#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { static hostent __gethostbyname_buffer; static char __gethostbyname_name_buffer[512]; static in_addr_t __gethostbyname_address; static in_addr_t* __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[2]; static hostent __gethostbyaddr_buffer; static char __gethostbyaddr_name_buffer[512]; static in_addr_t* __gethostbyaddr_address_list_buffer[2]; static int connect_to_lookup_server() { int fd = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (fd < 0) { perror("socket"); return -1; } sockaddr_un address; address.sun_family = AF_LOCAL; strcpy(address.sun_path, "/tmp/.LookupServer-socket"); int retries = 3; int rc = 0; while (retries) { rc = connect(fd, (const sockaddr*)&address, sizeof(address)); if (rc == 0) break; --retries; sleep(1); } if (rc < 0) { close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } hostent* gethostbyname(const char* name) { auto ipv4_address = IPv4Address::from_string(name); if (ipv4_address.has_value()) { sprintf(__gethostbyname_name_buffer, "%s", ipv4_address.value().to_string().characters()); __gethostbyname_buffer.h_name = __gethostbyname_name_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_aliases = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addrtype = AF_INET; new (&__gethostbyname_address) IPv4Address(ipv4_address.value()); __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[0] = &__gethostbyname_address; __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[1] = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addr_list = (char**)__gethostbyname_address_list_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_length = 4; return &__gethostbyname_buffer; } int fd = connect_to_lookup_server(); if (fd < 0) return nullptr; auto close_fd_on_exit = ScopeGuard([fd] { dbgprintf("closing fd\n"); close(fd); }); auto line = String::format("L%s\n", name); int nsent = write(fd, line.characters(), line.length()); if (nsent < 0) { perror("write"); return nullptr; } ASSERT(nsent == line.length()); char buffer[1024]; int nrecv = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1); if (nrecv < 0) { perror("recv"); return nullptr; } buffer[nrecv] = '\0'; if (!memcmp(buffer, "Not found.", sizeof("Not found.") - 1)) return nullptr; int rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, buffer, &__gethostbyname_address); if (rc <= 0) return nullptr; strncpy(__gethostbyname_name_buffer, name, strlen(name)); __gethostbyname_buffer.h_name = __gethostbyname_name_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_aliases = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addrtype = AF_INET; __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[0] = &__gethostbyname_address; __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[1] = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addr_list = (char**)__gethostbyname_address_list_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_length = 4; return &__gethostbyname_buffer; } hostent* gethostbyaddr(const void* addr, socklen_t addr_size, int type) { if (type != AF_INET) { errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return nullptr; } if (addr_size < sizeof(in_addr)) { errno = EINVAL; return nullptr; } int fd = connect_to_lookup_server(); if (fd < 0) return nullptr; auto close_fd_on_exit = ScopeGuard([fd] { close(fd); }); IPv4Address ipv4_address((const u8*)&((const in_addr*)addr)->s_addr); auto line = String::format("R%d.%d.%d.%d.in-addr.arpa\n", ipv4_address[3], ipv4_address[2], ipv4_address[1], ipv4_address[0]); int nsent = write(fd, line.characters(), line.length()); if (nsent < 0) { perror("write"); return nullptr; } ASSERT(nsent == line.length()); char buffer[1024]; int nrecv = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1); if (nrecv < 0) { perror("recv"); return nullptr; } if (nrecv > 1) { // Strip newline. buffer[nrecv - 1] = '\0'; } buffer[nrecv] = '\0'; if (!memcmp(buffer, "Not found.", sizeof("Not found.") - 1)) return nullptr; strncpy(__gethostbyaddr_name_buffer, buffer, max(sizeof(__gethostbyaddr_name_buffer), (size_t)nrecv)); __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_name = __gethostbyaddr_name_buffer; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_aliases = nullptr; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_addrtype = AF_INET; // FIXME: Should we populate the hostent's address list here with a sockaddr_in for the provided host? __gethostbyaddr_address_list_buffer[0] = nullptr; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_addr_list = (char**)__gethostbyaddr_address_list_buffer; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_length = 4; return &__gethostbyaddr_buffer; } }