use libc::{c_char, c_int, c_uint}; use libc; use std::mem; use std::ptr; use crypto::hash::{HashType, MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512}; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub type EVP_PKEY = *mut libc::c_void; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub type RSA = *mut libc::c_void; #[link(name = "crypto")] extern { fn EVP_PKEY_new() -> *mut EVP_PKEY; fn EVP_PKEY_free(k: *mut EVP_PKEY); fn EVP_PKEY_assign(pkey: *mut EVP_PKEY, typ: c_int, key: *const c_char) -> c_int; fn EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(k: *mut EVP_PKEY) -> *mut RSA; fn i2d_PublicKey(k: *mut EVP_PKEY, buf: *const *mut u8) -> c_int; fn d2i_PublicKey(t: c_int, k: *const *mut EVP_PKEY, buf: *const *const u8, len: c_uint) -> *mut EVP_PKEY; fn i2d_PrivateKey(k: *mut EVP_PKEY, buf: *const *mut u8) -> c_int; fn d2i_PrivateKey(t: c_int, k: *const *mut EVP_PKEY, buf: *const *const u8, len: c_uint) -> *mut EVP_PKEY; fn RSA_generate_key(modsz: c_uint, e: c_uint, cb: *const u8, cbarg: *const u8) -> *mut RSA; fn RSA_size(k: *mut RSA) -> c_uint; fn RSA_public_encrypt(flen: c_uint, from: *const u8, to: *mut u8, k: *mut RSA, pad: c_int) -> c_int; fn RSA_private_decrypt(flen: c_uint, from: *const u8, to: *mut u8, k: *mut RSA, pad: c_int) -> c_int; fn RSA_sign(t: c_int, m: *const u8, mlen: c_uint, sig: *mut u8, siglen: *mut c_uint, k: *mut RSA) -> c_int; fn RSA_verify(t: c_int, m: *const u8, mlen: c_uint, sig: *const u8, siglen: c_uint, k: *mut RSA) -> c_int; } enum Parts { Neither, Public, Both } /// Represents a role an asymmetric key might be appropriate for. pub enum Role { Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, Verify } /// Type of encryption padding to use. pub enum EncryptionPadding { OAEP, PKCS1v15 } fn openssl_padding_code(padding: EncryptionPadding) -> c_int { match padding { OAEP => 4, PKCS1v15 => 1 } } fn openssl_hash_nid(hash: HashType) -> c_int { match hash { MD5 => 4, // NID_md5, SHA1 => 64, // NID_sha1 SHA224 => 675, // NID_sha224 SHA256 => 672, // NID_sha256 SHA384 => 673, // NID_sha384 SHA512 => 674, // NID_sha512 } } pub struct PKey { evp: *mut EVP_PKEY, parts: Parts, } /// Represents a public key, optionally with a private key attached. impl PKey { pub fn new() -> PKey { unsafe { PKey { evp: EVP_PKEY_new(), parts: Neither, } } } fn _tostr(&self, f: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut EVP_PKEY, *const *mut u8) -> c_int) -> Vec { unsafe { let len = f(self.evp, ptr::null()); if len < 0 as c_int { return vec!(); } let mut s = Vec::from_elem(len as uint, 0u8); let r = f(self.evp, &s.as_mut_ptr()); s.truncate(r as uint); s } } fn _fromstr(&mut self, s: &[u8], f: unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int, *const *mut EVP_PKEY, *const *const u8, c_uint) -> *mut EVP_PKEY) { unsafe { let evp = ptr::mut_null(); f(6 as c_int, &evp, &s.as_ptr(), s.len() as c_uint); self.evp = evp; } } pub fn gen(&mut self, keysz: uint) { unsafe { let rsa = RSA_generate_key( keysz as c_uint, 65537u as c_uint, ptr::null(), ptr::null() ); // XXX: 6 == NID_rsaEncryption EVP_PKEY_assign( self.evp, 6 as c_int, mem::transmute(rsa)); = Both; } } /** * Returns a