/** * Test.AnotherWay version 0.5 * * Copyright (c) 2005 Artem Khodush, http://straytree.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ if (typeof(Test) == "undefined") { Test = {}; } Test.AnotherWay = {}; Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe = null; // frame where to load test pages Test.AnotherWay._g_test_frame_no_clear = false; // true - leave last page displayed after tests end Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls = []; // array of: { url: url, convention: "anotherway" or "jsan" } Test.AnotherWay._g_test_object_for_jsan = null; // test object for filling by tests that adhere to jsan Test.Simple calling convention Test.AnotherWay._g_pages_to_run = null; // list of pages to run automatically after loading Test.AnotherWay._g_run_on_main_load = false; // special handling for run_pages_to_run when it might be called before onload or before list of test pages is known. Test.AnotherWay._g_run_on_list_load = false; Test.AnotherWay._g_main_loaded = false; Test.AnotherWay._run_pages_to_run = function(called_from_outside){ if (!Test.AnotherWay._g_main_loaded) { Test.AnotherWay._g_run_on_main_load = true; } else { var a_pages = Test.AnotherWay._g_pages_to_run; if (a_pages == "all") { for (var i = 0; i < Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls.length; ++i) { Test.AnotherWay._run_test_page("test" + i); } } else if (a_pages != null) { for (var run_i = 0; run_i < a_pages.length; ++run_i) { var run_page = a_pages[run_i]; var found = false; for (var all_i = 0; all_i < Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls.length; ++all_i) { if (run_page == Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls[all_i].url) { Test.AnotherWay._run_test_page("test" + all_i, called_from_outside); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Test.AnotherWay._show_error("page specified to run is not found in the page list: " + run_page); break; } } } } }; Test.AnotherWay._add_test_page_url = function(test_url, convention){ var table = document.getElementById("testtable"); var record_select = document.getElementById("record_select"); var index = Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls.length; // trim spaces. if (test_url.match("^(\\s*)(.*\\S)(\\s*)$")) { test_url = RegExp.$2; } Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls[index] = { url: test_url, convention: convention }; var row = table.insertRow(-1); var cell; var cell_child; var link; cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell_child = document.createElement("input"); cell_child.type = "checkbox"; cell_child.id = "checkbox" + index; cell_child.checked = 'checked'; cell_child.defaultChecked = 'checked'; cell.appendChild(cell_child); cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.setAttribute("width", "75%"); cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(test_url)); cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell_child = document.createElement("input"); cell_child.type = "button"; cell_child.id = "test" + index; cell_child.value = " run "; cell_child.onclick = Test.AnotherWay._run_one_onclick; cell.appendChild(cell_child); cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.setAttribute("width", "8em"); cell_child = document.createElement("span"); cell.appendChild(cell_child); var option = document.createElement("option"); option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(test_url)); record_select.appendChild(option); }; Test.AnotherWay._show_error = function(msg){ var error_div = document.getElementById("error"); error_div.innerHTML = ""; error_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg)); error_div.style.display = "block"; }; // read urls from the list in the html file inside the list_iframe // fill on-screen list with urls and "run" buttons, and fill the g_test_page_urls object. Test.AnotherWay._list_iframe_onload = function(){ if (window.frames.list_iframe != null && window.frames.list_iframe.location != "" && window.frames.list_iframe.location != "about:blank") { var list_doc = window.frames.list_iframe.document; var list = list_doc.getElementById("testlist"); if (list != null) { for (var i = 0; i < list.childNodes.length; ++i) { var item = list.childNodes[i]; if (item.nodeName == "LI" || item.nodeName == "li") { var convention = "anotherway"; if (Test.AnotherWay._get_css_class(item) == "jsan") { convention = "jsan"; } Test.AnotherWay._add_test_page_url(item.innerHTML, convention); } } if (Test.AnotherWay._g_run_on_list_load) { Test.AnotherWay._g_run_on_list_load = false; Test.AnotherWay._run_pages_to_run(); } } else { Test.AnotherWay._show_error("no list with id 'testlist' in a list file " + window.frames.list_iframe.location); } } }; Test.AnotherWay._map_checkboxes = function(f){ var table = document.getElementById("testtable"); var checks = table.getElementsByTagName("INPUT"); for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; ++i) { if (checks[i].type == "checkbox" && checks[i].id.match(/^checkbox(\d+)$/)) { f(checks[i], RegExp.$1); } } }; Test.AnotherWay._run_all_onclick = function(){ Test.AnotherWay._map_checkboxes(function(c, id){ Test.AnotherWay._run_test_page("test" + id); }); }; Test.AnotherWay._run_selected_onclick = function(){ Test.AnotherWay._map_checkboxes(function(c, id){ if (c.checked) { Test.AnotherWay._run_test_page("test" + id); } }); }; Test.AnotherWay._unselect_all_onclick = function(){ Test.AnotherWay._map_checkboxes(function(c, id){ c.checked = false; }); }; Test.AnotherWay._run_one_onclick = function(){ Test.AnotherWay._run_test_page(this.id); }; // construct an object that will gather results of running one test function Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t = function(fun_name){ this.name = fun_name; // name of the test function this.n_plan = null; // planned number of assertions this.n_ok = 0; // # of ok assertions this.n_fail = 0; // # of failed assertions this.exception = ""; // if the function throwed an exception, it's its message this.exception_stack = []; // strings: function call stack from the exception this.assertions = []; // assertion results: array of { ok: 1 or 0, name: string } this.wait_result_milliseconds = 0; // how long to wait before collecting results from the test this.second_wait_msg = null; //

