// Copyright 2017-2019 int08h LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Write}; use std::iter::once; use crate::error::Error; use crate::tag::Tag; /// /// A Roughtime protocol message; a map of u32 tags to arbitrary byte-strings. /// #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RtMessage { tags: Vec, values: Vec>, } impl RtMessage { /// Construct a new RtMessage /// /// ## Arguments /// /// * `num_fields` - Reserve space for this many fields. /// pub fn new(num_fields: u32) -> Self { RtMessage { tags: Vec::with_capacity(num_fields as usize), values: Vec::with_capacity(num_fields as usize), } } /// Construct a new RtMessage from the on-the-wire representation in `bytes` /// /// ## Arguments /// /// * `bytes` - On-the-wire representation /// pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { let bytes_len = bytes.len(); if bytes_len < 4 { return Err(Error::MessageTooShort); } else if bytes_len % 4 != 0 { return Err(Error::InvalidAlignment(bytes_len as u32)); } let mut msg = Cursor::new(bytes); let num_tags = msg.read_u32::()?; match num_tags { 0 => Ok(RtMessage::new(0)), 1 => RtMessage::single_tag_message(bytes, &mut msg), 2..=1024 => RtMessage::multi_tag_message(num_tags, bytes, &mut msg), _ => Err(Error::InvalidNumTags(num_tags)), } } /// /// Dangerous: construct a new RtMessage **without validation or error checking**. /// /// Intended _only_ for construction of deliberately bogus responses as part of [Roughtime's /// ecosystem](https://roughtime.googlesource.com/roughtime/+/HEAD/ECOSYSTEM.md#maintaining-a-healthy-software-ecosystem). /// pub fn new_deliberately_invalid(tags: Vec, values: Vec>) -> Self { RtMessage { tags, values, } } /// Internal function to create a single tag message fn single_tag_message(bytes: &[u8], msg: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>) -> Result { if bytes.len() < 8 { return Err(Error::MessageTooShort); } let pos = msg.position() as usize; msg.set_position((pos + 4) as u64); let mut value = Vec::new(); msg.read_to_end(&mut value)?; let tag = Tag::from_wire(&bytes[pos..pos + 4])?; let mut rt_msg = RtMessage::new(1); rt_msg.add_field(tag, &value)?; Ok(rt_msg) } /// Internal function to create a multiple tag message fn multi_tag_message( num_tags: u32, bytes: &[u8], msg: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, ) -> Result { let bytes_len = bytes.len(); let mut offsets = Vec::with_capacity((num_tags - 1) as usize); for _ in 0..num_tags - 1 { let offset = msg.read_u32::()?; if offset % 4 != 0 { return Err(Error::InvalidAlignment(offset)); } else if offset > bytes_len as u32 { return Err(Error::InvalidOffsetValue(offset)); } offsets.push(offset as usize); } let mut buf = [0; 4]; let mut tags = Vec::with_capacity(num_tags as usize); for _ in 0..num_tags { if msg.read_exact(&mut buf).is_err() { return Err(Error::MessageTooShort); } let tag = Tag::from_wire(&buf)?; if let Some(last_tag) = tags.last() { if tag <= *last_tag { return Err(Error::TagNotStrictlyIncreasing(tag)); } } tags.push(tag); } // All offsets are relative to the end of the header, // which is our current position let header_end = msg.position() as usize; // Compute the end of the last value, // as an offset from the end of the header let msg_end = bytes.len() - header_end; let mut rt_msg = RtMessage::new(num_tags); for (tag, (value_start, value_end)) in tags.into_iter().zip( once(&0) .chain(offsets.iter()) .zip(offsets.iter().chain(once(&msg_end))), ) { let start_idx = header_end + value_start; let end_idx = header_end + value_end; if end_idx > bytes_len || start_idx > end_idx { return Err(Error::InvalidValueLength(tag, end_idx as u32)); } let value = bytes[start_idx..end_idx].to_vec(); rt_msg.add_field(tag, &value)?; } Ok(rt_msg) } /// Add