/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "ChessWidget.h" #include "PromotionDialog.h" #include #include #include #include ChessWidget::ChessWidget(const StringView& set) { set_piece_set(set); } ChessWidget::ChessWidget() : ChessWidget("test") { } ChessWidget::~ChessWidget() { } void ChessWidget::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent& event) { GUI::Widget::paint_event(event); GUI::Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); size_t tile_width = width() / 8; size_t tile_height = height() / 8; unsigned coord_rank_file = (side() == Chess::Colour::White) ? 0 : 7; Chess::Square::for_each([&](Chess::Square sq) { Gfx::IntRect tile_rect; if (side() == Chess::Colour::White) { tile_rect = { sq.file * tile_width, (7 - sq.rank) * tile_height, tile_width, tile_height }; } else { tile_rect = { (7 - sq.file) * tile_width, sq.rank * tile_height, tile_width, tile_height }; } painter.fill_rect(tile_rect, (sq.is_light()) ? board_theme().light_square_color : board_theme().dark_square_color); if (board().last_move().has_value() && (board().last_move().value().to == sq || board().last_move().value().from == sq)) { painter.fill_rect(tile_rect, m_move_highlight_color); } if (m_coordinates) { auto coord = sq.to_algebraic(); auto text_color = (sq.is_light()) ? board_theme().dark_square_color : board_theme().light_square_color; auto shrunken_rect = tile_rect; shrunken_rect.shrink(4, 4); if (sq.rank == coord_rank_file) painter.draw_text(shrunken_rect, coord.substring_view(0, 1), Gfx::Font::default_bold_font(), Gfx::TextAlignment::BottomRight, text_color); if (sq.file == coord_rank_file) painter.draw_text(shrunken_rect, coord.substring_view(1, 1), Gfx::Font::default_bold_font(), Gfx::TextAlignment::TopLeft, text_color); } if (!(m_dragging_piece && sq == m_moving_square)) { auto bmp = m_pieces.get(board().get_piece(sq)); if (bmp.has_value()) { painter.draw_scaled_bitmap(tile_rect, *bmp.value(), bmp.value()->rect()); } } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); if (m_dragging_piece) { auto bmp = m_pieces.get(board().get_piece(m_moving_square)); if (bmp.has_value()) { auto center = m_drag_point - Gfx::IntPoint(tile_width / 2, tile_height / 2); painter.draw_scaled_bitmap({ center, { tile_width, tile_height } }, *bmp.value(), bmp.value()->rect()); } } } void ChessWidget::mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { GUI::Widget::mousedown_event(event); auto square = mouse_to_square(event); auto piece = board().get_piece(square); if (drag_enabled() && piece.colour == board().turn()) { m_dragging_piece = true; m_drag_point = event.position(); m_moving_square = square; update(); } } void ChessWidget::mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { GUI::Widget::mouseup_event(event); if (!m_dragging_piece) return; m_dragging_piece = false; auto target_square = mouse_to_square(event); Chess::Move move = { m_moving_square, target_square }; if (board().is_promotion_move(move)) { auto promotion_dialog = PromotionDialog::construct(*this); if (promotion_dialog->exec() == PromotionDialog::ExecOK) move.promote_to = promotion_dialog->selected_piece(); } if (board().apply_move(move)) { if (board().game_result() != Chess::Board::Result::NotFinished) { bool over = true; String msg; switch (board().game_result()) { case Chess::Board::Result::CheckMate: if (board().turn() == Chess::Colour::White) { msg = "Black wins by Checkmate."; } else { msg = "White wins by Checkmate."; } break; case Chess::Board::Result::StaleMate: msg = "Draw by Stalemate."; break; case Chess::Board::Result::FiftyMoveRule: update(); if (GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), "50 moves have elapsed without a capture. Claim Draw?", "Claim Draw?", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information, GUI::MessageBox::InputType::YesNo) == GUI::Dialog::ExecYes) { msg = "Draw by 50 move rule."; } else { over = false; } break; case Chess::Board::Result::SeventyFiveMoveRule: msg = "Draw by 75 move rule."; break; case Chess::Board::Result::ThreeFoldRepitition: update(); if (GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), "The same board state has repeated three times. Claim Draw?", "Claim