// Copyright 2017-2019 int08h LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // for value_t_or_exit!() #[macro_use] extern crate clap; use ring::rand; use ring::rand::SecureRandom; use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt}; use chrono::offset::Utc; use chrono::{TimeZone, Local}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::iter::Iterator; use std::net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs, UdpSocket}; use clap::{App, Arg}; use roughenough::merkle::root_from_paths; use roughenough::sign::Verifier; use roughenough::{ roughenough_version, RtMessage, Tag, CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT, SIGNED_RESPONSE_CONTEXT, }; fn create_nonce() -> [u8; 64] { let rng = rand::SystemRandom::new(); let mut nonce = [0u8; 64]; rng.fill(&mut nonce).unwrap(); nonce } fn make_request(nonce: &[u8]) -> Vec { let mut msg = RtMessage::new(1); msg.add_field(Tag::NONC, nonce).unwrap(); msg.pad_to_kilobyte(); msg.encode().unwrap() } fn receive_response(sock: &mut UdpSocket) -> RtMessage { let mut buf = [0; 744]; let resp_len = sock.recv_from(&mut buf).unwrap().0; RtMessage::from_bytes(&buf[0..resp_len]).unwrap() } fn stress_test_forever(addr: &SocketAddr) -> ! { if !addr.ip().is_loopback() { panic!("Cannot use non-loopback address {} for stress testing", addr.ip()); } println!("Stress testing!"); let nonce = create_nonce(); let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").expect("Couldn't open UDP socket"); let request = make_request(&nonce); loop { socket.send_to(&request, addr).unwrap(); } } struct ResponseHandler { pub_key: Option>, msg: HashMap>, srep: HashMap>, cert: HashMap>, dele: HashMap>, nonce: [u8; 64], } struct ParsedResponse { verified: bool, midpoint: u64, radius: u32, } impl ResponseHandler { pub fn new(pub_key: Option>, response: RtMessage, nonce: [u8; 64]) -> ResponseHandler { let msg = response.into_hash_map(); let srep = RtMessage::from_bytes(&msg[&Tag::SREP]) .unwrap() .into_hash_map(); let cert = RtMessage::from_bytes(&msg[&Tag::CERT]) .unwrap() .into_hash_map(); let dele = RtMessage::from_bytes(&cert[&Tag::DELE]) .unwrap() .into_hash_map(); ResponseHandler { pub_key, msg, srep, cert, dele, nonce, } } pub fn extract_time(&self) -> ParsedResponse { let midpoint = self.srep[&Tag::MIDP] .as_slice() .read_u64::() .unwrap(); let radius = self.srep[&Tag::RADI] .as_slice() .read_u32::() .unwrap(); let verified = if self.pub_key.is_some() { self.validate_dele(); self.validate_srep(); self.validate_merkle(); self.validate_midpoint(midpoint); true } else { false }; ParsedResponse { verified, midpoint, radius, } } fn validate_dele(&self) { let mut full_cert = Vec::from(CERTIFICATE_CONTEXT.as_bytes()); full_cert.extend(&self.cert[&Tag::DELE]); assert!( self.validate_sig( self.pub_key.as_ref().unwrap(), &self.cert[&Tag::SIG], &full_cert ), "Invalid signature on DELE tag, response may not be authentic" ); } fn validate_srep(&self) { let mut full_srep = Vec::from(SIGNED_RESPONSE_CONTEXT.as_bytes()); full_srep.extend(&self.msg[&Tag::SREP]); assert!( self.validate_sig(&self.dele[&Tag::PUBK], &self.msg[&Tag::SIG], &full_srep), "Invalid signature on SREP tag, response may not be authentic" ); } fn validate_merkle(&self) { let srep = RtMessage::from_bytes(&self.msg[&Tag::SREP]) .unwrap() .into_hash_map(); let index = self.msg[&Tag::INDX] .as_slice() .read_u32::() .unwrap(); let paths = &self.msg[&Tag::PATH]; let hash = root_from_paths(index as usize, &self.nonce, paths); assert_eq!( hash, srep[&Tag::ROOT], "Nonce is not present in the response's merkle tree" ); } fn validate_midpoint(&self, midpoint: u64) { let mint = self.dele[&Tag::MINT] .as_slice() .read_u64::() .unwrap(); let maxt = self.dele[&Tag::MAXT] .as_slice() .read_u64::() .unwrap(); assert!( midpoint >= mint, "Response midpoint {} lies *before* delegation span ({}, {})", midpoint, mint, maxt ); assert!( midpoint <= maxt, "Response midpoint {} lies *after* delegation span ({}, {})", midpoint, mint, maxt ); } fn validate_sig(&self, public_key: &[u8], sig: &[u8], data: &[u8]) -> bool { let mut verifier = Verifier::new(public_key); verifier.update(data); verifier.verify(sig) } } fn main() { let matches = App::new("roughenough client") .version(roughenough_version().as_ref()) .arg(Arg::with_name("host") .required(true) .help("The Roughtime server to connect to.") .