path: root/tests/
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1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
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+++ b/tests/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from unittest import TestCase
+import vobject
+import icalendar
+import uuid
+from caldav.lib.vcal import fix, create_ical
+#from datetime import timezone
+import pytz
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from caldav.lib.python_utilities import to_normal_str, to_wire
+#utc = timezone.utc
+import pytz
+utc = pytz.utc
+# example from
+PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN
+SUMMARY:Our Blissful Anniversary
+class TestVcal(TestCase):
+ def assertSameICal(self, ical1, ical2):
+ """helper method"""
+ def normalize(s):
+ s = to_wire(s).replace(b'\r\n',b'\n').strip().split(b'\n')
+ s.sort()
+ return b"\n".join(s)
+ self.assertEqual(normalize(ical1), normalize(ical2))
+ return ical2
+ def verifyICal(self, ical):
+ """
+ Does a best effort on verifying that the ical is correct, by
+ pushing it through the vobject and icalendar library
+ """
+ vobj = vobject.readOne(to_normal_str(ical))
+ icalobj = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ical)
+ self.assertSameICal(icalobj.to_ical(), ical)
+ self.assertSameICal(vobj.serialize(), ical)
+ return icalobj.to_ical()
+ ## TODO: create a test_fix, should be fairly simple - for each
+ ## "fix" that's done in the code, make up some broken ical data
+ ## that demonstrates the brokenness we're dealing with (preferably
+ ## real-world examples). Then ...
+ #for bical in broken_ical:
+ # verifyICal(vcal.fix(bical))
+ def test_create_ical(self):
+ def create_and_validate(**args):
+ return self.verifyICal(create_ical(**args))
+ ## First, a fully valid ical_fragment should go through as is
+ self.assertSameICal(create_and_validate(ical_fragment=ev), ev)
+ ## One may add stuff to a fully valid ical_fragment
+ self.assertSameICal(create_and_validate(ical_fragment=ev, priority=3), ev+"\nPRIORITY:3\n")
+ ## The returned ical_fragment should always contain BEGIN:VCALENDAR and END:VCALENDAR
+ ical_fragment = ev.replace('BEGIN:VCALENDAR', '').replace('END:VCALENDAR', '')
+ self.assertSameICal(create_and_validate(ical_fragment=ical_fragment), ev)
+ ## Create something with a dtstart and verify that we get it back in the ical
+ some_ical = create_and_validate(summary="gobledok", dtstart=datetime(2032,10,10,10,10,10, tzinfo=utc), duration=timedelta(hours=5))
+ self.assertTrue(b'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20321010T101010Z' in some_ical)
+ ## Verify that ical_fragment works as intended
+ some_ical = create_and_validate(summary="gobledok", ical_fragment="PRIORITY:3", dtstart=datetime(2032,10,10,10,10,10, tzinfo=utc), duration=timedelta(hours=5))
+ self.assertTrue(b'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20321010T101010Z' in some_ical)