diff options
authorTobias Brox <>2021-02-04 11:51:14 +0100
committerTobias Brox <>2021-02-04 11:51:14 +0100
commite5968d0faa6852440f27ea23778a96814bef95fd (patch)
parent552ff4728a191610d08f31a181573fb1f57e8692 (diff)
Seems like I've forgotten to check in this unit test file. It tests a lot of XML parsing and quite some other things without initiating server communication. Also includes a unit test for
1 files changed, 723 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a45d601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+Rule: None of the tests in this file should initiate any internet
+communication, and there should be no dependencies on a working caldav
+server for the tests in this file. We use the Mock class when needed
+to emulate server communication.
+from six import PY3
+from import assert_equal, assert_not_equal, assert_raises
+import caldav
+from caldav.davclient import DAVClient, DAVResponse
+from caldav.objects import (Principal, Calendar, Event, DAVObject,
+ CalendarSet, FreeBusy, Todo)
+from caldav.lib.url import URL
+from caldav.lib import url
+from caldav.lib import error
+from caldav.elements import dav, cdav, ical
+from caldav.lib.python_utilities import to_local, to_str
+from datetime import datetime
+if PY3:
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse
+ from unittest import mock
+ from urlparse import urlparse
+ import mock
+PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN
+SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party
+def MockedDAVResponse(text):
+ """
+ For unit testing - a mocked DAVResponse with some specific content
+ """
+ resp = mock.MagicMock()
+ resp.status_code = 207
+ resp.reason = 'multistatus'
+ resp.headers = {}
+ resp.content = text
+ return DAVResponse(resp)
+def MockedDAVClient(xml_returned):
+ """
+ For unit testing - a mocked DAVClient returning some specific content every time
+ a request is performed
+ """
+ client = DAVClient(url='')
+ client.request = mock.MagicMock(return_value=MockedDAVResponse(xml_returned))
+ return client
+class TestCalDAV:
+ """
+ Test class for "pure" unit tests (small internal tests, testing that
+ a small unit of code works as expected, without any third party
+ dependencies, without accessing any caldav server)
+ """
+ @mock.patch('caldav.davclient.requests.Session.request')
+ def testRequestNonAscii(self, mocked):
+ """
+ ref
+ """
+ mocked().status_code=200
+ mocked().headers = {}
+ cal_url = "http://me:hunter2@calendar.møøh.example:80/"
+ client = DAVClient(url=cal_url)
+ response = client.put('/foo/møøh/bar', 'bringebærsyltetøy 北京 пиво', {})
+ assert_equal(response.status, 200)
+ assert(response.tree is None)
+ if PY3:
+ response = client.put('/foo/møøh/bar'.encode('utf-8'), 'bringebærsyltetøy 北京 пиво'.encode('utf-8'), {})
+ else:
+ response = client.put(u'/foo/møøh/bar', u'bringebærsyltetøy 北京 пиво', {})
+ assert_equal(response.status, 200)
+ assert(response.tree is None)
+ def testPathWithEscapedCharacters(self):
+ xml=b"""<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:caldav="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" xmlns:cs="" xmlns:ical="">
+ <D:response xmlns:carddav="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav" xmlns:cm="" xmlns:md="urn:mobileme:davservices">
+ <D:href>/some/caldav/root/</D:href>
+ <D:propstat>
+ <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
+ <D:prop>
+ <caldav:supported-calendar-component-set>
+ <caldav:comp name="VEVENT"/>
+ </caldav:supported-calendar-component-set>
+ </D:prop>
+ </D:propstat>
+ </D:response>
+ client = MockedDAVClient(xml)
+ assert_equal(Calendar(client=client, url="").get_supported_components(), ['VEVENT'])
+ def testAbsoluteURL(self):
+ """Version 0.7.0 does not handle responses with absolute URLs very well, ref"""
+ ## none of this should initiate any communication
+ client = DAVClient(url='')
+ principal = Principal(client=client, url='')
+ ## now, ask for the calendar_home_set, but first we need to mock up client.propfind
+ mocked_response = mock.MagicMock()
+ mocked_response.status_code = 207
+ mocked_response.reason = 'multistatus'
+ mocked_response.headers = {}
+ mocked_response.content = """
+<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:c="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
+ <d:response>
+ <d:href></d:href>
+ <d:propstat>
+ <d:prop>
+ <c:calendar-home-set>
+ <d:href></d:href>
+ </c:calendar-home-set>
+ </d:prop>
+ <d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>
+ </d:propstat>
+ </d:response>
+ mocked_davresponse = DAVResponse(mocked_response)
+ client.propfind = mock.MagicMock(return_value=mocked_davresponse)
+ bernards_calendars = principal.calendar_home_set
+ assert_equal(bernards_calendars.url, URL(''))
+ def testDateSearch(self):
+ """
+ ## ref
+ """
+ xml = """<xml><multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/principals/calendar/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop/>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <calendar-data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ <expand xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response>
+ <href>/principals/calendar/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop/>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <calendar-data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ <expand xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response>
+ <href>/principals/calendar/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop/>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <calendar-data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ <expand xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ client = MockedDAVClient(xml)
+ calendar = Calendar(client, url='/principals/calendar/')
+ results = calendar.date_search(datetime(2021, 2, 1),datetime(2021, 2,7))
+ assert_equal(len(results), 3)
+ def testCalendar(self):
+ """
+ Principal.calendar() and CalendarSet.calendar() should create
+ Calendar objects without initiating any communication with the
+ server. Calendar.event() should create Event object without
+ initiating any communication with the server.