status message (in addition to the page wait_msg) this.delay_actions = []; // array of actions to be perfomed after the test function returns // action : { acton_kind: "call" | "window" | "replay" // when "call": { call_fn call_delay_milliseconds } call_fn takes nothing // when "window" : { wnd_url wnd_wnd wnd_fn wnd_timeout_milliseconds wnd_dont_close } wnd_fn takes wnd // wnen "replay" : { replay_wnd replay_events replay_event_i replay_checkpoints } checkpoint_fn takes this, wnd // } this.delay_action_i = null; // index of delay action currently being performed this.delay_prev_timer_time = 0; // for counting time while performing delay_actions this.delay_current_milliseconds_left = 0; // time left before the next action, runs down this.delay_total_milliseconds_left = 0; // for indication: total estimated time for all actions, runs up and down }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.ok = function(cond, name){ if (cond) { ++this.n_ok; cond = 1; } else { ++this.n_fail; cond = 0; } this.assertions.push({ ok: cond, name: name }); }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.fail = function(name){ this.ok(false, name); }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.plan = function(n){ this.n_plan = n; }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.wait_result = function(seconds){ this.wait_result_milliseconds = 1000 * seconds; }; Test.AnotherWay._eq_fail_msg = function(path, what, expected, got){ return "eq: " + path + " " + what + " differ: got " + got + ", but expected " + expected; }; Test.AnotherWay._array_eq = function(expected, got, path, msg){ if (expected.length != got.length) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._eq_fail_msg(path, "array length", expected.length, got.length); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) { if (!Test.AnotherWay._thing_eq(expected[i], got[i], path + "[" + i + "]", msg)) { return false; } } return true; }; Test.AnotherWay._object_eq = function(expected, got, path, msg){ var v; for (v in expected) { if (!(v in got)) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._eq_fail_msg(path + "." + v, "properties", expected[v], "undefined"); return false; } if (!Test.AnotherWay._thing_eq(expected[v], got[v], path + "." + v, msg)) { return false; } } for (v in got) { if (!(v in expected)) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._eq_fail_msg(path + "." + v, "properties", "undefined", got[v]); return false; } } return true; }; Test.AnotherWay._constructor_name = function(x){ if (x == null) { return ""; } var s = "unknown"; try { s = typeof(x.constructor); if (s != "unknown") { s = x.constructor.toString(); } } catch (e) { s = "unknown"; } if (s == "unknown") { // hackish attempt to guess a type var is_array = true; var index = 0; for (i in x) { if (i != index) { is_array = false; } ++index; } return is_array ? "Array" : "Object"; // for empty arrays/objects, this will be wrong half the time } else if (s.match(/^\s*function\s+(\w+)\s*\(/)) { return RegExp.$1; } else { var c = ''; switch (typeof x) { case 'string': c = 'String'; break; case 'object': c = 'Object'; break; default: c = ''; } return c; } }; Test.AnotherWay._is_array = function(x){ return Test.AnotherWay._constructor_name(x) == "Array"; }; Test.AnotherWay._is_value_type = function(x){ cn = Test.AnotherWay._constructor_name(x); return cn == "Number" || cn == "String" || cn == "Boolean" || cn == "Date"; }; Test.AnotherWay._thing_eq = function(expected, got, path, msg){ if (expected == null && got == null) { return true; } else if ((expected == null && got != null) || (expected != null && got == null)) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._eq_fail_msg(path, "values", expected, got); return false; } else { var expected_cn = Test.AnotherWay._constructor_name(expected); var got_cn = Test.AnotherWay._constructor_name(got); if (expected_cn != got_cn) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._eq_fail_msg(path, "types", expected_cn, got_cn); return false; } else { if (Test.AnotherWay._is_array(expected)) { return Test.AnotherWay._array_eq(expected, got, path, msg); } else if (Test.AnotherWay._is_value_type(expected)) { if (expected != got) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._eq_fail_msg(path, "values", expected, got); return false; } else { return true; } } else { // just a plain object return Test.AnotherWay._object_eq(expected, got, path, msg); } } } }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.eq = function(got, expected, name){ var msg = {}; if (Test.AnotherWay._thing_eq(expected, got, "", msg)) { this.ok(1, name); } else { this.fail(name + ". " + msg.msg); } }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.like = function(got, expected, name){ if (got.match(expected) != null) { this.ok(1, name); } else { this.fail(name + ": got " + got + ", but expected it to match: " + expected); } }; Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span = null; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_string_to_node = function(string_or_node, what, msg){ if (string_or_node.nodeType != null) { string_or_node = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_node_to_string(string_or_node); // double trip - to make properties assigned in scripts available as html node attributes } if (Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span == null) { Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span = document.createElement("span"); } Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span.innerHTML = string_or_node; if (Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span.childNodes.length != 1) { msg.msg = "bad " + what + " html string given (should contain exactly one outermost element): " + string_or_node; } return Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span.childNodes[0].cloneNode(true); }; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_node_to_string = function(node){ if (Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span == null) { Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span = document.createElement("span"); } Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span.innerHTML = ""; if (node.outerHTML != null) { Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span.innerHTML = node.outerHTML; } else { var clone = node.cloneNode(true); var node = Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span; if (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.importNode) { if (node.ownerDocument != clone.ownerDocument) { clone = node.ownerDocument.importNode(clone, true); } } node.appendChild(clone); } return Test.AnotherWay._g_html_eq_span.innerHTML; }; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_path_msg = function(path){ var msg = ""; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) { msg += " [node " + path[i].node; if (path[i].id != null && path[i].id != "") { msg += " id " + path[i].id; } else if (path[i].index != null) { msg += " at index " + path[i].index; } msg += "] "; } return msg; }; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_fail_msg = function(path, what, expected, got){ return Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_path_msg(path) + ": " + what + " differ: got " + got + ", but expected " + expected; }; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_remove_blank = function(text){ if (text == null) { return ""; } else if (text.match("^(\\s*)(.