path: root/Kernel/Graphics/VirtIOGPU/VirtIOGPU.cpp
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1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Kernel/Graphics/VirtIOGPU/VirtIOGPU.cpp b/Kernel/Graphics/VirtIOGPU/VirtIOGPU.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e7c3baa73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kernel/Graphics/VirtIOGPU/VirtIOGPU.cpp
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+ * Copyright (c) 2021, Sahan Fernando <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+ */
+#include <Kernel/Graphics/VirtIOGPU/VirtIOGPU.h>
+#include <LibC/sys/ioctl_numbers.h>
+namespace Kernel::Graphics {
+VirtIOGPU::VirtIOGPU(PCI::Address address)
+ : VirtIODevice(address, "VirtIOGPU")
+ , m_scratch_space(MM.allocate_contiguous_kernel_region(32 * PAGE_SIZE, "VirtGPU Scratch Space", Region::Access::Read | Region::Access::Write))
+ VERIFY(!!m_scratch_space);
+ if (auto cfg = get_config(ConfigurationType::Device)) {
+ m_device_configuration = cfg;
+ bool success = negotiate_features([&](u64 supported_features) {
+ u64 negotiated = 0;
+ if (is_feature_set(supported_features, VIRTIO_GPU_F_VIRGL))
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: VIRGL is not yet supported!");
+ if (is_feature_set(supported_features, VIRTIO_GPU_F_EDID))
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: EDID is not yet supported!");
+ return negotiated;
+ });
+ if (success) {
+ read_config_atomic([&]() {
+ m_num_scanouts = config_read32(*cfg, DEVICE_NUM_SCANOUTS);
+ });
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: num_scanouts: {}", m_num_scanouts);
+ success = setup_queues(2); // CONTROLQ + CURSORQ
+ }
+ VERIFY(success);
+ finish_init();
+ Locker locker(m_operation_lock);
+ // 1. Get display information using VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_GET_DISPLAY_INFO
+ query_display_information();
+ m_framebuffer_id = create_2d_resource(m_display_info.rect);
+ // 3. Attach backing storage using VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_ATTACH_BACKING
+ // FIXME: We really should be trying to allocate a small amount of pages initially, with ensure_backing_storage increasing the backing memory of the region as needed
+ size_t buffer_length = calculate_framebuffer_size(MAX_VIRTIOGPU_RESOLUTION_WIDTH, MAX_VIRTIOGPU_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT);
+ m_framebuffer = MM.allocate_kernel_region(page_round_up(buffer_length), "VirtGPU FrameBuffer", Region::Access::Read | Region::Access::Write, AllocationStrategy::AllocateNow);
+ ensure_backing_storage(*m_framebuffer, buffer_length, m_framebuffer_id);
+ // 4. Use VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_SET_SCANOUT to link the framebuffer to a display scanout.
+ set_scanout_resource(m_chosen_scanout.value(), m_framebuffer_id, m_display_info.rect);
+ // 5. Render our test pattern
+ draw_ntsc_test_pattern();
+ // 6. Use VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_TRANSFER_TO_HOST_2D to update the host resource from guest memory.
+ transfer_framebuffer_data_to_host(m_display_info.rect);
+ // 7. Use VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_FLUSH to flush the updated resource to the display.
+ flush_displayed_image(m_display_info.rect);
+ } else {
+ }
+bool VirtIOGPU::handle_device_config_change()
+ return false;
+void VirtIOGPU::handle_queue_update(u16 queue_index)
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: Handle queue update");
+ VERIFY(queue_index == CONTROLQ);
+ auto& queue = get_queue(CONTROLQ);
+ ScopedSpinLock queue_lock(queue.lock());
+ queue.discard_used_buffers();
+ m_outstanding_request.wake_all();
+u32 VirtIOGPU::get_pending_events()
+ return config_read32(*m_device_configuration, DEVICE_EVENTS_READ);
+void VirtIOGPU::clear_pending_events(u32 event_bitmask)
+ config_write32(*m_device_configuration, DEVICE_EVENTS_CLEAR, event_bitmask);
+void VirtIOGPU::query_display_information()
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPURespDisplayInfo*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(sizeof(request)).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_GET_DISPLAY_INFO, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), sizeof(request), sizeof(response));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < VIRTIO_GPU_MAX_SCANOUTS; ++i) {
+ auto& scanout = response.scanout_modes[i];
+ if (!scanout.enabled)
+ continue;
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "Scanout {}: x: {}, y: {}, width: {}, height: {}", i, scanout.rect.x, scanout.rect.y, scanout.rect.width, scanout.rect.height);
+ m_display_info = scanout;
+ m_chosen_scanout = i;
+ }
+ VERIFY(m_chosen_scanout.has_value());
+VirtIOGPUResourceID VirtIOGPU::create_2d_resource(VirtIOGPURect rect)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUResourceCreate2D*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(sizeof(request)).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request.header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_CREATE_2D, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ auto resource_id = allocate_resource_id();
+ request.resource_id = resource_id.value();
+ request.width = rect.width;
