/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "SnakeGame.h" #include #include #include #include #include SnakeGame::SnakeGame(GWidget* parent) : GWidget(parent) { set_font(GFontDatabase::the().get_by_name("Liza Regular")); m_fruit_bitmaps.append(*GraphicsBitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/snake/paprika.png")); m_fruit_bitmaps.append(*GraphicsBitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/snake/eggplant.png")); m_fruit_bitmaps.append(*GraphicsBitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/snake/cauliflower.png")); m_fruit_bitmaps.append(*GraphicsBitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/snake/tomato.png")); srand(time(nullptr)); reset(); m_high_score = 0; m_high_score_text = "Best: 0"; } SnakeGame::~SnakeGame() { } void SnakeGame::reset() { m_head = { m_rows / 2, m_columns / 2 }; m_tail.clear_with_capacity(); m_length = 2; m_score = 0; m_score_text = "Score: 0"; m_velocity_queue.clear(); stop_timer(); start_timer(100); spawn_fruit(); update(); } bool SnakeGame::is_available(const Coordinate& coord) { for (int i = 0; i < m_tail.size(); ++i) { if (m_tail[i] == coord) return false; } if (m_head == coord) return false; if (m_fruit == coord) return false; return true; } void SnakeGame::spawn_fruit() { Coordinate coord; for (;;) { coord.row = rand() % m_rows; coord.column = rand() % m_columns; if (is_available(coord)) break; } m_fruit = coord; m_fruit_type = rand() % m_fruit_bitmaps.size(); } Rect SnakeGame::score_rect() const { int score_width = font().width(m_score_text); return { width() - score_width - 2, height() - font().glyph_height() - 2, score_width, font().glyph_height() }; } Rect SnakeGame::high_score_rect() const { int high_score_width = font().width(m_high_score_text); return { 2, height() - font().glyph_height() - 2, high_score_width, font().glyph_height() }; } void SnakeGame::timer_event(CTimerEvent&) { Vector dirty_cells; m_tail.prepend(m_head); if (m_tail.size() > m_length) { dirty_cells.append(m_tail.last()); m_tail.take_last(); } if (!m_velocity_queue.is_empty()) m_velocity = m_velocity_queue.dequeue(); dirty_cells.append(m_head); m_head.row += m_velocity.vertical; m_head.column += m_velocity.horizontal; m_last_velocity = m_velocity; if (m_head.row >= m_rows) m_head.row = 0; if (m_head.row < 0) m_head.row = m_rows - 1; if (m_head.column >= m_columns) m_head.column = 0; if (m_head.column < 0) m_head.column = m_columns - 1; dirty_cells.append(m_head); for (int i = 0; i < m_tail.size(); ++i) { if (m_head == m_tail[i]) { game_over(); return; } } if (m_head == m_fruit) { ++m_length; ++m_score; m_score_text = String::format("Score: %u", m_score); if (m_score > m_high_score) { m_high_score = m_score; m_high_score_text = String::format("Best: %u", m_high_score); update(high_score_rect()); } update(score_rect()); dirty_cells.append(m_fruit); spawn_fruit(); dirty_cells.append(m_fruit); } for (auto& coord : dirty_cells) { update(cell_rect(coord)); } } void SnakeGame::keydown_event(GKeyEvent& event) { switch (event.key()) { case KeyCode::Key_A: case KeyCode::Key_Left: if (last_velocity().horizontal == 1) break; queue_velocity(0, -1); break; case KeyCode::Key_D: case KeyCode::Key_Right: if (last_velocity().horizontal == -1) break; queue_velocity(0, 1); break; case KeyCode::Key_W: case KeyCode::Key_Up: if (last_velocity().vertical == 1) break; queue_velocity(-1, 0); break; case KeyCode::Key_S: case KeyCode::Key_Down: if (last_velocity().vertical == -1) break; queue_velocity(1, 0); break; default: break; } } Rect SnakeGame::cell_rect(const Coordinate& coord) const { auto game_rect = rect(); auto cell_size = Size(game_rect.width() / m_columns, game_rect.height() / m_rows); return { coord.column * cell_size.width(), coord.row * cell_size.height(), cell_size.width(), cell_size.height() }; } void SnakeGame::paint_event(GPaintEvent& event) { GPainter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.fill_rect(event.rect(), Color::Black); painter.fill_rect(cell_rect(m_head), Color::Yellow); for (auto& part : m_tail) { auto rect = cell_rect(part); painter.fill_rect(rect, Color::from_rgb(0xaaaa00)); Rect left_side(rect.x(), rect.y(), 2, rect.height()); Rect top_side(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), 2); Rect right_side(rect.right() - 1, rect.y(), 2, rect.height()); Rect bottom_side(rect.x(), rect.bottom() - 1, rect.width(), 2); painter.fill_rect(left_side, Color::from_rgb(0xcccc00)); painter.fill_rect(right_side, Color::from_rgb(0x888800)); painter.fill_rect(top_side, Color::from_rgb(0xcccc00)); painter.fill_rect(bottom_side, Color::from_rgb(0x888800)); } painter.draw_scaled_bitmap(cell_rect(m_fruit), m_fruit_bitmaps[m_fruit_type], m_fruit_bitmaps[m_fruit_type].rect()); painter.draw_text(high_score_rect(), m_high_score_text, TextAlignment::TopLeft, Color::from_rgb(0xfafae0)); painter.draw_text(score_rect(), m_score_text, TextAlignment::TopLeft, Color::White); } void SnakeGame::game_over() { reset(); } void SnakeGame::queue_velocity(int v, int h) { if (last_velocity().vertical == v && last_velocity().horizontal == h) return; m_velocity_queue.enqueue({ v, h }); } const SnakeGame::Velocity& SnakeGame::last_velocity() const { if (!m_velocity_queue.is_empty()) return m_velocity_queue.last(); return m_last_velocity; }