/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Liav A. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include namespace Kernel { #define MBR_SIGNATURE 0xaa55 #define MBR_PROTECTIVE 0xEE #define EBR_CHS_CONTAINER 0x05 #define EBR_LBA_CONTAINER 0x0F Result, PartitionTable::Error> MBRPartitionTable::try_to_initialize(const StorageDevice& device) { auto table = make(device); if (table->contains_ebr()) return { PartitionTable::Error::ContainsEBR }; if (table->is_protective_mbr()) return { PartitionTable::Error::MBRProtective }; if (!table->is_valid()) return { PartitionTable::Error::Invalid }; return table; } OwnPtr MBRPartitionTable::try_to_initialize(const StorageDevice& device, u32 start_lba) { auto table = make(device, start_lba); if (!table->is_valid()) return {}; return table; } bool MBRPartitionTable::read_boot_record() { auto buffer = UserOrKernelBuffer::for_kernel_buffer(m_cached_header.data()); if (!m_device->read_block(m_start_lba, buffer)) return false; m_header_valid = true; return m_header_valid; } MBRPartitionTable::MBRPartitionTable(const StorageDevice& device, u32 start_lba) : PartitionTable(device) , m_start_lba(start_lba) , m_cached_header(ByteBuffer::create_zeroed(m_device->block_size()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()) // FIXME: Do something sensible if this fails because of OOM. { if (!read_boot_record() || !initialize()) return; m_header_valid = true; auto& header = this->header(); for (size_t index = 0; index < 4; index++) { auto& entry = header.entry[index]; if (entry.offset == 0x00) { continue; } MUST(m_partitions.try_empend(entry.offset, (entry.offset + entry.length), entry.type)); } m_valid = true; } MBRPartitionTable::MBRPartitionTable(const StorageDevice& device) : PartitionTable(device) , m_start_lba(0) , m_cached_header(ByteBuffer::create_zeroed(m_device->block_size()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()) // FIXME: Do something sensible if this fails because of OOM. { if (!read_boot_record() || contains_ebr() || is_protective_mbr() || !initialize()) return; auto& header = this->header(); for (size_t index = 0; index < 4; index++) { auto& entry = header.entry[index]; if (entry.offset == 0x00) { continue; } MUST(m_partitions.try_empend(entry.offset, (entry.offset + entry.length), entry.type)); } m_valid = true; } MBRPartitionTable::~MBRPartitionTable() { } const MBRPartitionTable::Header& MBRPartitionTable::header() const { return *(const MBRPartitionTable::Header*)m_cached_header.data(); } bool MBRPartitionTable::initialize() { auto& header = this->header(); dbgln_if(MBR_DEBUG, "Master Boot Record: mbr_signature={:#08x}", header.mbr_signature); if (header.mbr_signature != MBR_SIGNATURE) { dbgln("Master Boot Record: invalid signature"); return false; } return true; } bool MBRPartitionTable::contains_ebr() const { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (header().entry[i].type == EBR_CHS_CONTAINER || header().entry[i].type == EBR_LBA_CONTAINER) return true; } return false; } bool MBRPartitionTable::is_protective_mbr() const { return header().entry[0].type == MBR_PROTECTIVE; } }