+ request.height = rect.height;
+ request.format = static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUFormats::VIRTIO_GPU_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM);
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), sizeof(request), sizeof(response));
+ VERIFY(response.type == static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_OK_NODATA));
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: Allocated 2d resource with id {}", resource_id.value());
+ return resource_id;
+void VirtIOGPU::ensure_backing_storage(Region& region, size_t buffer_length, VirtIOGPUResourceID resource_id)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ // Allocate backing region
+ auto& vm_object = region.vmobject();
+ size_t desired_num_pages = page_round_up(buffer_length);
+ auto& pages = vm_object.physical_pages();
+ for (size_t i = pages.size(); i < desired_num_pages / PAGE_SIZE; ++i) {
+ auto page = MM.allocate_user_physical_page();
+ // FIXME: Instead of verifying, fail the framebuffer resize operation
+ VERIFY(!page.is_null());
+ pages.append(move(page));
+ }
+ region.remap();
+ size_t num_mem_regions = vm_object.page_count();
+ // Send request
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUResourceAttachBacking*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ const size_t header_block_size = sizeof(request) + num_mem_regions * sizeof(VirtIOGPUMemEntry);
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(header_block_size).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request.header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_ATTACH_BACKING, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ request.resource_id = resource_id.value();
+ request.num_entries = num_mem_regions;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_mem_regions; ++i) {
+ request.entries[i].address = m_framebuffer->physical_page(i)->paddr().get();
+ request.entries[i].length = PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), header_block_size, sizeof(response));
+ VERIFY(response.type == static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_OK_NODATA));
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: Allocated backing storage");
+void VirtIOGPU::detach_backing_storage(VirtIOGPUResourceID resource_id)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUResourceDetachBacking*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(sizeof(request)).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request.header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_DETACH_BACKING, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ request.resource_id = resource_id.value();
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), sizeof(request), sizeof(response));
+ VERIFY(response.type == static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_OK_NODATA));
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: Detached backing storage");
+void VirtIOGPU::set_scanout_resource(VirtIOGPUScanoutID scanout, VirtIOGPUResourceID resource_id, VirtIOGPURect rect)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUSetScanOut*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(sizeof(request)).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request.header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_SET_SCANOUT, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ request.resource_id = resource_id.value();
+ request.scanout_id = scanout.value();
+ request.rect = rect;
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), sizeof(request), sizeof(response));
+ VERIFY(response.type == static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_OK_NODATA));
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "VirtIOGPU: Set backing scanout");
+void VirtIOGPU::draw_ntsc_test_pattern()
+ static constexpr u8 colors[12][4] = {
+ { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }, // White
+ { 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }, // Primary + Composite colors
+ { 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff },
+ { 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff },
+ { 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff },
+ { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff },
+ { 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff },
+ { 0xba, 0x01, 0x5f, 0xff }, // Dark blue
+ { 0x8d, 0x3d, 0x00, 0xff }, // Purple
+ { 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0xff }, // Shades of gray
+ { 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xff },
+ { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff },
+ };
+ size_t width = m_display_info.rect.width;
+ size_t height = m_display_info.rect.height;
+ u8* data = m_framebuffer->vaddr().as_ptr();
+ // Draw NTSC test card
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ size_t color = 0;
+ if (3 * y < 2 * height) {
+ // Top 2/3 of image is 7 vertical stripes of color spectrum
+ color = (7 * x) / width;
+ } else if (4 * y < 3 * height) {
+ // 2/3 mark to 3/4 mark is backwards color spectrum alternating with black
+ auto segment = (7 * x) / width;
+ color = segment % 2 ? 10 : 6 - segment;
+ } else {