*\\S)(\\s*)$")) { return RegExp.$2; } else if (text.match("\s*")) { return ""; } return text; }; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_remove_blank_nodes = function(node){ var to_remove = []; for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) { if (child.nodeType == 3) { var value = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_remove_blank(child.nodeValue); if (value == "") { to_remove.push(child); } else { child.nodeValue = value; } } } for (var i = 0; i < to_remove.length; ++i) { node.removeChild(to_remove[i]); } }; Test.AnotherWay._html_node_type_text = function(node_type){ if (node_type == 1) { return "1 (html element)"; } else if (node_type == 3) { return "3 (text)"; } else { return node_type; } }; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_node = function(expected, got, path, msg, expected_loc_base, got_loc_base){ if (expected.nodeType != got.nodeType) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_fail_msg(path, "node types", Test.AnotherWay._html_node_type_text(expected.nodeType), Test.AnotherWay._html_node_type_text(got.nodeType)); return false; } else if (expected.nodeType == 3) { if (expected.nodeValue != got.nodeValue) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_fail_msg(path, "text", expected.nodeValue, got.nodeValue); return false; } } else if (expected.nodeType == 1) { if (expected.nodeName != got.nodeName) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_fail_msg(path, "node names", expected.nodeName, got.nodeName); return false; } // compare attributes var expected_attrs = {}; var got_attrs = {}; var i; var a; for (i = 0; i < expected.attributes.length; ++i) { a = expected.attributes[i]; if (a.specified) { expected_attrs[a.name] = 1; } } for (i = 0; i < got.attributes.length; ++i) { a = got.attributes[i]; if (a.specified) { got_attrs[a.name] = 1; } } for (a in expected_attrs) { if (!(a in got_attrs)) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_path_msg(path) + ": attribute sets differ: expected attribute " + a + " is missing"; return false; } } for (a in got_attrs) { if (!(a in expected_attrs)) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_path_msg(path) + ": attribute sets differ: got extra attribute " + a; return false; } } for (a in expected_attrs) { var expected_value = expected.getAttribute(a); var got_value = got.getAttribute(a); if (typeof(expected_value) == "string" && typeof(got_value) == "string") { expected_value = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_remove_blank(expected_value); got_value = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_remove_blank(got_value); var ok = expected_value == got_value; if (!ok && (a == "href" || a == "HREF")) { // try relative hrefs var expected_relative_value = expected_value; if (expected_loc_base != null && expected_value.substring(0, expected_loc_base.length) == expected_loc_base) { expected_relative_value = expected_value.substring(expected_loc_base.length); } var got_relative_value = got_value; if (got_loc_base != null && got_value.substring(0, got_loc_base.length) == got_loc_base) { got_relative_value = got_value.substring(got_loc_base.length); } ok = expected_relative_value == got_relative_value; } if (!ok) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_fail_msg(path, "attribute " + a + " values", expected_value, got_value); return false; } } else if (typeof(expected_value) == "function" && typeof(got_value) == "function") { expected_value = expected_value.toString(); got_value = got_value.toString(); if (expected_value != got_value) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_fail_msg(path, "attribute " + a + " values", expected_value, got_value); return false; } } else { var value_msg = {}; if (!Test.AnotherWay._thing_eq(expected_value, got_value, "", value_msg)) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_path_msg(path) + ": attribute " + a + " values differ: " + value_msg.msg; return false; } } } // compare child nodes Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_remove_blank_nodes(expected); Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_remove_blank_nodes(got); var expected_length = expected.childNodes.length; var got_length = got.childNodes.length; if (expected_length < got_length) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_path_msg(path) + ": got " + (got_length - expected_length) + " extra child nodes"; return false; } else if (expected_length > got_length) { msg.msg = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_path_msg(path) + ": expected " + (expected_length - got_length) + " more child nodes"; return false; } else { for (i = 0; i < expected_length; ++i) { var expected_node = expected.childNodes[i]; path.push({ node: expected_node.nodeName, id: expected_node.id, index: i }); var eq = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_node(expected_node, got.childNodes[i], path, msg, expected_loc_base, got_loc_base); path.pop(); if (!eq) { return false; } } } } return true; }; Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_get_loc_base = function(node){ var loc_base = document.location; if (node.ownerDocument != null) { loc_base = node.ownerDocument.location; } if (loc_base != null) { loc_base = loc_base.href; var slash_pos = loc_base.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash_pos != -1) { loc_base = loc_base.substring(0, slash_pos + 1); } } return loc_base; }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.html_eq = function(got, expected, name){ var msg = {}; var expected_node = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_string_to_node(expected, "expected", msg); if (msg.msg != null) { this.fail(name + " html_eq: " + msg.msg); } else { var got_node = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_string_to_node(got, "got", msg); if (msg.msg != null) { this.fail(name + " html_eq: " + msg.msg); } else { var expected_loc_base = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_get_loc_base(expected); var got_loc_base = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_get_loc_base(got); if (Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_node(expected_node, got_node, [], msg, expected_loc_base, got_loc_base)) { this.ok(1, name); } else { var msg = name + " html_eq " + msg.msg; var expected_str = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_node_to_string(expected_node); var got_str = Test.AnotherWay._html_eq_node_to_string(got_node); msg += ".\n got html: " + got_str; msg += ".