path: root/Documentation
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-12-29Meta: Update ReadMe and move build instructions to a separate documentAndreas Kling
2019-11-06Meta: Move "Notes on WSL" to a separate file in Documentation/Andreas Kling
2019-08-21Documentation: Let's have a coding style documentAndreas Kling
2019-08-01Documentation: Add a paragraph about NonnullOwnPtr to SmartPointers.mdAndreas Kling
2019-06-21Documentation: Update with new pointer names.Andreas Kling
2019-05-28Documentation: RIP the short-lived coding styleRobin Burchell
2019-05-28Documentation: Remove some irrelevant things from the coding style.Andreas Kling
2019-05-28Documentation: Import an attempt at describing the project coding style.Andreas Kling
2019-05-15Documentation: Add a brief description of Serenity's smart pointer types.Andreas Kling