Draw?", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information, GUI::MessageBox::InputType::YesNo) == GUI::Dialog::ExecYes) { msg = "Draw by threefold repitition."; } else { over = false; } break; case Chess::Board::Result::FiveFoldRepitition: msg = "Draw by fivefold repitition."; break; case Chess::Board::Result::InsufficientMaterial: msg = "Draw by insufficient material."; break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } if (over) { set_drag_enabled(false); update(); GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), msg, "Game Over", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); } } else { maybe_input_engine_move(); } } update(); } void ChessWidget::mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { GUI::Widget::mousemove_event(event); if (!m_dragging_piece) return; m_drag_point = event.position(); update(); } static String set_path = String("/res/icons/chess/sets/"); static RefPtr get_piece(const StringView& set, const StringView& image) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(set_path); builder.append(set); builder.append('/'); builder.append(image); return Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file(builder.build()); } void ChessWidget::set_piece_set(const StringView& set) { m_piece_set = set; m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::White, Chess::Type::Pawn }, get_piece(set, "white-pawn.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::Black, Chess::Type::Pawn }, get_piece(set, "black-pawn.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::White, Chess::Type::Knight }, get_piece(set, "white-knight.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::Black, Chess::Type::Knight }, get_piece(set, "black-knight.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::White, Chess::Type::Bishop }, get_piece(set, "white-bishop.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::Black, Chess::Type::Bishop }, get_piece(set, "black-bishop.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::White, Chess::Type::Rook }, get_piece(set, "white-rook.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::Black, Chess::Type::Rook }, get_piece(set, "black-rook.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::White, Chess::Type::Queen }, get_piece(set, "white-queen.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::Black, Chess::Type::Queen }, get_piece(set, "black-queen.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::White, Chess::Type::King }, get_piece(set, "white-king.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Colour::Black, Chess::Type::King }, get_piece(set, "black-king.png")); } Chess::Square ChessWidget::mouse_to_square(GUI::MouseEvent& event) const { size_t tile_width = width() / 8; size_t tile_height = height() / 8; if (side() == Chess::Colour::White) { return { 7 - (event.y() / tile_height), event.x() / tile_width }; } else { return { event.y() / tile_height, 7 - (event.x() / tile_width) }; } } RefPtr ChessWidget::get_piece_graphic(const Chess::Piece& piece) const { return m_pieces.get(piece).value(); } void ChessWidget::reset() { m_board = Chess::Board(); m_side = (arc4random() % 2) ? Chess::Colour::White : Chess::Colour::Black; m_drag_enabled = true; maybe_input_engine_move(); update(); } void ChessWidget::set_board_theme(const StringView& name) { // FIXME: Add some kind of themes.json // The following Colours have been taken from lichess.org, but i'm pretty sure they took them from chess.com. if (name == "Beige") { m_board_theme = { "Beige", Color::from_rgb(0xb58863), Color::from_rgb(0xf0d9b5) }; } else if (name == "Green") { m_board_theme = { "Green", Color::from_rgb(0x86a666), Color::from_rgb(0xffffdd) }; } else if (name == "Blue") { m_board_theme = { "Blue", Color::from_rgb(0x8ca2ad), Color::from_rgb(0xdee3e6) }; } else { set_board_theme("Beige"); } } void ChessWidget::maybe_input_engine_move() { if (!m_engine || board().turn() == side()) return; bool drag_was_enabled = drag_enabled(); if (drag_was_enabled) set_drag_enabled(false); m_engine->get_best_move(board(), 4000, [this, drag_was_enabled](Chess::Move move) { set_drag_enabled(drag_was_enabled); ASSERT(board().apply_move(move)); update(); }); }