path: root/Userland/Libraries
diff options
authornetworkException <>2022-10-03 21:04:15 +0200
committerAndreas Kling <>2022-10-06 16:41:36 +0200
commitf0c4f8931c6b900b06e8e96414847073b069ffef (patch)
treeaf51f08a00ded0e2c7cb464f053c72f4eb570f4a /Userland/Libraries
parent4de4e1828affdc0f9772bbd716c541da021476e0 (diff)
LibWeb: Implement fetching module scripts
This patch adds various algorithms required to fetch and link module scripts. Some parts such as actually creating a request and error handling are not implemented or use temporary non spec compliant code to get us further. Co-authored-by: davidot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'Userland/Libraries')
3 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/CMakeLists.txt b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/CMakeLists.txt
index d5eb94880e..6abcba1149 100644
--- a/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ set(SOURCES
+ HTML/Scripting/Fetching.cpp
diff --git a/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.cpp b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..709b5f734a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2022, networkException <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+ */
+#include <AK/URLParser.h>
+#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
+#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.h>
+#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ModuleScript.h>
+#include <LibWeb/Loader/LoadRequest.h>
+#include <LibWeb/Loader/ResourceLoader.h>
+#include <LibWeb/MimeSniff/MimeType.h>
+namespace Web::HTML {
+String module_type_from_module_request(JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request)
+ // 1. Let moduleType be "javascript".
+ String module_type = "javascript"sv;
+ // 2. If moduleRequest.[[Assertions]] has a Record entry such that entry.[[Key]] is "type", then:
+ for (auto const& entry : module_request.assertions) {
+ if (entry.key != "type"sv)
+ continue;
+ // 1. If entry.[[Value]] is "javascript", then set moduleType to null.
+ if (entry.value == "javascript"sv)
+ module_type = nullptr;
+ // 2. Otherwise, set moduleType to entry.[[Value]].
+ else
+ module_type = entry.value;
+ }
+ // 3. Return moduleType.
+ return module_type;
+AK::URL resolve_module_specifier(JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request, AK::URL const& base_url)
+ auto specifier = module_request.module_specifier;
+ // 1. Apply the URL parser to specifier. If the result is not failure, return the result.
+ auto result = URLParser::parse(specifier);
+ if (result.is_valid())
+ return result;
+ // 2. If specifier does not start with the character U+002F SOLIDUS (/), the two-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP,
+ // U+002F SOLIDUS (./), or the three-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP, U+002E FULL STOP, U+002F SOLIDUS (../), return failure.
+ if (!specifier.starts_with("/"sv) && !specifier.starts_with("./"sv) && !specifier.starts_with("../"sv))
+ return {};
+ // 3. Return the result of applying the URL parser to specifier with base URL.
+ return URLParser::parse(specifier, &base_url);
+void fetch_internal_module_script_graph(JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, StringView destination, EnvironmentSettingsObject& module_script_settings_object, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> const& visited_set, AK::URL const& referrer, ModuleCallback on_complete)
+ // 1. Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given referrer and moduleRequest.[[Specifier]].
+ auto url = resolve_module_specifier(module_request, referrer);
+ // 2. Assert: url is never failure, because resolving a module specifier must have been previously successful with these same two arguments.
+ VERIFY(url.is_valid());
+ // 3. Let moduleType be the result of running the module type from module request steps given moduleRequest.
+ auto module_type = module_type_from_module_request(module_request);
+ // 4. Assert: visited set contains (url, moduleType).
+ VERIFY(visited_set.contains({ url, module_type }));
+ // 5. Fetch a single module script given url, fetch client settings object, destination, options,module map settings object, referrer,
+ // moduleRequest, false, and onSingleFetchComplete as defined below. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
+ // FIXME: Pass options.
+ fetch_single_module_script(url, fetch_client_settings_object, destination, module_script_settings_object, referrer, module_request, TopLevelModule::No, [on_complete = move(on_complete), &fetch_client_settings_object, destination, visited_set](auto const* result) mutable {
+ // onSingleFetchComplete given result is the following algorithm:
+ // 1. If result is null, run onComplete with null, and abort these steps.
