path: root/NEWS
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-ratpoison NEWS --- history of user-visible changes. -*- outline -*-
-Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Shawn Betts
-Copyright (C) 2013 Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas
-Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
-are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
-notice and this notice are preserved.
-* Changes since 1.4.5
-** *Lots* of reliability fixes in ratpoison itself
-Please check out the ChangeLog for more details.
-** Build process cleanup
-e.g. detection of getline() was fixed, build is ok with old gcc's (2.95)
-** ratpoison -c now reports errors ($? != 0)
-** UTF-8 text is now printed correctly
-Both with and without Xft support.
-** contrib/ cleanup
-Scripts should be more portable, ruby bindings work with newer ruby versions.
-** New newwindow and titlechanged hooks
-** Functionality was added to rpws
-It can now move windows to other workspaces; workspaces can be dumped and
-* Changes since 1.4.4
-** bug fixes to history and xft
-* Changes since 1.4.3
-** add commands ratinfo, ratrelinfo, banishrel
-** add history to input bar when libhistory is not used
-** add settings historysize and historycompaction
-** new window formatters %p, %M
-prints the pid of the window and whether its a maxsize window.
-** new commands grename, gother
-** new bindings C-t N and C-t P
-bound to nextscreen/prevscreen
-** new settings, bwcolor and fwcolor
-For setting the border color of focused and unfocused windows.
-** netwm dialog type windows supported
-These windows are treated as transients. Some Firefox popup windows
-are tagged as dialog windows and should now work with ratpoison as
-** new format character %M
-This expands to Maxsize if the window is a maxsize window, nothing if not.
-** ratpoison can use xft
-If xft is found on your system ratpoison will use it unless explicitely told not to using --without-xft
-* Changes since 1.4.2
-** key event handling
-top level key bindings are grabbed "asynchronously" instead of
-"synchronously." This should eliminate the freezes some people have
-experienced in previous versions.
-* Changes since 1.4.1
-Just bug fixes.
-* Changes since 1.4.0
-** set padding affects bar location
-On OSX the bar and top of each window is hidden by the menu bar. set
-padding corrects the window problem but not the bar problem. So this
-change fixes that.
-** new set variable framefmt
-See docs for info.
-** new commands swap, exchangeleft, exchangeright, exchangeup, exchangedown
-See docs for info
-** new commands execa and execf
-See docs for info.
-** default font change
-It is now "-*-fixed-bold-r-normal-*-15-*-*-*-c-*-*-*" which hopefully
-fixes some i18n issues.
-** new command set topkmap
-See info manual.
-** build date in ratpoison -v
-** new command sfrestore
-restores frame configurations for multiple screens.
-** support for i18n fonts
-* Changes since 1.4.0-beta4
-** new parameters in frame dumps
-:screenh and :screenw specify the size of the screen the frame was
-on. using these values (when present) ratpoison will scale the frames
-to fit the new screen size (if different).
-** New window format characters
-See the info file for details.
-** info takes optional argument and new infofmt setting
-the info command takes an optional formatting argument. if no argument
-is supplied a default fmt is used. To change the default use 'set
-infofmt'. See the manual for details.
-** shell commands do not insert trailing space
-Until now all completions had a trailing space. Now shell command
-completion doesn't to make it easier to tab complete directories. The
-previous behavior one had to delete the space then type / and
-** aspect ratio hint honoured
-windows with aspect ratio hints are treated as transients and are
-given the same default gravity as maxsize windows.
-** new hook deletewindow
-When a window is deleted this hook is called.
-** _net_wm_pid property supported
-ratpoison will put windows that have the _net_wm_pid property into the
-frame & group that was current when the windows' client was
-launched. for example:
- ratpoison -c split -c gnew -c "exec firefox" -c focus -c gnext
-will Do The Right Thing.
-** set warp change
-the mouse position relative to the window is now used, instead of
-relative to the root window.
-** new compat command
-the old def* aliases are depricated and have been moved to this
-command. Execute it to restore these bindings.
-** new command redo
-** new editor bindings C-m and C-h
-* Changes since 1.4.0-beta2
-** meta takes a key argument
-This can be used to stuff keys.
-* Changes since 1.4.0-beta1
-** RATPOISON environment variable
-RATPOISON is set to the location of the ratpoison binary. This is
-useful for scripts.
-* Changes since 1.3.0
-** command arguments can be wrapped in double quotes.
-To include a space in a command argument, wrap the argument with ".
-** New command undefinekey
-not passing a 3rd argument to definekey and bind no longer unbind the
-key. You must use undefinekey and unbind now.