a field to this `RtMessage` /// /// ## Arguments /// /// * `tag` - The [`Tag`](enum.Tag.html) to add. Tags must be added in **strictly /// increasing order**, violating this will result in a /// [`Error::TagNotStrictlyIncreasing`](enum.Error.html). /// /// * `value` - Value for the tag. /// pub fn add_field(&mut self, tag: Tag, value: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Some(last_tag) = self.tags.last() { if tag <= *last_tag { return Err(Error::TagNotStrictlyIncreasing(tag)); } } self.tags.push(tag); self.values.push(value.to_vec()); Ok(()) } /// Retrieve the value associated with `tag`, if present. /// /// ## Arguments /// /// * `tag` - The [`Tag`](enum.Tag.html) to try and retrieve. /// pub fn get_field(&self, tag: Tag) -> Option<&[u8]> { for (i, self_tag) in self.tags.iter().enumerate() { if tag == *self_tag { return Some(&self.values[i]); } } None } /// Returns the number of tag/value pairs in the message pub fn num_fields(&self) -> u32 { self.tags.len() as u32 } /// Returns a slice of the tags in the message pub fn tags(&self) -> &[Tag] { &self.tags } /// Returns a slice of the values in the message pub fn values(&self) -> &[Vec] { &self.values } /// Converts the message into a `HashMap` mapping each tag to its value pub fn into_hash_map(self) -> HashMap> { self.tags.into_iter().zip(self.values.into_iter()).collect() } /// Encode this message into its on-the-wire representation. pub fn encode(&self) -> Result, Error> { let num_tags = self.tags.len(); let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(self.encoded_size()); // number of tags out.write_u32::(num_tags as u32)?; // offset(s) to values, IFF there are two or more tags if num_tags > 1 { let mut offset_sum = self.values[0].len(); for val in &self.values[1..] { out.write_u32::(offset_sum as u32)?; offset_sum += val.len(); } } // write tags for tag in &self.tags { out.write_all(tag.wire_value())?; } // write values for value in &self.values { out.write_all(value)?; } // check we wrote exactly what we expected assert_eq!(out.len(), self.encoded_size(), "unexpected length"); Ok(out) } /// Returns the length in bytes of this message's on-the-wire representation. pub fn encoded_size(&self) -> usize { let num_tags = self.tags.len(); let tags_size = 4 * num_tags; let offsets_size = if num_tags < 2 { 0 } else { 4 * (num_tags - 1) }; let values_size: usize = self.values.iter().map(|v| v.len()).sum(); 4 + tags_size + offsets_size + values_size } /// Adds a PAD tag to the end of this message, with a length /// set such that the final encoded size of this message is 1KB /// /// If the encoded size of this message is already >= 1KB, /// this method does nothing pub fn pad_to_kilobyte(&mut self) { let size = self.encoded_size(); if size >= 1024 { return; } let mut padding_needed = 1024 - size; if self.tags.len() == 1 { // If we currently only have one tag, adding a padding tag will cause // a 32-bit offset value to be written padding_needed -= 4; } padding_needed -= Tag::PAD.wire_value().len(); let padding = vec![0; padding_needed]; self.add_field(Tag::PAD, &padding).unwrap(); assert_eq!(self.encoded_size(), 1024); } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt}; use crate::message::*; use std::io::{Cursor, Read}; use crate::tag::Tag; #[test] fn empty_message_size() { let msg = RtMessage::new(0); assert_eq!(msg.num_fields(), 0); // Empty message is 4 bytes, a single num_tags value assert_eq!(msg.encoded_size(), 4); } #[test] fn single_field_message_size() { let mut msg = RtMessage::new(1); msg.add_field(Tag::NONC, "1234".as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.num_fields(), 1); // Single tag message is 4 (num_tags) + 4 (NONC) + 4 (value) assert_eq!