+ if (28 * x < 5 * width) {
+ color = 8;
+ } else if (28 * x < 10 * width) {
+ color = 0;
+ } else if (28 * x < 15 * width) {
+ color = 7;
+ } else if (28 * x < 20 * width) {
+ color = 10;
+ } else if (7 * x < 6 * width) {
+ // Grayscale gradient
+ color = 26 - ((21 * x) / width);
+ } else {
+ // Solid black
+ color = 10;
+ }
+ }
+ u8* pixel = &data[4 * (y * width + x)];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ pixel[i] = colors[color][i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbgln_if(VIRTIO_DEBUG, "Finish drawing the pattern");
+void VirtIOGPU::transfer_framebuffer_data_to_host(VirtIOGPURect dirty_rect)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUTransferToHost2D*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(sizeof(request)).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request.header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_TRANSFER_TO_HOST_2D, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ request.offset = (dirty_rect.x + (dirty_rect.y * m_display_info.rect.width)) * sizeof(u32);
+ request.resource_id = m_framebuffer_id.value();
+ request.rect = dirty_rect;
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), sizeof(request), sizeof(response));
+ VERIFY(response.type == static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_OK_NODATA));
+void VirtIOGPU::flush_displayed_image(VirtIOGPURect dirty_rect)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUResourceFlush*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(sizeof(request)).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request.header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_FLUSH, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ request.resource_id = m_framebuffer_id.value();
+ request.rect = dirty_rect;
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), sizeof(request), sizeof(response));
+ VERIFY(response.type == static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_OK_NODATA));
+void VirtIOGPU::synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(PhysicalAddress buffer_start, size_t request_size, size_t response_size)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ VERIFY(m_outstanding_request.is_empty());
+ auto& queue = get_queue(CONTROLQ);
+ {
+ ScopedSpinLock lock(queue.lock());
+ VirtIOQueueChain chain { queue };
+ chain.add_buffer_to_chain(buffer_start, request_size, BufferType::DeviceReadable);
+ chain.add_buffer_to_chain(buffer_start.offset(request_size), response_size, BufferType::DeviceWritable);
+ supply_chain_and_notify(CONTROLQ, chain);
+ full_memory_barrier();
+ }
+ m_outstanding_request.wait_forever();
+void VirtIOGPU::populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader& header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType ctrl_type, u32 flags)
+ header.type = static_cast<u32>(ctrl_type);
+ header.flags = flags;
+ header.fence_id = 0;
+ header.context_id = 0;
+ header.padding = 0;
+void VirtIOGPU::flush_dirty_window(VirtIOGPURect dirty_rect)
+ Locker locker(m_operation_lock);
+ transfer_framebuffer_data_to_host(dirty_rect);
+ flush_displayed_image(dirty_rect);
+bool VirtIOGPU::try_to_set_resolution(size_t width, size_t height)
+ return false;
+ Locker locker(m_operation_lock);
+ VirtIOGPURect rect = {
+ .x = 0,
+ .y = 0,
+ .width = (u32)width,
+ .height = (u32)height,
+ };
+ auto old_framebuffer_id = m_framebuffer_id;
+ auto new_framebuffer_id = create_2d_resource(rect);
+ ensure_backing_storage(*m_framebuffer, calculate_framebuffer_size(width, height), new_framebuffer_id);
+ set_scanout_resource(m_chosen_scanout.value(), new_framebuffer_id, rect);
+ detach_backing_storage(old_framebuffer_id);
+ delete_resource(old_framebuffer_id);
+ m_framebuffer_id = new_framebuffer_id;
+ m_display_info.rect = rect;
+ return true;
+VirtIOGPUResourceID VirtIOGPU::allocate_resource_id()
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ m_resource_id_counter = m_resource_id_counter.value() + 1;
+ return m_resource_id_counter;
+void VirtIOGPU::delete_resource(VirtIOGPUResourceID resource_id)
+ VERIFY(m_operation_lock.is_locked());
+ auto& request = *reinterpret_cast<VirtioGPUResourceUnref*>(m_scratch_space->vaddr().as_ptr());
+ auto& response = *reinterpret_cast<VirtIOGPUCtrlHeader*>((m_scratch_space->vaddr().offset(sizeof(request)).as_ptr()));
+ populate_virtio_gpu_request_header(request.header, VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_UNREF, VIRTIO_GPU_FLAG_FENCE);
+ request.resource_id = resource_id.value();
+ synchronous_virtio_gpu_command(start_of_scratch_space(), sizeof(request), sizeof(response));
+ VERIFY(response.type == static_cast<u32>(VirtIOGPUCtrlType::VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_OK_NODATA));
+size_t VirtIOGPU::framebuffer_size_in_bytes() const
+ return m_display_info.rect.width * m_display_info.rect.height * sizeof(u32);
+void VirtIOGPU::clear_to_black()
+ size_t width = m_display_info.rect.width;
+ size_t height = m_display_info.rect.height;
+ u8* data = m_framebuffer->vaddr().as_ptr();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) {
+ data[4 * i + 0] = 0x00;
+ data[4 * i + 1] = 0x00;
+ data[4 * i + 2] = 0x00;
+ data[4 * i + 3] = 0xff;
+ }