.TH RATPOISON 1 "17 February, 2001" "ratpoison 0.0.6" RATPOISON .SH NAME ratpoison \- fatless X window manager .SH SYNOPSIS .B ratpoison [ \fIoptions\fP ] .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page documents briefly the .B ratpoison window manager. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in the GNU Info format; see below. .PP \fBratpoison\fP is a simple Window Manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no flashy wank. It is largely modelled after \fIGNU Screen\fP which has done wonders in virtual terminal market. All interaction with the window manager is done through keystrokes. ratpoison has a prefix map to minimize the key clobbering that cripples EMACS and other quality pieces of software. .SH KEYSTROKES ratpoison is controlled entirely through the keyboard. The default keystrokes are listed in this section. .TP .B C-t C-t Switch to the last window. .TP .B C-t t Sometimes you need to send a C-t to the current window. This keystroke does just that. .TP .B C\-t 0-9 Switch to the numbered window. .TP .B C\-t A, .B C\-t C\-A Rename the current window. The window's new name will prevail for the rest of its lifetime. .TP .B C\-t K, .B C\-t C\-K Send a DestroyClient event to the current window. This will terminate the application without question. .TP .B C\-t n, .B C\-t C\-n, .B C\-t Return, .B C\-t C\-Return, .B C\-t Space, .B C\-t C\-Space, Go to next window. .TP .B C\-t p, .B C\-t C\-p Go to previous window. .TP .B C\-t ', .B C\-t C\-' Go to a window by name. You will usually only need to type the first few characters of the window name. .TP .B C\-t a, .B C\-t C\-a Display the current time of day. .TP .B C\-t c, .B C\-t C\-c Open a new X terminal. .TP .B C\-t :, .B C\-t C\-: This allows you to execute a single ratpoison command. .TP .B C\-t e, .B C\-t C\-e Run Emacs (you know you want to). .TP .B C\-t !, Run a shell command. .TP .B C\-t C\-! Run a shell command through an X terminal. .TP .B C\-t k, .B C\-t C\-k Close the current window. .TP .B C\-t m, .B C\-t C\-m Maximize the current window. Sometimes windows don't respond correctly to the initial maximize event and need some coaxing. This is a fancy way of saying there are still bugs in ratpoison. \fIC\-t m\fP will force the current window to maximize. .TP .B C\-t v, .B C\-t C\-v Display the version of ratpoison. .TP .B C\-t w, .B C\-t C\-w Display the list of managed windows. The current window is highlighted. .SH COMMANDS Ratpoison can be controlled with commands (so called colon-commands). The summary of available commands is listed below: .TP .B abort This is a pretty useless command. By default, it is bound to \fIC\-t g\fP, and its purpose is to abort other commands. .TP .B bind \fIkey\fP \fIcommand\fP Bind a key to a ratpoison command. This command takes two arguments: the key to bind and the command to run. For example, to bind \fIC\-t R\fP to restart ratpoison: .IP : bind R exec ratpoison --restart .PP .TP .B clock Show current time. Disappears after 5 seconds, like all other info bars. In the default setup, the \fIC\-t a\fP keystroke is bound to this command. .TP .B colon \fIcommand\fP Run a ratpoison command. .TP .B delete This deletes the current window. You can access it with the \fIC\-t k\fP keystroke. .TP .B escape \fIkey\fP Set the prefix to \fIkey\fP. For example .IP : escape ^b .PP sets the prefix key to \fIC\-b\fP. .TP .B generate Send a \fIC\-t\fP to the current window. .TP .B exec \fIcommand\fP Execute a shell command. By default, \fIC\-t !\fP does this. .TP .B kill This destroys the current window. Normally you should only need to use \fIdelete\fP, but just incase you need to rip the heart out of a misbehaving window this command should do the trick. Also available as \fIC\-t K\fP. .TP .B maximize Maximize the current window, just like \fIC\-t m\fP would do. .TP .B next This jumps you to the next window in the window list. This one is bound to three keystrokes, namely \fIC\-t n\fP, \fIC\-t space\fP, and \fIC\-t enter\fP. .TP .B newwm \fIwindow-manager\fP This is a bad-bad command. It kills ratpoison and revives that ugly rodent! Yuck! Avoid! .TP .B other This toggles between the current window and the last window. By default, this is bound to \fIC\-t C\-t\fP. .TP .B prev This jumps you to the previous window in the window list. By default, this is bound to \fIC\-t p\fP. .TP .B select \fIn\fP This jumps you to window \fIn\fP where \fIn\fP is the window number as shown in the Program Bar. You can do the same trick with \fIC\-n\fP too. .TP .B select \fIwindow-name\fP Go to a window by name. A shortcut is \fIC\-t '\fP. .TP .B source \fIfile\fP Read a text file containing ratpoison commands. .TP .B title \fItitle\fP Rename the currently active window. This name will remain for the duration of the window's life, unless you change it again. By default, the \fIC\-t A\fP keystroke is bound to this command. .TP .B version Print ratpoison version. By default, this is bound to \fIC\-t v\fP. .TP .B windows This displays the Program Bar which displays the windows you currently have running. The number before each window name is used to jump to that window. You can do this by typing \fIC\-t n\fP where \fIn\fP is the number of the window. Note that only windows with numbers from 0 to 9 can be referenced using this keystoke. To reach windows with numbers greater than 9, use \fIC\-t '\fP and type the number at the prompt. After 5 seconds the Program Bar disappears. This command is bound to \fIC\-t w\fP by default. .SH OPTIONS These are the command line options that are recognized by ratpoison: .TP \fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-restart\fR restart ratpoison .TP \fB\-k\fR, \fB\-\-kill\fR kill ratpoison .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR output version information and exit .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR display this help and exit .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report bugs to . .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2000, 2001 Shawn Betts .br This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. .SH "SEE ALSO" The full documentation for .B ratpoison is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the .B info and .B ratpoison programs are properly installed at your site, the command .IP .B info ratpoison .PP should give you access to the complete manual. .SH AUTHOR Ratpoison was written by Shawn Betts . This manual page was written by Gergely Nagy <8@free.bsd.hu> and updated by Shawn Betts .