// Copyright 2017-2019 int08h LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! //! Merkle Tree implementation using SHA-512 and the Roughtime leaf and node tweak values. //! use ring::digest; use super::{HASH_LENGTH, TREE_LEAF_TWEAK, TREE_NODE_TWEAK}; type Data = Vec; type Hash = Data; /// /// Merkle Tree implementation using SHA-512 and the Roughtime leaf and node tweak values. /// pub struct MerkleTree { levels: Vec>, } impl MerkleTree { /// /// Create a new empty Merkle Tree /// pub fn new() -> MerkleTree { MerkleTree { levels: vec![vec![]], } } pub fn push_leaf(&mut self, data: &[u8]) { let hash = self.hash_leaf(data); self.levels[0].push(hash); } pub fn get_paths(&self, mut index: usize) -> Vec { let mut paths = Vec::with_capacity(self.levels.len() * 64); let mut level = 0; while !self.levels[level].is_empty() { let sibling = if index % 2 == 0 { index + 1 } else { index - 1 }; paths.extend(self.levels[level][sibling].clone()); level += 1; index /= 2; } paths } pub fn compute_root(&mut self) -> Hash { assert!( !self.levels[0].is_empty(), "Must have at least one leaf to hash!" ); let mut level = 0; let mut node_count = self.levels[0].len(); while node_count > 1 { level += 1; if self.levels.len() < level + 1 { self.levels.push(vec![]); } if node_count % 2 != 0 { self.levels[level - 1].push(vec![0; HASH_LENGTH as usize]); node_count += 1; } node_count /= 2; for i in 0..node_count { let hash = self.hash_nodes( &self.levels[level - 1][i * 2], &self.levels[level - 1][(i * 2) + 1], ); self.levels[level].push(hash); } } assert_eq!(self.levels[level].len(), 1); self.levels[level].pop().unwrap() } pub fn reset(&mut self) { for level in &mut self.levels { level.clear(); } } fn hash_leaf(&self, leaf: &[u8]) -> Data { self.hash(&[TREE_LEAF_TWEAK, leaf]) } fn hash_nodes(&self, first: &[u8], second: &[u8]) -> Data { self.hash(&[TREE_NODE_TWEAK, first, second]) } fn hash(&self, to_hash: &[&[u8]]) -> Data { let mut ctx = digest::Context::new(&digest::SHA512); for data in to_hash { ctx.update(data); } Data::from(ctx.finish().as_ref()) } } pub fn root_from_paths(mut index: usize, data: &[u8], paths: &[u8]) -> Hash { let mut hash = { let mut ctx = digest::Context::new(&digest::SHA512); ctx.update(TREE_LEAF_TWEAK); ctx.update(data); Hash::from(ctx.finish().as_ref()) }; assert_eq!(paths.len() % 64, 0); for path in paths.chunks(64) { let mut ctx = digest::Context::new(&digest::SHA512); ctx.update(TREE_NODE_TWEAK); if index & 1 == 0 { // Left ctx.update(&hash); ctx.update(path); } else { // Right ctx.update(path); ctx.update(&hash); } hash = Hash::from(ctx.finish().as_ref()); index >>= 1; } hash } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::merkle::*; fn test_paths_with_num(num: usize) { let mut merkle = MerkleTree::new(); for i in 0..num { merkle.push_leaf(&[i as u8]); } let root = merkle.compute_root(); for i in 0..num { println!("Testing {:?} {:?}", num, i); let paths: Vec = merkle.get_paths(i); let computed_root = root_from_paths(i, &[i as u8], &paths); assert_eq!(root, computed_root); } } #[test] fn power_of_two() { test_paths_with_num(2); test_paths_with_num(4); test_paths_with_num(8); test_paths_with_num(16); } #[test] fn not_power_of_two() { test_paths_with_num(1); test_paths_with_num(20); } }