serialized form of the public key, suitable for load_pub(). */ pub fn save_pub(&self) -> Vec { self._tostr(i2d_PublicKey) } /** * Loads a serialized form of the public key, as produced by save_pub(). */ pub fn load_pub(&mut self, s: &[u8]) { self._fromstr(s, d2i_PublicKey); = Public; } /** * Returns a serialized form of the public and private keys, suitable for * load_priv(). */ pub fn save_priv(&self) -> Vec { self._tostr(i2d_PrivateKey) } /** * Loads a serialized form of the public and private keys, as produced by * save_priv(). */ pub fn load_priv(&mut self, s: &[u8]) { self._fromstr(s, d2i_PrivateKey); = Both; } /** * Returns the size of the public key modulus. */ pub fn size(&self) -> uint { unsafe { RSA_size(EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(self.evp)) as uint } } /** * Returns whether this pkey object can perform the specified role. */ pub fn can(&self, r: Role) -> bool { match r { Encrypt => match { Neither => false, _ => true, }, Verify => match { Neither => false, _ => true, }, Decrypt => match { Both => true, _ => false, }, Sign => match { Both => true, _ => false, }, } } /** * Returns the maximum amount of data that can be encrypted by an encrypt() * call. */ pub fn max_data(&self) -> uint { unsafe { let rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(self.evp); let len = RSA_size(rsa); // 41 comes from RSA_public_encrypt(3) for OAEP len as uint - 41u } } pub fn encrypt_with_padding(&self, s: &[u8], padding: EncryptionPadding) -> Vec { unsafe { let rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(self.evp); let len = RSA_size(rsa); assert!(s.len() < self.max_data()); let mut r = Vec::from_elem(len as uint + 1u, 0u8); let rv = RSA_public_encrypt( s.len() as c_uint, s.as_ptr(), r.as_mut_ptr(), rsa, openssl_padding_code(padding)); if rv < 0 as c_int { vec!() } else { r.truncate(rv as uint); r } } } pub fn decrypt_with_padding(&self, s: &[u8], padding: EncryptionPadding) -> Vec { unsafe { let rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(self.evp); let len = RSA_size(rsa); assert_eq!(s.len() as c_uint, RSA_size(rsa)); let mut r = Vec::from_elem(len as uint + 1u, 0u8); let rv = RSA_private_decrypt( s.len() as c_uint, s.as_ptr(), r.as_mut_ptr(), rsa, openssl_padding_code(padding)); if rv < 0 as c_int { vec!() } else { r.truncate(rv as uint); r } } } /** * Encrypts data using OAEP padding, returning the encrypted data. The * supplied data must not be larger than max_data(). */ pub fn encrypt(&self, s: &[u8]) -> Vec { self.encrypt_with_padding(s, OAEP) } /** * Decrypts data, expecting OAEP padding, returning the decrypted data. */ pub fn decrypt(&self, s: &[u8]) -> Vec { self.decrypt_with_padding(s, OAEP) } /** * Signs data, using OpenSSL's default scheme and sha256. Unlike encrypt(), * can process an arbitrary amount of data; returns the signature. */ pub fn sign(&self, s: &[u8]) -> Vec { self.sign_with_hash(s, SHA256) } /** * Verifies a signature s (using OpenSSL's default scheme and sha256) on a * message m. Returns true if the signature is valid, and false otherwise. */ pub fn verify(&self, m: &[u8], s: &[u8]) -> bool { self.verify_with_hash(m, s, SHA256) } pub fn sign_with_hash(&self, s: &[u8], hash: HashType) -> Vec { unsafe { let rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(self.evp); let mut len = RSA_size(rsa); let mut r = Vec::from_elem(len as uint + 1u, 0u8); let rv = RSA_sign( openssl_hash_nid(hash), s.as_ptr(), s.len() as c_uint, r.as_mut_ptr(), &mut len, rsa); if rv < 0 as c_int { vec!