#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests here communicate with third party servers and/or internal ad-hoc instances of Xandikos and Radicale, dependent on the configuration in conf_private.py. Tests that do not require communication with a working caldav server belong in test_caldav_unit.py """ import logging import threading import time import vobject import uuid import tempfile import random import sys from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime, date from six import PY3 from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_not_equal, assert_raises from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest from requests.packages import urllib3 import requests from .conf import client, rfc6638_users from .conf import caldav_servers, proxy, proxy_noport from .conf import test_xandikos, xandikos_port, xandikos_host from .conf import test_radicale, radicale_port, radicale_host from .proxy import ProxyHandler, NonThreadingHTTPServer from . import compatibility_issues from caldav.davclient import DAVClient, DAVResponse from caldav.objects import (Principal, Calendar, Event, DAVObject, CalendarSet, FreeBusy, Todo) from caldav.lib.url import URL from caldav.lib import url from caldav.lib import error from caldav.elements import dav, cdav, ical from caldav.lib.python_utilities import to_local, to_str if test_xandikos: from xandikos.web import XandikosBackend, XandikosApp import aiohttp import aiohttp.web import asyncio if test_radicale: import radicale.config import radicale import radicale.server import socket if PY3: from urllib.parse import urlparse else: from urlparse import urlparse log = logging.getLogger("caldav") urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) ev1 = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20010712T182145Z-123401@example.com DTSTAMP:20060712T182145Z DTSTART:20060714T170000Z DTEND:20060715T040000Z SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ broken_ev1 = """BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20010712T182145Z-123401@example.com DTSTAMP:20060712T182145Z DTSTART:20060714T170000Z DTEND:20060715T040000Z SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party END:VEVENT """ ev2 = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20010712T182145Z-123401@example.com DTSTAMP:20070712T182145Z DTSTART:20070714T170000Z DTEND:20070715T040000Z SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party +1year END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ ev3 = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20080712T182145Z-123401@example.com DTSTAMP:20210712T182145Z DTSTART:20210714T170000Z DTEND:20210715T040000Z SUMMARY:Bastille Day Jitsi Party END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ ## This list is for deleting the events/todo-items in case it isn't ## sufficient/possible to create/delete the whole test calendar. uids_used = ( '19920901T130000Z-123407@host.com', '19920901T130000Z-123408@host.com', '19970901T130000Z-123403@example.com', '19970901T130000Z-123404@host.com', '19970901T130000Z-123405@example.com', '19970901T130000Z-123405@host.com', '19970901T130000Z-123406@host.com', '20010712T182145Z-123401@example.com', '20070313T123432Z-456553@example.com', '20080712T182145Z-123401@example.com') ## TODO: todo7 is an item without uid. Should be taken care of somehow. # example from http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545.txt evr = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:19970901T130000Z-123403@example.com DTSTAMP:19970901T130000Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:19971102 SUMMARY:Our Blissful Anniversary TRANSP:TRANSPARENT CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:ANNIVERSARY,PERSONAL,SPECIAL OCCASION RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR""" # example from http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545.txt todo = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VTODO UID:20070313T123432Z-456553@example.com DTSTAMP:20070313T123432Z DUE;VALUE=DATE:20070501 SUMMARY:Submit Quebec Income Tax Return for 2006 CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:FAMILY,FINANCE STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR""" # example from RFC2445, 4.6.2 todo2 = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VTODO UID:19970901T130000Z-123404@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T130000Z DTSTART:19970415T133000Z DUE:19970416T045959Z SUMMARY:1996 Income Tax Preparation CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:FAMILY,FINANCE PRIORITY:2 STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR""" todo3 = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VTODO UID:19970901T130000Z-123405@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T130000Z DTSTART:19970415T133000Z DUE:19970516T045959Z SUMMARY:1996 Income Tax Preparation CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:FAMILY,FINANCE PRIORITY:1 END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR""" todo4 = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VTODO UID:19970901T130000Z-123406@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T130000Z SUMMARY:1996 Income Tax Preparation CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:FAMILY,FINANCE PRIORITY:1 STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR""" todo5 = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VTODO UID:19920901T130000Z-123407@host.com DTSTAMP:19920901T130000Z DTSTART:19920415T133000Z DUE:19920516T045959Z SUMMARY:1992 Income Tax Preparation CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:FAMILY,FINANCE PRIORITY:1 END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR""" todo6 = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VTODO UID:19920901T130000Z-123408@host.com DTSTAMP:19920901T130000Z DTSTART:19920415T133000Z DUE:19920516T045959Z SUMMARY:Yearly Income Tax Preparation RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:FAMILY,FINANCE PRIORITY:1 END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR""" ## a todo without uid. Should it be possible to store it at all? todo7 = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VTODO DTSTAMP:19980101T130000Z DTSTART:19980415T133000Z DUE:19980516T045959Z SUMMARY:Get stuck with Netfix and forget about the tax income declaration CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:FAMILY PRIORITY:1 END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR""" # example from http://www.kanzaki.com/docs/ical/vjournal.html journal = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VJOURNAL UID:19970901T130000Z-123405@example.com DTSTAMP:19970901T130000Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:19970317 SUMMARY:Staff meeting minutes DESCRIPTION:1. Staff meeting: Participants include Joe\, Lisa and Bob. Aurora project plans were reviewed. There is currently no budget reserves for this project. Lisa will escalate to management. Next meeting on Tuesday.