#include "GWidget.h" #include "GEvent.h" #include "GEventLoop.h" #include "GWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GWidget::GWidget(GWidget* parent) : CObject(parent, true) { set_font(nullptr); m_background_color = Color::WarmGray; m_foreground_color = Color::Black; } GWidget::~GWidget() { } void GWidget::child_event(CChildEvent& event) { if (event.type() == GEvent::ChildAdded) { if (event.child() && is(*event.child()) && layout()) layout()->add_widget(to(*event.child())); } if (event.type() == GEvent::ChildRemoved) { if (layout()) { if (event.child() && is(*event.child())) layout()->remove_widget(to(*event.child())); else invalidate_layout(); } update(); } return CObject::child_event(event); } void GWidget::set_relative_rect(const Rect& rect) { if (rect == m_relative_rect) return; auto old_rect = m_relative_rect; bool size_changed = m_relative_rect.size() != rect.size(); m_relative_rect = rect; if (size_changed) { GResizeEvent resize_event(m_relative_rect.size(), rect.size()); event(resize_event); } if (auto* parent = parent_widget()) parent->update(old_rect); update(); } void GWidget::event(CEvent& event) { switch (event.type()) { case GEvent::Paint: return handle_paint_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::Resize: return handle_resize_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::FocusIn: return focusin_event(event); case GEvent::FocusOut: return focusout_event(event); case GEvent::Show: return show_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::Hide: return hide_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::KeyDown: return keydown_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::KeyUp: return keyup_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::MouseMove: return mousemove_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::MouseDown: return handle_mousedown_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::MouseDoubleClick: return handle_mousedoubleclick_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::MouseUp: return handle_mouseup_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::MouseWheel: return mousewheel_event(static_cast(event)); case GEvent::Enter: return handle_enter_event(event); case GEvent::Leave: return handle_leave_event(event); case GEvent::EnabledChange: return change_event(static_cast(event)); default: return CObject::event(event); } } void GWidget::handle_paint_event(GPaintEvent& event) { ASSERT(is_visible()); if (fill_with_background_color()) { GPainter painter(*this); painter.fill_rect(event.rect(), background_color()); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_WIDGET_UNDERDRAW // FIXME: This is a bit broken. // If the widget is not opaque, let's not mess it up with debugging color. GPainter painter(*this); painter.fill_rect(rect(), Color::Red); #endif } paint_event(event); for_each_child_widget([&](auto& child) { if (!child.is_visible()) return IterationDecision::Continue; if (child.relative_rect().intersects(event.rect())) { GPaintEvent local_event(event.rect().intersected(child.relative_rect()).translated(-child.relative_position())); child.event(local_event); } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); second_paint_event(event); } void GWidget::set_layout(OwnPtr&& layout) { if (m_layout) m_layout->notify_disowned({}, *this); m_layout = move(layout); if (m_layout) { m_layout->notify_adopted({}, *this); do_layout(); } else { update(); } } void GWidget::do_layout() { if (!m_layout) return; m_layout->run(*this); update(); } void GWidget::notify_layout_changed(Badge) { invalidate_layout(); } void GWidget::handle_resize_event(GResizeEvent& event) { if (layout()) do_layout(); return resize_event(event); } void GWidget::handle_mouseup_event(GMouseEvent& event) { mouseup_event(event); } void GWidget::handle_mousedown_event(GMouseEvent& event) { if (accepts_focus()) set_focus(true); mousedown_event(event); if (event.button() == GMouseButton::Right) { GContextMenuEvent c_event(event.position(), screen_relative_rect().location().translated(event.position())); context_menu_event(c_event); } } void GWidget::handle_mousedoubleclick_event(GMouseEvent& event) { doubleclick_event(event); } void GWidget::handle_enter_event(CEvent& event) { if (has_tooltip()) GApplication::the().show_tooltip(m_tooltip, screen_relative_rect().center().translated(0, height() / 2)); enter_event(event); } void GWidget::handle_leave_event(CEvent& event) { GApplication::the().hide_tooltip(); leave_event(event); } void GWidget::click_event(GMouseEvent&) { } void GWidget::doubleclick_event(GMouseEvent&) { } void GWidget::resize_event(GResizeEvent&) { } void GWidget::paint_event(GPaintEvent&) { } void GWidget::second_paint_event(GPaintEvent&) { } void GWidget::show_event(GShowEvent&) { } void GWidget::hide_event(GHideEvent&) { } void GWidget::keydown_event(GKeyEvent& event) { if (!event.alt() && !event.ctrl() && !event.logo() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Tab) { if (event.shift()) focus_previous_widget(); else focus_next_widget(); } } void GWidget::keyup_event(GKeyEvent&) { } void GWidget::mousedown_event(GMouseEvent&) { } void GWidget::mouseup_event(GMouseEvent&) { } void GWidget::mousemove_event(GMouseEvent&) { } void GWidget::mousewheel_event(GMouseEvent&) { } void GWidget::context_menu_event(GContextMenuEvent&) { } void GWidget::focusin_event(CEvent&) { } void GWidget::focusout_event(CEvent&) { } void GWidget::enter_event(CEvent&) { } void GWidget::leave_event(CEvent&) { } void GWidget::change_event(GEvent&) { } void GWidget::update() { if (rect().is_empty()) return; update(rect()); } void GWidget::update(const