/* functions that manipulate the frame structure. * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Shawn Betts * * This file is part of ratpoison. * * ratpoison is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * ratpoison is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "ratpoison.h" #include int frame_left (rp_frame *frame) { return frame->x; } int frame_top (rp_frame *frame) { return frame->y; } int frame_right (rp_frame *frame) { return frame->x + frame->width; } int frame_bottom (rp_frame *frame) { return frame->y + frame->height; } int frame_width(rp_frame *frame) { return frame->width; } int frame_height(rp_frame *frame) { return frame->height; } void frame_resize_left (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->x -= amount; frame->width += amount; } void frame_resize_right (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->width += amount; } void frame_resize_up (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->y -= amount; frame->height += amount; } void frame_resize_down (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->height += amount; } void frame_move_left (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->x -= amount; } void frame_move_right (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->x += amount; } void frame_move_up (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->y -= amount; } void frame_move_down (rp_frame *frame, int amount) { frame->y += amount; } static void init_frame (rp_frame *f) { f->number = 0; f->x = 0; f->y = 0; f->width = 0; f->height = 0; f->win_number = 0; f->last_access = 0; f->dedicated = 0; } rp_frame * frame_new (rp_screen *s) { rp_frame *f; f = xmalloc (sizeof (rp_frame)); init_frame(f); f->number = numset_request (s->frames_numset); return f; } void frame_free (rp_screen *s, rp_frame *f) { numset_release (s->frames_numset, f->number); free (f); } rp_frame * frame_copy (rp_frame *frame) { rp_frame *copy; copy = xmalloc (sizeof (rp_frame)); copy->number = frame->number; copy->x = frame->x; copy->y = frame->y; copy->width = frame->width; copy->height = frame->height; copy->win_number = frame->win_number; copy->last_access = frame->last_access; return copy; } char * frame_dump (rp_frame *frame) { rp_window *win; char *tmp; struct sbuf *s; /* rather than use win_number, use the X11 window ID. */ win = find_window_number (frame->win_number); s = sbuf_new (0); sbuf_printf (s, "(frame :number %d :x %d :y %d :width %d :height %d :window %ld :last_access %d :dedicated %d)", frame->number, frame->x, frame->y, frame->width, frame->height, win ? win->w:0, frame->last_access, frame->dedicated); /* Extract the string and return it, and don't forget to free s. */ tmp = sbuf_get (s); free (s); return tmp; } /* Used only by frame_read */ #define read_slot(x) do { tmp = strtok (NULL, " "); x = strtol(tmp,NULL,10); } while(0) rp_frame * frame_read (char *str) { Window w = 0L; rp_window *win; rp_frame *f; char *tmp, *dup; /* Create a blank frame. */ f = xmalloc (sizeof (rp_frame)); init_frame(f); PRINT_DEBUG(("parsing '%s'\n", str)); dup = xstrdup(str); tmp = strtok (dup, " "); /* Verify it starts with '(frame ' */ if (!strcmp(tmp, "(frame ")) { PRINT_DEBUG(("Doesn't start with '(frame '\n")); free (dup); free (f); return NULL; } /* NOTE: there is no check to make sure each field was filled in. */ tmp = strtok(NULL, " "); while (tmp) { if (!strcmp(tmp, ":number")) read_slot(f->number); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":x")) read_slot(f->x); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":y")) read_slot(f->y); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":width")) read_slot(f->width); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":height")) read_slot(f->height); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":window")) read_slot(w); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":last-access")) read_slot(f->last_access); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ":dedicated")) read_slot(f->dedicated); else if (!strcmp(tmp, ")")) break; else PRINT_ERROR(("Unknown slot %s\n", tmp)); /* Read the next token. */ tmp = strtok(NULL, " "); } if (tmp) PRINT_ERROR(("Frame has trailing garbage\n")); free (dup); /* Perform some integrity checks on what we got and fix any problems. */ if (f->number <= 0) f->number = 0; if (f->x <= 0) f->x = 0; if (f->y <= 0) f->y = 0; if (f->width <= defaults.window_border_width*2) f->width = defaults.window_border_width*2 + 1; if (f->height <= defaults.window_border_width*2) f->height = defaults.window_border_width*2 + 1; if (f->last_access < 0) f->last_access = 0; if (f->dedicated < 0) f->dedicated = 0; else if (f->dedicated > 1) f->dedicated = 1; /* Find the window with the X11 window ID. */ win = find_window_in_list (w, &rp_mapped_window); if (win) f->win_number = win->number; else f->win_number = EMPTY; return f; } #undef read_slot