+ DAVClient.__init__ also doesn't do any communication
+ Principal.__init__ as well, if the principal_url is given
+ Principal.calendar_home_set needs to be set or the server will be queried
+ """
+ cal_url = "http://me:hunter2@calendar.example:80/"
+ client = DAVClient(url=cal_url)
+ principal = Principal(client, cal_url + "me/")
+ principal.calendar_home_set = cal_url + "me/calendars/"
+ # calendar_home_set is actually a CalendarSet object
+ assert(isinstance(principal.calendar_home_set, CalendarSet))
+ calendar1 = principal.calendar(name="foo", cal_id="bar")
+ calendar2 = principal.calendar_home_set.calendar(
+ name="foo", cal_id="bar")
+ calendar3 = principal.calendar(cal_id="bar")
+ assert_equal(calendar1.url, calendar2.url)
+ assert_equal(calendar1.url, calendar3.url)
+ assert_equal(
+ calendar1.url, "http://calendar.example:80/me/calendars/bar/")
+ # principal.calendar_home_set can also be set to an object
+ # This should be noop
+ principal.calendar_home_set = principal.calendar_home_set
+ calendar1 = principal.calendar(name="foo", cal_id="bar")
+ assert_equal(calendar1.url, calendar2.url)
+ # When building a calendar from a relative URL and a client,
+ # the relative URL should be appended to the base URL in the client
+ calendar1 = Calendar(client, 'someoneelse/calendars/main_calendar')
+ calendar2 = Calendar(client,
+ 'http://me:hunter2@calendar.example:80/someoneelse/calendars/main_calendar')
+ assert_equal(calendar1.url, calendar2.url)
+ def test_get_events_icloud(self):
+ """
+ tests that some XML observed from the icloud returns 0 events found.
