## Version 1.1.2 [in progress] * Optional client request statistics tracking. * Clean-up and simplification of server inner loop. ## Version 1.1.1 * Provide auxiliary data to the AWS KMS decryption call. The auxiliary data _was_ provided in encrypt, but not decrypt, resulting in unconditional failure when unwrapping the long-term identity. See https://github.com/int08h/roughenough/commit/846128d08bd3fcd72f23b3123b332d0692782e41#diff-7f7c3059af30a5ded26269301caf8531R102 ## Version 1.1.0 * Optional HTTP health check (requested in #8), see the [feature's documentation](https://github.com/int08h/roughenough/blob/master/doc/OPTIONAL-FEATURES.md#http-health-check) * Support AWS and Google Key Management Systems (KMS) to protect the server's long-term key. See the [KMS documentation](https://github.com/int08h/roughenough/blob/master/doc/OPTIONAL-FEATURES.md#key-management-system-kms-support). * Numerous refactorings and clean ups to support fuzzing of server components (b801eda, thanks to @Aaron1011) ## Version 1.0.6 * As pointed out in #10, the client and server binary names were too generic. Rename them to be packaging friendly. Thank you @grempe. (b43bcb27ad) ## Version 1.0.5 * The server now supports configuration from [environment variables](https://github.com/int08h/roughenough#server-configuration) ## Version 1.0.4 * Update `untrusted` dependency to incorporate security fix (see https://github.com/RustSec/advisory-db/pull/24). Fixes #6 reported by @tirkarthi (383b0347). ## Release 1.0.3 * Limit the number of tags in a message to 1024 (0b8c965) ## Release 1.0.2 * Merge input validation and error handling improvements from #5. Fuzzing FTW. * Misc docstring and README updates * Fix incorrect range-check introduced in 9656fda and released as 1.0.1. ## Release 1.0.1 (yanked) * Release 1.0.1 was removed from Github and yanked from crates.io due to a range-check bug. 1.0.2 is its replacement. ## Release 1.0.0 Thanks to @Aaron1011's work, Roughenough has 1.0 level of functionality. * Server batches responses and signs Merkle tree root (3471e04, ee38933f, and 31bf8b3) * `mio` error handling improvement (613fb01f) * Build on Rust Nightly (350b23a)