Ticket 3404 Test Page

This bug is only triggered by physical right mouse clicks so it is not possible to write an automated js unit test

When a SelectFeature control and a Navigation control are added to a map the left-click mousedown events are stopped by a Drag handler before reaching the Feature handler. However, right-click mousedown events so pass through and reach the Feature handler.

The Feature handler records the xy of each mousedown and mouseup events so they can be compared in the click event. Because only right-click mousedown event are received the location of future left-click mouseup events are compared to the location of the 'stale' right-click mousedown event resulting in the feature not being selected.

Steps to recreate the bug:

  1. Left-click a point to select it.
  2. Left-click the map to deselect the point.
  3. Left-click a different point to select it.
  4. Left-click the map to deselect the second point.
  5. Right-click the map then left-click to close the browser context menu.
  6. Left-click a point.

Expected: The point is selected.