/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Max Wipfli * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { // NOTE: This is similar to the LibC macro EOF = -1. constexpr u32 end_of_file = 0xFFFFFFFF; constexpr bool is_url_code_point(u32 code_point) { // FIXME: [...] and code points in the range U+00A0 to U+10FFFD, inclusive, excluding surrogates and noncharacters. return is_ascii_alphanumeric(code_point) || code_point >= 0xA0 || "!$&'()*+,-./:;=?@_~"sv.contains(code_point); } static void report_validation_error(SourceLocation const& location = SourceLocation::current()) { dbgln_if(URL_PARSER_DEBUG, "URLParser::parse: Validation error! {}", location); } static Optional parse_opaque_host(StringView const& input) { auto forbidden_host_code_points_excluding_percent = "\0\t\n\r #/:<>?@[\\]^|"sv; for (auto code_point : forbidden_host_code_points_excluding_percent) { if (input.contains(code_point)) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } } // FIXME: If input contains a code point that is not a URL code point and not U+0025 (%), validation error. // FIXME: If input contains a U+0025 (%) and the two code points following it are not ASCII hex digits, validation error. return URL::percent_encode(input, URL::PercentEncodeSet::C0Control); } static Optional parse_ipv4_address(StringView const& input) { // FIXME: Implement the correct IPv4 parser as specified by https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-ipv4-parser. return input; } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-host-parser // NOTE: This is a very bare-bones implementation. static Optional parse_host(StringView const& input, bool is_not_special = false) { if (input.starts_with('[')) { if (!input.ends_with(']')) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } // FIXME: Return the result of IPv6 parsing input with its leading U+005B ([) and trailing U+005D (]) removed. TODO(); } if (is_not_special) return parse_opaque_host(input); VERIFY(!input.is_empty()); // FIXME: Let domain be the result of running UTF-8 decode without BOM on the percent-decoding of input. auto domain = URL::percent_decode(input); // FIXME: Let asciiDomain be the result of running domain to ASCII on domain. auto& ascii_domain = domain; auto forbidden_host_code_points = "\0\t\n\r #%/:<>?@[\\]^|"sv; for (auto code_point : forbidden_host_code_points) { if (ascii_domain.view().contains(code_point)) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } } auto ipv4_host = parse_ipv4_address(ascii_domain); return ipv4_host; } constexpr bool starts_with_windows_drive_letter(StringView const& input) { if (input.length() < 2) return false; if (!is_ascii_alpha(input[0]) && !(input[1] == ':' || input[1] == '|')) return false; if (input.length() == 2) return true; return "/\\?#"sv.contains(input[2]); } constexpr bool is_windows_drive_letter(StringView const& input) { return input.length() == 2 && is_ascii_alpha(input[0]) && (input[1] == ':' || input[1] == '|'); } constexpr bool is_normalized_windows_drive_letter(StringView const& input) { return input.length() == 2 && is_ascii_alpha(input[0]) && input[1] == ':'; } constexpr bool is_single_dot_path_segment(StringView const& input) { return input == "."sv || input.equals_ignoring_case("%2e"sv); } constexpr bool is_double_dot_path_segment(StringView const& input) { return input == ".."sv || input.equals_ignoring_case(".%2e"sv) || input.equals_ignoring_case("%2e."sv) || input.equals_ignoring_case("%2e%2e"sv); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#data-urls // FIXME: This only loosely follow the spec, as we use the same class for "regular" and data URLs, unlike the spec. Optional URLParser::parse_data_url(StringView const& raw_input) { dbgln_if(URL_PARSER_DEBUG, "URLParser::parse_data_url: Parsing '{}'.", raw_input); VERIFY(raw_input.starts_with("data:")); auto input = raw_input.substring_view(5); auto comma_offset = input.find(','); if (!comma_offset.has_value()) return {}; auto mime_type = input.substring_view(0, comma_offset.value()); // FIXME: Strip leading and trailing ASCII whitespace from mimeType auto encoded_body = input.substring_view(comma_offset.value() + 1); auto body = URL::percent_decode(encoded_body); bool is_base_64_encoded = false; if (mime_type.ends_with(";base64", CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) { is_base_64_encoded = true; mime_type = mime_type.substring_view(0, mime_type.length() - 