+ if (!result) {
+ on_complete(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2. Fetch the descendants of result given fetch client settings object, destination, visited set, and with onComplete. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
+ // FIXME: Pass performFetch if given.
+ fetch_descendants_of_a_module_script(*result, fetch_client_settings_object, destination, visited_set, move(on_complete));
+ });
+void fetch_descendants_of_a_module_script(JavaScriptModuleScript const& module_script, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, StringView destination, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> visited_set, ModuleCallback on_complete)
+ // 1. If module script's record is null, run onComplete with module script and return.
+ if (!module_script.record()) {
+ on_complete(&module_script);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2. Let record be module script's record.
+ auto const& record = module_script.record();
+ // 3. If record is not a Cyclic Module Record, or if record.[[RequestedModules]] is empty, run onComplete with module script and return.
+ // FIXME: Currently record is always a cyclic module.
+ if (record->requested_modules().is_empty()) {
+ on_complete(&module_script);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 4. Let moduleRequests be a new empty list.
+ Vector<JS::ModuleRequest> module_requests;
+ // 5. For each ModuleRequest Record requested of record.[[RequestedModules]],
+ for (auto const& requested : record->requested_modules()) {
+ // 1. Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given module script's base URL and requested.[[Specifier]].
+ auto url = resolve_module_specifier(requested, module_script.base_url());
+ // 2. Assert: url is never failure, because resolving a module specifier must have been previously successful with these same two arguments.
+ VERIFY(url.is_valid());
+ // 3. Let moduleType be the result of running the module type from module request steps given requested.
+ auto module_type = module_type_from_module_request(requested);
+ // 4. If visited set does not contain (url, moduleType), then:
+ if (!visited_set.contains({ url, module_type })) {
+ // 1. Append requested to moduleRequests.
+ module_requests.append(requested);
+ // 2. Append (url, moduleType) to visited set.
+ visited_set.set({ url, module_type });
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: 6. Let options be the descendant script fetch options for module script's fetch options.
+ // FIXME: 7. Assert: options is not null, as module script is a JavaScript module script.
+ // 8. Let pendingCount be the length of moduleRequests.
+ auto pending_count = module_requests.size();
+ // 9. If pendingCount is zero, run onComplete with module script.
+ if (pending_count == 0) {
+ on_complete(&module_script);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 10. Let failed be false.
+ auto context = DescendantFetchingContext::create();
+ context->set_pending_count(pending_count);
+ context->set_failed(false);
+ context->set_on_complete(move(on_complete));
+ // 11. For each moduleRequest in moduleRequests, perform the internal module script graph fetching procedure given moduleRequest,
+ // fetch client settings object, destination, options, module script's settings object, visited set, module script's base URL,
+ // and onInternalFetchingComplete as defined below. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
+ for (auto const& module_request : module_requests) {
+ // FIXME: Pass options and performFetch if given.
+ fetch_internal_module_script_graph(module_request, fetch_client_settings_object, destination, const_cast<JavaScriptModuleScript&>(module_script).settings_object(), visited_set, module_script.base_url(), [context, &module_script](auto const* result) mutable {
+ // onInternalFetchingComplete given result is the following algorithm:
+ // 1. If failed is true, then abort these steps.
+ if (context->failed())
+ return;
+ // 2. If result is null, then set failed to true, run onComplete with null, and abort these steps.
+ if (!result) {
+ context->set_failed(true);
+ context->on_complete(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 3. Assert: pendingCount is greater than zero.
+ VERIFY(context->pending_count() > 0);
+ // 4. Decrement pendingCount by one.
+ context->decrement_pending_count();
+ // 5. If pendingCount is zero, run onComplete with module script.
+ if (context->pending_count() == 0)
+ context->on_complete(&module_script);
+ });
+ }
+void fetch_single_module_script(AK::URL const& url, EnvironmentSettingsObject&, StringView, EnvironmentSettingsObject& module_map_settings_object, AK::URL const&, Optional<JS::ModuleRequest> const& module_request, TopLevelModule, ModuleCallback on_complete)
+ // 1. Let moduleType be "javascript".