\n expected html: " + expected_str; this.fail(msg); } } } }; Test.AnotherWay._debug_pane_print = function(msg){ var d = new Date(); var p = document.createElement("p"); p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(d.toLocaleTimeString() + " " + msg)); var debug_pane = document.getElementById("debug"); debug_pane.appendChild(p); var debug_tab = document.getElementById("debug_tab"); var results_tab = document.getElementById("results_tab"); debug_tab.style.visibility = "visible"; results_tab.style.visibility = "visible"; }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.debug_print = function(msg){ Test.AnotherWay._debug_pane_print(this.name + ": " + msg); }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.delay_call = function(){ var timeout_ms = 200; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { if (typeof(arguments[i]) != "function") { timeout_ms = 1000 * arguments[i]; } else { var action = { action_kind: "call", call_delay_milliseconds: timeout_ms, call_fn: arguments[i] }; this.delay_total_milliseconds_left += Test.AnotherWay._action_estimate_milliseconds(action); this.delay_actions.push(action); } } }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.open_window = function(url, fn, timeout_seconds){ if (timeout_seconds == null) { timeout_seconds = 4; } var no_close = document.getElementById("dont_close_test_windows"); var action = { action_kind: "window", wnd_url: url.toString() + (window.location.search || ""), wnd_wnd: null, wnd_fn: fn, wnd_timeout_milliseconds: timeout_seconds * 1000, wnd_no_close: no_close.checked }; this.delay_total_milliseconds_left += Test.AnotherWay._action_estimate_milliseconds(action); this.delay_actions.push(action); }; Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t.prototype.replay_events = function(wnd, events){ if (Test.AnotherWay._g_no_record_msg != null) { this.fail("replay_events: " + Test.AnotherWay._g_no_record_msg); } else { var action = { action_kind: "replay", replay_wnd: wnd, replay_events: events.events, replay_event_i: null, replay_checkpoints: events.checkpoints }; this.delay_total_milliseconds_left += Test.AnotherWay._action_estimate_milliseconds(action); this.delay_actions.push(action); } }; Test.AnotherWay._action_estimate_milliseconds = function(action){ var ms = 0; if (action.action_kind == "call") { ms = action.call_delay_milliseconds; } else if (action.action_kind == "window") { ms = 0; } else if (action.action_kind == "replay") { ms = 0; for (var i = 0; i < action.replay_events.length; ++i) { ms += action.replay_events[i]["time"] - 0; } } return ms; }; Test.AnotherWay._g_timeout_granularity = 200; Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue = []; // vector of { url: string, test_objects : array of test_object_t, test_object_i: int, wait_msg:

object, loading_timeout_milliseconds: int, timeout_id: id } // load one html page, schedule further processing Test.AnotherWay._run_test_page = function(id, called_from_outside){ if (id.match(/^test(\d+)/)) { id = RegExp.$1; Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue.push({ url: Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls[id].url, convention: Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls[id].convention, test_objects: [] }); if (Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue.length == 1) { if (!called_from_outside) { // Crap. Be careful stepping around. // For Mozilla and Opera, when this file is included into the frameset page that is in another directory (and _g_outside_path_correction!=null) // but the test pages are started from within it (by "run" buttons), then: // depending on whether the page is the first one loaded into the test frame or not, // the base url for relative test pages differs. // Crap, like I said. Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue[0].suppress_outside_path_correction = true; } Test.AnotherWay._start_loading_page(); } } }; Test.AnotherWay._load_next_page = function(){ Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue.splice(0, 1); if (Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue.length > 0) { Test.AnotherWay._start_loading_page(); } else { if (!Test.AnotherWay._g_test_frame_no_clear) { Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe.location.replace("about:blank"); } } }; Test.AnotherWay._g_opera_path_correction = null; // ugly wart to support opera Test.AnotherWay._g_outside_path_correction = null; // ugly wart to accomodate Opera and Mozilla, where relative url relates to the directory where the page that calls this function is located Test.AnotherWay._set_iframe_location = function(iframe, loc, outside_path_correction){ // allow to load only locations with the same origin var proto_end = loc.indexOf("://"); if (proto_end != -1) { // otherwise, it's safe to assume (for Opera, Mozilla and IE ) that loc will be treated as relative var main_loc = window.location.href; var host_end = loc.substring(proto_end + 3).indexOf("/"); var ok = false; if (host_end != -1) { var loc_origin = loc.substring(0, proto_end + 3 + host_end + 1); if (main_loc.length >= loc_origin.length && main_loc.substring(0, loc_origin.length) == loc_origin) { ok = true; } } if (!ok) { return { msg: "test pages may have only urls with the same origin as " + main_loc }; } } // opera cannot handle urls relative to file:// without assistance if (window.opera != null && window.location.protocol == "file:" && loc.indexOf(":") == -1) { var base = window.location.href; var q_pos = base.indexOf("?"); if (q_pos != -1) { base = base.substring(0, q_pos); } var slash_pos = base.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash_pos != -1) { base = base.substring(0, slash_pos + 1); Test.AnotherWay._g_opera_path_correction = base; loc = base + loc; } } // if this function is called from another page, and if that page is in another directory, correction is needed if (outside_path_correction != null) { var pos = loc.indexOf(outside_path_correction); if (pos == 0) { loc = loc.substring(outside_path_correction.length + 1); } } if (iframe.location != null) { iframe.location.replace(loc); } else { iframe.src = loc; } return {}; }; Test.AnotherWay._start_loading_page = function(){ var test_page = Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue[0]; test_page.loading_timeout_milliseconds = 12000; test_page.timeout_id = setTimeout(Test.AnotherWay._loading_timeout, Test.AnotherWay._g_timeout_granularity); test_page.wait_msg = Test.AnotherWay._print_counter_result(test_page.url, "loading...", test_page.loading_timeout_milliseconds, "loading"); if (test_page.convention == "jsan") { // the tests in that page will run when it's loading, so the test object must be ready Test.AnotherWay._g_test_object_for_jsan = new Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t(test_page.url); } var outside_path_correction = null; if (Test.AnotherWay._g_outside_path_correction != null && !test_page.suppress_outside_path_correction) { outside_path_correction = Test.AnotherWay._g_outside_path_correction; } var result = Test.AnotherWay._set_iframe_location(Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe, test_page.url, outside_path_correction); if (result.msg != null) { Test.AnotherWay._unprint_result(test_page.wait_msg); Test.AnotherWay._print_result(test_page.url, result.msg, "badtest", null); Test.AnotherWay._load_next_page(); } }; Test.AnotherWay._loading_timeout = function(){ var test_page = Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue[0]; test_page.loading_timeout_milliseconds -= Test.AnotherWay._g_timeout_granularity; if (test_page.loading_timeout_milliseconds > 0) { Test.AnotherWay._update_msg_counter(test_page.wait_msg, (test_page.loading_timeout_milliseconds / 1000).toFixed()); test_page.timeout_id = setTimeout(Test.AnotherWay._loading_timeout, Test.AnotherWay._g_timeout_granularity); } else { Test.AnotherWay._unprint_result(test_page.wait_msg); Test.AnotherWay._print_result(test_page.url, "Unable to load test page. Timeout expired", "badtest", null); Test.AnotherWay._load_next_page(); } }; Test.AnotherWay._strip_query_and_hash = function(s){ var i = s.lastIndexOf("#"); if (i != -1) { s = s.substring(0, i); } i = s.lastIndexOf("?"); if (i != -1) { s = s.substring(0, i); } return s; }; Test.AnotherWay._is_url_loaded = function(url, wnd){ var loaded = false; if (wnd != null && wnd.location != null) { // after some popup blocker interference, location may behave strange.. var location_s = ""; location_s += wnd.location; if (location_s != "") { var pathname = wnd.location.pathname; var expected_url = url; var i = expected_url.lastIndexOf("#"); if (i != -1) { expected_url = expected_url.substring(0, i); } i = expected_url.lastIndexOf("?"); if (i != -1) { expected_url = expected_url.substring(0, i); } i = expected_url.lastIndexOf("/"); if (i != -1 && i != expected_url.length - 1) { expected_url = expected_url.substring(i + 1); } i = pathname.indexOf(expected_url); if (wnd.location.href == url || (i != -1 && i == pathname.length - expected_url.length)) { if ( /*window.opera==null*/wnd.document.readyState == null || wnd.document.readyState == "complete") { // for opera (and IE?), getElementById does not work until.. loaded = true; } } } } return loaded; }; // find and run all test functions in the g_cur_page html page. Test.AnotherWay._test_page_onload = function(){ if (Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue.length == 0) { return; } var test_page = Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue[0]; if (!Test.AnotherWay._is_url_loaded(test_page.url, Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe)) { return; } clearTimeout(test_page.timeout_id); Test.AnotherWay._unprint_result(test_page.wait_msg); if (test_page.convention == "anotherway") { // get test function names (those beginning with "test") if (typeof(Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe.document.scripts) != 'undefined') { // IE for (var i = 0; i < Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe.document.scripts.length; ++i) { var script_text = Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe.document.scripts[i].text; var fun_sig = "function test"; var fun_start = script_text.indexOf(fun_sig); while (fun_start != -1) { script_text = script_text.substring(fun_start, script_text.length); var fun_end = script_text.indexOf('('); var fun_name = script_text.substring("function ".length, fun_end); var whitespace = fun_name.indexOf(' '); if (whitespace >= 0) { fun_name = fun_name.substring(0, whitespace); } test_page.test_objects.push(new Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t(fun_name)); script_text = script_text.substring(fun_end, script_text.length); fun_start = script_text.indexOf(fun_sig); } } } else { // otherwise (not IE) it ought to work like this for (var i in Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe) { // Hack to prevent failure in FF3.0b1 (innerWidth/innerHeight) and FF>=3.5 (sessionStorage) if (i == "innerWidth" || i == "innerHeight" || i == "sessionStorage") { continue; } if (typeof(Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe[i]) == 'function') { if (i.substring(0, 4) == "test") { test_page.test_objects.push(new Test.AnotherWay._test_object_t(i)); } } } } } else if (test_page.convention == "jsan") { // the test object is already filled with results test_page.test_objects.push(Test.AnotherWay._g_test_object_for_jsan); } if (test_page.test_objects.length == 0) { Test.AnotherWay._print_result(test_page.url, "No test functions defined in the page", "badtest", null); Test.AnotherWay._load_next_page(); return; } test_page.wait_msg = Test.AnotherWay._print_result(test_page.url, "running tests.." + test_page.test_objects.length + "", "running", null); test_page.test_object_i = 0; Test.AnotherWay._run_more_tests(); }; Test.AnotherWay._handle_exception = function(o, e, title){ var s = title + ": " + typeof(e) + ": "; if (e.message != null) { s += e.message; } else if (e.description != null) { s += e.description; } else { s += e.toString(); } // if( e.location!=null ) { // XXX figure out how to display exception location if it's present (like in mozilla) // s+=" location: "+e.location.toString(); // } o.exception = s; s = []; if (e.stack) { var lines = e.stack.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { // format of the line: func_name(args)@file_name:line_no if (lines[i].match(/(\w*)\(([^\)]*)\)@(.*):([^:]*)$/)) { var func_name = RegExp.$1; if (func_name.length == 0) { func_name = ""; } s.push("in " + func_name + "( " + RegExp.$2 + ") at " + RegExp.$3 + " line " + RegExp.