7); } if (mime_type.starts_with(";")) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append("text/plain"); builder.append(mime_type); mime_type = builder.to_string(); } URL url { mime_type, move(body), is_base_64_encoded }; dbgln_if(URL_PARSER_DEBUG, "URLParser::parse_data_url: Parsed data URL to be '{}'.", url.serialize()); return url; } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-basic-url-parser // NOTE: This parser assumes a UTF-8 encoding. // NOTE: Refrain from using the URL classes setters inside this algorithm. Rather, set the values directly. This bypasses the setters' built-in // validation, which is strictly unnecessary since we set m_valid=true at the end anyways. Furthermore, this algorithm may be used in the // future for validation of URLs, which would then lead to infinite recursion. // The same goes for base_url, because e.g. the port() getter does not always return m_port, and we are interested in the underlying member // variables' values here, not what the URL class presents to its users. // NOTE: Since the URL class's member variables contain percent decoded data, we have to deviate from the URL parser specification when setting // some of those values. Because the specification leaves all values percent encoded in their URL data structure, we have to percent decode // everything before setting the member variables. URL URLParser::parse(Badge, StringView const& raw_input, URL const* base_url) { dbgln_if(URL_PARSER_DEBUG, "URLParser::parse: Parsing '{}'", raw_input); if (raw_input.is_empty()) return {}; if (raw_input.starts_with("data:")) { auto maybe_url = parse_data_url(raw_input); if (!maybe_url.has_value()) return {}; return maybe_url.release_value(); } URL url; // NOTE: This removes all leading and trailing C0 control or space characters. bool has_validation_error = false; size_t start_index = 0; size_t end_index = raw_input.length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < raw_input.length(); ++i) { if (0 <= raw_input[i] && raw_input[i] <= 0x20) { ++start_index; has_validation_error = true; } else { break; } } for (ssize_t i = raw_input.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (0 <= raw_input[i] && raw_input[i] <= 0x20) { --end_index; has_validation_error = true; } else { break; } } if (has_validation_error) report_validation_error(); if (start_index >= end_index) return {}; auto processed_input = raw_input.substring_view(start_index, end_index - start_index); // NOTE: This replaces all tab and newline characters with nothing. if (processed_input.contains("\t") || processed_input.contains("\n")) { report_validation_error(); String processed_input_string(processed_input); processed_input_string.replace("\t", "", true); processed_input_string.replace("\n", "", true); processed_input = processed_input_string; } State state = State::SchemeStart; StringBuilder buffer; bool at_sign_seen = false; bool inside_brackets = false; bool password_token_seen = false; Utf8View input(processed_input); Utf8CodePointIterator iterator = input.begin(); auto get_remaining = [&input, &iterator] { return input.substring_view(iterator - input.begin() + iterator.underlying_code_point_length_in_bytes()).as_string(); }; // NOTE: "continue" should only be used to prevent incrementing the iterator, as this is done at the end of the loop. // ++iterator : "increase pointer by 1" // continue : "decrease pointer by 1" for (;;) { u32 code_point = end_of_file; if (!iterator.done()) code_point = *iterator; if constexpr (URL_PARSER_DEBUG) { if (code_point == end_of_file) dbgln("URLParser::parse: {} state with EOF.", state_name(state)); else if (is_ascii_printable(code_point)) dbgln("URLParser::parse: {} state with code point U+{:04X} ({:c}).", state_name(state), code_point, code_point); else dbgln("URLParser::parse: {} state with code point U+{:04X}.", state_name(state), code_point); } switch (state) { case State::SchemeStart: if (is_ascii_alpha(code_point)) { buffer.append_as_lowercase(code_point); state = State::Scheme; } else { state = State::NoScheme; continue; } break; case State::Scheme: if (is_ascii_alphanumeric(code_point) || code_point == '+' || code_point == '-' || code_point == '.') { buffer.append_as_lowercase(code_point); } else if (code_point == ':') { url.m_scheme = buffer.to_string(); buffer.clear(); if (url.scheme() == "file") { if (!get_remaining().starts_with("//")) { report_validation_error(); } state = State::File; } else if (url.is_special()) { if (base_url && base_url->m_scheme == url.m_scheme) state = State::SpecialRelativeOrAuthority; else state = State::SpecialAuthoritySlashes; } else if (get_remaining().starts_with("/")) { state = State::PathOrAuthority; ++iterator; } else { url.m_cannot_be_a_base_url = true; url.append_path(""); state = State::CannotBeABaseUrlPath; } } else { buffer.clear(); state = State::NoScheme; iterator = input.begin(); continue; } break; case State::NoScheme: if (!base_url || (base_url->m_cannot_be_a_base_url && code_point != '#')) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } else if (base_url->m_cannot_be_a_base_url && code_point == '#') { url.m_scheme = base_url->m_scheme; url.m_paths = base_url->m_paths; url.m_query = base_url->m_query; url.m_fragment = ""; url.m_cannot_be_a_base_url = true; state = State::Fragment; } else if (base_url->m_scheme != "file") { state = State::Relative; continue; } else { state = State::File; continue; } break; case State::SpecialRelativeOrAuthority: if (code_point == '/' && get_remaining().starts_with("/")) { state = State::SpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes; ++iterator; } else { report_validation_error(); state = State::Relative; continue; } break; case State::PathOrAuthority: if (code_point == '/') { state = State::Authority; } else { state = State::Path; continue; } break; case State::Relative: url.m_scheme = base_url->m_scheme; if (code_point == '/') { state = State::RelativeSlash; } else if (url.is_special() && code_point == '\\') { report_validation_error(); state = State::RelativeSlash; } else { url.m_username = base_url->m_username; url.m_password = base_url->m_password; url.m_host = base_url->m_host; url.m_port = base_url->m_port; url.m_paths = base_url->m_paths; url.m_query = base_url->m_query; if (code_point == '?') { url.m_query = ""; state = State::Query; } else if (code_point == '#') { url.m_fragment = ""; state = State::Fragment; } else if (code_point != end_of_file) { url.m_query = {}; if (url.m_paths.size()) url.m_paths.remove(url.m_paths.size() - 1); state = State::Path; continue; } } break; case State::RelativeSlash: if (url.is_special() && (code_point == '/' || code_point == '\\')) { if (code_point == '\\') report_validation_error(); state = State::SpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes; } else if (code_point == '/') { state = State::Authority; } else { url.m_username = base_url->m_username; url.m_password = base_url->m_password; url.m_host = base_url->m_host; url.m_port = base_url->m_port; state = State::Path; continue; } break; case State::SpecialAuthoritySlashes: if (code_point == '/' && get_remaining().starts_with("/")) { state = State::SpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes; ++iterator; } else { report_validation_error(); state = State::SpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes; continue; } break; case State::SpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes: if (code_point != '/' && code_point != '\\') { state = State::Authority; continue; } else { report_validation_error(); } break; case State::Authority: if (code_point == '@') { report_validation_error(); if (at_sign_seen) { auto content = buffer.to_string(); buffer.clear(); buffer.append("%40"); buffer.append(content); } at_sign_seen = true; StringBuilder builder; for (auto c : Utf8View(builder.string_view())) { if (c == ':' && !password_token_seen) { password_token_seen = true; continue; } builder.clear(); if (password_token_seen) { builder.append(url.password()); URL::append_percent_encoded_if_necessary(builder, c, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo); // NOTE: This is has to be encoded and then decoded because the original sequence could contain already percent-encoded sequences. url.m_password = URL::percent_decode(builder.string_view()); } else { builder.append(url.username()); URL::append_percent_encoded_if_necessary(builder, c, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo); // NOTE: This is has to be encoded and then decoded because the original sequence could contain already percent-encoded sequences. url.m_username = URL::percent_decode(builder.string_view()); } } buffer.clear(); } else if (code_point == end_of_file || code_point == '/' || code_point == '?' || code_point == '#' || (url.is_special() && code_point == '\\')) { if (at_sign_seen && buffer.is_empty()) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } // NOTE: This decreases the iterator by the number of code points in buffer plus one. iterator = input.iterator_at_byte_offset(iterator - input.begin() - buffer.length() - 1); buffer.clear(); state = State::Host; } else { buffer.append_code_point(code_point); } break; case State::Host: case State::Hostname: if (code_point == ':' && !inside_brackets) { if (buffer.is_empty()) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } auto host = parse_host(buffer.string_view(), !url.is_special()); if (!host.has_value()) return {}; url.m_host = host.release_value(); buffer.clear(); state = State::Port; } else if (code_point == end_of_file || code_point == '/' || code_point == '?' || code_point == '#' || (url.is_special() && code_point == '\\')) { if (url.is_special() && buffer.is_empty()) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } auto host = parse_host(buffer.string_view(), !url.is_special()); if (!host.has_value()) return {}; url.m_host = host.value(); buffer.clear(); state = State::Port; continue; } else if (code_point == '[') { inside_brackets = true; } else if (code_point == ']') { inside_brackets = false; } else { buffer.append_code_point(code_point); } break; case State::Port: if (is_ascii_digit(code_point)) { buffer.append_code_point(code_point); } else if (code_point == end_of_file || code_point == '/' || code_point == '?' || code_point == '#' || (url.is_special() && code_point == '\\')) { if (!buffer.is_empty()) { auto port = buffer.string_view().to_uint(); if (!port.has_value() || port.value() > 65535) { report_validation_error(); return {}; } if (port.value() == URL::default_port_for_scheme(url.scheme())) url.m_port = 0; else url.m_port = port.value(); buffer.clear(); } state = State::PathStart; continue; } else { report_validation_error(); return {}; } break; case State::File: url.m_scheme = "file"; url.m_host = ""; if (code_point == '/' || code_point == '\\') { if (code_point == '\\') report_validation_error(); state = State::FileSlash; } else if (base_url && base_url->m_scheme == "file") { url.m_host = base_url->m_host; url.m_paths = base_url->m_paths; url.m_query = base_url->m_query; if (code_point == '?') { url.m_query = ""; state = State::Query; } else if (code_point == '#') { url.m_fragment = ""; state = State::Fragment; } else if (code_point != end_of_file) { url.m_query = {}; auto substring_from_pointer = input.substring_view(iterator - input.begin()).as_string(); if (!starts_with_windows_drive_letter(substring_from_pointer)) { if (!url.paths().is_empty() && !(url.scheme() == "file" && url.paths().size() == 1 && is_normalized_windows_drive_letter(url.paths()[0]))) url.m_paths.remove(url.m_paths.size() - 1); } else { report_validation_error(); url.m_paths.clear(); } state = State::Path; continue; } } break; case State::FileSlash: if (code_point == '/' || code_point == '\\') { if (code_point == '\\') report_validation_error(); state = State::FileHost; } else if (base_url && base_url->m_scheme == "file") { url.m_host = base_url->m_host; auto substring_from_pointer = input.substring_view(iterator - input.begin()).as_string(); if (!starts_with_windows_drive_letter(substring_from_pointer) && is_normalized_windows_drive_letter(base_url->m_paths[0])) url.append_path(base_url->m_paths[0]); state = State::Path; continue; } break; case State::FileHost: if (code_point == end_of_file || code_point == '/' || code_point == '\\' || code_point == '?' || code_point == '#') { if (is_windows_drive_letter(buffer.string_view())) { report_validation_error(); state = State::Path; } else if (buffer.is_empty()) { url.m_host = ""; state = State::PathStart; } else { auto host = parse_host(buffer.string_view(), true); if (!host.has_value()) return {}; if (host.value() == "localhost") host = ""; url.m_host = host.release_value(); buffer.clear(); state = State::PathStart; } continue; } else { buffer.append_code_point(code_point); } break; case State::PathStart: if (url.is_special()) { if (code_point == '\\') report_validation_error(); state = State::Path; if (code_point != '/' && code_point != '\\') continue; } else if (code_point == '?') { url.m_query = ""; state = State::Query; } else if (code_point == '#') { url.m_fragment = ""; state = State::Fragment; } else if (code_point != end_of_file) { state = State::Path; if (code_point != '/') continue; } break; case State::Path: if (code_point == end_of_file || code_point == '/' || (url.is_special() && code_point == '\\') || code_point == '?' || code_point == '#') { if (url.is_special() && code_point == '\\') report_validation_error(); if (is_double_dot_path_segment(buffer.string_view())) { if (!url.m_paths.is_empty() && !