/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Itamar S. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "LineProgram.h" #include #include //#define DWARF_DEBUG namespace Debug::Dwarf { LineProgram::LineProgram(InputMemoryStream& stream) : m_stream(stream) { m_unit_offset = m_stream.offset(); parse_unit_header(); parse_source_directories(); parse_source_files(); run_program(); } void LineProgram::parse_unit_header() { m_stream >> Bytes { &m_unit_header, sizeof(m_unit_header) }; ASSERT(m_unit_header.version == DWARF_VERSION); ASSERT(m_unit_header.opcode_base == SPECIAL_OPCODES_BASE); #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "unit length: " << m_unit_header.length; #endif } void LineProgram::parse_source_directories() { m_source_directories.append("."); while (m_stream.peek_or_error()) { String directory; m_stream >> directory; #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "directory: " << directory; #endif m_source_directories.append(move(directory)); } m_stream.handle_recoverable_error(); m_stream.discard_or_error(1); ASSERT(!m_stream.has_any_error()); } void LineProgram::parse_source_files() { m_source_files.append({ ".", 0 }); while (!m_stream.eof() && m_stream.peek_or_error()) { String file_name; m_stream >> file_name; size_t directory_index = 0; m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(directory_index); size_t _unused = 0; m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(_unused); // skip modification time m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(_unused); // skip file size #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "file: " << file_name << ", directory index: " << directory_index; #endif m_source_files.append({ file_name, directory_index }); } m_stream.discard_or_error(1); ASSERT(!m_stream.has_any_error()); } void LineProgram::append_to_line_info() { #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "appending line info: " << (void*)m_address << ", " << m_source_files[m_file_index].name << ":" << m_line; #endif if (!m_is_statement) return; String directory = m_source_directories[m_source_files[m_file_index].directory_index]; StringBuilder full_path(directory.length() + m_source_files[m_file_index].name.length() + 1); full_path.append(directory); full_path.append('/'); full_path.append(m_source_files[m_file_index].name); m_lines.append({ m_address, full_path.to_string(), m_line }); } void LineProgram::reset_registers() { m_address = 0; m_line = 1; m_file_index = 1; m_is_statement = m_unit_header.default_is_stmt == 1; } void LineProgram::handle_extended_opcode() { size_t length = 0; m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(length); u8 sub_opcode = 0; m_stream >> sub_opcode; switch (sub_opcode) { case ExtendedOpcodes::EndSequence: { append_to_line_info(); reset_registers(); break; } case ExtendedOpcodes::SetAddress: { ASSERT(length == sizeof(size_t) + 1); m_stream >> m_address; #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "SetAddress: " << (void*)m_address; #endif break; } case ExtendedOpcodes::SetDiscriminator: { #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "SetDiscriminator"; #endif m_stream.discard_or_error(1); break; } default: #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "offset: " << (void*)m_stream.offset(); #endif ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void LineProgram::handle_standard_opcode(u8 opcode) { switch (opcode) { case StandardOpcodes::Copy: { append_to_line_info(); break; } case StandardOpcodes::AdvancePc: { size_t operand = 0; m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(operand); size_t delta = operand * m_unit_header.min_instruction_length; #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "AdvnacePC by: " << delta << " to: " << (void*)(m_address + delta); #endif m_address += delta; break; } case StandardOpcodes::SetFile: { size_t new_file_index = 0; m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(new_file_index); #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "SetFile: new file index: " << new_file_index; #endif m_file_index = new_file_index; break; } case StandardOpcodes::SetColumn: { // not implemented #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "SetColumn"; #endif size_t new_column; m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(new_column); break; } case StandardOpcodes::AdvanceLine: { ssize_t line_delta; m_stream.read_LEB128_signed(line_delta); // dbg() << "line_delta: " << line_delta; ASSERT(line_delta >= 0 || m_line >= (size_t)(-line_delta)); m_line += line_delta; #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "AdvanceLine: " << m_line; #endif break; } case StandardOpcodes::NegateStatement: { #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "NegateStatement"; #endif m_is_statement = !m_is_statement; break; } case StandardOpcodes::ConstAddPc: { u8 adjusted_opcode = 255 - SPECIAL_OPCODES_BASE; ssize_t address_increment = (adjusted_opcode / m_unit_header.line_range) * m_unit_header.min_instruction_length; address_increment *= m_unit_header.min_instruction_length; #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "ConstAddPc: advance pc by: " << address_increment << " to: " << (m_address + address_increment); #endif m_address += address_increment; break; } case StandardOpcodes::SetIsa: { size_t isa; m_stream.read_LEB128_unsigned(isa); dbgln("SetIsa: {}", isa); break; } default: dbgln("Unhandled LineProgram opcode {}", opcode); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void LineProgram::handle_sepcial_opcode(u8 opcode) { u8 adjusted_opcode = opcode - SPECIAL_OPCODES_BASE; ssize_t address_increment = (adjusted_opcode / m_unit_header.line_range) * m_unit_header.min_instruction_length; ssize_t line_increment = m_unit_header.line_base + (adjusted_opcode % m_unit_header.line_range); m_address += address_increment; m_line += line_increment; #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << "Special adjusted_opcode: " << adjusted_opcode << ", delta_address: " << address_increment << ", delta_line: " << line_increment; dbg() << "Address is now:" << (void*)m_address << ", and line is: " << m_source_files[m_file_index].name << ":" << m_line; #endif append_to_line_info(); } void LineProgram::run_program() { reset_registers(); while ((size_t)m_stream.offset() < m_unit_offset + sizeof(u32) + m_unit_header.length) { u8 opcode = 0; m_stream >> opcode; #ifdef DWARF_DEBUG dbg() << (void*)(m_stream.offset() - 1) << ": opcode: " << opcode; #endif if (opcode == 0) { handle_extended_opcode(); } else if (opcode >= 1 && opcode <= 12) { handle_standard_opcode(opcode); } else { handle_sepcial_opcode(opcode); } } } }