() } else { r.truncate(len as uint); r } } } pub fn verify_with_hash(&self, m: &[u8], s: &[u8], hash: HashType) -> bool { unsafe { let rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(self.evp); let rv = RSA_verify( openssl_hash_nid(hash), m.as_ptr(), m.len() as c_uint, s.as_ptr(), s.len() as c_uint, rsa ); rv == 1 as c_int } } } impl Drop for PKey { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { EVP_PKEY_free(self.evp); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crypto::hash::{MD5, SHA1}; #[test] fn test_gen_pub() { let mut k0 = super::PKey::new(); let mut k1 = super::PKey::new(); k0.gen(512u); k1.load_pub(k0.save_pub().as_slice()); assert_eq!(k0.save_pub(), k1.save_pub()); assert_eq!(k0.size(), k1.size()); assert!(k0.can(super::Encrypt)); assert!(k0.can(super::Decrypt)); assert!(k0.can(super::Verify)); assert!(k0.can(super::Sign)); assert!(k1.can(super::Encrypt)); assert!(!k1.can(super::Decrypt)); assert!(k1.can(super::Verify)); assert!(!k1.can(super::Sign)); } #[test] fn test_gen_priv() { let mut k0 = super::PKey::new(); let mut k1 = super::PKey::new(); k0.gen(512u); k1.load_priv(k0.save_priv().as_slice()); assert_eq!(k0.save_priv(), k1.save_priv()); assert_eq!(k0.size(), k1.size()); assert!(k0.can(super::Encrypt)); assert!(k0.can(super::Decrypt)); assert!(k0.can(super::Verify)); assert!(k0.can(super::Sign)); assert!(k1.can(super::Encrypt)); assert!(k1.can(super::Decrypt)); assert!(k1.can(super::Verify)); assert!(k1.can(super::Sign)); } #[test] fn test_encrypt() { let mut k0 = super::PKey::new(); let mut k1 = super::PKey::new(); let msg = vec!(0xdeu8, 0xadu8, 0xd0u8, 0x0du8); k0.gen(512u); k1.load_pub(k0.save_pub().as_slice()); let emsg = k1.encrypt(msg.as_slice()); let dmsg = k0.decrypt(emsg.as_slice()); assert!(msg == dmsg); } #[test] fn test_encrypt_pkcs() { let mut k0 = super::PKey::new(); let mut k1 = super::PKey::new(); let msg = vec!(0xdeu8, 0xadu8, 0xd0u8, 0x0du8); k0.gen(512u); k1.load_pub(k0.save_pub().as_slice()); let emsg = k1.encrypt_with_padding(msg.as_slice(), super::PKCS1v15); let dmsg = k0.decrypt_with_padding(emsg.as_slice(), super::PKCS1v15); assert!(msg == dmsg); } #[test] fn test_sign() { let mut k0 = super::PKey::new(); let mut k1 = super::PKey::new(); let msg = vec!(0xdeu8, 0xadu8, 0xd0u8, 0x0du8); k0.gen(512u); k1.load_pub(k0.save_pub().as_slice()); let sig = k0.sign(msg.as_slice()); let rv = k1.verify(msg.as_slice(), sig.as_slice()); assert!(rv == true); } #[test] fn test_sign_hashes() { let mut k0 = super::PKey::new(); let mut k1 = super::PKey::new(); let msg = vec!(0xdeu8, 0xadu8, 0xd0u8, 0x0du8); k0.gen(512u); k1.load_pub(k0.save_pub().as_slice()); let sig = k0.sign_with_hash(msg.as_slice(), MD5); assert!(k1.verify_with_hash(msg.as_slice(), sig.as_slice(), MD5)); assert!(!k1.verify_with_hash(msg.as_slice(), sig.as_slice(), SHA1)); } }