#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ## YOU SHOULD MOST LIKELY NOT EDIT THIS FILE! ## Make a conf_private.py for personal configuration. ## Check conf_private.py.EXAMPLE from caldav.davclient import DAVClient #from .compability_issues import bedework, xandikos #################################### # Import personal test server config #################################### ## TODO: there are probably more elegant ways of doing this? try: from .conf_private import only_private ## legacy compatibility test_public_test_servers = not only_private except ImportError: try: from .conf_private import test_public_test_servers except ImportError: test_public_test_servers = False try: from .conf_private import caldav_servers except ImportError: caldav_servers = [] try: from .conf_private import test_private_test_servers if not test_private_test_servers: caldav_servers = [] except ImportError: pass try: from .conf_private import xandikos_host, xandikos_port except ImportError: xandikos_host = 'localhost' xandikos_port = 8993 ## random port above 8000 try: from .conf_private import test_xandikos except ImportError: try: import xandikos test_xandikos = True except: test_xandikos = False try: from .conf_private import radicale_host, radicale_port except ImportError: radicale_host = 'localhost' radicale_port = 5232 ## default radicale host try: from .conf_private import test_radicale except ImportError: try: import radicale test_radicale = True except: test_radicale = False try: from .conf_private import rfc6638_users except ImportError: rfc6638_users = [] proxy = "" proxy_noport = "" ##################### # Public test servers ##################### ## As of 2019-09, all of those are down. Will try to fix Real Soon ... possibly before 2029 even. if False: #if test_public_test_servers: ## TODO: this one is set up on emphemeral storage on OpenShift and ## then configured manually through the webui installer, it will ## most likely only work for some few days until it's down again. ## It's needed to hard-code the configuration into ## https://github.com/python-caldav/baikal caldav_servers.append({ "url": "http://baikal-caldav-servers.cloudapps.bitbit.net/html/cal.php/", "username": "baikaluser", "password": "asdf"}) # bedework: # * todos and journals are not properly supported - # ref https://github.com/Bedework/bedework/issues/5 # * propfind fails to return resourcetype, # ref https://github.com/Bedework/bedework/issues/110 # * date search on recurrences of recurring events doesn't work # (not reported yet - TODO) caldav_servers.append({ "url": "http://bedework-caldav-servers.cloudapps.bitbit.net/ucaldav/", "username": "vbede", "password": "bedework", "incompatibilities": compatibility_issues.bedework}) caldav_servers.append({ "url": "http://xandikos-caldav-servers.cloudapps.bitbit.net/", "username": "user1", "password": "password1", "incompatibilities": compatibility_issues.xandikos}) # radicale caldav_servers.append({ "url": "http://radicale-caldav-servers.cloudapps.bitbit.net/", "username": "testuser", "password": "123", "nofreebusy": True, "nodefaultcalendar": True, "noproxy": True}) ################################################################### # Convenience - get a DAVClient object from the caldav_servers list ################################################################### CONNKEYS = set(('url', 'proxy', 'username', 'password', 'ssl_verify_cert', 'ssl_cert', 'auth')) def client(idx=None, **kwargs): if idx is None and not kwargs: return client(0) elif idx is not None and not kwargs and caldav_servers: return client(**caldav_servers[idx]) elif not kwargs: return None for bad_param in ('incompatibilities', 'backwards_compatibility_url', 'principal_url', 'enable'): if bad_param in kwargs: kwargs.pop(bad_param) for kw in kwargs: if not kw in CONNKEYS: logging.critical("unknown keyword %s in connection parameters. All compatibility flags should now be sent as a separate list, see conf_private.py.EXAMPLE. Ignoring." % kw) kwargs.pop(kw) return DAVClient(**kwargs)