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("port") .required(true) .help("The Roughtime server port to connect to.") .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("verbose") .short("v") .long("verbose") .help("Output additional details about the server's response.")) .arg(Arg::with_name("json") .short("j") .long("json") .help("Output the server's response in JSON format.")) .arg(Arg::with_name("public-key") .short("p") .long("public-key") .takes_value(true) .help("The server public key used to validate responses. If unset, no validation will be performed.")) .arg(Arg::with_name("time-format") .short("f") .long("time-format") .takes_value(true) .help("The strftime format string used to print the time recieved from the server.") .default_value("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") ) .arg(Arg::with_name("num-requests") .short("n") .long("num-requests") .takes_value(true) .help("The number of requests to make to the server (each from a different source port). This is mainly useful for testing batch response handling.") .default_value("1") ) .arg(Arg::with_name("stress") .short("s") .long("stress") .help("Stress test the server by sending the same request as fast as possible. Please only use this on your own server.") ) .arg(Arg::with_name("output") .short("o") .long("output") .takes_value(true) .help("Writes all requests to the specified file, in addition to sending them to the server. Useful for generating fuzzer inputs.") ) .arg(Arg::with_name("zulu") .short("z") .long("zulu") .help("Display time in UTC (default is local time zone)") ) .get_matches(); let host = matches.value_of("host").unwrap(); let port = value_t_or_exit!(matches.value_of("port"), u16); let verbose = matches.is_present("verbose"); let json = matches.is_present("json"); let num_requests = value_t_or_exit!(matches.value_of("num-requests"), u16) as usize; let time_format = matches.value_of("time-format").unwrap(); let stress = matches.is_present("stress"); let pub_key = matches .value_of("public-key") .map(|pkey| hex::decode(pkey).expect("Error parsing public key!")); let out = matches.value_of("output"); let use_utc = matches.is_present("zulu"); if verbose { eprintln!("Requesting time from: {:?}:{:?}", host, port); } let addr = (host, port).to_socket_addrs().unwrap().next().unwrap(); if stress { stress_test_forever(&addr) } let mut requests = Vec::with_capacity(num_requests); let mut file = out.map(|o| File::create(o).expect("Failed to create file!")); for _ in 0..num_requests { let nonce = create_nonce(); let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").expect("Couldn't open UDP socket"); let request = make_request(&nonce); if let Some(f) = file.as_mut() { f.write_all(&request).expect("Failed to write to file!") } requests.push((nonce, request, socket)); } for &mut (_, ref request, ref mut socket) in &mut requests { socket.send_to(request, addr).unwrap(); } for (nonce, _, mut socket) in requests { let resp = receive_response(&mut socket); let ParsedResponse { verified, midpoint, radius, } = ResponseHandler::new(pub_key.clone(), resp.clone(), nonce).extract_time(); let map = resp.into_hash_map(); let index = map[&Tag::INDX] .as_slice() .read_u32::() .unwrap(); let seconds = midpoint / 10_u64.pow(6); let nsecs = (midpoint - (seconds * 10_u64.pow(6))) * 10_u64.pow(3); let verify_str = if verified { "Yes" } else { "No" }; let out = if use_utc { let ts = Utc.timestamp(seconds as i64, nsecs as u32); ts.format(time_format).to_string() } else { let ts = Local.timestamp(seconds as i64, nsecs as u32); ts.format(time_format).to_string() }; if verbose { eprintln!( "Received time from server: midpoint={:?}, radius={:?}, verified={} (merkle_index={})", out, radius, verify_str, index ); } if json { println!( r#"{{ "midpoint": {:?}, "radius": {:?}, "verified": {}, "merkle_index": {} }}"#, out, radius, verified, index ); } else { println!("{}", out); } } }