Rect& rect) { if (!is_visible()) return; if (!updates_enabled()) return; GWindow* window = m_window; GWidget* parent = parent_widget(); while (parent) { if (!parent->updates_enabled()) return; window = parent->m_window; parent = parent->parent_widget(); } if (window) window->update(rect.translated(window_relative_rect().location())); } Rect GWidget::window_relative_rect() const { auto rect = relative_rect(); for (auto* parent = parent_widget(); parent; parent = parent->parent_widget()) { rect.move_by(parent->relative_position()); } return rect; } Rect GWidget::screen_relative_rect() const { return window_relative_rect().translated(window()->position()); } GWidget* GWidget::child_at(const Point& point) const { for (int i = children().size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!is(*children()[i])) continue; auto& child = to(*children()[i]); if (!child.is_visible()) continue; if (child.relative_rect().contains(point)) return &child; } return nullptr; } GWidget::HitTestResult GWidget::hit_test(const Point& position) { if (is_greedy_for_hits()) return { this, position }; if (auto* child = child_at(position)) return child->hit_test(position - child->relative_position()); return { this, position }; } void GWidget::set_window(GWindow* window) { if (m_window == window) return; m_window = window; } bool GWidget::is_focused() const { auto* win = window(); if (!win) return false; if (!win->is_active()) return false; return win->focused_widget() == this; } void GWidget::set_focus(bool focus) { auto* win = window(); if (!win) return; if (focus) { win->set_focused_widget(this); } else { if (win->focused_widget() == this) win->set_focused_widget(nullptr); } } void GWidget::set_font(Font* font) { if (!font) m_font = Font::default_font(); else m_font = font; update(); } void GWidget::set_global_cursor_tracking(bool enabled) { auto* win = window(); if (!win) return; win->set_global_cursor_tracking_widget(enabled ? this : nullptr); } bool GWidget::global_cursor_tracking() const { auto* win = window(); if (!win) return false; return win->global_cursor_tracking_widget() == this; } void GWidget::set_preferred_size(const Size& size) { if (m_preferred_size == size) return; m_preferred_size = size; invalidate_layout(); } void GWidget::set_size_policy(SizePolicy horizontal_policy, SizePolicy vertical_policy) { if (m_horizontal_size_policy == horizontal_policy && m_vertical_size_policy == vertical_policy) return; m_horizontal_size_policy = horizontal_policy; m_vertical_size_policy = vertical_policy; invalidate_layout(); } void GWidget::invalidate_layout() { if (m_layout_dirty) return; m_layout_dirty = true; deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { m_layout_dirty = false; auto* w = window(); if (!w) return; if (!w->main_widget()) return; do_layout(); w->main_widget()->do_layout(); }); } void GWidget::set_visible(bool visible) { if (visible == m_visible) return; m_visible = visible; if (auto* parent = parent_widget()) parent->invalidate_layout(); if (m_visible) update(); } bool GWidget::spans_entire_window_horizontally() const { auto* w = window(); if (!w) return false; auto* main_widget = w->main_widget(); if (!main_widget) return false; if (main_widget == this) return true; auto wrr = window_relative_rect(); return wrr.left() == main_widget->rect().left() && wrr.right() == main_widget->rect().right(); } void GWidget::set_enabled(bool enabled) { if (m_enabled == enabled) return; m_enabled = enabled; GEvent e(GEvent::EnabledChange); event(e); update(); } void GWidget::move_to_front() { auto* parent = parent_widget(); if (!parent) return; if (parent->children().size() == 1) return; parent->children().remove_first_matching([this](auto& entry) { return entry == this; }); parent->children().append(this); parent->update(); } void GWidget::move_to_back() { auto* parent = parent_widget(); if (!parent) return; if (parent->children().size() == 1) return; parent->children().remove_first_matching([this](auto& entry) { return entry == this; }); parent->children().prepend(this); parent->update(); } bool GWidget::is_frontmost() const { auto* parent = parent_widget(); if (!parent) return true; return parent->children().last() == this; } bool GWidget::is_backmost() const { auto* parent = parent_widget(); if (!parent) return true; return parent->children().first() == this; } GAction* GWidget::action_for_key_event(const GKeyEvent& event) { auto it = m_local_shortcut_actions.find(GShortcut(event.modifiers(), (KeyCode)event.key())); if (it == m_local_shortcut_actions.end()) return nullptr; return (*it).value; } void GWidget::register_local_shortcut_action(Badge, GAction& action) { m_local_shortcut_actions.set(action.shortcut(), &action); } void GWidget::unregister_local_shortcut_action(Badge, GAction& action) { m_local_shortcut_actions.remove(action.shortcut()); } void GWidget::set_updates_enabled(bool enabled) { if (m_updates_enabled == enabled) return; m_updates_enabled = enabled; if (enabled) update(); } void GWidget::focus_previous_widget() { auto focusable_widgets = window()->focusable_widgets(); for (int i = focusable_widgets.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (focusable_widgets[i] != this) continue; if (i > 0) focusable_widgets[i - 1]->set_focus(true); else focusable_widgets.last()->set_focus(true); } } void GWidget::focus_next_widget() { auto focusable_widgets = window()->focusable_widgets(); for (int i = 0; i < focusable_widgets.size(); ++i) { if (focusable_widgets[i] != this) continue; if (i < focusable_widgets.size() - 1) focusable_widgets[i + 1]->set_focus(true); else focusable_widgets.first()->set_focus(true); } }