AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-04WidgetGallery: Repair GML layout on BasicsTabFrHun
2022-07-04Base: Add some background-clip + border-radius HTML examplesMacDue
2022-07-04LibWeb: Shrink border radii for background-clip and support with imagesMacDue
2022-07-04LibWeb: Add .shrink() to BorderRadiusData and BorderRadiiDataMacDue
2022-07-04LibWeb: Make hit testing respect hidden overflowIgor Pissolati
2022-07-04LibJS: Let Array.prototype.toSpliced throw RangeError for len <= 2^53-1Linus Groh
2022-07-04LibJS: Use u64 for the length parameter in Array::create()Linus Groh
2022-07-04LibJS: Add spec comments to ArrayCreateLinus Groh
2022-07-04LibJS: Use a template for 'Value from integral number' constructorsLinus Groh
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to Find functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to BitStream functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to BitCast functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to BinarySearch functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to BinaryHeap functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to Base64 functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to AnyOf functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04AK: Add `nodiscard` attribute to AllOf functionsLenny Maiorani
2022-07-04Documentation: Add information on MacOS build prerequisitesDaniel K Bueno
2022-07-04Ports: Update serenity-theming to latest commitdjwisdom
2022-07-04Kernel: Negate condition in ARPTableBlockerSet::should_add_blockerIdan Horowitz
2022-07-03Ports: Update dos2unix to 7.4.3Nathan Ell
2022-07-03LibDebug: Make sure current_breakpoint has value before usageMarcus Nilsson
2022-07-03Everywhere: Fix two inconsistent serenity_lib() output namesLinus Groh
2022-07-03Browser: Fix crash if clicking on non-visible nodes in the inspectorMacDue
2022-07-03LibWeb: Wire up XHR::ontimeout eventKenneth Myhra
2022-07-03LibWeb: Add timeout_callback to ResourceLoader::load()Kenneth Myhra
2022-07-03LibWeb: Use a single shot timer instead of an ordinary repetitive timerKenneth Myhra
2022-07-03BrowserSettings: Make content filtering on by defaultMaciej
2022-07-03BrowserSettings: Make default content filtering flag constexprMaciej
2022-07-03LibJS: Avoid potential overflow in Array.prototype.toSpliced()Linus Groh
2022-07-03Kernel/USB: Move buffer allocation from USB transfer to USB pipeb14ckcat
2022-07-03LibJS: Add tests for %TypedArray%.prototype.toReversedObinna Ikeh
2022-07-03LibJS: Add %TypedArray%.prototype.toReversedObinna Ikeh
2022-07-02LookupServer: Try other available DNS nameservers on network errorsIdan Horowitz
2022-07-02CI: Use a custom ccache directory in GitHub CIIdan Horowitz
2022-07-02LibJS: Set both {minimum, maximum}FractionDigits in Intl.DurationFormatIdan Horowitz
2022-07-02LibJS: Disallow mixed-sign durations in Intl.DurationFormatIdan Horowitz
2022-07-02unzip: Remove the arbitrary file size limitTim Schumacher
2022-07-02Base: Add U+0E4E, U+0E5B glyphs to KaticaRegular10 fontThitat Auareesuksakul
2022-07-02Base: Add U+0E4E, U+0E4F, U+0E5B glyphs to KaticaBold10 fontThitat Auareesuksakul
2022-07-01LibGUI: Fix scrollbars not showing after updating content sizeMacDue
2022-07-01Ports: Add a port of `genext2fs`Tim Schumacher
2022-07-01js: Implement pretty-printing of WeakRef objectsLinus Groh
2022-07-01js: Implement pretty-printing of WeakSet objectsLinus Groh
2022-07-01js: Implement pretty-printing of WeakMap objectsLinus Groh
2022-07-01js: Fix pretty-printing of primitive wrapper objectsLinus Groh
2022-07-01js: Prefix global variables with 'g_'Linus Groh
2022-07-01js: Fix a couple of const correctness issuesLinus Groh
2022-07-01js: Move static_cast responsibility out of the pretty-print functionsLinus Groh
2022-07-01LibJS: Implement Intl.DurationFormat.prototype.formatToPartsIdan Horowitz