SUFFIX "") if(NOT SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN STREQUAL "GNU") string(TOLOWER "${SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN}" SERENITY_BUILD_DIR_SUFFIX) endif() set(SERENITY_BUILD_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/../${SERENITY_ARCH}${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR_SUFFIX}") if (CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SerenityOS") message(STATUS "Good job on building cmake!") else() configure_file("${SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR}/Toolchain/CMake/${SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN}" "${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR}/CMakeToolchain.txt" @ONLY) set(SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR}/CMakeToolchain.txt" CACHE PATH "Toolchain file to use for cross-compilation") # Support non-cross builds by stuffing this in a variable set(SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN_FILE_ARG "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:STRING=${SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}") endif() # Allow the Ninja generators to output messages as they happen by assigning # these jobs to the 'console' job pool set(console_access "") if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "^Ninja") set( console_access USES_TERMINAL_CONFIGURE YES USES_TERMINAL_BUILD YES USES_TERMINAL_INSTALL YES ) endif() include(ExternalProject) # Collect options for Lagom build set(lagom_options "") macro(serenity_option name) set(${ARGV}) list(APPEND lagom_options "-D${name}:STRING=${${name}}") endmacro() include("${SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR}/Meta/CMake/lagom_options.cmake") # Forward user defined host toolchain to lagom build if (DEFINED CMAKE_C_COMPILER) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}" CACHE STRING "C Compiler to use for host builds") list(APPEND lagom_options "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}") endif() if (DEFINED CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" CACHE STRING "C++ Compiler to use for host builds") list(APPEND lagom_options "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}") endif() ExternalProject_Add( lagom SOURCE_DIR "${SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR}/Meta/Lagom" BINARY_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/../lagom" INSTALL_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/../lagom-install" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL YES CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=" "-DUCD_PATH:STRING=${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR}/UCD" "-DCLDR_PATH:STRING=${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR}/CLDR" ${lagom_options} # Always call the build step of tools, so keeping things up-to-date is easy BUILD_ALWAYS YES # Expose install step as a target, so it can be depended on STEP_TARGETS install ${console_access} ) ensure_dependencies(lagom) # Collect options for serenity build set(serenity_options "") macro(serenity_option name) set(${ARGV}) list(APPEND serenity_options "-D${name}:STRING=${${name}}") endmacro() include("${SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR}/Meta/CMake/serenity_options.cmake") ExternalProject_Add( serenity SOURCE_DIR "${SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR}" BINARY_DIR "${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR}" CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS # Tell the find_package(Lagom REQUIRED) command call where to find # the CMake package "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/../lagom-install" "-DUCD_PATH:STRING=${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR}/UCD" "-DCLDR_PATH:STRING=${SERENITY_BUILD_DIR}/CLDR" "-DSERENITY_ARCH:STRING=${SERENITY_ARCH}" "${SERENITY_TOOLCHAIN_FILE_ARG}" ${serenity_options} # Always call the build step BUILD_ALWAYS YES # Host tools must be built and installed before the OS can be built DEPENDS lagom-install STEP_TARGETS configure install ${console_access} ) ensure_dependencies(serenity)