/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { bool DeprecatedString::operator==(DeprecatedFlyString const& fly_string) const { return m_impl == fly_string.impl() || view() == fly_string.view(); } bool DeprecatedString::operator==(DeprecatedString const& other) const { return m_impl == other.impl() || view() == other.view(); } bool DeprecatedString::operator==(StringView other) const { return view() == other; } bool DeprecatedString::operator<(DeprecatedString const& other) const { return view() < other.view(); } bool DeprecatedString::operator>(DeprecatedString const& other) const { return view() > other.view(); } bool DeprecatedString::copy_characters_to_buffer(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size) const { // We must fit at least the NUL-terminator. VERIFY(buffer_size > 0); size_t characters_to_copy = min(length(), buffer_size - 1); __builtin_memcpy(buffer, characters(), characters_to_copy); buffer[characters_to_copy] = 0; return characters_to_copy == length(); } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::isolated_copy() const { if (!m_impl) return {}; if (!m_impl->length()) return empty(); char* buffer; auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(length(), buffer); memcpy(buffer, m_impl->characters(), m_impl->length()); return DeprecatedString(move(*impl)); } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::substring(size_t start, size_t length) const { if (!length) return DeprecatedString::empty(); VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(!Checked::addition_would_overflow(start, length)); VERIFY(start + length <= m_impl->length()); return { characters() + start, length }; } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::substring(size_t start) const { VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(start <= length()); return { characters() + start, length() - start }; } StringView DeprecatedString::substring_view(size_t start, size_t length) const { VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(!Checked::addition_would_overflow(start, length)); VERIFY(start + length <= m_impl->length()); return { characters() + start, length }; } StringView DeprecatedString::substring_view(size_t start) const { VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(start <= length()); return { characters() + start, length() - start }; } Vector DeprecatedString::split(char separator, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const { return split_limit(separator, 0, split_behavior); } Vector DeprecatedString::split_limit(char separator, size_t limit, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const { if (is_empty()) return {}; Vector v; size_t substart = 0; bool keep_empty = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty); bool keep_separator = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepTrailingSeparator); for (size_t i = 0; i < length() && (v.size() + 1) != limit; ++i) { char ch = characters()[i]; if (ch == separator) { size_t sublen = i - substart; if (sublen != 0 || keep_empty) v.append(substring(substart, keep_separator ? sublen + 1 : sublen)); substart = i + 1; } } size_t taillen = length() - substart; if (taillen != 0 || keep_empty) v.append(substring(substart, taillen)); return v; } Vector DeprecatedString::split_view(Function separator, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const { if (is_empty()) return {}; Vector v; size_t substart = 0; bool keep_empty = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty); bool keep_separator = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepTrailingSeparator); for (size_t i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { char ch = characters()[i]; if (separator(ch)) { size_t sublen = i - substart; if (sublen != 0 || keep_empty) v.append(substring_view(substart, keep_separator ? sublen + 1 : sublen)); substart = i + 1; } } size_t taillen = length() - substart; if (taillen != 0 || keep_empty) v.append(substring_view(substart, taillen)); return v; } Vector DeprecatedString::split_view(char const separator, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const { return split_view([separator](char ch) { return ch == separator; }, split_behavior); } ByteBuffer DeprecatedString::to_byte_buffer() const { if (!m_impl) return {}; // FIXME: Handle OOM failure. return ByteBuffer::copy(bytes()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } template Optional DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const { return StringUtils::convert_to_int(view(), trim_whitespace); } template Optional DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_int(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const { return StringUtils::convert_to_uint(view(), trim_whitespace); } template Optional DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const; template Optional DeprecatedString::to_uint(TrimWhitespace) const; #ifndef KERNEL Optional DeprecatedString::to_double(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const { return StringUtils::convert_to_floating_point(*this, trim_whitespace); } Optional DeprecatedString::to_float(TrimWhitespace trim_whitespace) const { return StringUtils::convert_to_floating_point(*this, trim_whitespace); } #endif bool DeprecatedString::starts_with(StringView str, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return StringUtils::starts_with(*this, str, case_sensitivity); } bool DeprecatedString::starts_with(char ch) const { if (is_empty()) return false; return characters()[0] == ch; } bool DeprecatedString::ends_with(StringView str, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return StringUtils::ends_with(*this, str, case_sensitivity); } bool DeprecatedString::ends_with(char ch) const { if (is_empty()) return false; return characters()[length() - 1] == ch; } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::repeated(char