path: root/Kernel/Syscalls/poll.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-01Everywhere: Run clang-formatIdan Horowitz
2022-01-29Kernel: Only lock process file descriptor table once in sys$poll()Andreas Kling
2022-01-29Kernel: Switch process file descriptor table from spinlock to mutexAndreas Kling
2022-01-29Kernel: Convert process file descriptor table to a SpinlockProtectedAndreas Kling
2022-01-28Kernel: Allocate entire SelectBlocker::FDVector at onceAndreas Kling
2021-12-29Kernel: Handle promise violations in the syscall handlerBrian Gianforcaro
2021-12-29Kernel: Use Process::require_promise() instead of REQUIRE_PROMISE()Brian Gianforcaro
2021-12-18Kernel: Access OpenFileDescriptions::max_open() statically in SyscallsHendiadyoin1
2021-12-18Kernel: Add implicit auto qualifiers in SyscallsHendiadyoin1
2021-12-12Kernel: Split off sys$poll() into Syscalls/poll.cppJean-Baptiste Boric