#include #include #include #include #include GTableView::GTableView(GWidget* parent) : GAbstractView(parent) { set_frame_shape(FrameShape::Container); set_frame_shadow(FrameShadow::Sunken); set_frame_thickness(2); } GTableView::~GTableView() { } void GTableView::update_content_size() { if (!model()) return set_content_size({ }); int content_width = 0; int column_count = model()->column_count(); for (int i = 0; i < column_count; ++i) content_width += model()->column_metadata(i).preferred_width + horizontal_padding() * 2; int content_height = item_count() * item_height(); set_content_size({ content_width, content_height }); set_size_occupied_by_fixed_elements({ 0, header_height() }); } void GTableView::did_update_model() { GAbstractView::did_update_model(); update_content_size(); update(); } Rect GTableView::row_rect(int item_index) const { return { 0, header_height() + (item_index * item_height()), max(content_size().width(), width()), item_height() }; } int GTableView::column_width(int column_index) const { return model()->column_metadata(column_index).preferred_width; } Rect GTableView::header_rect(int column_index) const { if (is_column_hidden(column_index)) return { }; int x_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < column_index; ++i) { if (is_column_hidden(i)) continue; x_offset += column_width(i) + horizontal_padding() * 2; } auto column_metadata = model()->column_metadata(column_index); int column_width = column_metadata.preferred_width; return { x_offset, 0, column_width + horizontal_padding() * 2, header_height() }; } void GTableView::mousedown_event(GMouseEvent& event) { if (!model()) return; if (event.y() < header_height()) { auto adjusted_position = event.position().translated(horizontal_scrollbar().value(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < model()->column_count(); ++i) { auto header_rect = this->header_rect(i); if (header_rect.contains(adjusted_position)) { auto new_sort_order = GSortOrder::Ascending; if (model()->key_column() == i) new_sort_order = model()->sort_order() == GSortOrder::Ascending ? GSortOrder::Descending : GSortOrder::Ascending; model()->set_key_column_and_sort_order(i, new_sort_order); return; } } return; } if (event.button() == GMouseButton::Left) { auto adjusted_position = event.position().translated(0, vertical_scrollbar().value()); for (int i = 0; i < item_count(); ++i) { if (row_rect(i).contains(adjusted_position)) { model()->set_selected_index(model()->index(i, 0)); update(); return; } } model()->set_selected_index({ }); update(); } } void GTableView::paint_event(GPaintEvent& event) { GFrame::paint_event(event); if (!model()) return; GPainter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(frame_inner_rect()); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.save(); painter.translate(-horizontal_scrollbar().value(), -vertical_scrollbar().value()); int exposed_width = max(content_size().width(), width()); int painted_item_index = 0; int y_offset = header_height(); for (int row_index = 0; row_index < model()->row_count(); ++row_index) { bool is_selected_row = row_index == model()->selected_index().row(); int y = y_offset + painted_item_index * item_height(); Color background_color; Color key_column_background_color; if (is_selected_row) { background_color = is_focused() ? Color::from_rgb(0x84351a) : Color::from_rgb(0x606060); key_column_background_color = is_focused() ? Color::from_rgb(0x84351a) : Color::from_rgb(0x606060); } else { if (alternating_row_colors() && (painted_item_index % 2)) { background_color = Color(210, 210, 210); key_column_background_color = Color(190, 190, 190); } else { background_color = Color::White; key_column_background_color = Color(235, 235, 235); } } painter.fill_rect(row_rect(painted_item_index), background_color); int x_offset = 0; for (int column_index = 0; column_index < model()->column_count(); ++column_index) { if (is_column_hidden(column_index)) continue; auto column_metadata = model()->column_metadata(column_index); int column_width = column_metadata.preferred_width; const Font& font = column_metadata.font ? *column_metadata.font : this->font(); bool is_key_column = model()->key_column() == column_index; Rect cell_rect(horizontal_padding() + x_offset, y, column_width, item_height()); if (is_key_column) { auto cell_rect_for_fill = cell_rect.inflated(horizontal_padding() * 2, 0); painter.fill_rect(cell_rect_for_fill, key_column_background_color); } auto cell_index = model()->index(row_index, column_index); auto data = model()->data(cell_index); if (data.is_bitmap()) { painter.blit(cell_rect.location(), data.as_bitmap(), data.as_bitmap().rect()); } else if (data.is_icon()) { if (auto bitmap = data.as_icon().bitmap_for_size(16)) painter.blit(cell_rect.location(), *bitmap, bitmap->rect()); } else { Color text_color; if (is_selected_row) text_color = Color::White; else text_color = model()->data(cell_index, GModel::Role::ForegroundColor).to_color(Color::Black); painter.draw_text(cell_rect, data.to_string(), font, column_metadata.text_alignment, text_color); } x_offset += column_width + horizontal_padding() * 2; } ++painted_item_index; }; Rect unpainted_rect(0, header_height() + painted_item_index * item_height(), exposed_width, height()); painter.fill_rect(unpainted_rect, Color::White); // Untranslate the painter vertically and do the column headers. painter.translate(0, vertical_scrollbar().value()); if (headers_visible()) paint_headers(painter); painter.restore(); if (is_focused()) { Rect item_area_rect { 0, header_height(), width() - vertical_scrollbar().width(), height() - header_height() - horizontal_scrollbar().height() }; painter.draw_rect(item_area_rect, Color::from_rgb(0x84351a)); }; } void GTableView::paint_headers(Painter& painter) { int exposed_width = max(content_size().width(), width()); painter.fill_rect({ 0, 0, exposed_width, header_height() }, Color::LightGray); painter.draw_line({ 0, 0 }, { exposed_width - 1, 0 }, Color::White); painter.draw_line({ 0, header_height() - 1 }, { exposed_width - 1, header_height() - 1 }, Color::MidGray); int x_offset = 0; for (int column_index = 0; column_index < model()->column_count(); ++column_index) { if (is_column_hidden(column_index)) continue; auto column_metadata = model()->column_metadata(column_index); int column_width = column_metadata.preferred_width; bool is_key_column = model()->key_column() == column_index; Rect cell_rect(x_offset, 0, column_width + horizontal_padding() * 2, header_height()); if (is_key_column) { painter.fill_rect(cell_rect.shrunken(2, 2), Color::from_rgb(0xdddddd)); } painter.draw_text(cell_rect.translated(horizontal_padding(), 0), model()->column_name(column_index), Font::default_bold_font(), TextAlignment::CenterLeft, Color::Black); x_offset += column_width + horizontal_padding() * 2; // Draw column separator. painter.draw_line(cell_rect.top_left().translated(0, 1), cell_rect.bottom_left().translated(0, -1), Color::White); painter.draw_line(cell_rect.top_right(), cell_rect.bottom_right().translated(0, -1), Color::MidGray); } // Draw the "start" of a new column to make the last separator look right. painter.draw_line({ x_offset, 1 }, { x_offset, header_height() - 2 }, Color::White); } int GTableView::item_count() const { if (!model()) return 0; return model()->row_count(); } void GTableView::keydown_event(GKeyEvent& event) { if (!model()) return; auto& model = *this->model(); if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Return) { model.activate(model.selected_index()); return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Up) { GModelIndex new_index; if (model.selected_index().is_valid()) new_index = model.index(model.selected_index().row() - 1, model.selected_index().column()); else new_index = model.index(0, 0); if (model.is_valid(new_index)) { model.set_selected_index(new_index); scroll_into_view(new_index, Orientation::Vertical); update(); } return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Down) { GModelIndex new_index; if (model.selected_index().is_valid()) new_index = model.index(model.selected_index().row() + 1, model.selected_index().column()); else new_index = model.index(0, 0); if (model.is_valid(new_index)) { model.set_selected_index(new_index); scroll_into_view(new_index, Orientation::Vertical); update(); } return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_PageUp) { int items_per_page = visible_content_rect().height() / item_height(); auto new_index = model.index(max(0, model.selected_index().row() - items_per_page), model.selected_index().column()); if (model.is_valid(new_index)) { model.set_selected_index(new_index); scroll_into_view(new_index, Orientation::Vertical); update(); } return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_PageDown) { int items_per_page = visible_content_rect().height() / item_height(); auto new_index = model.index(min(model.row_count() - 1, model.selected_index().row() + items_per_page), model.selected_index().column()); if (model.is_valid(new_index)) { model.set_selected_index(new_index); scroll_into_view(new_index, Orientation::Vertical); update(); } return; } return GWidget::keydown_event(event); } void GTableView::scroll_into_view(const GModelIndex& index, Orientation orientation) { auto rect = row_rect(index.row()).translated(0, -header_height()); GScrollableWidget::scroll_into_view(rect, orientation); } bool GTableView::is_column_hidden(int column) const { if (column >= 0 && column < m_column_visibility.size()) return !m_column_visibility[column]; return false; } void GTableView::set_column_hidden(int column, bool hidden) { ASSERT(column >= 0); if (m_column_visibility.size() <= column) { int previous_column_count = m_column_visibility.size(); m_column_visibility.resize(column + 1); for (int i = previous_column_count; i < m_column_visibility.size(); ++i) m_column_visibility[i] = true; } m_column_visibility[column] = !hidden; } void GTableView::doubleclick_event(GMouseEvent& event) { if (!model()) return; if (event.button() == GMouseButton::Left) { mousedown_event(event); model()->activate(model()->selected_index()); } }