name: Commit linter on: [pull_request_target] # Make sure to update Meta/ to match this script when adding new checks! # (… but don't accept overlong 'fixup!' commit descriptions.) jobs: lint_commits: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 if: always() && github.repository == 'SerenityOS/serenity' steps: - name: Lint PR commits uses: actions/github-script@v5 with: script: | const rules = [ { pattern: /^[^\r]*$/, error: "Commit message contains CRLF line breaks (only unix-style LF linebreaks are allowed)", }, { pattern: /^.{0,72}(?:\r?\n(?:(.{0,72})|(.*?([a-z]+:\/\/)?(([a-zA-Z0-9_]|-)+\.)+[a-z]{2,}(:\d+)?([a-zA-Z_0-9@:%\+.~\?&/=]|-)+).*?))*$/, error: "Commit message lines are too long (maximum allowed is 72 characters, except for URLs)", }, { pattern: /^\S.*?\S: .+/, error: "Missing category in commit title (if this is a fix up of a previous commit, it should be squashed)", }, { pattern: /^\S.*?: [A-Z0-9]/, error: "First word of commit after the subsystem is not capitalized", }, { pattern: /^.+[^.\n](\r?\n.*)*$/, error: "Commit title ends in a period", }, { pattern: /^((?!Signed-off-by: )[\s\S])*$/, error: "Commit body contains a Signed-off-by tag", }, ]; const { repository, pull_request } = context.payload; // NOTE: This maxes out at 250 commits. If this becomes a problem, see: // const opts ={ owner: repository.owner.login, repo:, pull_number: pull_request.number, }); const commits = await github.paginate(opts); const errors = []; for (const { sha, commit: { message } } of commits) { const commitErrors = []; for (const { pattern, error } of rules) { if (!pattern.test(message)) { commitErrors.push(error); } } if (commitErrors.length > 0) { const title = message.split("\n")[0]; errors.push([`${title} (${sha}):`, ...commitErrors].join("\n ")); } } if (errors.length > 0) { core.setFailed(`One or more of the commits in this PR do not match the code submission policy:\n\n${errors.join("\n")}`); } - name: Comment on PR if: ${{ failure() && !github.event.pull_request.draft }} uses: IdanHo/comment-on-pr@5f51df338210754f519f721f8320d8f72525a4d0 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BUGGIEBOT }} with: msg: "One or more of the commits in this PR do not match the [code submission policy](, please check the `lint_commits` CI job for more details."