(msg.encoded_size(), 12); } #[test] fn two_field_message_size() { let mut msg = RtMessage::new(2); msg.add_field(Tag::NONC, "1234".as_bytes()).unwrap(); msg.add_field(Tag::PAD, "abcd".as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.num_fields(), 2); // Two tag message // 4 num_tags // 8 (NONC, PAD) tags // 4 PAD offset // 8 values assert_eq!(msg.encoded_size(), 24); } #[test] fn empty_message_encoding() { let msg = RtMessage::new(0); let mut encoded = Cursor::new(msg.encode().unwrap()); assert_eq!(encoded.read_u32::().unwrap(), 0); } #[test] fn single_field_message_encoding() { let value = vec![b'a'; 64]; let mut msg = RtMessage::new(1); msg.add_field(Tag::CERT, &value).unwrap(); let mut encoded = Cursor::new(msg.encode().unwrap()); // num tags assert_eq!(encoded.read_u32::().unwrap(), 1); // CERT tag let mut cert = [0u8; 4]; encoded.read_exact(&mut cert).unwrap(); assert_eq!(cert, Tag::CERT.wire_value()); // CERT value let mut read_val = vec![0u8; 64]; encoded.read_exact(&mut read_val).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, read_val); // Entire message was read assert_eq!(encoded.position(), 72); // Round-trip single-tag message RtMessage::from_bytes(&msg.encode().unwrap()).unwrap(); } #[test] fn two_field_message_encoding() { let dele_value = vec![b'a'; 24]; let maxt_value = vec![b'z'; 32]; let mut msg = RtMessage::new(2); msg.add_field(Tag::DELE, &dele_value).unwrap(); msg.add_field(Tag::MAXT, &maxt_value).unwrap(); let mut encoded = Cursor::new(msg.encode().unwrap()); // Wire encoding // 4 num_tags // 8 (DELE, MAXT) tags // 4 MAXT offset // 24 DELE value // 32 MAXT value // num tags assert_eq!(encoded.read_u32::().unwrap(), 2); // Offset past DELE value to start of MAXT value assert_eq!( encoded.read_u32::().unwrap(), dele_value.len() as u32 ); // DELE tag let mut dele = [0u8; 4]; encoded.read_exact(&mut dele).unwrap(); assert_eq!(dele, Tag::DELE.wire_value()); // MAXT tag let mut maxt = [0u8; 4]; encoded.read_exact(&mut maxt).unwrap(); assert_eq!(maxt, Tag::MAXT.wire_value()); // DELE value let mut read_dele_val = vec![0u8; 24]; encoded.read_exact(&mut read_dele_val).unwrap(); assert_eq!(dele_value, read_dele_val); // MAXT value let mut read_maxt_val = vec![0u8; 32]; encoded.read_exact(&mut read_maxt_val).unwrap(); assert_eq!(maxt_value, read_maxt_val); // Everything was read assert_eq!(encoded.position() as usize, msg.encoded_size()); // Round-trip multi-tag message RtMessage::from_bytes(&msg.encode().unwrap()).unwrap(); } #[test] fn from_bytes_zero_tags() { let bytes = [0, 0, 0, 0]; let msg = RtMessage::from_bytes(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.num_fields(), 0); } #[test] fn retrieve_message_values() { let val1 = b"aabbccddeeffgg"; let val2 = b"0987654321"; let mut msg = RtMessage::new(2); msg.add_field(Tag::NONC, val1).unwrap(); msg.add_field(Tag::MAXT, val2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.get_field(Tag::NONC), Some(val1.as_ref())); assert_eq!(msg.get_field(Tag::MAXT), Some(val2.as_ref())); assert_eq!(msg.get_field(Tag::CERT), None); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "InvalidAlignment")] fn from_bytes_offset_past_end_of_message() { let mut msg = RtMessage::new(2); msg.add_field(Tag::NONC, "1111".as_bytes()).unwrap(); msg.add_field(Tag::PAD, "aaaaaaaaa".as_bytes()).unwrap(); let mut bytes = msg.encode().unwrap(); // set the PAD value offset to beyond end of the message bytes[4] = 128; RtMessage::from_bytes(&bytes).unwrap(); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "InvalidAlignment")] fn from_bytes_too_few_bytes_for_tags() { // Header says two tags (8 bytes) but truncate first tag at 2 bytes let bytes = &[0x02, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; RtMessage::from_bytes(bytes).unwrap(); } }