path: root/Kernel
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authorLiav A <>2021-07-05 21:49:24 +0300
committerGunnar Beutner <>2021-07-06 19:01:27 +0200
commit8e8a5680d581d34fd6de8d15b63a924277c28a82 (patch)
tree8fd54aaf0b64b890ba05362c55737bc0bc83d0d7 /Kernel
parent7d40987ab62e2d4d52317683060df0a7f05d5d08 (diff)
Kernel/x86_64: Print if machine doesn't support x86_64 mode
We drop to real mode and use two BIOS calls to do this.
Diffstat (limited to 'Kernel')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Kernel/Arch/x86/common/Boot/boot.S b/Kernel/Arch/x86/common/Boot/boot.S
index 1d383bf920..51ed1b0273 100644
--- a/Kernel/Arch/x86/common/Boot/boot.S
+++ b/Kernel/Arch/x86/common/Boot/boot.S
@@ -123,10 +123,189 @@ start:
testl $(1 << 29), %edx /* Test if the LM-bit, which is bit 29, is set in the edx register. */
jnz continue /* If LM-bit is not enabled, there is no long mode. */
+ /* from now on, we don't really care about booting because we don't have long mode supported.
+ the flow from now is like so:
+ 1. Copy all necessary parts to low memory section in RAM
+ 2. Jump to that section
+ 3. In that section we do:
+ a. exit protected mode to pure 16 bit real mode
+ b. load the "Long mode is not supported" String, call the BIOS print to screen service
+ c. halt
+ */
+.equ REAL_MODE_CODE, 0x500
+ /* Copy no_long_mode_string to low memory section */
+ lea no_long_mode_string, %eax
+ lea exiting_real_mode, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %eax
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ sub %eax, %ecx
+ mov %eax, %esi /* source address of the code */
+ mov $NO_LONG_MODE_STRING_LOCATION+2, %edi /* destination address of the code */
+ rep movsb
+ /* Copy gdt_table_real_mode to low memory section */
+ lea gdt_table_real_mode, %eax
+ lea gdt_table_real_mode_end, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %eax
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ sub %eax, %ecx
+ mov %eax, %esi /* source address of the code */
+ mov $GDT_REAL_MODE_LOCATION, %edi /* destination address of the code */
+ rep movsb
+ /* Copy protected_mode_16_bit to real_mode to low memory section */
+ lea protected_mode_16_bit, %eax
+ lea real_mode, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %eax
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ sub %eax, %ecx
+ mov %eax, %esi /* source address of the code */
+ mov $PROTECTED_MODE_16_BIT_CODE, %edi /* destination address of the code */
+ rep movsb
+ /* Copy real_mode to continue to low memory section */
+ lea real_mode, %eax
+ lea continue, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %eax
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ sub %eax, %ecx
+ mov %eax, %esi /* source address of the code */
+ mov $REAL_MODE_CODE, %edi /* destination address of the code */
+ rep movsb
+ /* Copy all opcodes from exiting_real_mode label to protected_mode_16_bit label to low memory RAM */
+ lea exiting_real_mode, %eax
+ lea protected_mode_16_bit, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %ebx
+ sub $0xc0000000, %eax
+ movl %ebx, %ecx
+ sub %eax, %ecx
+ mov %eax, %esi /* source address of the code */
+ mov $EXITING_PROTECTED_MODE_CODE_LOCATION, %edi /* destination address of the code */
+ pushl %edi
+ rep movsb
+ popl %edi
+ pushl %edi
+ ret
+ .quad 0 /* Empty entry */
+ .short 0xffff
+ .short 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0b10011010
+ .byte 0b00001111
+ .byte 0x0
+ .short 0xffff
+ .short 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0b10010010
+ .byte 0b00001111
+ .byte 0x0
+ .asciz "Your computer does not support long mode (64-bit mode). Halting!"
+ This part is completely standalone - it doesn't involve any location from this
+ near code. It uses arbitrary locations in the low memory section of the RAM.
+ We don't really worry about where are these locations, because we only want to quickly
+ print a string and halt.
+ /* Build IDT pointer and load it */
+ mov $0x50000, %eax
+ pushl %eax
+ movl $0x3ff, 0(%eax)
+ add $2, %eax
+ movl $0, 0(%eax)
+ popl %eax
+ lidt (%eax)
+ /* Build GDT pointer and load it */
+ mov $0x40000, %eax
+ pushl %eax
+ movl $32, 0(%eax)
+ add $2, %eax
+ movl $GDT_REAL_MODE_LOCATION, 0(%eax)
+ popl %eax
+ lgdt (%eax)
+ /* far jump to protected_mode_16_bit in 0x5000 */
+ pushw $8
+ retf
+ hlt
+ xor %eax, %eax
+ movl $0x10, %eax
+ movw %ax, %ds
+ and $0xFE, %al /* switch to pure real mode */
+ mov %eax, %cr0
+ mov $0x10, %eax
+ movl %eax, %cr0
+ pushw $0
+ retf
+ movw $0x7000, %ax
+ movl $0x0000, %esp
+ movw %ax, %ss
+ xor %ax, %ax
+ movw %ax, %ds
+ movw %ax, %es
+ movw %ax, %fs
+ movw %ax, %gs
+ mov $0x3, %ax
+ int $0x10
+ movb $0x13, %ah
+ movb $0x0, %bh
+ movb $0xf, %bl
+ movw $0, %dx
+ int $0x10
+ movl $0xdeadcafe, %ebx
+ cli
+ hlt
+/* If long mode is supported, continue with booting the system */
- /* restore the pushed registers */
+ /* restore the pushed registers and continue with booting */
popl %ebx
popl %edx
popl %eax