\n END:VJOURNAL END:VCALENDAR """ ## From RFC4438 examples, with some modifications sched_template = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:%s SEQUENCE:0 DTSTAMP:20210206T%sZ DTSTART:203206%02iT%sZ DURATION:PT1H TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:Lunch or something END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ sched = sched_template % (str(uuid.uuid4()), "%2i%2i%2i" % (random.randint(0,23), random.randint(0,59), random.randint(0,59)), random.randint(1,28), "%2i%2i%2i" % (random.randint(0,23), random.randint(0,59), random.randint(0,59))) class TestScheduling(object): """Testing support of RFC6638. TODO: work in progress. Stalled a bit due to lack of proper testing accounts. I haven't managed to get this test to pass at any systems yet, but I believe the problem is not on the library side. * icloud: cannot really test much with only one test account available. I did some testing forth and back with emails sent to an account on another service through the scheduling_examples.py, and it seems like I was able both to accept an invite from an external account (and the external account got notified about it) and to receive notification that the external party having accepted the calendar invite. FreeBusy doesn't work. I don't have capacity following up more right now. * DAViCal: I have only an old version to test with at the moment, should look into that. I did manage to send and receive a calendar invite, but apparently I did not manage to accept the calendar invite. It should be looked more into. FreeBusy doesn't work in the old version, probably it works in a newer version. * SOGo: Sending a calendar invite, but receiving nothing in the CalDAV inbox. FreeBusy works somehow, but returns pure iCalendar data and not XML, I believe that's not according to RFC6638. """ def __init__(self): if not rfc6638_users: raise SkipTest("need rfc6638_users to be set in order to run this test") if len(rfc6638_users)<3: raise SkipTest("need at least three users in rfc6638_users to be set in order to run this test") def _getCalendar(self, i): calendar_id = "schedulingnosetestcalendar%i" % i calendar_name = "caldav scheduling test %i" % i try: self.principals[i].calendar(name=calendar_name).delete() except error.NotFoundError: pass return self.principals[i].make_calendar(name=calendar_name, cal_id=calendar_id) def setup(self): self.clients = [] self.principals = [] for foo in rfc6638_users: c = client(**foo) self.clients.append(c) self.principals.append(c.principal()) def teardown(self): for i in range(0,len(self.principals)): calendar_name = "caldav scheduling test %i" % i try: self.principals[i].calendar(name=calendar_name).delete() except error.NotFoundError: pass ## TODO #def testFreeBusy(self): #pass def testInviteAndRespond(self): ## Look through inboxes of principals[0] and principals[1] so we can sort ## out existing stuff from new stuff inbox_items = set([x.url for x in self.principals[0].schedule_inbox().get_items()]) inbox_items.update(set([x.url for x in self.principals[1].schedule_inbox().get_items()])) ## self.principal[0] is the organizer, and invites self.principal[1] organizers_calendar = self._getCalendar(0) attendee_calendar = self._getCalendar(1) organizers_calendar.save_with_invites( sched, [self.principals[0], self.principals[1].get_vcal_address()]) assert_equal(len(organizers_calendar.events()), 1) ## no new inbox items expected for principals[0] for item in self.principals[0].schedule_inbox().get_items(): assert(item.url in inbox_items) ## principals[1] should have one new inbox item new_inbox_items = [] for item in self.principals[1].schedule_inbox().get_items(): if not item.url in inbox_items: new_inbox_items.append(item) assert_equal(len(new_inbox_items), 1) ## ... and the new inbox item should be an invite request assert(new_inbox_items[0].is_invite_request()) ## Approving the invite new_inbox_items[0].accept_invite(calendar=attendee_calendar) ## (now, this item should probably appear on a calendar somewhere ... ## TODO: make asserts on that) ## TODO: what happens if we delete that invite request now? ## principals[0] should now have a notification in the inbox that the ## calendar invite was accepted new_inbox_items = [] for item in self.principals[0].schedule_inbox().get_items(): if not item.url in inbox_items: new_inbox_items.append(item) assert_equal(len(new_inbox_items), 1) assert(new_inbox_items[0].is_invite_reply()) new_inbox_items[0].delete() ## TODO. Invite two principals, let both of them load the ## invitation, and then let them respond in order. Lacks both ## tests and the implementation also apparently doesn't work as ## for now (perhaps I misunderstood the RFC). #def testAcceptedInviteRaceCondition(self): #pass ## TODO: more testing ... what happens if deleting things from the ## inbox/outbox? class RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass(object): """This is a class with functional tests (tests that goes through basic functionality and actively communicates with third parties) that we want to repeat for all configured caldav_servers. (what a truely ugly name for this class - any better ideas?) NOTE: this tests relies heavily on the assumption that we can create calendars on the remote caldav server, but the RFC says ... Support for MKCALENDAR on the server is only RECOMMENDED and not REQUIRED because some calendar stores only support one calendar per user (or principal), and those are typically pre-created for each account. We've had some problems with iCloud and Radicale earlier. Google still does not support mkcalendar. """ def check_compatibility_flag(self, flag): ## yield an assertion error if checking for the wrong thig assert(flag in compatibility_issues.incompatibility_description) return flag in self.incompatibilities def skip_on_compatibility_flag(self, flag): if self.check_compatibility_flag(flag): msg = compatibility_issues.incompatibility_description[flag] raise SkipTest("Test skipped due to server incompatibility issue: "+msg) def __init__(self): self._default_calendar=None def setup(self): logging.debug("############## test setup") self.incompatibilities = set() for flag in self.server_params.get('incompatibilities', []): assert(flag in compatibility_issues.incompatibility_description) self.incompatibilities.add(flag) if self.check_compatibility_flag('unique_calendar_ids'): self.testcal_id = 'testcalendar-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.testcal_id2 = 'testcalendar-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) else: self.testcal_id = "pythoncaldav-test" self.testcal_id2 = "pythoncaldav-test2" self.caldav = client(**self.server_params) self.principal = self.caldav.principal() logging.debug("## going to tear down old test calendars, " "in case teardown wasn't properly executed " "last time tests were run") self._teardown() if self.check_compatibility_flag('object_by_uid_is_broken'): import caldav.objects caldav.objects.NotImplementedError = SkipTest logging.debug("##############################") logging.debug("############## test setup done") logging.debug("##############################") def teardown(self): logging.debug("############################") logging.debug("############## test teardown") logging.debug("############################") self._teardown() logging.debug("############## test teardown done") def _teardown(self): if self.check_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar'): for uid in uids_used: try: obj = self._fixCalendar().object_by_uid(uid) obj.delete() except error.NotFoundError: pass except: logging.error("Something went kaboom while deleting event", exc_info=True) return for name in ('Yep', 'Yapp', 'Yølp', self.testcal_id, self.testcal_id2): try: cal = self.principal.calendar(name=name) except: cal = self.principal.calendar(cal_id=name) try: if self.check_compatibility_flag('sticky_events'): try: for goo in cal.objects(): goo.delete() except: pass cal.delete() except: pass def _fixCalendar(self): """ Should ideally return a new calendar, if that's not possible it should see if there exists a test calendar, if