/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { enum class HashSetResult { InsertedNewEntry, ReplacedExistingEntry, KeptExistingEntry }; enum class HashSetExistingEntryBehavior { Keep, Replace }; // Upper nibble determines state class: // - 0: unused bucket // - 1: used bucket // - F: end bucket // Lower nibble determines state within a class. enum class BucketState : u8 { Free = 0x00, Used = 0x10, Deleted = 0x01, Rehashed = 0x12, End = 0xFF, }; // Note that because there's the end state, used and free are not 100% opposites! constexpr bool is_used_bucket(BucketState state) { return (static_cast(state) & 0xf0) == 0x10; } constexpr bool is_free_bucket(BucketState state) { return (static_cast(state) & 0xf0) == 0x00; } template class HashTableIterator { friend HashTableType; public: bool operator==(HashTableIterator const& other) const { return m_bucket == other.m_bucket; } bool operator!=(HashTableIterator const& other) const { return m_bucket != other.m_bucket; } T& operator*() { return *m_bucket->slot(); } T* operator->() { return m_bucket->slot(); } void operator++() { skip_to_next(); } private: void skip_to_next() { if (!m_bucket) return; do { ++m_bucket; if (m_bucket->state == BucketState::Used) return; } while (m_bucket->state != BucketState::End); if (m_bucket->state == BucketState::End) m_bucket = nullptr; } explicit HashTableIterator(BucketType* bucket) : m_bucket(bucket) { } BucketType* m_bucket { nullptr }; }; template class OrderedHashTableIterator { friend OrderedHashTableType; public: bool operator==(OrderedHashTableIterator const& other) const { return m_bucket == other.m_bucket; } bool operator!=(OrderedHashTableIterator const& other) const { return m_bucket != other.m_bucket; } T& operator*() { return *m_bucket->slot(); } T* operator->() { return m_bucket->slot(); } void operator++() { m_bucket = m_bucket->next; } void operator--() { m_bucket = m_bucket->previous; } private: explicit OrderedHashTableIterator(BucketType* bucket) : m_bucket(bucket) { } BucketType* m_bucket { nullptr }; }; template class HashTable { static constexpr size_t load_factor_in_percent = 60; struct Bucket { BucketState state; alignas(T) u8 storage[sizeof(T)]; T* slot() { return reinterpret_cast(storage); } const T* slot() const { return reinterpret_cast(storage); } }; struct OrderedBucket { OrderedBucket* previous; OrderedBucket* next; BucketState state; alignas(T) u8 storage[sizeof(T)]; T* slot() { return reinterpret_cast(storage); } const T* slot() const { return reinterpret_cast(storage); } }; using BucketType = Conditional; struct CollectionData { }; struct OrderedCollectionData { BucketType* head { nullptr }; BucketType* tail { nullptr }; }; using CollectionDataType = Conditional; public: HashTable() = default; explicit HashTable(size_t capacity) { rehash(capacity); } ~HashTable() { if (!m_buckets) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_capacity; ++i) { if (is_used_bucket(m_buckets[i].state)) m_buckets[i].slot()->~T(); } kfree_sized(m_buckets, size_in_bytes(m_capacity)); } HashTable(HashTable const& other) { rehash(other.capacity()); for (auto& it : other) set(it); } HashTable& operator=(HashTable const& other) { HashTable temporary(other); swap(*this, temporary); return *this; } HashTable(HashTable&& other) noexcept : m_buckets(other.m_buckets) , m_collection_data(other.m_collection_data) , m_size(other.m_size) , m_capacity(other.m_capacity) , m_deleted_count(other.m_deleted_count) { other.m_size = 0; other.m_capacity = 0; other.m_deleted_count = 0; other.m_buckets = nullptr; if constexpr (IsOrdered) other.m_collection_data = { nullptr, nullptr }; } HashTable& operator=(HashTable&& other) noexcept { HashTable temporary { move(other) }; swap(*this, temporary); return *this; } friend void swap(HashTable& a, HashTable& b) noexcept { swap(a.m_buckets, b.m_buckets); swap(a.m_size, b.m_size); swap(a.m_capacity, b.m_capacity); swap(a.m_deleted_count, b.m_deleted_count); if constexpr (IsOrdered) swap(a.m_collection_data, b.m_collection_data); } [[nodiscard]] bool is_empty() const { return m_size == 0; } [[nodiscard]] size_t size() const { return m_size; } [[nodiscard]] size_t capacity() const { return m_capacity; } template ErrorOr try_set_from(U (&from_array)[N]) { for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) TRY(try_set(from_array[i])); return {}; } template void set_from(U (&from_array)[N]) { MUST(try_set_from(from_array)); } void ensure_capacity(size_t capacity) { VERIFY(capacity >= size()); rehash(capacity * 2); } ErrorOr try_ensure_capacity(size_t capacity) { VERIFY(capacity >= size()); return try_rehash(capacity * 2); } [[nodiscard]] bool contains(T const& value) const { return find(value) != end(); } template K> requires(IsSame>) [[nodiscard]] bool contains(K const& value) const { return find(value) != end(); } using Iterator = Conditional, HashTableIterator>; [[nodiscard]] Iterator begin() { if constexpr (IsOrdered) return Iterator(m_collection_data.head); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_capacity; ++i) { if (is_used_bucket(m_buckets[i].state)) return Iterator(&m_buckets[i]); } return end(); } [[nodiscard]] Iterator end() { return Iterator(nullptr); } using ConstIterator = Conditional, HashTableIterator>; [[nodiscard]] ConstIterator begin() const { if constexpr (IsOrdered) return ConstIterator(m_collection_data.head); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_capacity; ++i) { if (is_used_bucket(m_buckets[i].state)) return ConstIterator(&m_buckets[i]); } return end(); } [[nodiscard]] ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(nullptr); } void clear() { *this = HashTable(); } void clear_with_capacity() { if constexpr (!Detail::IsTriviallyDestructible) { for (auto* bucket : *this) bucket->~T(); } __builtin_memset(m_buckets, 0, size_in_bytes(capacity())); m_size = 0; m_deleted_count = 0; if constexpr (IsOrdered) m_collection_data = { nullptr, nullptr }; else m_buckets[m_capacity].state = BucketState::End; } template ErrorOr try_set(U&& value, HashSetExistingEntryBehavior existing_entry_behavior = HashSetExistingEntryBehavior::Replace) { auto* bucket = TRY(try_lookup_for_writing(value)); if (is_used_bucket(bucket->state)) { if (existing_entry_behavior == HashSetExistingEntryBehavior::Keep) return HashSetResult::KeptExistingEntry; (*bucket->slot()) = forward(value); return HashSetResult::ReplacedExistingEntry; } new (bucket->slot()) T(forward(value)); if (bucket->state == BucketState::Deleted) --m_deleted_count; bucket->state = BucketState::Used; if constexpr (IsOrdered) { if (!m_collection_data.head) [[unlikely]] { m_collection_data.head = bucket; } else { bucket->previous = m_collection_data.tail; m_collection_data.tail->next = bucket; } m_collection_data.tail = bucket; } ++m_size; return HashSetResult::InsertedNewEntry; } template HashSetResult set(U&& value, HashSetExistingEntryBehavior existing_entry_behaviour = HashSetExistingEntryBehavior::Replace) { return MUST(try_set(forward(value), existing_entry_behaviour)); } template [[nodiscard]] Iterator find(unsigned hash, TUnaryPredicate predicate) { return Iterator(lookup_with_hash(hash, move(predicate))); } [[nodiscard]] Iterator find(T const& value) { return find(TraitsForT::hash(value), [&](auto& other) { return TraitsForT::equals(value, other); }); } template [[nodiscard]] ConstIterator find(unsigned hash, TUnaryPredicate predicate) const { return ConstIterator(lookup_with_hash(hash, move(predicate))); } [[nodiscard]] ConstIterator find(T const& value) const { return find(TraitsForT::hash(value), [&](auto& other) { return TraitsForT::equals(value, other); }); } // FIXME: Support for predicates, while guaranteeing that the predicate call // does not call a non trivial constructor each time invoked template K> requires(IsSame>) [[nodiscard]] Iterator find(K const& value) { return find(Traits::hash(value), [&](auto& other) { return Traits::equals(other, value); }); } template K, typename TUnaryPredicate> requires(IsSame>) [[nodiscard]] Iterator find(K const& value, TUnaryPredicate predicate) { return find(Traits::hash(value), move(predicate)); } template K> requires(IsSame>) [[nodiscard]] ConstIterator find(K const& value) const { return find(Traits::hash(value), [&](auto& other) { return Traits::equals(other, value); }); } template K, typename TUnaryPredicate> requires(IsSame>) [[nodiscard]] ConstIterator find(K const& value, TUnaryPredicate predicate) const { return find(Traits::hash(value), move(predicate)); } bool remove(const T& value) { auto it = find(value); if (it != end()) { remove(it); return true; } return false; } template K> requires(IsSame>) bool remove(K const& value) { auto it = find(value); if (it != end()) { remove(it); return true; } return false; } void remove(Iterator iterator) { VERIFY(iterator.m_bucket); auto& bucket = *iterator.m_bucket; VERIFY(is_used_bucket(bucket.state)); delete_bucket(bucket); --m_size; ++m_deleted_count; rehash_in_place_if_needed(); } template bool remove_all_matching(TUnaryPredicate predicate) { size_t removed_count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_capacity; ++i) { auto& bucket = m_buckets[i]; if (is_used_bucket(bucket.state) && predicate(*bucket.slot())) { delete_bucket(bucket); ++removed_count; } } if (removed_count) { m_deleted_count += removed_count; m_size -= removed_count; } rehash_in_place_if_needed(); return removed_count; } private: void insert_during_rehash(T&& value) { auto& bucket = lookup_for_writing(value); new (bucket.slot()) T(move(value)); bucket.state = BucketState::Used; if constexpr (IsOrdered) { if (!m_collection_data.head) [[unlikely]] { m_collection_data.head = &bucket; } else { bucket.previous = m_collection_data.tail; m_collection_data.tail->next = &bucket; } m_collection_data.tail = &bucket; } } [[nodiscard]] static constexpr size_t size_in_bytes(size_t capacity) { if constexpr (IsOrdered) { return sizeof(BucketType) * capacity; } else { return sizeof(BucketType) * (capacity + 1); } } ErrorOr try_rehash(size_t new_capacity) { if (new_capacity == m_capacity && new_capacity >= 4) { rehash_in_place(); return {}; } new_capacity = max(new_capacity, static_cast(4)); new_capacity = kmalloc_good_size(new_capacity * sizeof(BucketType)) / sizeof(BucketType); auto* old_buckets = m_buckets; auto old_capacity = m_capacity; Iterator old_iter = begin(); auto* new_buckets = kcalloc(1, size_in_bytes(new_capacity)); if (!new_buckets) return Error::from_errno(ENOMEM); m_buckets = (BucketType*)new_buckets; m_capacity = new_capacity; m_deleted_count = 0; if constexpr (IsOrdered) m_collection_data = { nullptr, nullptr }; else m_buckets[m_capacity].state = BucketState::End; if (!old_buckets) return {}; for (auto it = move(old_iter); it != end(); ++it) { insert_during_rehash(move(*it)); it->~T(); } kfree_sized(old_buckets, size_in_bytes(old_capacity)); return {}; } void rehash(size_t new_capacity) { MUST(try_rehash(new_capacity)); } void rehash_in_place() { // FIXME: This implementation takes two loops over the entire bucket array, but avoids re-allocation. // Please benchmark your new implementation before you replace this. // The reason is that because of collisions, we use the special "rehashed" bucket state to mark already-rehashed used buckets. // Because we of course want to write into old used buckets, but already rehashed data shall not be touched. // FIXME: Find a way to reduce the cognitive complexity of this function. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_capacity; ++i) { auto& bucket = m_buckets[i]; // FIXME: Bail out when we have handled every filled bucket. if (bucket.state == BucketState::Rehashed || bucket.state == BucketState::End || bucket.state == BucketState::Free) continue; if (bucket.state == BucketState::Deleted) { bucket.state = BucketState::Free; continue; } auto const new_hash = TraitsForT::hash(*bucket.slot()); if (new_hash % m_capacity == i) { bucket.state = BucketState::Rehashed; continue; } auto target_hash = new_hash; auto const to_move_hash = i; BucketType* target_bucket = &m_buckets[target_hash % m_capacity]; BucketType* bucket_to_move = &m_buckets[i]; // Try to move the bucket to move into its correct spot. // During the procedure, we might re-hash or actually change the bucket to move. while (!is_free_bucket(bucket_to_move->state)) { // If we're targeting ourselves, there's nothing to do. if (to_move_hash == target_hash % m_capacity) { bucket_to_move->state = BucketState::Rehashed; break; } if (is_free_bucket(target_bucket->state)) { // We can just overwrite the target bucket and bail out. new (target_bucket->slot()) T(move(*bucket_to_move->slot())); target_bucket->state = BucketState::Rehashed; bucket_to_move->state = BucketState::Free; if constexpr (IsOrdered) { swap(bucket_to_move->previous, target_bucket->previous); swap(bucket_to_move->next, target_bucket->next); if (target_bucket->previous) target_bucket->previous->next = target_bucket; else m_collection_data.head = target_bucket; if (target_bucket->next) target_bucket->next->previous = target_bucket; else m_collection_data.tail = target_bucket; } } else if (target_bucket->state == BucketState::Rehashed) { // If the target bucket is already re-hashed, we do normal probing. target_hash = double_hash(target_hash); target_bucket = &m_buckets[target_hash % m_capacity]; } else { VERIFY(target_bucket->state != BucketState::End); // The target bucket is a used bucket that hasn't been re-hashed. // Swap the data into the target; now the target's data resides in the bucket to move again. // (That's of course what we want, how neat!) swap(*bucket_to_move->slot(), *target_bucket->slot()); bucket_to_move->state = target_bucket->state; target_bucket->state = BucketState::Rehashed; if constexpr (IsOrdered) { // Update state for the target bucket, we'll do the bucket to move later. swap(bucket_to_move->previous, target_bucket->previous); swap(bucket_to_move->next, target_bucket->next); if (target_bucket->previous) target_bucket->previous->next = target_bucket; else m_collection_data.head = target_bucket; if (target_bucket->next) target_bucket->next->previous = target_bucket; else m_collection_data.tail = target_bucket; } target_hash = TraitsForT::hash(*bucket_to_move->slot()); target_bucket = &m_buckets[target_hash % m_capacity]; // The data is already in the correct location: Adjust the pointers if (target_hash % m_capacity == to_move_hash) { bucket_to_move->state = BucketState::Rehashed; if constexpr (IsOrdered) { // Update state for the bucket to move as it's not actually moved anymore. if (bucket_to_move->previous) bucket_to_move->previous->next = bucket_to_move; else m_collection_data.head = bucket_to_move; if (bucket_to_move->next) bucket_to_move->next->previous = bucket_to_move; else m_collection_data.tail = bucket_to_move; } break; } } } // After this, the bucket_to_move either contains data that rehashes to itself, or it contains nothing as we were able to move the last thing. if (bucket_to_move->state == BucketState::Deleted) bucket_to_move->state = BucketState::Free; } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_capacity; ++i) { if (m_buckets[i].state == BucketState::Rehashed) m_buckets[i].state = BucketState::Used; } m_deleted_count = 0; } void rehash_in_place_if_needed() { // This signals a "thrashed" hash table with many deleted slots. if (m_deleted_count >= m_size && should_grow()) rehash_in_place(); } template [[nodiscard]] BucketType* lookup_with_hash(unsigned hash, TUnaryPredicate predicate) const { if (is_empty()) return nullptr; for (;;) { auto& bucket = m_buckets[hash % m_capacity]; if (is_used_bucket(bucket.state) && predicate(*bucket.slot())) return &bucket; if (bucket.state != BucketState::Used && bucket.state != BucketState::Deleted) return nullptr; hash = double_hash(hash); } } ErrorOr try_lookup_for_writing(T const& value) { // FIXME: Maybe overrun the "allowed" load factor to avoid OOM // If we are allowed to do that, separate that logic from // the normal lookup_for_writing if (should_grow()) TRY(try_rehash(capacity() * 2)); auto hash = TraitsForT::hash(value); BucketType* first_empty_bucket = nullptr; for (;;) { auto& bucket = m_buckets[hash % m_capacity]; if (is_used_bucket(bucket.state) && TraitsForT::equals(*bucket.slot(), value)) return &bucket; if (!is_used_bucket(bucket.state)) { if (!first_empty_bucket) first_empty_bucket = &bucket; if (bucket.state != BucketState::Deleted) return const_cast(first_empty_bucket); } hash = double_hash(hash); } } [[nodiscard]] BucketType& lookup_for_writing(T const& value) { return *MUST(try_lookup_for_writing(value)); } [[nodiscard]] size_t used_bucket_count() const { return m_size + m_deleted_count; } [[nodiscard]] bool should_grow() const { return ((used_bucket_count() + 1) * 100) >= (m_capacity * load_factor_in_percent); } void delete_bucket(auto& bucket) { bucket.slot()->~T(); bucket.state = BucketState::Deleted; if constexpr (IsOrdered) { if (bucket.previous) bucket.previous->next = bucket.next; else m_collection_data.head = bucket.next; if (bucket.next) bucket.next->previous = bucket.previous; else m_collection_data.tail = bucket.previous; } } BucketType* m_buckets { nullptr }; [[no_unique_address]] CollectionDataType m_collection_data; size_t m_size { 0 }; size_t m_capacity { 0 }; size_t m_deleted_count { 0 }; }; } using AK::HashTable; using AK::OrderedHashTable;