path: root/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/VectorN.h
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authorLenny Maiorani <>2022-01-06 19:36:07 -0700
committerAndreas Kling <>2022-03-04 12:56:05 +0100
commitd144da3a62565702c0262a41f07457a3aa3a4fc1 (patch)
treeee7ab3691041934c4edcf3ff2963e78766686169 /Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/VectorN.h
parentc2a66b77dff84d1e6f092e79edf8101c5a1e2019 (diff)
LibGfx: Refactor Vector[2,3,4] to VectorN with specializations
`Gfx::Vector[2,3,4]` are nearly identical implementations. This code redundancy does not follow the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle leading to possible out-of-sync errors between the classes. Combining these classes into a class template which can be specialized for each needed size makes the differences obvious through `constexpr-if` blocks and `requires` clauses.
Diffstat (limited to 'Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/VectorN.h')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/VectorN.h b/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/VectorN.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..585fdea353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Userland/Libraries/LibGfx/VectorN.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020, Stephan Unverwerth <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <AK/Array.h>
+#include <AK/Error.h>
+#include <AK/Format.h>
+#include <AK/Math.h>
+#include <AK/StdLibExtras.h>
+#include <AK/String.h>
+#include <AK/StringView.h>
+#define LOOP_UNROLL_N 4
+#define STRINGIFY_HELPER(x) #x
+#ifdef __clang__
+# define UNROLL_LOOP _Pragma(STRINGIFY(unroll))
+namespace Gfx {
+template<size_t N, typename T>
+requires(N >= 2 && N <= 4) class VectorN final {
+ static_assert(LOOP_UNROLL_N >= N, "Unroll the entire loop for performance.");
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN() = default;
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN(T x, T y) requires(N == 2)
+ : m_data { x, y }
+ {
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN(T x, T y, T z) requires(N == 3)
+ : m_data { x, y, z }
+ {
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN(T x, T y, T z, T w) requires(N == 4)
+ : m_data { x, y, z, w }
+ {
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr T x() const { return m_data[0]; }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr T y() const { return m_data[1]; }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr T z() const requires(N >= 3) { return m_data[2]; }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr T w() const requires(N >= 4) { return m_data[3]; }
+ constexpr void set_x(T value) { m_data[0] = value; }
+ constexpr void set_y(T value) { m_data[1] = value; }
+ constexpr void set_z(T value) requires(N >= 3) { m_data[2] = value; }
+ constexpr void set_w(T value) requires(N >= 4) { m_data[3] = value; }
+ constexpr VectorN& operator+=(const VectorN& other)
+ {
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ m_data[i] += other.m_data[i];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr VectorN& operator-=(const VectorN& other)
+ {
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ m_data[i] -= other.m_data[i];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr VectorN& operator*=(const T& t)
+ {
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ m_data[i] *= t;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN operator+(const VectorN& other) const
+ {
+ VectorN result;
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] + other.m_data[i];
+ return result;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN operator-(const VectorN& other) const
+ {
+ VectorN result;
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] - other.m_data[i];
+ return result;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN operator*(const VectorN& other) const
+ {
+ VectorN result;
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] * other.m_data[i];
+ return result;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN operator-() const
+ {
+ VectorN result;
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result.m_data[i] = -m_data[i];
+ return result;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN operator/(const VectorN& other) const
+ {
+ VectorN result;
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] / other.m_data[i];
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<typename U>
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN operator*(U f) const
+ {
+ VectorN result;
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] * f;
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<typename U>
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN operator/(U f) const
+ {
+ VectorN result;
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] / f;
+ return result;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr T dot(const VectorN& other) const
+ {
+ T result {};
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i)
+ result += m_data[i] * other.m_data[i];
+ return result;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN cross(const VectorN& other) const requires(N == 3)
+ {
+ return VectorN(
+ y() * other.z() - z() * other.y(),
+ z() * other.x() - x() * other.z(),
+ x() * other.y() - y() * other.x());
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN normalized() const
+ {
+ VectorN copy { *this };
+ copy.normalize();
+ return copy;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN clamped(T m, T x) const
+ {
+ VectorN copy { *this };
+ copy.clamp(m, x);
+ return copy;
+ }
+ constexpr void clamp(T min_value, T max_value)
+ {
+ for (auto i = 0u; i < N; ++i) {
+ m_data[i] = max(min_value, m_data[i]);
+ m_data[i] = min(max_value, m_data[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ constexpr void normalize()
+ {
+ T const inv_length = 1 / length();
+ operator*=(inv_length);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr T length() const
+ {
+ if constexpr (N == 2)
+ return AK::hypot(m_data[0] * m_data[0] + m_data[1] * m_data[1]);
+ else if constexpr (N == 3)
+ return AK::sqrt(m_data[0] * m_data[0] + m_data[1] * m_data[1] + m_data[2] * m_data[2]);
+ else
+ return AK::sqrt(m_data[0] * m_data[0] + m_data[1] * m_data[1] + m_data[2] * m_data[2] + m_data[3] * m_data[3]);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr VectorN<3, T> xyz() const requires(N == 4)
+ {
+ return VectorN<3, T>(x(), y(), z());
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] String to_string() const
+ {
+ if constexpr (N == 2)
+ return String::formatted("[{},{}]", x(), y());
+ else if constexpr (N == 3)
+ return String::formatted("[{},{},{}]", x(), y(), z());
+ else
+ return String::formatted("[{},{},{},{}]", x(), y(), z(), w());
+ }
+ AK::Array<T, N> m_data;