+ """
+ xml = """
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response>
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-485d002e-31b9-4147-a334-1d71503a4e2c/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop> </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <calendar-data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ """
+ client = MockedDAVClient(xml)
+ calendar = Calendar(client, url='/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-485d002e-31b9-4147-a334-1d71503a4e2c/')
+ assert_equal(len(, 0)
+ def test_get_calendars(self):
+ xml="""
+<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:">
+ <D:response>
+ <D:href>/dav/</D:href>
+ <D:propstat>
+ <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
+ <D:prop>
+ <D:resourcetype>
+ <D:collection/>
+ </D:resourcetype>
+ <D:displayname>USER_ROOT</D:displayname>
+ </D:prop>
+ </D:propstat>
+ </D:response>
+ <D:response>
+ <D:href>/dav/</D:href>
+ <D:propstat>
+ <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
+ <D:prop>
+ <D:resourcetype>
+ <D:collection/>
+ <C:schedule-inbox xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </D:resourcetype>
+ <D:displayname>Inbox</D:displayname>
+ </D:prop>
+ </D:propstat>
+ </D:response>
+ <D:response>
+ <D:href>/dav/</D:href>
+ <D:propstat>
+ <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
+ <D:prop>
+ <D:resourcetype>
+ <D:collection/>
+ <C:addressbook xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav"/>
+ </D:resourcetype>
+ <D:displayname>Emailed Contacts</D:displayname>
+ </D:prop>
+ </D:propstat>
+ </D:response>
+ <D:response>
+ <D:href>/dav/</D:href>
+ <D:propstat>
+ <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
+ <D:prop>
+ <D:resourcetype/>
+ <D:displayname>Calendarc5f1a47c-2d92-11e3-b654-0016eab36bf4.ics</D:displayname>
+ </D:prop>
+ </D:propstat>
+ </D:response>
+ <D:response>
+ <D:href>/dav/</D:href>
+ <D:propstat>
+ <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
+ <D:prop>
+ <D:resourcetype>
+ <D:collection/>
+ <C:calendar xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </D:resourcetype>
+ <D:displayname>Yep</D:displayname>
+ </D:prop>
+ </D:propstat>
+ </D:response>
+ client=MockedDAVClient(xml)
+ calendar_home_set = CalendarSet(client, url='/dav/')
+ assert_equal(len(calendar_home_set.calendars()), 1)
+ def test_supported_components(self):
+ xml="""
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-0da571c7-139c-479a-9407-8ce9ed20146d/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <supported-calendar-component-set xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
+ <comp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" name="VEVENT"/>
+ </supported-calendar-component-set>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ client = MockedDAVClient(xml)
+ assert_equal(Calendar(client=client, url="/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-0da571c7-139c-479a-9407-8ce9ed20146d/").get_supported_components(), ['VEVENT']);
+ def test_xml_parsing(self):
+ """
+ DAVResponse has quite some code to parse the XML received from the
+ server. This test contains real XML received from various
+ caldav servers, and the expected result from the parse
+ methods.
+ """
+ xml = """
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <current-user-principal xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href xmlns="DAV:">/17149682/principal/</href>
+ </current-user-principal>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ expected_result = {'/':
+ {'{DAV:}current-user-principal': '/17149682/principal/'}}
+ assert_equal(MockedDAVResponse(xml).expand_simple_props(props=[dav.CurrentUserPrincipal()]),
+ expected_result)
+ xml = """
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/principal/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <calendar-home-set xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
+ <href xmlns="DAV:"></href>
+ </calendar-home-set>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ expected_result = {'/17149682/principal/':
+ {'{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-home-set': ''}}
+ assert_equal(MockedDAVResponse(xml).expand_simple_props(props=[cdav.CalendarHomeSet()]),
+ expected_result)
+ xml = """
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <current-user-principal xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href xmlns="DAV:">/17149682/principal/</href>
+ </current-user-principal>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ expected_result = {'/': {'{DAV:}current-user-principal': '/17149682/principal/'}}
+ assert_equal(MockedDAVResponse(xml).expand_simple_props(props=[dav.CurrentUserPrincipal()]),
+ expected_result)
+ xml = """
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response>
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-84439d0b-ce46-4416-b978-7b4009122c64/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <calendar-data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response>
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-84439d0b-ce46-4416-b978-7b4009122c64/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <calendar-data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">BEGIN:VCALENDAR
+PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN
+SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ expected_result = {'/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-84439d0b-ce46-4416-b978-7b4009122c64/': {'{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data': None}, '/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-84439d0b-ce46-4416-b978-7b4009122c64/': {'{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data': 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN\nBEGIN:VEVENT\\nDTSTAMP:20060712T182145Z\nDTSTART:20060714T170000Z\nDTEND:20060715T040000Z\nSUMMARY:Bastille Day Party\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR\n'}}
+ assert_equal(MockedDAVResponse(xml).expand_simple_props(props=[cdav.CalendarData()]),
+ expected_result)
+ xml = """
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <resourcetype xmlns="DAV:">
+ <collection/>
+ </resourcetype>
+ <displayname xmlns="DAV:">Ny Test</displayname>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/06888b87-397f-11eb-943b-3af9d3928d42/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <resourcetype xmlns="DAV:">
+ <collection/>
+ <calendar xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </resourcetype>
+ <displayname xmlns="DAV:">calfoo3</displayname>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/inbox/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <resourcetype xmlns="DAV:">
+ <collection/>
+ <schedule-inbox xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </resourcetype>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <displayname xmlns="DAV:"/>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-e2910e0a-feab-4b51-b3a8-55828acaa912/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <resourcetype xmlns="DAV:">
+ <collection/>
+ <calendar xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"/>
+ </resourcetype>
+ <displayname xmlns="DAV:">Yep</displayname>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ expected_result = {
+ '/17149682/calendars/': {
+ '{DAV:}resourcetype': ['{DAV:}collection'],
+ '{DAV:}displayname': 'Ny Test'},
+ '/17149682/calendars/06888b87-397f-11eb-943b-3af9d3928d42/': {
+ '{DAV:}resourcetype': ['{DAV:}collection', '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar'],
+ '{DAV:}displayname': 'calfoo3'},
+ '/17149682/calendars/inbox/': {
+ '{DAV:}resourcetype': ['{DAV:}collection', '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}schedule-inbox'],
+ '{DAV:}displayname': None},
+ '/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-e2910e0a-feab-4b51-b3a8-55828acaa912/': {
+ '{DAV:}resourcetype': ['{DAV:}collection', '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar'],
+ '{DAV:}displayname': 'Yep'}}
+ assert_equal(MockedDAVResponse(xml).expand_simple_props(props=[dav.DisplayName()], multi_value_props=[dav.ResourceType()]),
+ expected_result)
+ xml = """
+<multistatus xmlns="DAV:">
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-f96b3bf0-09e1-4f3d-b891-3a25c99a2894/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <getetag xmlns="DAV:">"kkkgopik"</getetag>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-f96b3bf0-09e1-4f3d-b891-3a25c99a2894/1761bf8c-6363-11eb-8fe4-74e5f9bfd8c1.ics</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <getetag xmlns="DAV:">"kkkgorwx"</getetag>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <response xmlns="DAV:">
+ <href>/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-f96b3bf0-09e1-4f3d-b891-3a25c99a2894/</href>
+ <propstat>
+ <prop>
+ <getetag xmlns="DAV:">"kkkgoqqu"</getetag>
+ </prop>
+ <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
+ </propstat>
+ </response>
+ <sync-token>HwoQEgwAAAh4yw8ntwAAAAAYAhgAIhUIopml463FieB4EKq9+NSn04DrkQEoAA==</sync-token>
+ expected_results = {
+ '/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-f96b3bf0-09e1-4f3d-b891-3a25c99a2894/': {
+ '{DAV:}getetag': '"kkkgopik"',
+ '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data': None},
+ '/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-f96b3bf0-09e1-4f3d-b891-3a25c99a2894/1761bf8c-6363-11eb-8fe4-74e5f9bfd8c1.ics': {
+ '{DAV:}getetag': '"kkkgorwx"',
+ '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data': None},
+ '/17149682/calendars/testcalendar-f96b3bf0-09e1-4f3d-b891-3a25c99a2894/': {
+ '{DAV:}getetag': '"kkkgoqqu"',
+ '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data': None}
+ }
+ def testFailedQuery(self):
+ """
+ ref
+ """
+ cal_url = "http://me:hunter2@calendar.example:80/"
+ client = DAVClient(url=cal_url)
+ calhome = CalendarSet(client, cal_url + "me/")
+ ## syntesize a failed response
+ class FailedResp:
+ pass
+ failedresp = FailedResp()
+ failedresp.status = 400
+ failedresp.reason = "you are wrong"
+ failedresp.raw = "your request does not adhere to standards"
+ ## synthesize a new http method
+ calhome.client.unknown_method = lambda url, body, depth: failedresp
+ ## call it.
+ assert_raises(error.DAVError, calhome._query, query_method='unknown_method')
+ def testDefaultClient(self):
+ """When no client is given to a DAVObject, but the parent is given,
+ parent.client will be used"""
+ cal_url = "http://me:hunter2@calendar.example:80/"
+ client = DAVClient(url=cal_url)
+ calhome = CalendarSet(client, cal_url + "me/")
+ calendar = Calendar(parent=calhome)
+ assert_equal(calendar.client, calhome.client)
+ def testInstance(self):
+ cal_url = "http://me:hunter2@calendar.example:80/"
+ client = DAVClient(url=cal_url)
+ my_event = Event(client, data=ev1)
+ my_event.vobject_instance.vevent.summary.value='new summary'
+ assert('new summary' in
+ icalobj = my_event.icalendar_instance
+ icalobj.subcomponents[0]['SUMMARY']='yet another summary'
+ assert_equal(my_event.vobject_instance.vevent.summary.value, 'yet another summary')
+ ## Now the data has been converted from string to vobject to string to icalendar to string to vobject and ... will the string still match the original?
