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authorAliaksandr Kalenik <>2023-04-06 18:11:10 +0300
committerAndreas Kling <>2023-05-03 09:39:49 +0200
commitc235ee380ff9fcbde6e0c22e1325b8a7c0d9feab (patch)
parentde2c0165560d44d3711ad6b2c42ce37060a819b4 (diff)
LibWeb: Implement "create navigation params by fetching"
Implements: This is supporting function for population of document in a session history entry. This function populates response in navigation params by fetching url in navigation params and handling redirects if required.
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.cpp b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.cpp
index 789223cb34..f7763f151e 100644
--- a/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.cpp
+++ b/Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.cpp
@@ -224,6 +224,267 @@ Vector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry>>& Navigable::get_session_history_en
+static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<NavigationParams>> create_navigation_params_by_fetching(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry, JS::GCPtr<Navigable> navigable, SourceSnapshotParams const& source_snapshot_params, Optional<String> navigation_id)
+ auto& vm = navigable->vm();
+ auto& realm = navigable->active_window()->realm();
+ // FIXME: 1. Assert: this is running in parallel.
+ // 2. Let documentResource be entry's document state's resource.
+ auto document_resource = entry->document_state->resource();
+ // 3. Let request be a new request, with
+ // url: entry's URL
+ // client: sourceSnapshotParams's fetch client
+ // destination: "document"
+ // credentials mode: "include"
+ // use-URL-credentials flag: set
+ // redirect mode: "manual"
+ // replaces client id: navigable's active document's relevant settings object's id
+ // mode: "navigate"
+ // referrer: entry's document state's request referrer
+ // FIXME: referrer policy: entry's document state's request referrer policy
+ auto request = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(vm);
+ request->set_url(entry->url);
+ request->set_client(source_snapshot_params.fetch_client);
+ request->set_destination(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Document);
+ request->set_credentials_mode(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::Include);
+ request->set_use_url_credentials(true);
+ request->set_redirect_mode(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Manual);
+ auto replaces_client_id = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::from_deprecated_string(navigable->active_document()->relevant_settings_object().id));
+ request->set_replaces_client_id(replaces_client_id);
+ request->set_mode(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Mode::Navigate);
+ request->set_referrer(entry->document_state->request_referrer());
+ // 4. If documentResource is a POST resource, then:
+ if (document_resource.has<POSTResource>()) {
+ // 1. Set request's method to `POST`.
+ request->set_method(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ByteBuffer::copy("post"sv.bytes())));
+ // 2. Set request's body to documentResource's request body.
+ request->set_body(document_resource.get<POSTResource>().request_body.value());
+ // 3. Set `Content-Type` to documentResource's request content-type in request's header list.
+ auto request_content_type = document_resource.get<POSTResource>().request_content_type;
+ auto request_content_type_string = [request_content_type]() {
+ switch (request_content_type) {
+ case POSTResource::RequestContentType::ApplicationXWWWFormUrlencoded:
+ return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"sv;
+ case POSTResource::RequestContentType::MultipartFormData:
+ return "multipart/form-data"sv;
+ case POSTResource::RequestContentType::TextPlain:
+ return "text/plain"sv;
+ default:
+ }
+ }();
+ auto header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Fetch::Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Content-Type"sv, request_content_type_string));
+ TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
+ }
+ // 5. If entry's document state's reload pending is true, then set request's reload-navigation flag.
+ if (entry->document_state->reload_pending())
+ request->set_reload_navigation(true);
+ // 6. Otherwise, if entry's document state's ever populated is true, then set request's history-navigation flag.
+ if (entry->document_state->ever_populated())
+ request->set_history_navigation(true);
+ // 9. Let response be null.
+ JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response = nullptr;
+ // 10. Let responseOrigin be null.
+ Optional<HTML::Origin> response_origin;
+ // 11. Let fetchController be null.
+ JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchController> fetch_controller = nullptr;
+ // 13. Let finalSandboxFlags be an empty sandboxing flag set.
+ SandboxingFlagSet final_sandbox_flags;
+ // 16. Let locationURL be null.
+ ErrorOr<Optional<AK::URL>> location_url { OptionalNone {} };
+ // 17. Let currentURL be request's current URL.