-** ratpoison -c prints errors to stderr
-You can now capture errors and output seperately depending on whether
-its printed to stderr or stdout.
-** the mouse warp feature is now turned off by default
-to turn it back on, run 'warp on'.
-** version now displays the date and time
-** new command, sselect
-sselect lets you jump to an X11 screen by number.
-** configure script warns about missing history lib
-Rather than error out, now, ratpoison will just be built without history.
-** new commands ratwarp, ratrelwarp, and ratclick
-** more new commands
-inext, iprev, iother, cnext, cprev, cother, prompt, dedicate,
-describekey, focusprev, sdump, sfdump.
-** yet two more new commands: putsel, getsel
-putsel puts the specified text into the X11 selection so other clients
-can yank it. getsel returns the current selection.
-* Changes since 1.3.0-rc2-beta2
-** new format option %f
-This options displays the frame number the window is in or a space if
-it is not in a window.
-** Super modifier changed from S to s. S is now the shift modifier
-** window list style is columnar by default
-* Changes since 1.3.0-rc2-beta1
-** New command 'set'
-set replaces the def* commands. For example 'defwinliststyle column'
-is now 'set winliststyle column'.
-The old def* commands now alias to their 'set' version.
-* Changes since 1.3.0-rc1
-** Top level keymap
-The keymap named 'top' is now a top level keymap. No prefix key need
-be pressed to access its bindings. In fact, the prefix key is now a
-binding in the 'top' keymap.
-** hsplit and vsplit switched
-To be compatible with emacs these command names have been
-switched. The bindings are the same but custom scripts and aliases
-will have to make the switch.
-** new command defframesels
-Allow you to customize the keys used to select frames with fselect.
-** Xinerama support
-Each xinerama screen is handled as X11 screens normally are. The only
-different is that each xinerama screen can select from all the
-managed windows.
-** focuslast finds the last focused frame among all screens
-** fselect selects from frames in all screens
-** new command-line option --file
-Used to specify an alternate configuration file.
-* Changes since 1.3.0-beta3
-** new configure option --disable-history
-** new commands readkey, newkmap, delkmap, definekey
-These commands operate on the new feature: keymaps. They allow you to
-have nested keymaps.
-* Changes since 1.3.0-beta2
-** new command gdelete
-Delete a group.
-** contrib/ script
-A script that lists all groups and the windows in each group.
-* Changes since 1.2.2
-** Workspace script
-rpws is an installed script that adds workspaces to ratpoison. Look at
-contrib/rpws for instructions on how to use it.
-** new commands addhook and remhook
-There are now hooks for various operations.
-** Completions
-You can now type Tab and get completions on window names, group names,
-and colon commands.
-** Line editing capabilities
-You can now go forward a word, backward a char, delete a word, etc.
-** New commands gnewbg, gselect, groups, gmove, and gmerge
-These commands allow further manipulation of window groups.
-** shell commands return status
-If a command the user executed (with the exec command) returns with a
-non-zero exit status, the command and exit status are reported in a
-** new commands gnew, gnext, gprev
-Window are now part of groups. There can be more than one group.
-* Changes since 1.2.0-beta4
-** new commands unmanage and clrunmanaged
-Instead of editing conf.h you can use these commands to dynamically
-add (and clear) the unmanaged window list.
-* Changes since 1.2.0-beta3
-** new command line argumen --screen
-Now you can specify the screen you want to manage. By default
-ratpoison manages all screens on the display.
-** new command line argument --display
-Now you can specify the display to connect to.
-* Changes since 1.2.0-beta2
-* Changes since 1.1.1
-** new comand 'defwinliststyle'
-when turned on, the window list is displayed in a column, not a row.
-** new command 'verbexec'
-prints a message when executing a shell command
-** new commands 'fdump' and 'frestore'
-These commands are for saving and restoring frame sets.
-** key presses
-All actions now occur after the user has released the key.
-** keybinding changes
-fselect is bound to C-t C-f and C-t f, curframe is now bound to C-t F,
-and resize is bound to C-t C-r and C-t r.
-** new command fselect
-select a frame by its number.
-** new command 'tmpwm'
-temporarily run a different window manager, then come back to
-ratpoison once it has terminated.
-** error and debug reporting
-The format has been changed to the more standard format used by C
-** New commands 'resize', 'shrink'
-resize resizes a frame and shrink shrinks a frame to the size of the
-window in it.
-** Shell command exit status
-When a shell command fails to execute then a message is reported in
-ratpoison: "Command not found."
-** New command 'warp'
-Toggles rat warping. By default ratpoison saves the position of the
-rat when leaving a window and when the user returns to the window the
-rat's position is restored. This can be counter-intuitive, so now you
-can toggle it.
