path: root/doc/
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+This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from
+* ratpoison: (ratpoison). A rat-free Window Manager.
+ This is the ratpoison user manual.
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Shawn Betts
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
+that the sections entitled "Copying" and "GNU General Public License"
+are included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire
+resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
+notice identical to this one.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
+translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This document explains how to use ratpoison.
+File:, Node: Top, Next: About, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)
+* Menu:
+* About:: What is ratpoison?
+* Contacting:: How do I contact the ratpoison developers?
+* Using ratpoison:: Key commands and functionality
+File:, Node: About, Next: Contacting, Prev: Top, Up: Top
+ ratpoison is a simple Window Manager with no fat library
+dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no flashy
+wank. It is largely modelled after GNU Screen which has done wonders in
+virtual terminal market.
+ All interaction with the window manager is done through keystrokes.
+ratpoison has a prefix map to minimize the key clobbering that cripples
+EMACS and other quality pieces of software.
+ You'll also be pleased to hear that there is NO ratpoison.conf to
+configure. If you want to configure ratpoison, edit the source.
+ ratpoison was written by Shawn Betts
+File:, Node: Contacting, Next: Using ratpoison, Prev: About, Up: Top
+ ratpoison is hosted on <>. To see the latest
+developments in ratpoison go to
+<> or visit the ratpoison
+webpage at <>.
+ There is also a ratpoison mailing list:
+<>. For details on subscribing and
+for the list archives go to the ratpoison project.
+File:, Node: Using ratpoison, Prev: Contacting, Up: Top
+Using ratpoison
+ ratpoison is a very simple window manager. Each window is maximized
+and has no border decorations. Here is a list of commands and what they
+`C-t C-c'
+ This opens a new XTerm.
+`C-t C-e'
+ This opens a new EMACS session. You will probably only need to do
+ this once.
+`C-t C-w'
+ This displays the Program Bar which displays the windows you
+ currently have running. The number before each window name is used
+ to jump to that window. You can to this by typing `C-t C-<n>'
+ where `<n>' is the number of the window. Note that only windows
+ with numbers from 0 to 9 can be referenced.
+ After 5 seconds the Program Bar disappears.
+`C-t C-p'
+ This jumps you to the previous window in the window list.
+`C-t C-n'
+ This jumps you to the next window in the window list.
+`C-t C-<n>'
+ This jumps you to window <n> where <n> is the window number as
+ shown in the Program Bar.
+`C-t C-t'
+ This toggles between the current window and the last window.
+`C-t t'
+ Sometimes you need to send a C-t to the current window. This
+ keystroke does just that.
+`C-t k'
+ This deletes the current window.
+`C-t K'
+ This destroys the current window. Normally you should only need to
+ use `C-t k', but just incase you need to rip the heart out of a
+ misbehaving window this command should do the trick.
+Tag Table:
+Node: Top1119
+Node: About1394
+Node: Contacting2112
+Node: Using ratpoison2623
+End Tag Table