#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ratpoison.h" /* bind functions */ static edit_status editor_forward_char (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_backward_char (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_forward_word (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_backward_word (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_beginning_of_line (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_end_of_line (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_delete_char (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_backward_delete_char (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_kill_word (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_backward_kill_word (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_kill_line (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_paste_selection (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_abort (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_no_action (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_enter (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_history_previous (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_history_next (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_backward_kill_line (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_complete_prev (rp_input_line *line); static edit_status editor_complete_next (rp_input_line *line); /* default edit action */ static edit_status editor_insert (rp_input_line *line, char *keysym_buf); static char *saved_command = NULL; typedef struct edit_binding edit_binding; struct edit_binding { struct rp_key key; edit_status (*func)(rp_input_line *); }; static edit_binding edit_bindings[] = { {{XK_g, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_abort}, {{XK_Escape, 0}, editor_abort}, {{XK_f, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_forward_char}, {{XK_Right, 0}, editor_forward_char}, {{XK_b, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_backward_char}, {{XK_Left, 0}, editor_backward_char}, {{XK_f, RP_META_MASK}, editor_forward_word}, {{XK_b, RP_META_MASK}, editor_backward_word}, {{XK_a, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_beginning_of_line}, {{XK_Home, 0}, editor_beginning_of_line}, {{XK_e, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_end_of_line}, {{XK_End, 0}, editor_end_of_line}, {{XK_d, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_delete_char}, {{XK_Delete, 0}, editor_delete_char}, {{XK_BackSpace, 0}, editor_backward_delete_char}, {{XK_BackSpace, RP_META_MASK}, editor_backward_kill_word}, {{XK_d, RP_META_MASK}, editor_kill_word}, {{XK_k, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_kill_line}, {{XK_u, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_backward_kill_line}, {{XK_y, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_paste_selection}, {{XK_p, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_history_previous}, {{XK_Up, 0}, editor_history_previous}, {{XK_n, RP_CONTROL_MASK}, editor_history_next}, {{XK_Down, 0}, editor_history_next}, {{XK_Return, 0}, editor_enter}, {{XK_KP_Enter, 0}, editor_enter}, {{XK_Tab, 0}, editor_complete_next}, {{XK_ISO_Left_Tab, 0}, editor_complete_prev}, { {0, 0}, 0} }; rp_input_line * input_line_new (char *prompt, char *preinput, completion_fn fn) { rp_input_line *line; line = xmalloc (sizeof (rp_input_line)); line->prompt = prompt; line->compl = completions_new (fn); /* Allocate some memory to start with */ line->size = strlen (preinput) + 100; line->buffer = (char *) xmalloc (line->size); /* load in the preinput */ strcpy (line->buffer, preinput); line->position = line->length = strlen (preinput); return line; } void input_line_free (rp_input_line *line) { completions_free (line->compl); free (line->buffer); free (line); } edit_status execute_edit_action (rp_input_line *line, KeySym ch, unsigned int modifier, char *keysym_buf) { struct edit_binding *binding = NULL; int found_binding = 0; edit_status status; for (binding = edit_bindings; binding->func; binding++) { if (ch == binding->key.sym && modifier == binding->key.state) { found_binding = 1; break; } } if (found_binding) status = binding->func (line); else if (modifier) status = editor_no_action (line); else status = editor_insert (line, keysym_buf); return status; } static edit_status editor_forward_char (rp_input_line *line) { if (line->position < line->length) { line->position++; return EDIT_MOVE; } else return EDIT_NO_OP; } static edit_status editor_backward_char (rp_input_line *line) { if (line->position > 