path: root/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx
diff options
authorTobias Christiansen <>2021-07-25 00:33:02 +0200
committerLinus Groh <>2021-07-26 17:54:19 +0100
commitd1844e424ddc9306e0ffa9dc08038fdfb86a1434 (patch)
treeb1c4070adec3575765415291b00a47630a0602ed /Userland/Libraries/LibGfx
parent48d4062b47d52abb03f35bc4fbf6ed9e0ed335db (diff)
LibGfx: Add FastBoxBlurFilter
This patch adds a FastBoxBlurFilter to the system. It can be created by specifying a Bitmap it will work on. There are two uses implemented: - apply_single_pass() applys an implementation of a linear-time box-blur algorithm with the specified radius using a horizontal and a vertical pass and utilizinga sliding window. - apply_three_passes() gets a better Gaussian approximation by applying the filter three times. For this to work the radius of each pass is calculated to fit Gauss the best.
Diffstat (limited to 'Userland/Libraries/LibGfx')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/Filters/FastBoxBlurFilter.h b/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/Filters/FastBoxBlurFilter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ce6297a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/Filters/FastBoxBlurFilter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021, Tobias Christiansen <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <LibCore/ElapsedTimer.h>
+#include <LibGfx/Bitmap.h>
+namespace Gfx {
+class FastBoxBlurFilter {
+ FastBoxBlurFilter(Bitmap& bitmap)
+ : m_bitmap(bitmap)
+ {
+ }
+ // Based on the super fast blur algorithm by Quasimondo, explored here:
+ void apply_single_pass(int radius)
+ {
+ VERIFY(radius >= 0);
+ VERIFY(m_bitmap.format() == BitmapFormat::BGRA8888);
+ int height = m_bitmap.height();
+ int width = m_bitmap.width();
+ int div = 2 * radius + 1;
+ size_t sum_red, sum_green, sum_blue, sum_alpha;
+ u8 intermediate_red[width * height];
+ u8 intermediate_green[width * height];
+ u8 intermediate_blue[width * height];
+ u8 intermediate_alpha[width * height];
+ // First pass: vertical
+ for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ sum_red = sum_green = sum_blue = sum_alpha = 0;
+ // Setup sliding window
+ for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
+ auto color_at_px = m_bitmap.get_pixel(clamp(i, 0, width - 1), y);
+ sum_red += red_value(color_at_px);
+ sum_green += green_value(color_at_px);
+ sum_blue += blue_value(color_at_px);
+ sum_alpha += color_at_px.alpha();
+ }
+ // Slide horizontally
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ intermediate_red[y * width + x] = (sum_red / div);
+ intermediate_green[y * width + x] = (sum_green / div);
+ intermediate_blue[y * width + x] = (sum_blue / div);
+ intermediate_alpha[y * width + x] = (sum_alpha / div);
+ auto leftmost_x_coord = max(x - radius, 0);
+ auto rightmost_x_coord = min(x + radius + 1, width - 1);
+ auto leftmost_x_color = m_bitmap.get_pixel(leftmost_x_coord, y);
+ auto rightmost_x_color = m_bitmap.get_pixel(rightmost_x_coord, y);
+ sum_red -= red_value(leftmost_x_color);
+ sum_red += red_value(rightmost_x_color);
+ sum_green -= green_value(leftmost_x_color);
+ sum_green += green_value(rightmost_x_color);
+ sum_blue -= blue_value(leftmost_x_color);
+ sum_blue += blue_value(rightmost_x_color);
+ sum_alpha -= leftmost_x_color.alpha();
+ sum_alpha += rightmost_x_color.alpha();
+ }
+ }
+ // Second pass: horizontal
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ sum_red = sum_green = sum_blue = sum_alpha = 0;
+ // Setup sliding window
+ for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
+ int offset = clamp(i, 0, height - 1) * width + x;
+ sum_red += intermediate_red[offset];
+ sum_green += intermediate_green[offset];
+ sum_blue += intermediate_blue[offset];
+ sum_alpha += intermediate_alpha[offset];
+ }
+ for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ auto color = Color(
+ sum_red / div,
+ sum_green / div,
+ sum_blue / div,
+ sum_alpha / div);
+ m_bitmap.set_pixel(x, y, color);
+ auto topmost_y_coord = max(y - radius, 0);
+ auto bottommost_y_coord = min(y + radius + 1, height - 1);
+ sum_red += intermediate_red[x + bottommost_y_coord * width];
+ sum_red -= intermediate_red[x + topmost_y_coord * width];
+ sum_green += intermediate_green[x + bottommost_y_coord * width];
+ sum_green -= intermediate_green[x + topmost_y_coord * width];
+ sum_blue += intermediate_blue[x + bottommost_y_coord * width];
+ sum_blue -= intermediate_blue[x + topmost_y_coord * width];
+ sum_alpha += intermediate_alpha[x + bottommost_y_coord * width];
+ sum_alpha -= intermediate_alpha[x + topmost_y_coord * width];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Math from here:
+ void apply_three_passes(size_t radius)
+ {
+ if (!radius)
+ return;
+ size_t no_of_passes = 3;
+ double wIdeal = sqrt((12 * radius * radius / (double)no_of_passes) + 1);
+ int wl = floor(wIdeal);
+ if (wl % 2 == 0)
+ wl--;
+ int wu = wl - 2;
+ double mIdeal = (12 * radius * radius - no_of_passes * wl * wl - 4 * no_of_passes * wl - 3 * no_of_passes) / (double)(-4 * wl - 4);
+ int m = round(mIdeal);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < no_of_passes; i++) {
+ int weighted_radius = (int)i < m ? wl : wu;
+ if (weighted_radius < 2)
+ continue;
+ apply_single_pass((weighted_radius - 1) / 2);
+ }
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE static u8 red_value(Color const& color)
+ {
+ return (color.alpha() == 0) ? 0xFF :;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE static u8 green_value(Color const& color)
+ {
+ return (color.alpha() == 0) ? 0xFF :;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE static u8 blue_value(Color const& color)
+ {
+ return (color.alpha() == 0) ? 0xFF :;
+ }
+ Bitmap& m_bitmap;