#include "ProcFileSystem.h" #include "Process.h" #include #include "system.h" #include "MemoryManager.h" #include "StdLib.h" #include "i386.h" #include "KSyms.h" static ProcFS* s_the; ProcFS& ProcFS::the() { ASSERT(s_the); return *s_the; } RetainPtr ProcFS::create() { return adopt(*new ProcFS); } ProcFS::ProcFS() { s_the = this; } ProcFS::~ProcFS() { } ByteBuffer procfs$pid_fds(Process& process) { ProcessInspectionHandle handle(process); if (process.number_of_open_file_descriptors() == 0) return { }; char* buffer; auto stringImpl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(process.number_of_open_file_descriptors() * 80, buffer); memset(buffer, 0, stringImpl->length()); char* ptr = buffer; for (size_t i = 0; i < process.max_open_file_descriptors(); ++i) { auto* descriptor = process.file_descriptor(i); if (!descriptor) continue; ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "% 3u %s\n", i, descriptor->absolute_path().characters()); } *ptr = '\0'; return ByteBuffer::copy((byte*)buffer, ptr - buffer); } ByteBuffer procfs$pid_vm(Process& process) { ProcessInspectionHandle handle(process); char* buffer; auto stringImpl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(80 + process.regionCount() * 160 + 4096, buffer); memset(buffer, 0, stringImpl->length()); char* ptr = buffer; ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "BEGIN END SIZE COMMIT NAME\n"); for (auto& region : process.regions()) { ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "%x -- %x %x %x %s\n", region->linearAddress.get(), region->linearAddress.offset(region->size - 1).get(), region->size, region->committed(), region->name.characters()); } *ptr = '\0'; return ByteBuffer::copy((byte*)buffer, ptr - buffer); } ByteBuffer procfs$pid_vmo(Process& process) { ProcessInspectionHandle handle(process); char* buffer; auto stringImpl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(80 + process.regionCount() * 160 + 4096, buffer); memset(buffer, 0, stringImpl->length()); char* ptr = buffer; ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "BEGIN END SIZE NAME\n"); for (auto& region : process.regions()) { ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "%x -- %x %x %s\n", region->linearAddress.get(), region->linearAddress.offset(region->size - 1).get(), region->size, region->name.characters()); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "VMO: %s \"%s\" @ %x(%u)\n", region->vmo().is_anonymous() ? "anonymous" : "file-backed", region->vmo().name().characters(), ®ion->vmo(), region->vmo().retain_count()); for (size_t i = 0; i < region->vmo().page_count(); ++i) { auto& physical_page = region->vmo().physical_pages()[i]; ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "P%x%s(%u) ", physical_page ? physical_page->paddr().get() : 0, region->cow_map.get(i) ? "!" : "", physical_page ? physical_page->retain_count() : 0 ); } ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "\n"); } *ptr = '\0'; return ByteBuffer::copy((byte*)buffer, ptr - buffer); } ByteBuffer procfs$pid_stack(Process& process) { ProcessInspectionHandle handle(process); ProcessPagingScope pagingScope(process); struct RecognizedSymbol { dword address; const KSym* ksym; }; Vector recognizedSymbols; if (auto* eipKsym = ksymbolicate(process.tss().eip)) recognizedSymbols.append({ process.tss().eip, eipKsym }); for (dword* stackPtr = (dword*)process.framePtr(); process.validate_read_from_kernel(LinearAddress((dword)stackPtr)); stackPtr = (dword*)*stackPtr) { dword retaddr = stackPtr[1]; if (auto* ksym = ksymbolicate(retaddr)) recognizedSymbols.append({ retaddr, ksym }); } size_t bytesNeeded = 0; for (auto& symbol : recognizedSymbols) { bytesNeeded += strlen(symbol.ksym->name) + 8 + 16; } auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(bytesNeeded); char* bufptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); for (auto& symbol : recognizedSymbols) { unsigned offset = symbol.address - symbol.ksym->address; bufptr += ksprintf(bufptr, "%p %s +%u\n", symbol.address, symbol.ksym->name, offset); } buffer.trim(bufptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$pid_regs(Process& process) { ProcessInspectionHandle handle(process); auto& tss = process.tss(); auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(1024); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "eax: %x\n", tss.eax); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "ebx: %x\n", tss.ebx); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "ecx: %x\n", tss.ecx); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "edx: %x\n", tss.edx); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "esi: %x\n", tss.esi); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "edi: %x\n", tss.edi); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "ebp: %x\n", tss.ebp); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "cr3: %x\n", tss.cr3); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "flg: %x\n", tss.eflags); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "sp: %w:%x\n", tss.ss, tss.esp); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "pc: %w:%x\n", tss.cs, tss.eip); buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$pid_exe(Process& process) { ProcessInspectionHandle handle(process); auto inode = process.executable_inode(); ASSERT(inode); return VFS::the().absolute_path(*inode).to_byte_buffer(); } ByteBuffer procfs$pid_cwd(Process& process) { ProcessInspectionHandle handle(process); auto inode = process.cwd_inode(); ASSERT(inode); return VFS::the().absolute_path(*inode).to_byte_buffer(); } void ProcFS::add_process(Process& process) { InterruptDisabler disabler; char buf[16]; ksprintf(buf, "%d", process.pid()); auto dir = add_file(create_directory(buf)); m_pid2inode.set(process.pid(), dir.index()); add_file(create_generated_file("vm", [&process] { return procfs$pid_vm(process); }), dir.index()); add_file(create_generated_file("vmo", [&process] { return procfs$pid_vmo(process); }), dir.index()); add_file(create_generated_file("stack", [&process] { return procfs$pid_stack(process); }), dir.index()); add_file(create_generated_file("regs", [&process] { return procfs$pid_regs(process); }), dir.index()); add_file(create_generated_file("fds", [&process] { return procfs$pid_fds(process); }), dir.index()); if (process.executable_inode()) add_file(create_generated_file("exe", [&process] { return procfs$pid_exe(process); }, 00120777), dir.index()); if (process.cwd_inode()) add_file(create_generated_file("cwd", [&process] { return procfs$pid_cwd(process); }, 00120777), dir.index()); } void ProcFS::remove_process(Process& process) { InterruptDisabler disabler; auto pid = process.pid(); auto it = m_pid2inode.find(pid); if (it == m_pid2inode.end()) return; bool success = remove_file((*it).value); ASSERT(success); m_pid2inode.remove(pid); } ByteBuffer procfs$mm() { // FIXME: Implement InterruptDisabler disabler; auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(1024 + 80 * MM.m_vmos.size()); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); for (auto* vmo : MM.m_vmos) { ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "VMO: %p %s(%u): p:%4u %s\n", vmo, vmo->is_anonymous() ? "anon" : "file", vmo->retain_count(), vmo->page_count(), vmo->name().characters()); } ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "VMO count: %u\n", MM.m_vmos.size()); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "Free physical pages: %u\n", MM.m_free_physical_pages.size()); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "Free supervisor physical pages: %u\n", MM.m_free_supervisor_physical_pages.size()); buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$regions() { // FIXME: Implement InterruptDisabler disabler; auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(1024 + 80 * MM.m_regions.size()); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); for (auto* region : MM.m_regions) { ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "Region: %p VMO=%p %s\n", region, ®ion->vmo(), region->name.characters()); } ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "Region count: %u\n", MM.m_regions.size()); buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$mounts() { InterruptDisabler disabler; auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(VFS::the().mount_count() * 80); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); VFS::the().for_each_mount([&ptr] (auto& mount) { auto& fs = mount.guest_fs(); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "%s @ ", fs.class_name()); if (!mount.host().is_valid()) ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "/\n", fs.class_name()); else ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "%u:%u\n", mount.host().fsid(), mount.host().index()); }); buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$cpuinfo() { auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(256); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); { CPUID cpuid(0); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "cpuid: "); auto emit_dword = [&] (dword value) { ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "%c%c%c%c", value & 0xff, (value >> 8) & 0xff, (value >> 16) & 0xff, (value >> 24) & 0xff); }; emit_dword(cpuid.ebx()); emit_dword(cpuid.edx()); emit_dword(cpuid.ecx()); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "\n"); } { CPUID cpuid(1); dword stepping = cpuid.eax() & 0xf; dword model = (cpuid.eax() >> 4) & 0xf; dword family = (cpuid.eax() >> 8) & 0xf; dword type = (cpuid.eax() >> 12) & 0x3; dword extended_model = (cpuid.eax() >> 16) & 0xf; dword extended_family = (cpuid.eax() >> 20) & 0xff; dword display_model; dword display_family; if (family == 15) { display_family = family + extended_family; display_model = model + (extended_model << 4); } else if (family == 6) { display_family = family; display_model = model + (extended_model << 4); } else { display_family = family; display_model = model; } ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "family: %u\n", display_family); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "model: %u\n", display_model); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "stepping: %u\n", stepping); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "type: %u\n", type); } { // FIXME: Check first that this is supported by calling CPUID with eax=0x80000000 // and verifying that the returned eax>=0x80000004. char buffer[48]; dword* bufptr = reinterpret_cast(buffer); auto copy_brand_string_part_to_buffer = [&] (dword i) { CPUID cpuid(0x80000002 + i); *bufptr++ = cpuid.eax(); *bufptr++ = cpuid.ebx(); *bufptr++ = cpuid.ecx(); *bufptr++ = cpuid.edx(); }; copy_brand_string_part_to_buffer(0); copy_brand_string_part_to_buffer(1); copy_brand_string_part_to_buffer(2); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "brandstr: \"%s\"\n", buffer); } buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$kmalloc() { auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(256); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "eternal: %u\nallocated: %u\nfree: %u\n", kmalloc_sum_eternal, sum_alloc, sum_free); buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$summary() { InterruptDisabler disabler; auto processes = Process::allProcesses(); auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(processes.size() * 256); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "PID TPG PGP SID OWNER STATE PPID NSCHED FDS TTY NAME\n"); for (auto* process : processes) { ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "% 3u % 3u % 3u % 3u % 4u % 8s % 3u % 9u % 3u % 4s %s\n", process->pid(), process->tty() ? process->tty()->pgid() : 0, process->pgid(), process->sid(), process->uid(), toString(process->state()), process->ppid(), process->timesScheduled(), process->number_of_open_file_descriptors(), process->tty() ? strrchr(process->tty()->tty_name().characters(), '/') + 1 : "n/a", process->name().characters()); } *ptr = '\0'; buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } ByteBuffer procfs$vnodes() { auto& vfs = VFS::the(); auto buffer = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(vfs.m_max_vnode_count * 256); char* ptr = (char*)buffer.pointer(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vfs.m_max_vnode_count; ++i) { auto& vnode = vfs.m_nodes[i]; // FIXME: Retain the vnode while inspecting it. if (!vnode.inUse()) continue; String path; if (vnode.core_inode()) path = vfs.absolute_path(*vnode.core_inode()); if (path.is_empty()) { if (auto* dev = vnode.characterDevice()) { if (dev->is_tty()) path = static_cast(dev)->tty_name(); } } ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "vnode %03u: %02u:%08u (%u) %s", i, vnode.inode.fsid(), vnode.inode.index(), vnode.retain_count(), path.characters()); if (vnode.characterDevice()) ptr += ksprintf(ptr, " (chardev: %p)", vnode.characterDevice()); ptr += ksprintf(ptr, "\n"); } *ptr = '\0'; buffer.trim(ptr - (char*)buffer.pointer()); return buffer; } bool ProcFS::initialize() { SynthFS::initialize(); add_file(create_generated_file("mm", procfs$mm)); add_file(create_generated_file("regions", procfs$regions)); add_file(create_generated_file("mounts", procfs$mounts)); add_file(create_generated_file("kmalloc", procfs$kmalloc)); add_file(create_generated_file("summary", procfs$summary)); add_file(create_generated_file("cpuinfo", procfs$cpuinfo)); add_file(create_generated_file("vnodes", procfs$vnodes)); return true; } const char* ProcFS::class_name() const { return "procfs"; }