that's not possible, give up and return the primary calendar. """ if self.check_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar'): if not self._default_calendar: calendars = self.principal.calendars() for c in calendars: if 'pythoncaldav-test' in c.get_properties([dav.DisplayName(), ]).values(): self._default_calendar = c return c self._default_calendar = calendars[0] return self._default_calendar else: return self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id) def testSupport(self): """ Test the check_*_support methods """ assert(self.caldav.check_dav_support()) assert(self.caldav.check_cdav_support()) if self.check_compatibility_flag('no_scheduling'): assert(not self.caldav.check_scheduling_support()) else: assert(self.caldav.check_scheduling_support()) def testSchedulingInfo(self): self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_scheduling') inbox = self.principal.schedule_inbox() outbox = self.principal.schedule_outbox() calendar_user_address_set = self.principal.calendar_user_address_set() me_a_participant = self.principal.get_vcal_address() def testPropfind(self): """ Test of the propfind methods. (This is sort of redundant, since this is implicitly run by the setup) """ # ResourceType MUST be defined, and SHOULD be returned on a propfind # for "allprop" if I have the permission to see it. # So, no ResourceType returned seems like a bug in bedework self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('propfind_allprop_failure') # first a raw xml propfind to the root URL foo = self.caldav.propfind( self.principal.url, props='' '' ' ' '') assert('resourcetype' in to_local(foo.raw)) # next, the internal _query_properties, returning an xml tree ... foo2 = self.principal._query_properties([dav.Status(), ]) assert('resourcetype' in to_local(foo.raw)) # TODO: more advanced asserts def testGetCalendarHomeSet(self): chs = self.principal.get_properties([cdav.CalendarHomeSet()]) assert '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-home-set' in chs def testGetDefaultCalendar(self): self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_default_calendar') assert_not_equal(len(self.principal.calendars()), 0) def testGetCalendar(self): # Create calendar c = self._fixCalendar() assert_not_equal(c.url, None) assert_not_equal(len(self.principal.calendars()), 0) ## Not sure if those asserts make much sense, the main point here is to exercise ## the __str__ and __repr__ methods on the Calendar object. name = c.get_property(dav.DisplayName(), use_cached=True) if not name: name = c.url assert_equal(str(name), str(c)) assert(str(name) in repr(c)) assert('Calendar' in repr(c)) def testProxy(self): if self.caldav.url.scheme == 'https': raise SkipTest("Skipping %s.testProxy as the TinyHTTPProxy " "implementation doesn't support https") self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_default_calendar') server_address = ('', 8080) try: proxy_httpd = NonThreadingHTTPServer( server_address, ProxyHandler, logging.getLogger("TinyHTTPProxy")) except: raise SkipTest("Unable to set up proxy server") threadobj = threading.Thread(target=proxy_httpd.serve_forever) try: threadobj.start() assert(threadobj.is_alive()) conn_params = self.server_params.copy() conn_params['proxy'] = proxy c = client(**conn_params) p = c.principal() assert_not_equal(len(p.calendars()), 0) finally: proxy_httpd.shutdown() # this should not be necessary, but I've observed some failures if threadobj.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.15) assert(not threadobj.is_alive()) threadobj = threading.Thread(target=proxy_httpd.serve_forever) try: threadobj.start() assert(threadobj.is_alive()) conn_params = self.server_params.copy() conn_params['proxy'] = proxy_noport c = client(**conn_params) p = c.principal() assert_not_equal(len(p.calendars()), 0) assert(threadobj.is_alive()) finally: proxy_httpd.shutdown() # this should not be necessary if threadobj.is_alive(): time.sleep(0.05) assert(not threadobj.is_alive()) def testPrincipal(self): collections = self.principal.calendars() if 'principal_url' in self.server_params: assert_equal(self.principal.url, self.server_params['principal_url']) for c in collections: assert_equal(c.__class__.__name__, "Calendar") def testCreateDeleteCalendar(self): self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') c = self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id) assert_not_equal(c.url, None) events = c.events() assert_equal(len(events), 0) events = self.principal.calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id).events() assert_equal(len(events), 0) c.delete() # verify that calendar does not exist # this breaks with zimbra and radicale if not self.check_compatibility_flag('non_existing_calendar_found'): assert_raises( error.NotFoundError, self.principal.calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id).events) def testCreateEvent(self): c = self._fixCalendar() existing_events = c.events() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar'): ## we're supposed to be working towards a brand new calendar assert_equal(len(existing_events), 0) # add event c.save_event(broken_ev1) # c.events() should give a full list of events events = c.events() assert_equal(len(events), len(existing_events) + 1) # We should be able to access the calender through the URL c2 = self.caldav.calendar(url=c.url) events2 = c2.events() assert_equal(len(events2), len(existing_events) + 1) assert_equal(events2[0].url, events[0].url) if (not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_displayname')): # We should be able to access the calender through the name c2 = self.principal.calendar(name="Yep") events2 = c2.events() assert_equal(len(events2), 1) assert_equal(events2[0].url, events[0].url) # add another event, it should be doable without having premade ICS ev2 = c.save_event(dtstart=datetime(2015, 10, 10, 8, 7, 6), summary="This is a test event", dtend=datetime(2016, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7)) events = c.events() assert_equal(len(events), len(existing_events) + 2) def testCalendarByFullURL(self): """ ref private email, passing a full URL as cal_id works in 0.5.0 but is broken in 0.8.0 """ mycal = self._fixCalendar() samecal = self.caldav.principal().calendar(cal_id=str(mycal.url)) assert_equal(mycal.url, samecal.url) ## passing cal_id as an URL object should also work. samecal = self.caldav.principal().calendar(cal_id=mycal.url) assert_equal(mycal.url, samecal.url) def testObjectBySyncToken(self): """ Support for sync-collection reports, ref https://github.com/python-caldav/caldav/issues/87. This test is using explicit calls to objects_by_sync_token """ self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_sync_token') ## Boiler plate ... make a calendar and add some content c = self._fixCalendar() objcnt = 0 ## in case we need to reuse an existing calendar ... if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo'): objcnt += len(c.todos()) objcnt += len(c.events()) obj = c.save_event(ev1) objcnt += 1 if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring'): c.save_event(evr) objcnt += 1 if (not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar')): c.save_todo(todo) c.save_todo(todo2) c.save_todo(todo3) objcnt += 3 if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## objects should return all objcnt object. my_objects = c.objects() assert_not_equal(my_objects.sync_token, '') assert_equal(len(list(my_objects)), objcnt) ## They should not be loaded. for some_obj in my_objects: assert(some_obj.data is None) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## running sync_token again with the new token should return 0 hits my_changed_objects = c.objects_by_sync_token(sync_token=my_objects.sync_token) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(my_changed_objects)), 0) ## I was unable to run the rest of the tests towards Google using their legacy caldav API self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_overwrite') ## MODIFYING an object if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) obj.icalendar_instance.subcomponents[0]['SUMMARY'] = 'foobar' obj.save() if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## The modified object should be returned by the server my_changed_objects = c.objects_by_sync_token(sync_token=my_changed_objects.sync_token, load_objects=True) if self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert(len(list(my_changed_objects)) >= 1) else: assert_equal(len(list(my_changed_objects)), 1) ## this time it should be loaded assert(list(my_changed_objects)[0].data is not None) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## Re-running objects_by_sync_token, and no objects should be returned my_changed_objects = c.objects_by_sync_token(sync_token=my_changed_objects.sync_token) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(my_changed_objects)), 0) ## ADDING yet another object ... and it should also be reported if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) obj3 = c.save_event(ev3) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) my_changed_objects = c.objects_by_sync_token(sync_token=my_changed_objects.sync_token) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(my_changed_objects)), 1) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## Re-running objects_by_sync_token, and no objects should be returned my_changed_objects = c.objects_by_sync_token(sync_token=my_changed_objects.sync_token) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(my_changed_objects)), 0) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## DELETING the object ... and it should be reported obj.delete() self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('sync_breaks_on_delete') if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) my_changed_objects = c.objects_by_sync_token(sync_token=my_changed_objects.sync_token, load_objects=True) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(my_changed_objects)), 1) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## even if we have asked for the object to be loaded, data should be None as it's a deleted object assert(list(my_changed_objects)[0].data is None) ## Re-running objects_by_sync_token, and no objects should be returned my_changed_objects = c.objects_by_sync_token(sync_token=my_changed_objects.sync_token) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(my_changed_objects)), 0) def testSync(self): """ Support for sync-collection reports, ref https://github.com/python-caldav/caldav/issues/87. Same test pattern as testObjectBySyncToken, but exercises the .sync() method """ self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_sync_token') ## Boiler plate ... make a calendar and add some content c = self._fixCalendar() objcnt = 0 ## in case we need to reuse an existing calendar ... if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo'): objcnt += len(c.todos()) objcnt += len(c.events()) obj = c.save_event(ev1) objcnt += 1 if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring'): c.save_event(evr) objcnt += 1 if (not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar')): c.save_todo(todo) c.save_todo(todo2) c.save_todo(todo3) objcnt += 3 if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## objects should return all objcnt object. my_objects = c.objects(load_objects=True) assert_not_equal(my_objects.sync_token, '') assert_equal(len(list(my_objects)), objcnt) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## sync() should do nothing updated, deleted = my_objects.sync() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(updated)), 0) assert_equal(len(list(deleted)), 0) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## I was unable to run the rest of the tests towards Google using their legacy caldav API self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_overwrite') ## MODIFYING an object obj.icalendar_instance.subcomponents[0]['SUMMARY'] = 'foobar' obj.save() if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) updated, deleted = my_objects.sync() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(updated)), 1) assert_equal(len(list(deleted)), 0) assert('foobar' in my_objects.objects_by_url()[obj.url].data) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## ADDING yet another object ... and it should also be reported obj3 = c.save_event(ev3) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) updated, deleted = my_objects.sync() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(updated)), 1) assert_equal(len(list(deleted)), 0) assert(obj3.url in my_objects.objects_by_url()) self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('sync_breaks_on_delete') if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## DELETING the object ... and it should be reported obj.delete() if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) updated, deleted = my_objects.sync() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(updated)), 0) assert_equal(len(list(deleted)), 1) assert(not obj.url in my_objects.objects_by_url()) if self.check_compatibility_flag('time_based_sync_tokens'): time.sleep(1) ## sync() should do nothing updated, deleted = my_objects.sync() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('fragile_sync_tokens'): assert_equal(len(list(updated)), 0) assert_equal(len(list(deleted)), 0) def testLoadEvent(self): self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') c1 = self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id) c2 = self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yapp", cal_id=self.testcal_id2) e1_ = c1.save_event(ev1) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): e1_.load() e1 = c1.events()[0] assert_equal(e1.url, e1_.url) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): e1.load() def testCopyEvent(self): self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') ## Let's create two calendars, and populate one event on the first calendar c1 = self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id) c2 = self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yapp", cal_id=self.testcal_id2) e1_ = c1.save_event(ev1) e1 = c1.events()[0] if not self.check_compatibility_flag('duplicates_not_allowed'): ## Duplicate the event in the same calendar, with new uid e1_dup = e1.copy() e1_dup.save() assert_equal(len(c1.events()), 2) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('duplicate_in_other_calendar_with_same_uid_breaks'): e1_in_c2 = e1.copy(new_parent=c2, keep_uid=True) e1_in_c2.save() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('duplicate_in_other_calendar_with_same_uid_is_lost'): assert_equal(len(c2.events()), 1) ## what will happen with the event in c1 if we modify the event in c2, ## which shares the id with the event in c1? e1_in_c2.instance.vevent.summary.value = 'asdf' e1_in_c2.save() e1.load() ## should e1.summary be 'asdf' or 'Bastille Day Party'? I do ## not know, but all implementations I've tested will treat ## the copy in the other calendar as a distinct entity, even ## if the uid is the same. assert_equal(e1.instance.vevent.summary.value, 