/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define JOB_DEBUG namespace HTTP { static ByteBuffer handle_content_encoding(const ByteBuffer& buf, const String& content_encoding) { #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job::handle_content_encoding: buf has content_encoding = " << content_encoding; #endif if (content_encoding == "gzip") { if (!Core::Gzip::is_compressed(buf)) { dbg() << "Job::handle_content_encoding: buf is not gzip compressed!"; } #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job::handle_content_encoding: buf is gzip compressed!"; #endif auto uncompressed = Core::Gzip::decompress(buf); if (!uncompressed.has_value()) { dbg() << "Job::handle_content_encoding: Gzip::decompress() failed. Returning original buffer."; return buf; } #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job::handle_content_encoding: Gzip::decompress() successful.\n" << " Input size = " << buf.size() << "\n" << " Output size = " << uncompressed.value().size(); #endif return uncompressed.value(); } return buf; } Job::Job(const HttpRequest& request) : m_request(request) { } Job::~Job() { } void Job::on_socket_connected() { register_on_ready_to_write([&] { if (m_sent_data) return; m_sent_data = true; auto raw_request = m_request.to_raw_request(); #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: raw_request:"; dbg() << String::copy(raw_request).characters(); #endif bool success = write(raw_request); if (!success) deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); }); }); register_on_ready_to_read([&] { if (is_cancelled()) return; if (m_state == State::InStatus) { if (!can_read_line()) return; auto line = read_line(PAGE_SIZE); if (line.is_null()) { fprintf(stderr, "Job: Expected HTTP status\n"); return deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); }); } auto parts = String::copy(line, Chomp).split(' '); if (parts.size() < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Job: Expected 3-part HTTP status, got '%s'\n", line.data()); return deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); }); } auto code = parts[1].to_uint(); if (!code.has_value()) { fprintf(stderr, "Job: Expected numeric HTTP status\n"); return deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); }); } m_code = code.value(); m_state = State::InHeaders; return; } if (m_state == State::InHeaders || m_state == State::Trailers) { if (!can_read_line()) return; auto line = read_line(PAGE_SIZE); if (line.is_null()) { if (m_state == State::Trailers) { // Some servers like to send two ending chunks // use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk // that is not a valid trailing header. return finish_up(); } fprintf(stderr, "Job: Expected HTTP header\n"); return did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); } auto chomped_line = String::copy(line, Chomp); if (chomped_line.is_empty()) { if (m_state == State::Trailers) { return finish_up(); } else { m_state = State::InBody; } return; } auto parts = chomped_line.split(':'); if (parts.is_empty()) { if (m_state == State::Trailers) { // Some servers like to send two ending chunks // use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk // that is not a valid trailing header. return finish_up(); } fprintf(stderr, "Job: Expected HTTP header with key/value\n"); return deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); }); } auto name = parts[0]; if (chomped_line.length() < name.length() + 2) { if (m_state == State::Trailers) { // Some servers like to send two ending chunks // use this fact as an excuse to ignore anything after the last chunk // that is not a valid trailing header. return finish_up(); } fprintf(stderr, "Job: Malformed HTTP header: '%s' (%zu)\n", chomped_line.characters(), chomped_line.length()); return deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); }); } auto value = chomped_line.substring(name.length() + 2, chomped_line.length() - name.length() - 2); m_headers.set(name, value); #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: [" << name << "] = '" << value << "'"; #endif return; } ASSERT(m_state == State::InBody); ASSERT(can_read()); read_while_data_available([&] { auto read_size = 64 * KiB; if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) { read_chunk_size:; auto remaining = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value(); if (remaining == -1) { // read size auto size_data = read_line(PAGE_SIZE); auto size_lines = StringView { size_data.data(), size_data.size() }.lines(); #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: Received a chunk with size _" << size_data << "_"; #endif if (size_lines.size() == 0) { dbg() << "Job: Reached end of stream"; finish_up(); return IterationDecision::Break; } else { auto chunk = size_lines[0].split_view(';', true); String size_string = chunk[0]; char* endptr; auto size = strtoul(size_string.characters(), &endptr, 16); if (*endptr) { // invalid number deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::TransmissionFailed); }); return IterationDecision::Break; } if (size == 0) { // This is the last chunk // '0' *[; chunk-ext-name = chunk-ext-value] // We're going to ignore _all_ chunk extensions read_size = 0; m_current_chunk_total_size = 0; m_current_chunk_remaining_size = 0; #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: Received the last chunk with extensions _" << size_string.substring_view(1, size_string.length() - 1) << "_"; #endif } else { m_current_chunk_total_size = size; m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size; read_size = size; #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: Chunk of size _" << size << "_ started"; #endif } } } else { read_size = remaining; #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: Resuming chunk with _" << remaining << "_ bytes left over"; #endif } } else { auto transfer_encoding = m_headers.get("Transfer-Encoding"); if (transfer_encoding.has_value()) { auto encoding = transfer_encoding.value(); #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: This content has transfer encoding '" << encoding << "'"; #endif if (encoding.equals_ignoring_case("chunked")) { m_current_chunk_remaining_size = -1; goto read_chunk_size; } else { dbg() << "Job: Unknown transfer encoding _" << encoding << "_, the result will likely be wrong!"; } } } auto payload = receive(read_size); if (!payload) { if (eof()) { finish_up(); return IterationDecision::Break; } if (should_fail_on_empty_payload()) { deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { did_fail(Core::NetworkJob::Error::ProtocolFailed); }); return IterationDecision::Break; } } m_received_buffers.append(payload); m_received_size += payload.size(); if (m_current_chunk_remaining_size.has_value()) { auto size = m_current_chunk_remaining_size.value() - payload.size(); #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: We have " << size << " bytes left over in this chunk"; #endif if (size == 0) { #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Job: Finished a chunk of " << m_current_chunk_total_size.value() << " bytes"; #endif if (m_current_chunk_total_size.value() == 0) { m_state = State::Trailers; return IterationDecision::Break; } // we've read everything, now let's get the next chunk size = -1; auto line = read_line(PAGE_SIZE); #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Line following (should be empty): _" << line << "_"; #endif (void)line; } m_current_chunk_remaining_size = size; } auto content_length_header = m_headers.get("Content-Length"); Optional content_length {}; if (content_length_header.has_value()) { auto length = content_length_header.value().to_uint(); if (length.has_value()) content_length = length.value(); } deferred_invoke([this, content_length](auto&) { did_progress(content_length, m_received_size); }); if (content_length.has_value()) { auto length = content_length.value(); if (m_received_size >= length) { m_received_size = length; finish_up(); return IterationDecision::Break; } } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); if (!is_established()) { #ifdef JOB_DEBUG dbg() << "Connection appears to have closed, finishing up"; #endif finish_up(); } }); } void Job::finish_up() { m_state = State::Finished; auto flattened_buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(m_received_size); u8* flat_ptr = flattened_buffer.data(); for (auto& received_buffer : m_received_buffers) { memcpy(flat_ptr, received_buffer.data(), received_buffer.size()); flat_ptr += received_buffer.size(); } m_received_buffers.clear(); auto content_encoding = m_headers.get("Content-Encoding"); if (content_encoding.has_value()) { flattened_buffer = handle_content_encoding(flattened_buffer, content_encoding.value()); } auto response = HttpResponse::create(m_code, move(m_headers), move(flattened_buffer)); deferred_invoke([this, response](auto&) { did_finish(move(response)); }); } }