$4 + "\n"); } } } o.exception_stack = s; }; Test.AnotherWay._run_more_tests = function(){ var test_page = Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue[0]; while (test_page.test_object_i < test_page.test_objects.length) { Test.AnotherWay._update_msg_counter(test_page.wait_msg, (1 + test_page.test_object_i) + "/" + test_page.test_objects.length); var o = test_page.test_objects[test_page.test_object_i]; if (test_page.convention == "anotherway") { try { Test.AnotherWay._g_test_iframe[o.name](o); } catch (e) { Test.AnotherWay._handle_exception(o, e, ""); } } // for "jsan" convention, test has run already if (o.delay_actions.length > 0 || o.wait_result_milliseconds > 0) { o.delay_total_milliseconds_left += o.wait_result_milliseconds; Test.AnotherWay._delay_actions_timeout(); return; } ++test_page.test_object_i; } Test.AnotherWay._unprint_result(test_page.wait_msg); Test.AnotherWay._print_result(test_page.url, null, null, test_page.test_objects); Test.AnotherWay._load_next_page(); }; Test.AnotherWay._delay_actions_timeout = function(){ var test_page = Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue[0]; var test_object = test_page.test_objects[test_page.test_object_i]; var finished = true; if (test_object.delay_action_i == null) { // set up to start first action test_object.delay_action_i = -1; } else { // perform current action var milliseconds_passed = (new Date()).getTime() - test_object.delay_prev_timer_time; test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left -= milliseconds_passed; test_object.delay_total_milliseconds_left -= milliseconds_passed; finished = Test.AnotherWay._delay_continue_action(test_object, milliseconds_passed); } while (finished && test_object.delay_action_i < test_object.delay_actions.length) { ++test_object.delay_action_i; // start next action finished = Test.AnotherWay._delay_start_action(test_object); } if (test_object.delay_action_i <= test_object.delay_actions.length) { // any more actions left ? test_object.delay_prev_timer_time = (new Date()).getTime(); var next_timeout = Test.AnotherWay._g_timeout_granularity; if (test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left < next_timeout) { next_timeout = test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left; } if (test_object.second_wait_msg != null) { Test.AnotherWay._update_msg_counter(test_object.second_wait_msg, (test_object.delay_total_milliseconds_left / 1000).toFixed()); } setTimeout(Test.AnotherWay._delay_actions_timeout, next_timeout); } else { // no more actions left. run the next test. if (test_object.second_wait_msg != null) { Test.AnotherWay._unprint_result(test_object.second_wait_msg); test_object.second_wait_msg = null; } ++test_page.test_object_i; Test.AnotherWay._run_more_tests(); } }; Test.AnotherWay._delay_start_action = function(test_object){ var finished = false; var wait_msg = ""; if (test_object.delay_action_i == test_object.delay_actions.length) { if (test_object.wait_result_milliseconds > 0) { test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left = test_object.wait_result_milliseconds; // wait for result wait_msg = "waiting for results.."; } else { ++test_object.delay_action_i; // dont wait for result } } else { var action = test_object.delay_actions[test_object.delay_action_i]; if (action.action_kind == "call") { test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left = action.call_delay_milliseconds; wait_msg = "performing delayed calls.."; } else if (action.action_kind == "window") { if (Test.AnotherWay._g_opera_path_correction != null && action.wnd_url.indexOf(":") == -1) { action.wnd_url = Test.AnotherWay._g_opera_path_correction + action.wnd_url; } action.wnd_wnd = window.open(action.wnd_url, "_blank"); if (action.wnd_wnd == null) { finished = true; test_object.fail("unable to open window for " + action.wnd_url); } else { test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left = action.wnd_timeout_milliseconds; wait_msg = "opening window.."; } } else if (action.action_kind == "replay") { if (action.replay_events.length == 0) { finished = true; } else { action.replay_event_i = 0; test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left = action.replay_events[0]["time"]; wait_msg = "replaying events.."; } } } if (test_object.second_wait_msg != null) { Test.AnotherWay._unprint_result(test_object.second_wait_msg); } if (wait_msg != "") { var test_page = Test.AnotherWay._g_tests_queue[0]; test_object.second_wait_msg = Test.AnotherWay._print_counter_result(test_page.url, wait_msg, test_object.delay_total_milliseconds_left, "waiting"); } else { test_object.second_wait_msg = null; } return finished; }; Test.AnotherWay._delay_continue_action = function(test_object, milliseconds_passed){ var finished = test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left <= 0; if (test_object.delay_action_i == test_object.delay_actions.length) { // action is "waiting for results" if (test_object.n_plan != null && test_object.n_plan == test_object.n_ok + test_object.n_fail) { finished = true; // if all assertions results are recorded, don't wait any more } if (finished) { ++test_object.delay_action_i; // move on to the next test } } else { var action = test_object.delay_actions[test_object.delay_action_i]; if (action.action_kind == "call") { if (finished) { try { action.call_fn(); } catch (e) { Test.AnotherWay._handle_exception(test_object, e, "in delay_call"); } } } else if (action.action_kind == "window") { test_object.delay_total_milliseconds_left += milliseconds_passed; // for "window", the countdown is suspended since it's unknown how long it will take if (Test.AnotherWay._is_url_loaded(action.wnd_url, action.wnd_wnd)) { try { action.wnd_fn(action.wnd_wnd); } catch (e) { Test.AnotherWay._handle_exception(test_object, e, "in open_window function call"); } finished = true; } else if (finished) { test_object.fail("unable to open window for url '" + action.wnd_url + "'. timeout expired"); } } else if (action.action_kind == "replay") { if (finished) { // try { Test.AnotherWay._delay_replay_event(test_object, action.replay_wnd, action.replay_events[action.replay_event_i], action.replay_checkpoints); // }catch( e ) { // disabled, until I know how to gel location info from an exception // Test.AnotherWay._handle_exception( test_object, e, "while replaying event" ); // } ++action.replay_event_i; finished = action.replay_event_i == action.replay_events.length; if (!finished) { test_object.delay_current_milliseconds_left = action.replay_events[action.replay_event_i]["time"]; } } } } return finished; }; Test.AnotherWay._delay_replay_event = function(test_object, wnd, event, checkpoints){ if (event.type == "_checkpoint") { var checkpoint_n = event.which; var prev_n_fail = test_object.n_fail; checkpoints[checkpoint_n](test_object, wnd); var flash_color = prev_n_fail == test_object.n_fail ? "#2f2" : "#f22"; Test.AnotherWay._record_flash_border(flash_color); } else if (event.type == "click" || event.type == "mouseover" || event.type == "mouseout" || event.type == "mousemove" || event.type == "mousedown" || event.type == "mouseup") { var target = Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_node(event["target"], wnd.document); if (target != null) { Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_highlight(target, "ball", event); var e = wnd.document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); var related_target = Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_node(event["relatedTarget"], wnd.document); e.initMouseEvent(event["type"], event["cancelable"], event["bubbles"], wnd.document.defaultView, event["detail"], event["screenX"], event["screenY"], event["clientX"], event["clientY"], event["ctrlKey"], event["altKey"], event["shiftKey"], event["metaKey"], event["button"], Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_node(event["relatedTarget"], wnd.document)); // Firefox 1.0.6 somehow loses relatedTarget somewhere on the way. Pass through our own, for those who choose to care. e.passThroughRelatedTarget = related_target; target.dispatchEvent(e); } } else if (event.type == "keyup" || event.type == "keydown" || event.type == "keypress") { var e = wnd.document.createEvent("KeyboardEvents"); // forget it. Apparently it's not supported neither by mozilla nor by opera. e.initKeyboardEvent(event["type"], event["cancelable"], event["bubbles"], wnd.document.defaultView, event["which"], event["which"], event["ctrlKey"], event["altKey"], event["shiftKey"], event["metaKey"], false); wnd.document.dispatchEvent(e); } }; Test.AnotherWay._print_counter_result = function(url, msg, milliseconds, style){ return Test.AnotherWay._print_result(url, msg + "" + (milliseconds / 1000).toFixed() + "", style, null); }; Test.AnotherWay._g_result_count = 0; // for assigning unique ids to result paragraphs // number of pages tested Test.AnotherWay._g_ok_pages = 0; Test.AnotherWay._g_fail_pages = 0; Test.AnotherWay._print_result = function(url, msg, style, test_objects){ var results = document.getElementById("results"); var r = results.appendChild(document.createElement("p")); r.id = "result" + Test.AnotherWay._g_result_count; ++Test.AnotherWay._g_result_count; r.onclick = Test.AnotherWay._toggle_detail; var text = "    "; if (url != "") { text += url + ": "; } if (msg != null) { text += msg; } if (test_objects != null) { // compose summary and detail texts var total_ok = 0; var total_detail_ok = 0; var total_fail = 0; var total_detail_fail = 0; var no_plan = 0; var detail = results.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); if (r.id.match(/^result(\d+)$/)) { detail.id = "result_detail" + RegExp.$1; } for (var i = 0; i < test_objects.length; ++i) { var o = test_objects[i]; var p; var p_text; p = document.createElement("P"); Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(p, "result_detail"); p_text = o.name; if (o.n_fail > 0 || o.exception || (o.n_plan != null && o.n_plan != o.n_ok + o.n_fail) || (o.n_plan == null && o.n_ok == 0 && o.n_fail == 0)) { ++total_fail; p_text += " "; if (o.n_plan != null && o.n_plan != o.n_ok + o.n_fail) { p_text += "planned " + o.n_plan + " assertions but got " + (o.n_ok + o.n_fail) + "; "; } if (o.n_plan == null && o.n_ok == 0 && o.n_fail == 0) { p_text += "test did not output anything"; } else { p_text += " fail " + o.n_fail; } p_text += ""; } else { ++total_ok; } p_text += " ok " + o.n_ok; if (o.n_plan == null) { no_plan = 1; p_text += " no plan"; } p.innerHTML = p_text; detail.appendChild(p); if (o.exception) { p = document.createElement("P"); Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(p, "result_exception_detail"); p.innerHTML = "exception: " + o.exception; detail.appendChild(p); p = document.createElement("P"); Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(p, "result_exception_stack_detail"); p.innerHTML = o.exception_stack.join("
"); detail.appendChild(p); } for (var ii = 0; ii < o.assertions.length; ++ii) { var oo = o.assertions[ii]; var status = oo.ok ? "ok" : "fail"; p = document.createElement("P"); Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(p, "result_micro_detail"); p.innerHTML = status; p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + oo.name)); detail.appendChild(p); } total_detail_ok += o.n_ok; total_detail_fail += o.n_fail; } if (total_fail || total_detail_fail) { text += " fail " + total_fail; } text += " ok " + total_ok + " (detailed:"; if (total_fail || total_detail_fail) { text += " fail " + total_detail_fail; } text += " ok " + total_detail_ok + ")"; if (no_plan) { text += " no plan"; } style = total_fail == 0 ? "ok" : "fail"; detail.style.display = style == "fail" ? "block" : "none"; detail.style.cursor = "text"; } if (style != null) { Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(r, style); if (style == "ok") { ++Test.AnotherWay._g_ok_pages; } else if (style == "fail" || style == "badtest") { ++Test.AnotherWay._g_fail_pages; } var pages_total = ""; if (Test.AnotherWay._g_fail_pages > 0) { pages_total += " fail " + Test.AnotherWay._g_fail_pages; } pages_total += " ok " + Test.AnotherWay._g_ok_pages; // also count out the total number of tests in fail and ok Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_ok = Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_ok || 0; Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_ok += (total_detail_ok||0); Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_fail = Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_fail || 0; Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_fail += (total_detail_fail||0); pages_total+=" (detailed: fail " + Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_fail + " | ok " + Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_ok + ")"; Test.AnotherWay._update_results_total(pages_total); } r.innerHTML = text; if (results.scrollHeight != null && results.scrollTop != null && results.offsetHeight != null) { results.scrollTop = results.scrollHeight - results.offsetHeight; } // when test_objects is not null, the results are final - good time to clean up if (test_objects != null) { for (var i = 0; i < test_objects.length; ++i) { var actions = test_objects[i].delay_actions; for (var action_i = 0; action_i < actions.length; ++action_i) { var action = actions[action_i]; if (action.action_kind == "window" && action.wnd_wnd != null && !action.wnd_no_close) { action.wnd_wnd.close(); action.wnd_wnd = null; } } } } return r; }; Test.AnotherWay._unprint_result = function(child){ var results = document.getElementById("results"); results.removeChild(child); }; Test.AnotherWay._toggle_detail = function(){ if (this.id.match(/^result(\d+)$/)) { var detail = document.getElementById("result_detail" + RegExp.