'Bastille Day Party') assert_equal(c2.events()[0].instance.vevent.uid, e1.instance.vevent.uid) ## Duplicate the event in the same calendar, with same uid - ## this makes no sense, there won't be any duplication e1_dup2 = e1.copy(keep_uid=True) e1_dup2.save() if self.check_compatibility_flag('duplicates_not_allowed'): assert_equal(len(c1.events()), 1) else: assert_equal(len(c1.events()), 2) def testCreateCalendarAndEventFromVobject(self): c = self._fixCalendar() ## in case the calendar is reused cnt = len(c.events()) # add event from vobject data ve1 = vobject.readOne(ev1) c.save_event(ve1) cnt += 1 # c.events() should give a full list of events events = c.events() assert_equal(len(events), cnt) # This makes no sense, it's a noop. Perhaps an error # should be raised, but as for now, this is simply ignored. c.save_event(None) assert_equal(len(c.events()), cnt) def testGetSupportedComponents(self): c = self._fixCalendar() components = c.get_supported_components() assert(components) assert('VEVENT' in components) def testCreateJournalListAndJournalEntry(self): """ This test demonstrates the support for journals. * It will create a journal list * It will add some journal entries to it * It will list out all journal entries """ self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_journal') c = self.principal.make_calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id, supported_calendar_component_set=['VJOURNAL']) j1 = c.save_journal(journal) journals = c.journals() assert_equal(len(journals), 1) j1_ = c.journal_by_uid(j1.id) assert_equal(j1_.data, journals[0].data) j2 = c.save_journal(dtstart=date(2011,11,11), summary="A childbirth in a hospital in Kupchino", description="A quick birth, in the middle of the night") assert_equal(len(c.journals()), 2) todos = c.todos() events = c.events() assert_equal(todos + events, []) def testCreateTaskListAndTodo(self): """ This test demonstrates the support for task lists. * It will create a "task list" * It will add a task to it * Verify the cal.todos() method * Verify that cal.events() method returns nothing """ # TODO: should try to add tasks to the default calendar if mkcalendar # does not work self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') # bedeworks and google calendar and some others does not support VTODO self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_todo') # For most servers (notable exception Zimbra), it's # possible to create a calendar and add todo-items to it. # Zimbra has separate calendars and task lists, and it's not # allowed to put TODO-tasks into the calendar. We need to # tell Zimbra that the new "calendar" is a task list. This # is done though the supported_calendar_compontent_set # property - hence the extra parameter here: logging.info("Creating calendar Yep for tasks") c = self.principal.make_calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id, supported_calendar_component_set=['VTODO']) # add todo-item logging.info("Adding todo item to calendar Yep") t1 = c.save_todo(todo) assert_equal(t1.id, '20070313T123432Z-456553@example.com') # c.todos() should give a full list of todo items logging.info("Fetching the full list of todo items (should be one)") todos = c.todos() todos2 = c.todos(include_completed=True) assert_equal(len(todos), 1) assert_equal(len(todos2), 1) t3 = c.save_todo(summary="mop the floor", categories=["housework"], priority=4) assert_equal(len(c.todos()), 2) # adding a todo without an UID, it should also work if not self.check_compatibility_flag('uid_required'): c.save_todo(todo7) assert_equal(len(c.todos()), 3) logging.info("Fetching the events (should be none)") # c.events() should NOT return todo-items events = c.events() assert_equal(len(events), 0) def testTodos(self): """ This test will excercise the cal.todos() method, and in particular the sort_keys attribute. * It will list out all pending tasks, sorted by due date * It will list out all pending tasks, sorted by priority """ # TODO: should try to add tasks to the default calendar if mkcalendar # does not work self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') # Not all server implementations have support for VTODO self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_todo') c = self.principal.make_calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id, supported_calendar_component_set=['VTODO']) # add todo-item t1 = c.save_todo(todo) t2 = c.save_todo(todo2) t3 = c.save_todo(todo3) todos = c.todos() assert_equal(len(todos), 3) def uids(lst): return [x.instance.vtodo.uid for x in lst] assert_equal(uids(todos), uids([t2, t3, t1])) todos = c.todos(sort_keys=('priority',)) ## sort_key is considered to be a legacy parameter, ## but should work at least until 1.0 todos2 = c.todos(sort_key='priority') def pri(lst): return [x.instance.vtodo.priority.value for x in lst if hasattr(x.instance.vtodo, 'priority')] assert_equal(pri(todos), pri([t3, t2])) assert_equal(pri(todos2), pri([t3, t2])) todos = c.todos(sort_keys=('summary', 'priority',)) assert_equal(uids(todos), uids([t3, t2, t1])) ## str of CalendarObjectResource is slightly inconsistent compared to ## the str of Calendar objects, as the class name is included. Perhaps ## it should be removed, hence no assertions on that. ## (the statements below is mostly to exercise the __str__ and __repr__) assert(str(todos[0].url) in str(todos[0])) assert(str(todos[0].url) in repr(todos[0])) assert('Todo' in repr(todos[0])) def testTodoDatesearch(self): """ Let's see how the date search method works for todo events """ # TODO: should try to add tasks to the default calendar if mkcalendar # does not work self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') # bedeworks does not support VTODO self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_todo') self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_todo_datesearch') c = self.principal.make_calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id, supported_calendar_component_set=['VTODO']) # add todo-item t1 = c.save_todo(todo) t2 = c.save_todo(todo2) t3 = c.save_todo(todo3) t4 = c.save_todo(todo4) t5 = c.save_todo(todo5) t6 = c.save_todo(todo6) todos = c.todos() assert_equal(len(todos), 6) notodos = c.date_search( # default compfilter is events start=datetime(1997, 4, 14), end=datetime(2015, 5, 14), expand=False) assert(not notodos) # Now, this is interesting. # t1 has due set but not dtstart set # t2 and t3 has dtstart and due set # t4 has neither dtstart nor due set. # t5 has dtstart and due set prior to the search window # t6 has dtstart and due set prior to the search window, but is yearly recurring. # What will a date search yield? noexpand = self.check_compatibility_flag('no_expand') todos = c.date_search( start=datetime(1997, 4, 14), end=datetime(2015, 5, 14), compfilter='VTODO', expand=not noexpand) # The RFCs are pretty clear on this. rfc5545 states: # A "VTODO" calendar component without the "DTSTART" and "DUE" (or # "DURATION") properties specifies a to-do that will be associated # with each successive calendar date, until it is completed. # and RFC4791, section 9.9 also says that events without # dtstart or due should be counted. The expanded yearly event # should be returned as one object with multiple BEGIN:VEVENT # and DTSTART lines. # Hence a compliant server should chuck out all the todos except t5. # Not all servers perform according to (my interpretation of) the RFC. foo = 5 if (self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring') or self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring_todo')): foo -= 1 ## t6 will not be returned if (self.check_compatibility_flag('vtodo_datesearch_nodtstart_task_is_skipped') or self.check_compatibility_flag('vtodo_datesearch_nodtstart_task_is_skipped_in_closed_date_range')): foo -= 2 ## t1 and t4 not returned elif self.check_compatibility_flag('vtodo_datesearch_notime_task_is_skipped'): foo -= 1 ## t4 not returned assert_equal(len(todos), foo) ## verify that "expand" works if ( not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring_expandation') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_expand') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring_todo_expand')): assert_equal(len([x for x in todos if 'DTSTART:20020415T1330' in x.data]), 1) ## exercise the default for expand (maybe -> False for open-ended search) todos = c.date_search( start=datetime(2025, 4, 14), compfilter='VTODO') assert(isinstance(todos[0], Todo)) ## * t6 should be returned, as it's a yearly task spanning over 2025 ## * t1 should probably be returned, as it has no due date set and hence ## has an infinite duration. ## * t4 should probably be returned, as it has no dtstart nor due and ## hence is also considered to span over infinite time urls_found = [x.url for x in todos] if not (self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring') or self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring_todo')): urls_found.remove(t6.url) if (not self.check_compatibility_flag('vtodo_datesearch_nodtstart_task_is_skipped') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('vtodo_datesearch_notime_task_is_skipped')): urls_found.remove(t4.url) if self.check_compatibility_flag('vtodo_no_due_infinite_duration'): urls_found.remove(t1.url) ## everything should be popped from urls_found by now assert_equal(len(urls_found), 0) assert_equal(len([x for x in todos if 'DTSTART:20270415T1330' in x.data]), 0) # TODO: prod the caldav server implementators about the RFC # breakages. def testTodoCompletion(self): """ Will check that todo-items can be completed and deleted """ # TODO: should try to add tasks to the default calendar if mkcalendar # does not work self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') # not all caldav servers support VTODO self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_todo') c = self.principal.make_calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id, supported_calendar_component_set=['VTODO']) # add todo-items t1 = c.save_todo(todo) t2 = c.save_todo(todo2) t3 = c.save_todo(todo3) # There are now three todo-items at the calendar todos = c.todos() assert_equal(len(todos), 3) # Complete one of them t3.complete() # There are now two todo-items at the calendar todos = c.todos() assert_equal(len(todos), 2) # The historic todo-item can still be accessed todos = c.todos(include_completed=True) assert_equal(len(todos), 3) t3_ = c.todo_by_uid(t3.id) assert_equal(t3_.instance.vtodo.summary, t3.instance.vtodo.summary) assert_equal(t3_.instance.vtodo.uid, t3.instance.vtodo.uid) assert_equal(t3_.instance.vtodo.dtstart, t3.instance.vtodo.dtstart) t2.delete() # ... the deleted one is gone ... if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): todos = c.todos(include_completed=True) assert_equal(len(todos), 2) # date search should not include completed events ... hum. # TODO, fixme. # todos = c.date_search( # start=datetime(1990, 4, 14), end=datetime(2015,5,14), # compfilter='VTODO', hide_completed_todos=True) # assert_equal(len(todos), 1) def testUtf8Event(self): # TODO: what's the difference between this and testUnicodeEvent? # TODO: split up in creating a calendar with non-ascii name # and an event with non-ascii description self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') c = self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yølp", cal_id=self.testcal_id) # add event e1 = c.save_event( ev1.replace("Bastille Day Party", "Bringebærsyltetøyfestival")) # fetch it back events = c.events() # no todos should be added if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo'): todos = c.todos() assert_equal(len(todos), 0) # COMPATIBILITY PROBLEM - todo, look more into it if 'zimbra' not in str(c.url): assert_equal(len(events), 1) def testUnicodeEvent(self): self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') c = self.principal.make_calendar(name="Yølp", cal_id=self.testcal_id) # add event e1 = c.save_event(to_str( ev1.replace("Bastille Day Party", "Bringebærsyltetøyfestival"))) # c.events() should give a full list of events events = c.events() # COMPATIBILITY PROBLEM - todo, look more into it if 'zimbra' not in str(c.url): assert_equal(len(events), 1) def testSetCalendarProperties(self): self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_displayname') c = self._fixCalendar() assert_not_equal(c.url, None) props = c.get_properties([dav.DisplayName(), ]) ## TODO: there are more things in this test that ## should be run even if mkcalendar is not available. self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar') assert_equal("Yep", props[dav.DisplayName.tag]) # Creating a new calendar with different ID but with existing name cc = self.principal.make_calendar("Yep", self.testcal_id2) cc.delete() c.set_properties([dav.DisplayName("hooray"), ]) props = c.get_properties([dav.DisplayName(), ]) assert_equal(props[dav.DisplayName.tag], "hooray") # Creating a new calendar with different ID and old name, this should # work, shouldn't it? (does not work entirely at iCloud, possibly due # to some 'stickyness' or race condition problems. make_calendar # triggers an obscure assert, and all access to the calendar raises 404) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('sticky_events'): cc = self.principal.make_calendar( name="Yep", cal_id=self.testcal_id2).save() assert_not_equal(cc.url, None) cc.delete() ## calendar color and calendar order are extra properties not ## described by RFC5545, but anyway supported by quite some ## server implementations if self.check_compatibility_flag('calendar_color'): props = c.get_properties([ical.CalendarColor(), ]) assert_not_equal(props[ical.CalendarColor.tag], 'sort of blueish') c.set_properties([ical.CalendarColor("blue"), ]) props = c.get_properties([ical.CalendarColor(), ]) assert_equal(props[ical.CalendarColor.tag], 'blue') if self.check_compatibility_flag('calendar_order'): props = c.get_properties([ical.CalendarOrder(), ]) assert_not_equal(props[ical.CalendarOrder.tag], "-434") c.set_properties([ical.CalendarOrder("12"), ]) props = c.get_properties([ical.CalendarOrder(), ]) assert_equal(props[ical.CalendarOrder.tag], "12") def testLookupEvent(self): """ Makes sure we can add events and look them up by URL and ID """ # Create calendar c = self._fixCalendar() assert_not_equal(c.url, None) # add event e1 = c.save_event(ev1) assert_not_equal(e1.url, None) # Verify that we can look it up, both by URL and by ID if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): e2 = c.event_by_url(e1.url) assert_equal(e2.instance.vevent.uid, e1.instance.vevent.uid) assert_equal(e2.url, e1.url) e3 = c.event_by_uid("20010712T182145Z-123401@example.com") assert_equal(e3.instance.vevent.uid, e1.instance.vevent.uid) assert_equal(e3.url, e1.url) # Knowing the URL of an event, we should be able to get to it # without going through a calendar object if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): e4 = Event(client=self.caldav, url=e1.url) e4.load() assert_equal(e4.instance.vevent.uid, e1.instance.vevent.uid) assert_raises(error.NotFoundError, c.event_by_uid, "0") c.save_event(evr) assert_raises(error.NotFoundError, c.event_by_uid, "0") def