path: root/contrib/
diff options
authorJ.R. Mauro <>2008-10-19 08:13:41 -0400
committerShawn <sabetts@juicebox.(none)>2008-10-19 13:14:44 -0700
commit443bd7387dce55812eabe970b4a267d9e626e9a0 (patch)
treef5adb0bd4d39b022c288762cdd227c3f28e3f1e2 /contrib/
parent03f8bba45a8d1b0236731b4aece52795c0bc1326 (diff)
add contrib/
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f0600b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# Maintainer: Trent Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+# License: Public Domain
+# Changelog:
+# 2003-11-16 cantsin
+# 2003-11-19 various Misc. fixes to rpshowall
+# 2003-11-20 twb
+# 2003-11-20 cantsin minor changes
+# 2003-11-22 twb new algorithm, broke script
+# 2004-05-21 bkhl posted on wiki
+# 2004-06-22 twb full rewrite, changelog started
+# 2004-06-24 twb release candidate
+# 2004-07-07 twb toggle logic for fselect (line 43)
+# 2005-07-05 ivan updated for the new fdump format (works with 1.4.0-beta4)
+# Description:
+# Duplicates OS-X 10.3's Expose' functionality for ratpoison.
+# You should apply the TWBPatch or reverse the logic at line 43.
+#-- tweaking -------------------------------------------------------------------
+require ""; #used for validation.
+use strict;
+my $N_LIMIT = 2;
+my $LIMIT = 0.01; #smaller number --> slower, but more accurate
+my $RATPOISON = 'ratpoison';
+#-- main -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#&th_ratio (1400, 1050, 23);
+#&th_split (\&split, 5, (0, 0, 1400, 1050));
+# my $id = &xid2num(8388638);
+# print "'$id'\n";
+# exit 0;
+my @xids = &rp('windows %i'); chomp @xids;
+my $n = @xids; #@ in $ context evals to length of @.
+my $frames_old = &rp('fdump'); chomp $frames_old;
+my @r; # Sub-optimal way of grabbing screen x,y,w,h.
+#fixed to use sdump
+($_, $r[0], $r[1], $r[2], $r[3]) = split(/ /,&rp ('sdump'));
+my $ret = join(", ", &rp_split(\@xids, \&split, $n, \@r));
+&rp("frestore $ret");
+$ret = &rpi('fselect');
+#-- subroutines ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#-- rp-specific --------------------------------------------
+sub rp { return `$RATPOISON -c "@_"`; }
+sub rpi { return `$RATPOISON -i -c "@_"`; }
+sub rpb {
+ my @accum = ();
+ for (@_)
+ {
+ push @accum, "-c \"$_\"";
+ }
+ return `$RATPOISON @accum`;
+sub rp_split
+ # Prints partitions in :fdump format.
+ my ($xids, $alg, $n, $r) = @_;
+ my @ret = ();
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $i;
+ foreach $i (&$alg($n, @$r))
+ {
+ my ($x, $y, $w, $h) = @$i;
+ my $xid = pop(@$xids);
+ push @ret, "(frame :number $num :x $x :y $y :width $w :height $h :window $xid)";
+ $num++;
+ }
+ return @ret;
+# sub frame2xid {
+# my ($fnum) = @_;
+# my ($frame, $num, $xid);
+# foreach $frame ( split(/,/, &rp('sfdump')) )
+# {
+# ($num, $_, $_, $_, $_, $xid) = split(/ /, $frame);
+# if ($num eq $fnum)
+# {
+# chomp $xid;
+# return $xid;
+# }
+# }
+# return -1; # canthappen
+# }
+# sub xid2num {
+# my ($xid) = @_;
+# my @windows = &rp('windows %i %n');
+# my ($window, $id, $num);
+# foreach $window ( @windows )
+# {
+# ($id, $num) = split(/ /, $window);
+# if ($id eq $xid)
+# {
+# chomp $num;
+# return $num;
+# }
+# }
+# return -1; # canthappen
+# }
+#-- generic ------------------------------------------------
+sub isint { #from
+ my $x = shift;
+ return 0 if ($x eq "");
+ my $sign ='^\s* [-+]? \s*';
+ my $int ='\d+ \s* $ ';
+ return ($x =~ /$sign $int/x) ? 1 : 0;
+sub isnum { #from
+ my $x = shift;
+ return ($x eq $x+0) ? 1:0;
+sub ratio {
+ my ($t, $n) = @_;
+ my $ret = 1;
+ my $i;
+ &assert(&isnum($t) and &isint($n) and $n >= 0);
+ for $i ( 2 .. $n )
+ {
+ if ( &isint($n / $i) # $j must also be an integer.
+ and abs(($i**2 / $n) - $t) < abs(($ret**2 / $n) - $t) )
+ {
+ $ret = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ #Third return value is `error', used by split().