ch, size_t count) { if (!count) return empty(); char* buffer; auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(count, buffer); memset(buffer, ch, count); return *impl; } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::repeated(StringView string, size_t count) { if (!count || string.is_empty()) return empty(); char* buffer; auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(count * string.length(), buffer); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) __builtin_memcpy(buffer + i * string.length(), string.characters_without_null_termination(), string.length()); return *impl; } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::bijective_base_from(size_t value, unsigned base, StringView map) { if (map.is_null()) map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"sv; VERIFY(base >= 2 && base <= map.length()); // The '8 bits per byte' assumption may need to go? Array buffer; size_t i = 0; do { buffer[i++] = map[value % base]; value /= base; } while (value > 0); // NOTE: Weird as this may seem, the thing that comes after 'Z' is 'AA', which as a number would be '00' // to make this work, only the most significant digit has to be in a range of (1..25) as opposed to (0..25), // but only if it's not the only digit in the string. if (i > 1) --buffer[i - 1]; for (size_t j = 0; j < i / 2; ++j) swap(buffer[j], buffer[i - j - 1]); return DeprecatedString { ReadonlyBytes(buffer.data(), i) }; } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::roman_number_from(size_t value) { if (value > 3999) return DeprecatedString::number(value); StringBuilder builder; while (value > 0) { if (value >= 1000) { builder.append('M'); value -= 1000; } else if (value >= 900) { builder.append("CM"sv); value -= 900; } else if (value >= 500) { builder.append('D'); value -= 500; } else if (value >= 400) { builder.append("CD"sv); value -= 400; } else if (value >= 100) { builder.append('C'); value -= 100; } else if (value >= 90) { builder.append("XC"sv); value -= 90; } else if (value >= 50) { builder.append('L'); value -= 50; } else if (value >= 40) { builder.append("XL"sv); value -= 40; } else if (value >= 10) { builder.append('X'); value -= 10; } else if (value == 9) { builder.append("IX"sv); value -= 9; } else if (value >= 5 && value <= 8) { builder.append('V'); value -= 5; } else if (value == 4) { builder.append("IV"sv); value -= 4; } else if (value <= 3) { builder.append('I'); value -= 1; } } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } bool DeprecatedString::matches(StringView mask, Vector& mask_spans, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return StringUtils::matches(*this, mask, case_sensitivity, &mask_spans); } bool DeprecatedString::matches(StringView mask, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return StringUtils::matches(*this, mask, case_sensitivity); } bool DeprecatedString::contains(StringView needle, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return StringUtils::contains(*this, needle, case_sensitivity); } bool DeprecatedString::contains(char needle, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return StringUtils::contains(*this, StringView(&needle, 1), case_sensitivity); } bool DeprecatedString::equals_ignoring_case(StringView other) const { return StringUtils::equals_ignoring_case(view(), other); } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::reverse() const { StringBuilder reversed_string(length()); for (size_t i = length(); i-- > 0;) { reversed_string.append(characters()[i]); } return reversed_string.to_deprecated_string(); } DeprecatedString escape_html_entities(StringView html) { StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < html.length(); ++i) { if (html[i] == '<') builder.append("<"sv); else if (html[i] == '>') builder.append(">"sv); else if (html[i] == '&') builder.append("&"sv); else if (html[i] == '"') builder.append("""sv); else builder.append(html[i]); } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } DeprecatedString::DeprecatedString(DeprecatedFlyString const& string) : m_impl(string.impl()) { } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_lowercase() const { if (!m_impl) return {}; return m_impl->to_lowercase(); } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_uppercase() const { if (!m_impl) return {}; return m_impl->to_uppercase(); } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_snakecase() const { return StringUtils::to_snakecase(*this); } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::to_titlecase() const { return StringUtils::to_titlecase(*this); } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::invert_case() const { return StringUtils::invert_case(*this); } bool DeprecatedString::operator==(char const* cstring) const { return view() == cstring; } DeprecatedInputStream& operator>>(DeprecatedInputStream& stream, DeprecatedString& string) { StringBuilder builder; for (;;) { char next_char; stream >> next_char; if (stream.has_any_error()) { stream.set_fatal_error(); string = nullptr; return stream; } if (next_char) { builder.append(next_char); } else { string = builder.to_deprecated_string(); return stream; } } } DeprecatedString DeprecatedString::vformatted(StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params) { StringBuilder builder; MUST(vformat(builder, fmtstr, params)); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } Vector DeprecatedString::find_all(StringView needle) const { return StringUtils::find_all(*this, needle); } DeprecatedStringCodePointIterator DeprecatedString::code_points() const { return DeprecatedStringCodePointIterator(*this); } ErrorOr DeprecatedString::from_utf8(ReadonlyBytes bytes) { if (!Utf8View(bytes).validate()) return Error::from_string_literal("DeprecatedString::from_utf8: Input was not valid UTF-8"); return DeprecatedString { StringImpl::create(bytes) }; } }