testCreateOverwriteDeleteEvent(self): """ Makes sure we can add events and delete them """ # Create calendar c = self._fixCalendar() assert_not_equal(c.url, None) # attempts on updating/overwriting a non-existing event should fail assert_raises(error.ConsistencyError, c.save_event, ev1, no_create=True) # no_create and no_overwrite is mutually exclusive, this will always # raise an error (unless the ical given is blank) assert_raises( error.ConsistencyError, c.save_event, ev1, no_create=True, no_overwrite=True) # add event e1 = c.save_event(ev1) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar'): t1 = c.save_todo(todo) assert_not_equal(e1.url, None) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar'): assert_not_equal(t1.url, None) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): assert_equal(c.event_by_url(e1.url).url, e1.url) assert_equal(c.event_by_uid(e1.id).url, e1.url) ## add same event again. As it has same uid, it should be overwritten ## (but some calendars may throw a "409 Conflict") if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_overwrite'): e2 = c.save_event(ev1) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar'): t2 = c.save_todo(todo) ## add same event with "no_create". Should work like a charm. e2 = c.save_event(ev1, no_create=True) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar'): t2 = c.save_todo(todo, no_create=True) ## this should also work. e2.instance.vevent.summary.value = e2.instance.vevent.summary.value + '!' e2.save(no_create=True) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar'): t2.instance.vtodo.summary.value = t2.instance.vtodo.summary.value + '!' t2.save(no_create=True) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): e3 = c.event_by_url(e1.url) assert_equal(e3.instance.vevent.summary.value, 'Bastille Day Party!') ## "no_overwrite" should throw a ConsistencyError assert_raises(error.ConsistencyError, c.save_event, ev1, no_overwrite=True) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar'): assert_raises(error.ConsistencyError, c.save_todo, todo, no_overwrite=True) # delete event e1.delete() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo') and not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_todo_on_standard_calendar'): t1.delete # Verify that we can't look it up, both by URL and by ID assert_raises(error.NotFoundError, c.event_by_url, e1.url) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_overwrite'): assert_raises(error.NotFoundError, c.event_by_url, e2.url) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('event_by_url_is_broken'): assert_raises( error.NotFoundError, c.event_by_uid, "20010712T182145Z-123401@example.com") def testDateSearchAndFreeBusy(self): """ Verifies that date search works with a non-recurring event Also verifies that it's possible to change a date of a non-recurring event """ # Create calendar, add event ... c = self._fixCalendar() assert_not_equal(c.url, None) e = c.save_event(ev1) ## just a sanity check to increase coverage (ref ## https://github.com/python-caldav/caldav/issues/93) - ## expand=False and no end date given is no-no assert_raises( error.DAVError, c.date_search, datetime(2006, 7, 13, 17,00, 00), expand=True) # .. and search for it. r = c.date_search(datetime(2006, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2006, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) assert_equal(e.instance.vevent.uid, r[0].instance.vevent.uid) assert_equal(len(r), 1) ## The rest of the test code here depends on us changing an event. ## Apparently, in google calendar, events are immutable. ## TODO: delete the old event and insert a new one rather than skipping. ## (But events should not be immutable! One should be able to change an event, push the changes ## out to all participants and all copies of the calendar, and let everyone know that it's a ## changed event and not a cancellation and a new event). self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_overwrite') # ev2 is same UID, but one year ahead. # The timestamp should change. e.data = ev2 e.save() r = c.date_search(datetime(2006, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2006, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) assert_equal(len(r), 0) r = c.date_search(datetime(2007, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2007, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) assert_equal(len(r), 1) # date search without closing date should also find it r = c.date_search(datetime(2007, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) assert_equal(len(r), 1) # Lets try a freebusy request as well self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_freebusy_rfc4791') freebusy = c.freebusy_request(datetime(2007, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2007, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00)) # TODO: assert something more complex on the return object assert(isinstance(freebusy, FreeBusy)) assert(freebusy.instance.vfreebusy) def testRecurringDateSearch(self): """ This is more sanity testing of the server side than testing of the library per se. How will it behave if we serve it a recurring event? """ self.skip_on_compatibility_flag('no_recurring') c = self._fixCalendar() # evr is a yearly event starting at 1997-02-11 e = c.save_event(evr) ## Without "expand", we should not find it when searching over 2008 ... ## or ... should we? TODO r = c.date_search(datetime(2008, 11, 1, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2008, 11, 3, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) #if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar'): #assert_equal(len(r), 0) if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_expand'): ## With expand=True, we should find one occurrence r = c.date_search(datetime(2008, 11, 1, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2008, 11, 3, 17, 00, 00), expand=True) assert_equal(len(r), 1) assert_equal(r[0].data.count("END:VEVENT"), 1) ## due to expandation, the DTSTART should be in 2008 if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring_expandation'): assert_equal(r[0].data.count("DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:2008"), 1) ## With expand=True and searching over two recurrences ... r = c.date_search(datetime(2008, 11, 1, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2009, 11, 3, 17, 00, 00), expand=True) ## According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4791#section-7.8.3, the ## resultset should be one vcalendar with two events. assert_equal(len(r), 1) ## not all servers supports expandation if self.check_compatibility_flag('no_recurring_expandation'): ## without expandation, we'll get the original ics, ## with RRULE set assert("RRULE" in r[0].data) assert_equal(r[0].data.count("END:VEVENT"), 1) else: assert("RRULE" not in r[0].data) assert_equal(r[0].data.count("END:VEVENT"), 2) # The recurring events should not be expanded when using the # events() method r = c.events() if not self.check_compatibility_flag('no_mkcalendar'): assert_equal(len(r), 1) assert_equal(r[0].data.count("END:VEVENT"), 1) def testOffsetURL(self): """ pass an URL pointing to a calendar or a user to the DAVClient class, and things should still work """ urls = [ self.principal.url, self._fixCalendar().url ] connect_params = self.server_params.copy() connect_params.pop('url') for url in urls: conn = client(**connect_params, url=url) principal = conn.principal() calendars = principal.calendars() ## TODO: run this test, ref https://github.com/python-caldav/caldav/issues/91 ## It should be removed prior to a 1.0-release. def testBackwardCompatibility(self): """ Tobias Brox has done some API changes - but this thing should still be backward compatible. """ if 'backwards_compatibility_url' not in self.server_params: raise SkipTest("backward compatibility check skipped - needs an URL like it was supposed to be in 2013") caldav = DAVClient(self.server_params['backwards_compatibility_url']) principal = Principal( caldav, self.server_params['backwards_compatibility_url']) c = Calendar( caldav, name="Yep", parent=principal, id=self.testcal_id).save() assert_not_equal(c.url, None) c.set_properties([dav.DisplayName("hooray"), ]) props = c.get_properties([dav.DisplayName(), ]) assert_equal(props[dav.DisplayName.tag], "hooray") cc = Calendar(caldav, name="Yep", parent=principal).save() assert_not_equal(cc.url, None) cc.delete() e = Event(caldav, data=ev1, parent=c).save() assert_not_equal(e.url, None) ee = Event(caldav, url=url.make(e.url), parent=c) ee.load() assert_equal(e.instance.vevent.uid, ee.instance.vevent.uid) r = c.date_search(datetime(2006, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2006, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) assert_equal(e.instance.vevent.uid, r[0].instance.vevent.uid) assert_equal(len(r), 1) all = c.events() assert_equal(len(all), 1) e2 = Event(caldav, data=ev2, parent=c).save() assert_not_equal(e.url, None) tmp = c.event("20010712T182145Z-123401@example.com") assert_equal(e2.instance.vevent.uid, tmp.instance.vevent.uid) r = c.date_search(datetime(2007, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2007, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) assert_equal(len(r), 1) e.data = ev2 e.save() r = c.date_search(datetime(2007, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2007, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) # for e in r: print(e.data) assert_equal(len(r), 1) e.instance = e2.instance e.save() r = c.date_search(datetime(2007, 7, 13, 17, 00, 00), datetime(2007, 7, 15, 17, 00, 00), expand=False) # for e in r: print(e.data) assert_equal(len(r), 1) def testObjects(self): # TODO: description ... what are we trying to test for here? o = DAVObject(self.caldav) assert_raises(Exception, o.save) # We want to run all tests in the above class through all caldav_servers; # and I don't really want to create a custom nose test loader. The # solution here seems to be to generate one child class for each # caldav_url, and inject it into the module namespace. TODO: This is # very hacky. If there are better ways to do it, please let me know. # (maybe a custom nose test loader really would be the better option?) # -- Tobias Brox , 2013-10-10 _servernames = set() for _caldav_server in caldav_servers: if not _caldav_server.get('enable', True): continue # create a unique identifier out of the server domain name _parsed_url = urlparse(_caldav_server['url']) _servername = (_parsed_url.hostname.replace('.', '_') + str(_parsed_url.port or '')) while _servername in _servernames: _servername = _servername + '_' _servernames.add(_servername) # create a classname and a class _classname = 'TestForServer_' + _servername # inject the new class into this namespace vars()[_classname] = type( _classname, (RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass,), {'server_params': _caldav_server}) class TestLocalRadicale(RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass): """ Sets up a local Radicale server and runs the functional tests towards it """ def setup(self): if not test_radicale: raise SkipTest("Skipping Radicale test due to configuration") self.serverdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.serverdir.__enter__() self.configuration = radicale.config.load("") self.configuration.update({'storage': {'filesystem_folder': self.serverdir.name}}) self.server = radicale.server self.server_params = {'url': 'http://%s:%i/' % (radicale_host, radicale_port), 'username': 'user1', 'password': 'password1'} self.server_params['backwards_compatibility_url'] = self.server_params['url']+'user1' self.server_params['incompatibilities'] = compatibility_issues.radicale self.shutdown_socket, self.shutdown_socket_out = socket.socketpair() self.radicale_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve, args=(self.configuration, self.shutdown_socket_out)) self.radicale_thread.start() i = 0 while True: try: requests.get(self.server_params['url']) break except: time.sleep(0.05) i+=1 assert(i<100) try: RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass.setup(self) except: logging.critical("something bad happened in setup", exc_info=True) self.teardown() def teardown(self): if not test_radicale: return self.shutdown_socket.close() i=0 self.serverdir.__exit__(None, None, None) RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass.teardown(self) class TestLocalXandikos(RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass): """ Sets up a local Xandikos server and runs the functional tests towards it """ def setup(self): if not test_xandikos: raise SkipTest("Skipping Xadikos test due to configuration") ## TODO: https://github.com/jelmer/xandikos/issues/131#issuecomment-1054805270 suggests a simpler way to launch the xandikos server self.serverdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.serverdir.__enter__() ## Most of the stuff below is cargo-cult-copied from xandikos.web.main ## (maybe it would be better to just call main() directly ## TODO - we should do something with the access logs from Xandikos self.backend = XandikosBackend(path=self.serverdir.name) self.backend._mark_as_principal('/sometestuser/') self.backend.create_principal('/sometestuser/', create_defaults=True) mainapp = XandikosApp(self.backend, current_user_principal='sometestuser', strict=True) async def xandikos_handler(request): return await mainapp.aiohttp_handler(request, '/') self.xapp = aiohttp.web.Application() self.xapp.router.add_route("*", "/{path_info:.*}", xandikos_handler) ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51610074/how-to-run-an-aiohttp-server-in-a-thread self.xapp_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self.xapp_runner = aiohttp.web.AppRunner(self.xapp) asyncio.set_event_loop(self.xapp_loop) self.xapp_loop.run_until_complete(self.xapp_runner.setup()) self.xapp_site=aiohttp.web.TCPSite(self.xapp_runner, host=xandikos_host, port=xandikos_port) self.xapp_loop.run_until_complete(self.xapp_site.start()) def aiohttp_server(): self.xapp_loop.run_forever() self.xandikos_thread = threading.Thread(target=aiohttp_server) self.xandikos_thread.start() self.server_params = {'url': 'http://%s:%i/' % (xandikos_host, xandikos_port)} self.server_params['backwards_compatibility_url'] = self.server_params['url']+'sometestuser' self.server_params['incompatibilities'] = compatibility_issues.xandikos RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass.setup(self) def teardown(self): if not test_xandikos: return self.xapp_loop.stop() ## ... but the thread may be stuck waiting for a request ... def silly_request(): try: requests.get(self.server_params['url']) except: pass threading.Thread(target=silly_request).start() i=0 while (self.xapp_loop.is_running()): time.sleep(0.05) i+=1 assert(i<100) self.xapp_loop.run_until_complete(self.xapp_runner.cleanup()) i=0 while (self.xandikos_thread.is_alive()): time.sleep(0.05) i+=1 assert(i<100) self.serverdir.__exit__(None, None, None) RepeatedFunctionalTestsBaseClass.teardown(self)