(url.m_scheme == "file" && url.m_paths.size() == 1 && is_normalized_windows_drive_letter(url.m_paths[0]))) url.m_paths.remove(url.m_paths.size() - 1); if (code_point != '/' && !(url.is_special() && code_point == '\\')) url.append_path(""); } else if (is_single_dot_path_segment(buffer.string_view()) && code_point != '/' && !(url.is_special() && code_point == '\\')) { url.append_path(""); } else if (!is_single_dot_path_segment(buffer.string_view())) { if (url.m_scheme == "file" && url.m_paths.is_empty() && is_windows_drive_letter(buffer.string_view())) { auto drive_letter = buffer.string_view()[0]; buffer.clear(); buffer.append(drive_letter); buffer.append(':'); } // NOTE: This needs to be percent decoded since the member variables contain decoded data. url.append_path(URL::percent_decode(buffer.string_view())); } buffer.clear(); if (code_point == '?') { url.m_query = ""; state = State::Query; } else if (code_point == '#') { url.m_fragment = ""; state = State::Fragment; } } else { if (!is_url_code_point(code_point) && code_point != '%') report_validation_error(); // FIXME: If c is U+0025 (%) and remaining does not start with two ASCII hex digits, validation error. URL::append_percent_encoded_if_necessary(buffer, code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Path); } break; case State::CannotBeABaseUrlPath: // NOTE: This does not follow the spec exactly but rather uses the buffer and only sets the path on EOF. // NOTE: Verify that the assumptions required for this simplification are correct. VERIFY(url.m_paths.size() == 1 && url.m_paths[0].is_empty()); if (code_point == '?') { // NOTE: This needs to be percent decoded since the member variables contain decoded data. url.m_paths[0] = URL::percent_decode(buffer.string_view()); url.m_query = ""; state = State::Query; } else if (code_point == '#') { // NOTE: This needs to be percent decoded since the member variables contain decoded data. url.m_paths[0] = URL::percent_decode(buffer.string_view()); url.m_fragment = ""; state = State::Fragment; } else { if (code_point != end_of_file && !is_url_code_point(code_point) && code_point != '%') report_validation_error(); // FIXME: If c is U+0025 (%) and remaining does not start with two ASCII hex digits, validation error. if (code_point != end_of_file) { URL::append_percent_encoded_if_necessary(buffer, code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::C0Control); } else { // NOTE: This needs to be percent decoded since the member variables contain decoded data. url.m_paths[0] = URL::percent_decode(buffer.string_view()); } } break; case State::Query: if (code_point == end_of_file || code_point == '#') { VERIFY(url.m_query == ""); auto query_percent_encode_set = url.is_special() ? URL::PercentEncodeSet::SpecialQuery : URL::PercentEncodeSet::Query; // NOTE: This is has to be encoded and then decoded because the original sequence could contain already percent-encoded sequences. url.m_query = URL::percent_decode(URL::percent_encode(buffer.string_view(), query_percent_encode_set)); buffer.clear(); if (code_point == '#') { url.m_fragment = ""; state = State::Fragment; } } else if (code_point != end_of_file) { if (!is_url_code_point(code_point) && code_point != '%') report_validation_error(); // FIXME: If c is U+0025 (%) and remaining does not start with two ASCII hex digits, validation error. buffer.append_code_point(code_point); } break; case State::Fragment: // NOTE: This does not follow the spec exactly but rather uses the buffer and only sets the fragment on EOF. if (code_point != end_of_file) { if (!is_url_code_point(code_point) && code_point != '%') report_validation_error(); // FIXME: If c is U+0025 (%) and remaining does not start with two ASCII hex digits, validation error. buffer.append_code_point(code_point); } else { // NOTE: This needs to be percent decoded since the member variables contain decoded data. url.m_fragment = URL::percent_decode(buffer.string_view()); buffer.clear(); } break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (iterator.done()) break; ++iterator; } url.m_valid = true; dbgln_if(URL_PARSER_DEBUG, "URLParser::parse: Parsed URL to be '{}'.", url.serialize()); return url; } }