+ return ( $ret, $n / $ret, abs(($ret**2 / $n) - $t));
+sub hsplit ($@) {
+ my ($n, $rx, $ry, $rw, $rh) = @_;
+ my @ret = ();
+ my $i;
+ &assert(isint($n) and $n >= 0);
+ &assert(isint($rx) and isint($ry) and isint($rw) and isint($rh));
+ &assert($rx>=0 and $ry>=0 and $rw>0 and $rh>0);
+ &assert($rw >= $n);
+ # remove remainder from rw, add to the last rectangle.
+ my $rem = $rw % $n;
+ $rw -= $rem;
+ &assert(0 == $rw % $n);
+ for $i (1 .. $n)
+ {
+ push @ret, [ ($rx + ($i-1)*$rw/$n,
+ $ry,
+ $rw/$n + ($i==$n?$rem:0),
+ $rh) ];
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub vsplit ($@) {
+ my ($n, $rx, $ry, $rw, $rh) = @_;
+ my @ret = ();
+ my $i;
+ &assert(isint($n) and $n >= 0);
+ &assert(isint($rx) and isint($ry) and isint($rw) and isint($rh));
+ &assert($rx>=0 and $ry>=0 and $rw>0 and $rh>0);
+ &assert($rh >= $n);
+ # remove remainder from rh, add to the last rectangle.
+ my $rem = $rh % $n;
+ $rh -= $rem;
+ &assert(0 == $rh % $n);
+ for $i (1 .. $n)
+ {
+ push @ret, [ ($rx,
+ $ry + ($i-1)*$rh/$n,
+ $rw,
+ $rh/$n + ($i==$n?$rem:0)) ];
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub boxsplit ($@) {
+ my ($n, $rx, $ry, $rw, $rh) = @_;
+ my @ret = ();
+ my ($rows, $cols) = &ratio($rw/$rh, $n);
+ my $i;
+ &assert(isint($n) and $n >= 0);
+ &assert(isint($rx) and isint($ry) and isint($rw) and isint($rh));
+ &assert($rx>=0 and $ry>=0 and $rw>0 and $rh>0);
+ &assert(($rh * $rw) >= $n);
+ foreach $i (&vsplit($rows, ($rx, $ry, $rw, $rh)))
+ {
+ @ret = (@ret, &hsplit($cols, @$i));
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub split ($@) {
+ my ($n, $rx, $ry, $rw, $rh) = @_;
+ my ($rows, $cols, $prox) = &ratio($rw/$rh, $n);
+ # if base case, palm off to boxsplit()
+ if ($n < $N_LIMIT or $prox < $LIMIT)
+ {
+ return &boxsplit($n, $rx, $ry, $rw, $rh);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my @ret = ();
+ my $nA = int($n/2); #fixme: int() is bad. Use POSIX::floor?
+ my $x = $nA / ($n - $nA);
+ my $i;
+ &assert(isint($n) and $n >= 0);
+ &assert(isint($rx) and isint($ry) and isint($rw) and isint($rh));
+ &assert($rx>=0 and $ry>=0 and $rw>0 and $rh>0);
+ &assert(($rh * $rw) >= $n);
+ if ($rw > $rh) # Divide the larger dimension
+ {
+ my $k = int($rw * $x / (1 + $x)); #fixme: bad int().
+ @ret = (@ret, &split($nA, ($rx, $ry, $k, $rh)));
+ @ret = (@ret, &split($n - $nA, ($rx+$k, $ry, $rw-$k, $rh)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $k = int($rh * $x / (1 + $x)); #fixme: bad int().
+ @ret = (@ret, &split($nA, ($rx, $ry, $rw, $k )));
+ @ret = (@ret, &split($n - $nA, ($rx, $ry+$k, $rw, $rh-$k)));
+ }
+ return @ret;
+ }
+#-- test harnesses -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Commented out to speed up compilation.
+# sub th_ratio
+# {
+# my ($num, $denom, $n) = @_;
+# my ($row, $col, $prox) = &ratio ($num / $denom, $n);
+# print "$n = $row * $col, proximity $prox\n";
+# }
+# sub th_split
+# { # Prints partitions as a SVG. See for info.
+# my ($alg, $n, @r) = @_;
+# my $i;
+# print "<svg width=\"$r[2]\" height=\"$r[3]\">\n";
+# foreach $i (&$alg($n, @r))
+# {
+# my ($x, $y, $w, $h) = @$i;
+# print "<rect x=\"$x\"\ty=\"$y\"\twidth=\"$w\"\theight=\"$h\"",
+# " style=\"fill:white;stroke:black;\"/>\n";
+# }
+# print "</svg>\n";
+# }