+ String module_type = "javascript"sv;
+ // 2. If moduleRequest was given, then set moduleType to the result of running the module type from module request steps given moduleRequest.
+ if (module_request.has_value())
+ module_type = module_type_from_module_request(*module_request);
+ // 3. Assert: the result of running the module type allowed steps given moduleType and module map settings object is true.
+ // Otherwise we would not have reached this point because a failure would have been raised when inspecting moduleRequest.[[Assertions]]
+ // in create a JavaScript module script or fetch an import() module script graph.
+ VERIFY(module_map_settings_object.module_type_allowed(module_type));
+ // 4. Let moduleMap be module map settings object's module map.
+ auto& module_map = module_map_settings_object.module_map();
+ // 5. If moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] is "fetching", wait in parallel until that entry's value changes,
+ // then queue a task on the networking task source to proceed with running the following steps.
+ if (module_map.is_fetching(url, module_type)) {
+ module_map.wait_for_change(url, module_type, [on_complete = move(on_complete)](auto entry) {
+ // FIXME: This should queue a task.
+ // FIXME: This should run other steps, for now we just assume the script loaded.
+ VERIFY(entry.type == ModuleMap::EntryType::ModuleScript);
+ on_complete(entry.module_script);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ // 6. If moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] exists, run onComplete given moduleMap[(url, moduleType)], and return.
+ auto entry = module_map.get(url, module_type);
+ if (entry.has_value() && entry->type == ModuleMap::EntryType::ModuleScript) {
+ on_complete(entry->module_script);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 7. Set moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] to "fetching".
+ module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::Fetching, nullptr });
+ // FIXME: Implement non ad-hoc version of steps 8 to 20.
+ auto request = LoadRequest::create_for_url_on_page(url, nullptr);
+ ResourceLoader::the().load(
+ request,
+ [url, module_type, &module_map_settings_object, on_complete = move(on_complete), &module_map](StringView data, auto& response_headers, auto) {
+ if (data.is_null()) {
+ dbgln("Failed to load module {}", url);
+ module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::Failed, nullptr });
+ on_complete(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto content_type_header = response_headers.get("Content-Type");
+ if (!content_type_header.has_value()) {
+ dbgln("Module has no content type! {}", url);
+ module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::Failed, nullptr });
+ on_complete(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (MimeSniff::is_javascript_mime_type_essence_match(*content_type_header) && module_type == "javascript"sv) {
+ auto module_script = JavaScriptModuleScript::create(url.basename(), data, module_map_settings_object, url);
+ module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::ModuleScript, module_script });
+ on_complete(module_script);
+ return;
+ }
+ dbgln("Module has no JS content type! {} of type {}, with content {}", url, module_type, *content_type_header);
+ module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::Failed, nullptr });
+ on_complete(nullptr);
+ },
+ [module_type, url](auto&, auto) {
+ dbgln("Failed to load module script");
+ TODO();
+ });
+void fetch_external_module_script_graph(AK::URL const& url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, ModuleCallback on_complete)
+ // 1. Fetch a single module script given url, settings object, "script", options, settings object, "client", true, and with the following steps given result:
+ // FIXME: Pass options.
+ fetch_single_module_script(url, settings_object, "script"sv, settings_object, "client"sv, {}, TopLevelModule::Yes, [&settings_object, on_complete = move(on_complete), &url](auto* result) mutable {
+ // 1. If result is null, run onComplete given null, and abort these steps.
+ if (!result) {
+ on_complete(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2. Let visited set be ยซ (url, "javascript") ยป.
+ HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> visited_set;
+ visited_set.set({ url, "javascript"sv });
+ // 3. Fetch the descendants of and link result given settings object, "script", visited set, and onComplete.
+ fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(*result, settings_object, "script"sv, move(visited_set), move(on_complete));
+ });
+void fetch_inline_module_script_graph(String const& filename, String const& source_text, AK::URL const& base_url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, ModuleCallback on_complete)
+ // 1. Let script be the result of creating a JavaScript module script using source text, settings object, base URL, and options.