-** split, vsplit, hsplit
-These commands now take a single argument. The argument can be a ratio
-which divides the frame into two frames sized based on this ratio, or
-it can be a number representing the number of pixels the existing
-frame will occupy.
-* Changes since 1.1.0
-** new commands "nextscreen" and "prevscreen"
-* Changes since 1.0.0
-** defbarloc changed to defbargravity
-** defbarloc
-This command take a gravity argument just like the wingravity
-** new command defbarborder
-This command allows you to customize the border width of ratpoison's
-windows. These windows are the input window, the bar window, and the
-current frame indication window.
-** "number" command takes additional optional argument
-The second argument is used to specify a window other than the
-** new command "alias"
-An alias gives a name to a command sequence. For instance, you could
-alias 'emacs' to 'exec emacs'. Then you could simply type 'C-t :emacs'
-and ratpoison would boot emacs.
-** new command "license"
-Display ratpoison's license. This is also bound to C-t V and C-t C-V.
-** input history
-All input you type into ratpoison is stored as a history entry. Use
-C-p and C-n to cycle through it.
-** new command "defbarpadding"
-This command specifies how much ratpoison pads the bar window. See the
-documentation for usage.
-** new command "link"
-Call the command that a keybinding is bound to. for instance, 'link
-C-t' would call the command 'other'.
-** new command "focuslast"
-Switch between the current frame and the last focused frame. It is
-bound to C-t M-Tab.
-** Raise requests don't change frame focus if rudeness doesn't allow it
-If a window in another frame requests to be raised, a message pops up
-just like everywhere else. The old behavior was to jump focus to the
-windows frame regardless of the rudeness.
-** New windows formatting option %l
-Prints a last access number. The higher the number, the more recently
-the window was accessed.
-** Remove command line options --kill and --restart
-Use -c quit and -c restart instead.
-** New command restart
-Restart ratpoison.
-** New command lastmsg
-Display the last message.
-** New command info
-display information about the current window.
-** New command unsetenv
-Remove an environment variable from...well...the environment.
-** New command chdir
-Change the current directory.
-** Multiple commands passed to ratpoison via the command-line are now processed
-A stream of commands like, `ratpoison -c next -c prev -c next' are
-processed in order.
-** clock command renamed to time
-This was to improve screen compatibility.
-** New command setenv
-Use this to set environment variables for all programs run from
-ratpoison thereafter.
-** Command defbartimeout renamed to msgwait
-This was done to better mirror screen commands.
-** Command generate renamed to meta
-This was done to better mirror screen commands.
-** Comand maximize renamed to redisplay
-This was done to better mirror screen commands. It is no longer bound
-to C-t m it is now bound to C-t l.
-** Cursor in the input window
-There is now a cheap cursor to help you remember where you are.
-** conf.h compile-time customizations moved
-They are now accessible through the def* suite of commands.
-** Window alignment
-Windows can now be aligned so they stick to the top-left corner of the
-screen, the center of the screen, the bottom-right, etc. Use the `pos'
-command. There is a customizable default setting for each of the three
-'kinds' of windows: `defwinpos' for normal windows, `deftranspos' for
-transient windows, and `defmaxsizepos' for normal windows with
-maximimum size hints.
-** Window format string
-The format of the list of windows dumped by the `windows' command is
-now customizable with `defwinfmt'.
-** Different Window naming schemes
-Windows now have 3 resources that can be used as their default name:
-the WMNAME hint which generally contains transient information such as
-what file is currently open, the res_name from the WMCLASS hint, or
-the res_class the WMCLASS hint. This affects commands like `select'
-which search for a window by name.
-* Changes since 0.1.1
-** new conf.h customization MAXSIZE_WINDOWS_ARE_TRANSIENTS
-determines whether windows with maxsize hints are treated like
-transient windows.
-** The frame indicator
-The frame indicator never sticks and only appears when there is more
-than one frame (i.e. when there are splits).
-** Transient window handling has changed
-Transient windows now map ontop of the current window.
-** new command 'rudeness'
-This command allows you to fine tune what windows rp will map
-when. For instance you can ask rp not to map new windows. Instead it
-will notify you with a message: "New window #1 (emacs)".
-** user abort key sequence
-When typing input, hit C-g (customizable in conf.h) to abort the
-** new key syntax
-keys are now specified with C-, M-, A-, H-, S- which stand for the
-control, meta, alt, hyper, and super modifiers. ^ does not denote
-control. Before, control t looked like ^t now it looks like C-t.
-** new command 'help'
-help brings up a key binding listing. it is bound to C-t ?.
