## Name chmod - change file mode ## Synopsis ```**sh $ chmod $ chmod ``` ## Description `chmod` changes mode of all files specified in `path` to `octal-mode` or using symbolic representation. The symbolic representation format is `[[ugoa][+-=][rwx...],...]`. Multiple symbolic can be given, separated by commas. The letters `[ugoa]` controls which users' access will be changes: `u` means file owner, `g` file owning group, `o` others, and `a` - all users. If no letter is given, `a` is assumed. The letters `[+-=]` controls which action will be taken: `+` sets the permission, `-` removes the permission, and `=` sets the mentioned permissions and unsets the other permissions. The letters `[rwx]` controls which permission will be changes: `r` is read, `w` is write and `x` is execute. A numeric mode is combination of 1 to 4 numbers. Omitted digits are assumed to be leading zeros. The first digit select the set user ID (4), set group ID (2) and restricted deletion / sticky (1) attributes. The second, third and fourth digit controls permissions of each user group: owner, owning group and others (not owner or owning group), respectively: read (4), write (2) and execute (1). ## Examples ```sh # Allow full access for owner, read-execute for group, and no access for others, of 'README.md': $ chmod 750 README.md # Change '/bin/su' to be set-uid, read-write-execute for owner, only execute for others: # chmod 4711 /bin/su # Add read access for others to all files in 'Source' directory: $ chmod o+r Source/* # Deny read and write access for non-owners, and allow full access for owners of 'script.sh': $ chmod o-rw,g-rw,u+rwx script.sh # Set group access to only read of 'script.sh': $ chmod g=r script.sh ``` ## See also * [`chgrp`(1)](help://man/1/chgrp) * [`chown`(1)](help://man/1/chown)