0) { line->position--; return EDIT_MOVE; } else return EDIT_NO_OP; } static edit_status editor_forward_word (rp_input_line *line) { if (line->position < line->length) { for (; line->position < line->length && !isalnum (line->buffer[line->position]); line->position++); for (; line->position < line->length && isalnum (line->buffer[line->position]); line->position++); } return EDIT_MOVE; } static edit_status editor_backward_word (rp_input_line *line) { if (line->position > 0) { for (; line->position > 0 && !isalnum (line->buffer[line->position - 1]); line->position--); for (; line->position > 0 && isalnum (line->buffer[line->position - 1]); line->position--); } return EDIT_MOVE; } static edit_status editor_beginning_of_line (rp_input_line *line) { if (line->position > 0) line->position = 0; return EDIT_MOVE; } static edit_status editor_end_of_line (rp_input_line *line) { if (line->position < line->length) line->position = line->length; return EDIT_MOVE; } static edit_status editor_delete_char (rp_input_line *line) { int i; if (line->position < line->length) { for (i = line->position; i < line->length; i++) line->buffer[i] = line->buffer[i + 1]; line->length--; return EDIT_DELETE; } else return EDIT_NO_OP; } static edit_status editor_backward_delete_char (rp_input_line *line) { int i; if (line->position > 0) { for (i = line->position - 1; i < line->length; i++) line->buffer[i] = line->buffer[i + 1]; line->position--; line->length--; return EDIT_DELETE; } else return EDIT_NO_OP; } static edit_status editor_kill_word (rp_input_line *line) { int i, diff; if (line->position < line->length) { for (i = line->position; i < line->length && !isalnum (line->buffer[i]); i++); for (; i < line->length && isalnum (line->buffer[i]); i++); diff = i - line->position; for (i = line->position; i <= line->length - diff; i++) line->buffer[i] = line->buffer[i + diff]; line->length -= diff; } return EDIT_DELETE; } static edit_status editor_backward_kill_word (rp_input_line *line) { int i, diff; if (line->position > 0) { for (i = line->position; i > 0 && !isalnum (line->buffer[i - 1]); i--); for (; i > 0 && isalnum (line->buffer[i - 1]); i--); diff = line->position - i; line->position = i; for (; i <= line->length - diff; i++) line->buffer[i] = line->buffer[i + diff]; line->length -= diff; } return EDIT_DELETE; } static edit_status editor_kill_line (rp_input_line *line) { if (line->position < line->length) { line->length = line->position; line->buffer[line->length] = 0; } return EDIT_DELETE; } static edit_status editor_backward_kill_line (rp_input_line *line) { int i; if (line->position <= 0) return EDIT_NO_OP; for (i = line->position; i<= line->length; i++) line->buffer[i - line->position] = line->buffer[i]; line->length -= line->position; line->position = 0; return EDIT_DELETE; } static edit_status editor_history_previous (rp_input_line *line) { #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H char *entry = history_previous (); if (entry) { if (!saved_command) { line->buffer[line->length] = '\0'; saved_command = xstrdup (line->buffer); PRINT_DEBUG (("saved current command line: \'%s\'\n", saved_command)); } free (line->buffer); line->buffer = xstrdup (entry); line->length = strlen (line->buffer); line->size = line->length + 1; line->position = line->length; PRINT_DEBUG (("entry: \'%s\'\n", line->buffer)); } else { PRINT_DEBUG (("- do nothing -")); return EDIT_NO_OP; } return EDIT_INSERT; #else /* HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ return EDIT_NO_OP; #endif /* HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ } static edit_status editor_history_next (rp_input_line *line) { #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H char *entry = history_next (); if (entry) { free (line->buffer); line->buffer = xstrdup (entry); PRINT_DEBUG (("entry: \'%s\'\n", line->buffer)); } else if (saved_command) { free (line->buffer); line->buffer = saved_command; saved_command = NULL; PRINT_DEBUG (("restored command line: \'%s\'\n", line->buffer)); } else { PRINT_DEBUG (("- do nothing -")); return EDIT_NO_OP; } line->length = strlen (line->buffer); line->size = line->length + 1; line->position = line->length; return EDIT_INSERT; #else /* HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ return EDIT_NO_OP; #endif /* HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ } static edit_status editor_abort (rp_input_line *line) { return EDIT_ABORT; } static edit_status editor_no_action (rp_input_line *line) { return EDIT_NO_OP; } static edit_status editor_insert (rp_input_line *line, char *keysym_buf) { int nbytes; int i; PRINT_DEBUG (("keysym_buf: '%s'\n", keysym_buf)); nbytes = strlen (keysym_buf); if (line->length + nbytes > line->size - 1) { line->size += nbytes + 100; line->buffer = xrealloc (line->buffer, line->size); } for (i = line->length + nbytes; i > line->position; i--) line->buffer[i] = line->buffer[i - nbytes]; strncpy (&line->buffer[line->position], keysym_buf, nbytes); line->length += nbytes; line->position += nbytes; PRINT_DEBUG (("line->buffer: '%s'\n", line->buffer)); return EDIT_INSERT; } static edit_status editor_enter (rp_input_line *line) { int result; char *expansion; line->buffer[line->length] = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H result = history_expand_line (line->buffer, &expansion); PRINT_DEBUG (("History Expansion - result: %d\n", result)); PRINT_DEBUG (("History Expansion - expansion: \'%s\'\n", expansion)); if (result == -1 || result == 2) { marked_message_printf (0, 0, " %s ", expansion); free (expansion); return EDIT_ABORT; } else /* result == 0 || result == 1 */ { history_add (expansion); line->buffer = expansion; } #endif /* HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H */ return EDIT_DONE; } static edit_status paste_cut_buffer (rp_input_line *line) { int nbytes; char *data; edit_status status; PRINT_DEBUG (("trying the cut buffer\n")); data = XFetchBytes (dpy, &nbytes); if (data) { /* status = editor_insert (line, data, nbytes); */ status = editor_insert (line, data); XFree (data); } else { status = EDIT_NO_OP; } return status; } static edit_status paste_primary_selection (rp_input_line *line) { Atom actual_type; rp_screen *s = current_screen (); int actual_format; unsigned long nitems; unsigned long offset; unsigned long bytes_after; unsigned char *data; if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, s->input_window, rp_selection, 0, 0, False, XA_STRING, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data) == Success) { if (data) { XFree (data); data = NULL; } PRINT_DEBUG (("actual_type = %ld, actual_format = %d, bytes_after = %ld\n", actual_type, actual_format, bytes_after)); if (actual_type != XA_STRING || actual_format != 8) { PRINT_DEBUG (("selection data is invalid\n")); if (data) XFree (data); return EDIT_NO_OP; } offset = 0; while (bytes_after > 0) { if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, s->input_window, rp_selection, offset / 4, bytes_after / 4 + 1, False, XA_STRING, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data) != Success) break; PRINT_DEBUG (("bytes_after = %ld, nitems = %ld, data = '%s'\n", bytes_after, nitems, data)); nitems *= actual_format / 8; offset += nitems; /* editor_insert (line, data, nitems); */ editor_insert (line, data); PRINT_DEBUG (("bytes_after = %ld, nitems = %ld, data = '%s'\n", bytes_after, nitems, data)); XFree (data); } } /* notify the owner that the data has been transferred */ XDeleteProperty(dpy, s->input_window, rp_selection); return EDIT_INSERT; } static edit_status editor_paste_selection (rp_input_line *line) { Atom property; XEvent ev; rp_screen *s = current_screen (); int loops = 1000; /* be a good icccm citizen */ XDeleteProperty (dpy, s->input_window, rp_selection); /* TODO: we shouldn't use CurrentTime here, use the time of the XKeyEvent, should we fake it? */ XConvertSelection (dpy, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, rp_selection, s->input_window, CurrentTime); while (!XCheckTypedWindowEvent (dpy, s->input_window, SelectionNotify, &ev)) { if (loops == 0) { PRINT_ERROR (("selection request timed out\n")); return EDIT_NO_OP; } usleep (10000); loops--; } PRINT_DEBUG (("SelectionNotify event\n")); property = ev.xselection.property; if (property != None) return paste_primary_selection (line); else return paste_cut_buffer (line); } static edit_status editor_complete (rp_input_line *line, int direction) { char *tmp; char *s; /* Create our partial string that will be used for completion. It is the characters up to the position of the cursor. */ tmp = xmalloc ((line->position + 1) * sizeof (char)); strncpy (tmp, line->buffer, line->position); tmp[line->position] = '\0'; /* We don't need to free s because it's a string from the completion list. */ s = completions_complete (line->compl, tmp, direction); free (tmp); if (s == NULL) return EDIT_NO_OP; /* Insert the completion. */ editor_backward_kill_line (line); editor_insert (line, s); return EDIT_COMPLETE; } static edit_status editor_complete_next (rp_input_line *line) { return editor_complete (line, COMPLETION_NEXT); } static edit_status editor_complete_prev (rp_input_line *line) { return editor_complete (line, COMPLETION_PREVIOUS); }