-** new command 'quit'
-This command quits ratpoison
-** windows not residing in a frame are hidden
-This gets rid of annoying flickers around the edges of active windows
-as windows in the back update.
-** rat cursor changes
-When you hit the prefix key the rat cursor changes to a square to tell
-you what it is waiting for another key. This feature can be removed in
-** Split windows
-Well, the day is finally here. You can now split windows in
-ratpoison. Hit C-t s to split horizontally and C-t S to split
-vertically. Have fun!
-** new command-line option --command
-You can now send ratpoison commands (colon-commands) to ratpoison via
-the command line. for example to tell ratpoison to go to the next
-window type this:
-$ ratpoison --command next
-** window borders are configurable
-WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH has been added to conf.h. This constant determines
-the border width for all windows.
-** Rodent handling
-A new command, :banish, which will move the rat pointer out of harms
-way, has been added. It is bound to 'C-t b' by default. No more
-slapping your rat out of the way, as fun as that was.
-* Changes since 0.1.0
-** Window list changes
-A '+' is now drawn between the window number and the window name for
-the last accessed window.
-** AltGr (XK_Mode_switch) support
-ratpoison now handles AltGr on all its input.
-* Changes Since 0.0.5
-** C-t e removed
-Since you can custo your own keystrokes, there's not much sense
-cluttering things with a binding to launch emacs.
-** XErrorEvents don't bring down ratpoison
-A friendly message pops up displaying the error message. This does
-mean that there is a problem with ratpoison and it should be
-investigated and reported. But at least your entire session doesn't go
-** Sorted window list
-The window list is now sorted by number.
-** Resizing input window
-The size of the input window can be customized in conf.h by setting
-INPUT_WINDOW_SIZE. It also dynamically resizes to accommodate the user
-** Pointer location
-The pointer location is saved on a per window basis. When ratpoison
-switches to a window it restores the pointer location to its location
-the last time that window had focus.
-** Auto quit ratpoison
-When the auto close feature is enabled, ratpoison will exit when the
-last managed window is closed. This feature can be turned on by
-uncommenting the line:
-/* #define AUTO_CLOSE */
-in conf.h
-** Improved shell command
-The 'exec' command now calls execl ("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, 0)
-where cmd is your shell command. In short, you can now make shell
-command calls with parameters.
-The default keybinding has been changed from C-: to C-! for the 'exec'
-** Command line
-An emulation of screen's colon command has been implemented. This
-allows you to make wm commands by name. The current command set
-includes: abort, next, prev, exec, select, colon, kill, delete, other,
-windows, title, clock, maximize, newwm, and version. To bring up a
-command line prompt, type C-:. See the info or man page for details
-on the command set and its usage.
-** Keysym reading updates
-keystrokes are now handled far better. Shifted keystrokes work. More
-uniform key event processing.
-You can no longer "over modify" keys. Previously, if C-tn was bound
-to 'next', you could type C-tC-n and get the same result. No longer.
-You need to explicity map both C-tn and C-tC-n if you want both to
-** XSizeHints honoured
-Windows may not maximize fully now since they use XSizeHints to figure
-out how big the window can be.
-** Bold color removed
-ratpoison now uses only foreground and background colors. They
-default to black and white, respectively. To represent the current
-window in the bar, the current window's text is reversed.
-** Colormap support
-ratpoison now maintains colormaps
-** New keystrokes
-*** C-t space and C-t enter
-Do the same as C-tn (next window)
-*** C-tA
-Shows a the time in the display bar
-*** C-tv
-Shows the version of ratpoison
-** Messages in the window bar
-ratpoison now outputs user error messages.
-** Stability
-All fixed length buffer sizes in window names that resulted in
-curious segfaults have been fixed.
-** Themes support
-There is still no theme support, despite what you might have heard.
-* Changes Singe 0.0.4
-** added --kill and --restart
-These command line options allow the restarting and killing of a
-running ratpoison process.
-** Mouse jumps to the bottom of the screen on keypresses
-This is pretty annoying if you're using anything other than keyboard
-apps. It is disabled by default.
-* Changes Since 0.0.3
-** Added --enable-debug
-This turns on debugging messages
-** Added --version and --help command line options
-* Changes Since 0.0.2
-** Installation
-*** Added automake and autoconf
-To build and install ratpoison, you must now do this:
-automake -a -c
-make install
-** Features
-*** Added jump to window by name Hit C-t C-' and a box will pop up
-asking you for the name of the window to jump to.
-*** Added rename-window
-hit C-t C-a and a box will pop up asking you to rename the current
-window. Once it has been renamed, it will stay renamed.
-** Bugs and Bug fixes