/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "Profile.h" #include "DisassemblyModel.h" #include "ProfileModel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void sort_profile_nodes(Vector>& nodes) { quick_sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a->event_count() >= b->event_count(); }); for (auto& child : nodes) child->sort_children(); } Profile::Profile(String executable_path, Vector events) : m_executable_path(move(executable_path)) , m_events(move(events)) { m_first_timestamp = m_events.first().timestamp; m_last_timestamp = m_events.last().timestamp; m_model = ProfileModel::create(*this); for (auto& event : m_events) { m_deepest_stack_depth = max((u32)event.frames.size(), m_deepest_stack_depth); } rebuild_tree(); } Profile::~Profile() { } GUI::Model& Profile::model() { return *m_model; } void Profile::rebuild_tree() { u32 filtered_event_count = 0; Vector> roots; auto find_or_create_root = [&roots](const String& symbol, u32 address, u32 offset, u64 timestamp) -> ProfileNode& { for (size_t i = 0; i < roots.size(); ++i) { auto& root = roots[i]; if (root->symbol() == symbol) { return root; } } auto new_root = ProfileNode::create(symbol, address, offset, timestamp); roots.append(new_root); return new_root; }; HashTable live_allocations; for (auto& event : m_events) { if (has_timestamp_filter_range()) { auto timestamp = event.timestamp; if (timestamp < m_timestamp_filter_range_start || timestamp > m_timestamp_filter_range_end) continue; } if (event.type == "malloc") live_allocations.set(event.ptr); else if (event.type == "free") live_allocations.remove(event.ptr); } for (auto& event : m_events) { if (has_timestamp_filter_range()) { auto timestamp = event.timestamp; if (timestamp < m_timestamp_filter_range_start || timestamp > m_timestamp_filter_range_end) continue; } if (event.type == "malloc" && !live_allocations.contains(event.ptr)) continue; if (event.type == "free") continue; ProfileNode* node = nullptr; auto for_each_frame = [&](Callback callback) { if (!m_inverted) { for (size_t i = 0; i < event.frames.size(); ++i) { if (callback(event.frames.at(i), i == event.frames.size() - 1) == IterationDecision::Break) break; } } else { for (ssize_t i = event.frames.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (callback(event.frames.at(i), static_cast(i) == event.frames.size() - 1) == IterationDecision::Break) break; } } }; for_each_frame([&](const Frame& frame, bool is_innermost_frame) { auto& symbol = frame.symbol; auto& address = frame.address; auto& offset = frame.offset; if (symbol.is_empty()) return IterationDecision::Break; if (!node) node = &find_or_create_root(symbol, address, offset, event.timestamp); else node = &node->find_or_create_child(symbol, address, offset, event.timestamp); node->increment_event_count(); if (is_innermost_frame) { node->add_event_address(address); node->increment_self_count(); } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); ++filtered_event_count; } sort_profile_nodes(roots); m_filtered_event_count = filtered_event_count; m_roots = move(roots); m_model->update(); } OwnPtr Profile::load_from_perfcore_file(const StringView& path) { auto file = Core::File::construct(path); if (!file->open(Core::IODevice::ReadOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s, error: %s\n", path.to_string().characters(), file->error_string()); return nullptr; } auto json = JsonValue::from_string(file->read_all()); if (!json.is_object()) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid perfcore format (not a JSON object)\n"); return nullptr; } auto& object = json.as_object(); auto executable_path = object.get("executable").to_string(); MappedFile elf_file(executable_path); if (!elf_file.is_valid()) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open executable '%s' for symbolication.\n", executable_path.characters()); return nullptr; } auto elf_loader = ELF::Loader::create(static_cast(elf_file.data()), elf_file.size()); MappedFile kernel_elf_file("/boot/kernel"); RefPtr kernel_elf_loader; if (kernel_elf_file.is_valid()) kernel_elf_loader = ELF::Loader::create(static_cast(kernel_elf_file.data()), kernel_elf_file.size()); auto events_value = object.get("events"); if (!events_value.is_array()) return nullptr; auto& perf_events = events_value.as_array(); if (perf_events.is_empty()) return nullptr; Vector events; for (auto& perf_event_value : perf_events.values()) { auto& perf_event = perf_event_value.as_object(); Event event; event.timestamp = perf_event.get("timestamp").to_number(); event.type = perf_event.get("type").to_string(); if (event.type == "malloc") { event.ptr = perf_event.get("ptr").to_number(); event.size = perf_event.get("size").to_number(); } else if (event.type == "free") { event.ptr = perf_event.get("ptr").to_number(); } auto stack_array = perf_event.get("stack").as_array(); for (ssize_t i = stack_array.values().size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { auto& frame = stack_array.at(i); auto ptr = frame.to_number(); u32 offset = 0; String symbol; if (ptr >= 0xc0000000) { if (kernel_elf_loader) { symbol = kernel_elf_loader->symbolicate(ptr, &offset); } else { symbol = "??"; } } else { symbol = elf_loader->symbolicate(ptr, &offset); } event.frames.append({ symbol, ptr, offset }); } if (event.frames.size() < 2) continue; FlatPtr innermost_frame_address = event.frames.at(1).address; event.in_kernel = innermost_frame_address >= 0xc0000000; events.append(move(event)); } return NonnullOwnPtr(NonnullOwnPtr::Adopt, *new Profile(executable_path, move(events))); } void ProfileNode::sort_children() { sort_profile_nodes(m_children); } void Profile::set_timestamp_filter_range(u64 start, u64 end) { if (m_has_timestamp_filter_range && m_timestamp_filter_range_start == start && m_timestamp_filter_range_end == end) return; m_has_timestamp_filter_range = true; m_timestamp_filter_range_start = min(start, end); m_timestamp_filter_range_end = max(start, end); rebuild_tree(); } void Profile::clear_timestamp_filter_range() { if (!m_has_timestamp_filter_range) return; m_has_timestamp_filter_range = false; rebuild_tree(); } void Profile::set_inverted(bool inverted) { if (m_inverted == inverted) return; m_inverted = inverted; rebuild_tree(); } void Profile::set_show_percentages(bool show_percentages) { if (m_show_percentages == show_percentages) return; m_show_percentages = show_percentages; } void Profile::set_disassembly_index(const GUI::ModelIndex& index) { if (m_disassembly_index == index) return; m_disassembly_index = index; auto* node = static_cast(index.internal_data()); m_disassembly_model = DisassemblyModel::create(*this, *node); } GUI::Model* Profile::disassembly_model() { return m_disassembly_model; }