+ AK::URL current_url = request->current_url();
+ // FIXME: 18. Let commitEarlyHints be null.
+ // 19. While true:
+ while (true) {
+ // FIXME: 1. If request's reserved client is not null and currentURL's origin is not the same as request's reserved client's creation URL's origin, then:
+ // FIXME: 2. If request's reserved client is null, then:
+ // FIXME: 3. If the result of should navigation request of type be blocked by Content Security Policy? given request and cspNavigationType is "Blocked", then set response to a network error and break. [CSP]
+ // 4. Set response to null.
+ response = nullptr;
+ // 5. If fetchController is null, then set fetchController to the result of fetching request,
+ // with processEarlyHintsResponse set to processEarlyHintsResponseas defined below, processResponse
+ // set to processResponse as defined below, and useParallelQueue set to true.
+ if (!fetch_controller) {
+ // FIXME: Let processEarlyHintsResponse be the following algorithm given a response earlyResponse:
+ // Let processResponse be the following algorithm given a response fetchedResponse:
+ auto process_response = [&response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> fetch_response) {
+ // 1. Set response to fetchedResponse.
+ response = fetch_response;
+ };
+ fetch_controller = TRY(Fetch::Fetching::fetch(
+ realm,
+ request,
+ Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(vm,
+ {
+ .process_request_body_chunk_length = {},
+ .process_request_end_of_body = {},
+ .process_early_hints_response = {},
+ .process_response = move(process_response),
+ .process_response_end_of_body = {},
+ .process_response_consume_body = {},
+ }),
+ Fetch::Fetching::UseParallelQueue::Yes));
+ }
+ // 6. Otherwise, process the next manual redirect for fetchController.
+ else {
+ fetch_controller->process_next_manual_redirect();
+ }
+ // 7. Wait until either response is non-null, or navigable's ongoing navigation changes to no longer equal navigationId.
+ Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().spin_until([&]() {
+ if (response != nullptr)
+ return true;
+ if (navigation_id.has_value() && (!navigable->ongoing_navigation().has<String>() || navigable->ongoing_navigation().get<String>() != *navigation_id))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ });
+ // If the latter condition occurs, then abort fetchController, and return. Otherwise, proceed onward.
+ if (navigation_id.has_value() && (!navigable->ongoing_navigation().has<String>() || navigable->ongoing_navigation().get<String>() != *navigation_id)) {
+ fetch_controller->abort(realm, {});
+ return OptionalNone {};
+ }
+ // 8. If request's body is null, then set entry's document state's resource to null.
+ if (!request->body().has<Empty>()) {
+ entry->document_state->set_resource(Empty {});
+ }
+ // 11. Set responseOrigin to the result of determining the origin given response's URL, finalSandboxFlags,
+ // entry's document state's initiator origin, and null.
+ response_origin = determine_the_origin(*response->url(), final_sandbox_flags, entry->document_state->initiator_origin(), {});
+ // 14. Set locationURL to response's location URL given currentURL's fragment.
+ auto const& fragment = current_url.fragment();
+ auto fragment_string = fragment.is_null() ? Optional<String> {} : TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::from_deprecated_string(fragment));
+ auto location_url = response->location_url(fragment_string);
+ VERIFY(!location_url.is_error());
+ // 15. If locationURL is failure or null, then break.
+ if (location_url.is_error() || !location_url.value().has_value()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // 16. Assert: locationURL is a URL.
+ VERIFY(location_url.value()->is_valid());
+ // FIXME: 17. Set entry's serialized state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
+ // 18. Let oldDocState be entry's document state.
+ auto old_doc_state = entry->document_state;
+ // 19. Set entry's document state to a new document state, with
+ // history policy container: a clone of the oldDocState's history policy container if it is non-null; null otherwise
+ // request referrer: oldDocState's request referrer
+ // request referrer policy: oldDocState's request referrer policy
+ // origin: oldDocState's origin
+ // resource: oldDocState's resource
+ // ever populated: oldDocState's ever populated
+ // navigable target name: oldDocState's navigable target name
+ entry->document_state = navigable->heap().allocate_without_realm<DocumentState>();
+ entry->document_state->set_history_policy_container(old_doc_state->history_policy_container());
+ entry->document_state->set_request_referrer(old_doc_state->request_referrer());
+ entry->document_state->set_request_referrer_policy(old_doc_state->request_referrer_policy());
+ entry->document_state->set_origin(old_doc_state->origin());
+ entry->document_state->set_resource(old_doc_state->resource());
+ entry->document_state->set_ever_populated(old_doc_state->ever_populated());
+ entry->document_state->set_navigable_target_name(old_doc_state->navigable_target_name());
+ // 20. If locationURL's scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme, then:
+ if (!Fetch::Infrastructure::is_http_or_https_scheme(location_url.value()->scheme())) {
+ // 1. Set entry's document state's resource to null.