+ lines_now ='\r\n')
+ lines_orig = ev1.replace('Bastille Day Party', 'yet another summary').split('\n')
+ lines_now.sort()
+ lines_orig.sort()
+ assert_equal(lines_now, lines_orig)
+ def testURL(self):
+ """Exercising the URL class"""
+ long_url = ""
+ # 1) URL.objectify should return a valid URL object almost no matter
+ # what's thrown in
+ url0 = URL.objectify(None)
+ url0b= URL.objectify("")
+ url1 = URL.objectify(long_url)
+ url2 = URL.objectify(url1)
+ url3 = URL.objectify("/bar")
+ url4 = URL.objectify(urlparse(str(url1)))
+ url5 = URL.objectify(urlparse("/bar"))
+ # 2) __eq__ works well
+ assert_equal(url1, url2)
+ assert_equal(url1, url4)
+ assert_equal(url3, url5)
+ # 3) str will always return the URL
+ assert_equal(str(url1), long_url)
+ assert_equal(str(url3), "/bar")
+ assert_equal(str(url4), long_url)
+ assert_equal(str(url5), "/bar")
+ ## 3b) repr should also be exercised. Returns URL(/bar) now.
+ assert("/bar" in repr(url5))
+ assert("URL" in repr(url5))
+ assert(len(repr(url5)) < 12)
+ # 4) join method
+ url6 = url1.join(url2)
+ url7 = url1.join(url3)
+ url8 = url1.join(url4)
+ url9 = url1.join(url5)
+ urlA = url1.join("someuser/calendar")
+ urlB = url5.join(url1)
+ assert_equal(url6, url1)
+ assert_equal(url7, "")
+ assert_equal(url8, url1)
+ assert_equal(url9, url7)
+ assert_equal(urlA, "")
+ assert_equal(urlB, url1)
+ assert_raises(ValueError, url1.join, "")
+ # 4b) join method, with URL as input parameter
+ url6 = url1.join(URL.objectify(url2))
+ url7 = url1.join(URL.objectify(url3))
+ url8 = url1.join(URL.objectify(url4))
+ url9 = url1.join(URL.objectify(url5))
+ urlA = url1.join(URL.objectify("someuser/calendar"))
+ urlB = url5.join(URL.objectify(url1))
+ url6b= url6.join(url0)
+ url6c= url6.join(url0b)
+ url6d= url6.join(None)
+ for url6alt in (url6b, url6c, url6d):
+ assert_equal(url6, url6alt)
+ assert_equal(url6, url1)
+ assert_equal(url7, "")
+ assert_equal(url8, url1)
+ assert_equal(url9, url7)
+ assert_equal(urlA, "")
+ assert_equal(urlB, url1)
+ assert_raises(ValueError, url1.join, "")
+ # 5) all urlparse methods will work. always.
+ assert_equal(url1.scheme, 'http')
+ assert_equal(url2.path, '/caldav.php/')
+ assert_equal(url7.username, 'foo')
+ assert_equal(url5.path, '/bar')
+ urlC = URL.objectify("")
+ assert_equal(urlC.port, 443)
+ # 6) is_auth returns True if the URL contains a username.
+ assert_equal(urlC.is_auth(), False)
+ assert_equal(url7.is_auth(), True)
+ # 7) unauth() strips username/password
+ assert_equal(url7.unauth(), '')
+ # 8) strip_trailing_slash
+ assert_equal(URL('').strip_trailing_slash(), URL(''))
+ assert_equal(URL('').strip_trailing_slash(), URL('').strip_trailing_slash())
+ def testFilters(self):
+ filter = \
+ cdav.Filter().append(
+ cdav.CompFilter("VCALENDAR").append(
+ cdav.CompFilter("VEVENT").append(
+ cdav.PropFilter("UID").append(
+ [cdav.TextMatch("pouet", negate=True)]))))
+ # print(filter)
+ crash = cdav.CompFilter()
+ value = None
+ try:
+ value = str(crash)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if value is not None:
+ raise Exception("This should have crashed")