/* actions.cpp -- all actions that can be performed with keystrokes */ #include #include #include #include "ratpoison.h" /* Initialization of the key structure */ rp_action key_actions[] = { {KEY_PREFIX, 0, 0, generate_prefix}, {XK_c, -1, "xterm", spawn}, {XK_e, -1, "emacs", spawn}, {XK_p, -1, 0, prev_window}, {XK_n, -1, 0, next_window}, {XK_colon, 0, 0, execute_command}, {KEY_PREFIX, -1, 0, last_window}, {XK_w, -1, 0, toggle_bar}, {XK_K, 0, 0, kill_window}, {XK_k, 0, 0, delete_window}, {XK_quoteright, -1, 0, goto_win_by_name}, {XK_a, -1, 0, rename_current_window}, {XK_g, ControlMask, 0, abort_keypress}, {XK_0, -1, 0, goto_window_0}, {XK_1, -1, 0, goto_window_1}, {XK_2, -1, 0, goto_window_2}, {XK_3, -1, 0, goto_window_3}, {XK_4, -1, 0, goto_window_4}, {XK_5, -1, 0, goto_window_5}, {XK_6, -1, 0, goto_window_6}, {XK_7, -1, 0, goto_window_7}, {XK_8, -1, 0, goto_window_8}, {XK_9, -1, 0, goto_window_9}, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; void prev_window (void *data) { if (rp_current_window != NULL) { set_current_window (rp_current_window->prev); if (rp_current_window == NULL) { rp_current_window = rp_window_tail; } if (rp_current_window->state == STATE_UNMAPPED) prev_window (NULL); set_active_window (rp_current_window); } } void next_window (void *data) { if (rp_current_window != NULL) { rp_current_window = rp_current_window->next; if (rp_current_window == NULL) { rp_current_window = rp_window_head; } if (rp_current_window->state == STATE_UNMAPPED) next_window (NULL); set_active_window (rp_current_window); } } void last_window (void *data) { rp_current_window = find_last_accessed_window (); set_active_window (rp_current_window); } void goto_win_by_name (void *data) { char winname[100]; if (rp_current_window == NULL) return; get_input (rp_current_window->scr, "Window: ", winname, 100); PRINT_DEBUG ("user entered: %s\n", winname); goto_window_name (winname); } void rename_current_window (void *data) { char winname[100]; if (rp_current_window == NULL) return; get_input (rp_current_window->scr, "Name: ", winname, 100); PRINT_DEBUG ("user entered: %s\n", winname); if (*winname) { free (rp_current_window->name); rp_current_window->name = malloc (sizeof (char) * strlen (winname) + 1); if (rp_current_window->name == NULL) { PRINT_ERROR ("Out of memory\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy (rp_current_window->name, winname); rp_current_window->named = 1; /* Update the program bar. */ update_window_names (rp_current_window->scr); } } void delete_window (void *data) { XEvent ev; int status; if (rp_current_window == NULL) return; ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ev.xclient.window = rp_current_window->w; ev.xclient.message_type = wm_protocols; ev.xclient.format = 32; ev.xclient.data.l[0] = wm_delete; ev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; status = XSendEvent(dpy, rp_current_window->w, False, 0, &ev); if (status == 0) fprintf(stderr, "ratpoison: delete window failed\n"); } void kill_window (void *data) { if (rp_current_window == NULL) return; XKillClient(dpy, rp_current_window->w); } void execute_command (void *data) { char cmd[100]; get_input (rp_current_window->scr, "Command: ", cmd, 100); PRINT_DEBUG ("user entered: %s\n", cmd); spawn (cmd); } void spawn(void *data) { char *prog = data; /* * ugly dance to avoid leaving zombies. Could use SIGCHLD, * but it's not very portable. */ if (fork() == 0) { if (fork() == 0) { putenv(DisplayString(dpy)); execlp(prog, prog, 0); fprintf (stderr, "exec %s ", prog); perror(" failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exit(0); } wait((int *) 0); PRINT_DEBUG ("spawned %s\n", prog); } void goto_window_number (int n) { rp_window *win; if ((win = find_window_by_number (n)) == NULL) { return; } rp_current_window = win; set_active_window (rp_current_window); } void goto_window_0 (void *data) { goto_window_number (0); } void goto_window_1 (void *data) { goto_window_number (1); } void goto_window_2 (void *data) { goto_window_number (2); } void goto_window_3 (void *data) { goto_window_number (3); } void goto_window_4 (void *data) { goto_window_number (4); } void goto_window_5 (void *data) { goto_window_number (5); } void goto_window_6 (void *data) { goto_window_number (6); } void goto_window_7 (void *data) { goto_window_number (7); } void goto_window_8 (void *data) { goto_window_number (8); } void goto_window_9 (void *data) { goto_window_number (9); } /* Toggle the display of the program bar */ void toggle_bar (void *data) { screen_info *s; if (rp_current_window) { s = rp_current_window->scr; if (!hide_bar (s)) show_bar (s); } } void abort_keypress (void *data) { } /* Send the current window the prefix key event */ void generate_prefix (void *data) { XEvent ev; ev = *rp_current_event; ev.xkey.window = rp_current_window->w; ev.xkey.state = MODIFIER_PREFIX; XSendEvent (dpy, rp_current_window->w, False, KeyPressMask, &ev); XSync (dpy, False); }