+ auto script = JavaScriptModuleScript::create(filename, source_text.view(), settings_object, base_url);
+ // 2. If script is null, run onComplete given null, and return.
+ if (!script) {
+ on_complete(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 3. Let visited set be an empty set.
+ HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> visited_set;
+ // 4. Fetch the descendants of and link script, given settings object, the destination "script", visited set, and onComplete.
+ fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(*script, settings_object, "script"sv, visited_set, move(on_complete));
+void fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(JavaScriptModuleScript const& module_script, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, StringView destination, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> const& visited_set, ModuleCallback on_complete)
+ // 1. Fetch the descendants of module script, given fetch client settings object, destination, visited set, and onFetchDescendantsComplete as defined below.
+ // If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
+ // FIXME: Pass performFetch if given.
+ fetch_descendants_of_a_module_script(module_script, fetch_client_settings_object, destination, visited_set, [on_complete = move(on_complete)](JavaScriptModuleScript const* result) {
+ // onFetchDescendantsComplete given result is the following algorithm:
+ // 1. If result is null, then run onComplete given result, and abort these steps.
+ if (!result) {
+ on_complete(nullptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIXME: 2. Let parse error be the result of finding the first parse error given result.
+ // 3. If parse error is null, then:
+ if (result->record()) {
+ // 1. Let record be result's record.
+ auto const& record = *result->record();
+ // 2. Perform record.Link().
+ auto linking_result = const_cast<JS::SourceTextModule&>(record).link(result->vm());
+ // TODO: If this throws an exception, set result's error to rethrow to that exception.
+ if (linking_result.is_error())
+ TODO();
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: 4. Otherwise, set result's error to rethrow to parse error.
+ TODO();
+ }
+ // 5. Run onComplete given result.
+ on_complete(result);
+ });
diff --git a/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.h b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c714e17a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2022, networkException <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ModuleScript.h>
+namespace Web::HTML {
+using ModuleCallback = Function<void(JavaScriptModuleScript const*)>;
+class DescendantFetchingContext : public RefCounted<DescendantFetchingContext> {
+ static NonnullRefPtr<DescendantFetchingContext> create() { return adopt_ref(*new DescendantFetchingContext); }
+ ~DescendantFetchingContext() = default;
+ size_t pending_count() const { return m_pending_count; };
+ void set_pending_count(size_t count) { m_pending_count = count; }
+ void decrement_pending_count() { --m_pending_count; }
+ bool failed() const { return m_failed; }
+ void set_failed(bool failed) { m_failed = failed; }
+ void on_complete(JavaScriptModuleScript const* module_script) { m_on_complete(module_script); };
+ void set_on_complete(ModuleCallback on_complete) { m_on_complete = move(on_complete); }
+ DescendantFetchingContext() = default;
+ size_t m_pending_count { 0 };
+ bool m_failed { false };
+ ModuleCallback m_on_complete;
+String module_type_from_module_request(JS::ModuleRequest const&);
+AK::URL resolve_module_specifier(JS::ModuleRequest const&, AK::URL const& base_url);
+void fetch_internal_module_script_graph(JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, StringView destination, EnvironmentSettingsObject& module_script_settings_object, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> const& visited_set, AK::URL const& referrer, ModuleCallback on_complete);
+void fetch_external_module_script_graph(AK::URL const&, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, ModuleCallback on_complete);
+void fetch_inline_module_script_graph(String const& filename, String const& source_text, AK::URL const& base_url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, ModuleCallback on_complete);
+void fetch_descendants_of_a_module_script(JavaScriptModuleScript const& module_script, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, StringView destination, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> visited_set, ModuleCallback callback);
+void fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(JavaScriptModuleScript const& module_script, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, StringView destination, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> const& visited_set, ModuleCallback on_complete);
+enum class TopLevelModule {
+ Yes,
+ No
+void fetch_single_module_script(AK::URL const&, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, StringView destination, EnvironmentSettingsObject& module_map_settings_object, AK::URL const& referrer, Optional<JS::ModuleRequest> const&, TopLevelModule, ModuleCallback callback);