+ entry->document_state->set_resource(Empty {});
+ // 2. Break.
+ break;
+ }
+ // 21. Set currentURL to locationURL.
+ current_url = location_url.value().value();
+ // 22. Set entry's URL to currentURL.
+ entry->url = current_url;
+ }
+ // FIXME: 20. If locationURL is a URL whose scheme is not a fetch scheme, then return a new non-fetch scheme navigation params, with
+ // initiator origin request's current URL's origin
+ if (!location_url.is_error() && location_url.value().has_value() && !Fetch::Infrastructure::is_fetch_scheme(location_url.value().value().scheme())) {
+ TODO();
+ }
+ // 21. If any of the following are true:
+ // - response is a network error;
+ // - locationURL is failure; or
+ // - locationURL is a URL whose scheme is a fetch scheme
+ // then return null.
+ if (response->is_network_error() || location_url.is_error() || (location_url.value().has_value() && Fetch::Infrastructure::is_fetch_scheme(location_url.value().value().scheme()))) {
+ return OptionalNone {};
+ }
+ // 22. Assert: locationURL is null and response is not a network error.
+ VERIFY(!location_url.value().has_value());
+ VERIFY(!response->is_network_error());
+ // FIXME: 23. Let resultPolicyContainer be the result of determining navigation params policy container given response's
+ // URL, entry's document state's history policy container, sourceSnapshotParams's source policy container,
+ // null, and responsePolicyContainer.
+ // 25. Return a new navigation params, with
+ // id: navigationId
+ // request: request
+ // response: response
+ // origin: responseOrigin
+ // FIXME: policy container: resultPolicyContainer
+ // FIXME: final sandboxing flag set: finalSandboxFlags
+ // FIXME: cross-origin opener policy: responseCOOP
+ // FIXME: COOP enforcement result: coopEnforcementResult
+ // FIXME: reserved environment: request's reserved client
+ // navigable: navigable
+ // FIXME: navigation timing type: navTimingType
+ // fetch controller: fetchController
+ // FIXME: commit early hints: commitEarlyHints
+ HTML::NavigationParams navigation_params {
+ .id = navigation_id,
+ .request = request,
+ .response = *response,
+ .origin = *response_origin,
+ .policy_container = PolicyContainer {},
+ .final_sandboxing_flag_set = SandboxingFlagSet {},
+ .cross_origin_opener_policy = CrossOriginOpenerPolicy {},
+ .coop_enforcement_result = CrossOriginOpenerPolicyEnforcementResult {},
+ .reserved_environment = {},
+ .browsing_context = navigable->active_browsing_context(),
+ .navigable = navigable,
+ .fetch_controller = fetch_controller,
+ };
+ return { navigation_params };
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS::GCPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> entry, Optional<NavigationParams> navigation_params, Optional<String> navigation_id, SourceSnapshotParams const& source_snapshot_params, Function<void()> completion_steps)
@@ -251,7 +512,7 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
// - entry's URL's scheme is a fetch scheme; and
// - documentResource is null, FIXME: or allowPOST is true and documentResource's request body is not failure
else if (Fetch::Infrastructure::is_fetch_scheme(entry->url.scheme()) && document_resource.has<Empty>()) {
- TODO();
+ navigation_params = create_navigation_params_by_fetching(entry, this, source_snapshot_params, navigation_id).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// FIXME: 3. Otherwise, if entry's URL's scheme is not a fetch scheme, then set navigationParams to a new non-fetch scheme navigation params, with
// initiator origin: entry's document state's initiator origin
@@ -343,12 +604,8 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::populate_session_history_entry_document(JS:
// 14. Run completionSteps.
- (void)this;
- (void)source_snapshot_params;
return {};