$1); if (detail != null) { if (detail.style.display == "none") { detail.style.display = "block"; } else if (detail.style.display == "block") { detail.style.display = "none"; } } } }; Test.AnotherWay._update_msg_counter = function(msg, text){ for (var i = 0; i < msg.childNodes.length; ++i) { var item = msg.childNodes[i]; if (item.nodeName == "SPAN" && Test.AnotherWay._get_css_class(item) == "counter") { item.innerHTML = text; } } }; Test.AnotherWay._update_results_total = function(msg){ var total = document.getElementById("total"); if (total) { total.innerHTML = msg; } }; Test.AnotherWay._results_clear_onclick = function(){ var results = document.getElementById("results"); results.innerHTML = ""; Test.AnotherWay._update_results_total(""); Test.AnotherWay._g_ok_pages = 0; Test.AnotherWay._g_fail_pages = 0; Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_ok=0; Test.AnotherWay._openlayers_sum_total_detail_fail=0; var debug = document.getElementById("debug"); debug.innerHTML = ""; Test.AnotherWay.reset_running_time(); }; Test.AnotherWay._get_css_class = function(o){ var c = o.getAttribute("className"); if (c == null || c == "") { c = o.getAttribute("class"); } return c; }; Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class = function(o, css_class){ o.setAttribute("className", css_class); o.setAttribute("class", css_class); }; Test.AnotherWay._tab_onclick = function(){ var tab = this; var tabs = [document.getElementById("debug_tab"), document.getElementById("results_tab")]; var panes = [document.getElementById("debug"), document.getElementById("results")]; for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; ++i) { if (tab == tabs[i]) { Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(tabs[i], "active_tab"); panes[i].style.display = "block"; } else { Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(tabs[i], "inactive_tab"); panes[i].style.display = "none"; } } }; Test.AnotherWay._tab_mouseover = function(){ if (Test.AnotherWay._get_css_class(this) == "inactive_tab") { Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(this, "inactive_mouseover_tab"); } }; Test.AnotherWay._tab_mouseout = function(){ if (Test.AnotherWay._get_css_class(this) == "inactive_mouseover_tab") { Test.AnotherWay._set_css_class(this, "inactive_tab"); } }; // recording mouse input Test.AnotherWay._record_check_onfocus = function(){ var o = this; var check_select = o.type != "text"; var div = document.getElementById("record_div"); var inputs = div.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { var input = inputs[i]; if (input.type == "radio") { if (input.value == "select") { input.checked = check_select; } else if (input.value == "input") { input.checked = !check_select; } } } }; Test.AnotherWay._g_no_record_msg = null; // not null - recording is unavailable Test.AnotherWay._g_record_timeout_cnt = 0; // opening window for a page for recording Test.AnotherWay._g_record_url = null; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd = null; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_random_id = null; // added to element ids of record_control div so that they do not clash with ids already in the page for which input is recorded Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown = null; // recording control - which key is down Test.AnotherWay._g_record_ctrl_keydown = false; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_shift_keydown = false; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_control_visible = true; // recording control ui state Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_include_mousemove = false; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_start_time; // for time references Test.AnotherWay._g_record_pause_start_time; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_update_time_interval; // showing time in the control ui Test.AnotherWay._g_record_waiting_for_results = false; // waiting for results window to open Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events; // recorded events Test.AnotherWay._g_record_under_cursor; // track element under cursor Test.AnotherWay._g_record_checkpoint_count; // for checkpoint numbering Test.AnotherWay._g_record_mouse_over_record_control; // for avoiding record control highlight on mouseover Test.AnotherWay._g_record_highlighted_element = { element: null, x: null, y: null }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element = function(id){ if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd != null && Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd.document != null) { return Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd.document.getElementById(id + Test.AnotherWay._g_record_random_id); } else { return null; } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_start_onclick = function() // "record" button on the run_tests.html: open a window for a page for which input is recorded { if (Test.AnotherWay._g_no_record_msg != null) { alert(Test.AnotherWay._g_no_record_msg); return; } if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_timeout_cnt > 0 || (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd != null && (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd.closed != null && !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd.closed))) { // in opera, closed is null. alert("there is already window opened for recording input for a page " + Test.AnotherWay._g_record_url); return; } var div = document.getElementById("record_div"); var inputs = div.getElementsByTagName("input"); var url = null; for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { var input = inputs[i]; if (input.type == "radio") { if (input.value == "select" && input.checked) { var index = document.getElementById("record_select").selectedIndex; if (index > 0) { url = Test.AnotherWay._g_test_page_urls[index - 1].url; } } else if (input.value == "input" && input.checked) { url = document.getElementById("record_input").value; } } } if (url != null) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_url = url; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd = window.open(url, "_blank"); if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd == null) { alert("unable to open new window for a page: " + url); } else { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_timeout_cnt = 50; setTimeout(Test.AnotherWay._record_window_timeout, 100); } } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_window_timeout = function(){ if (Test.AnotherWay._is_url_loaded(Test.AnotherWay._g_record_url, Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd)) { Test.AnotherWay._record_window_setup(Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd); } else { if (--Test.AnotherWay._g_record_timeout_cnt > 0) { setTimeout(Test.AnotherWay._record_window_timeout, 100); } else { alert("timeout expired while opening new window for a page: " + Test.AnotherWay._g_record_url); Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd = null; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_url = null; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_timeout_cnt = 0; } } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_randomize_id = function(e, r){ if (e.id != "") { e.id = e.id + r; } for (var c = e.firstChild; c != null; c = c.nextSibling) { Test.AnotherWay._record_control_randomize_id(c, r); } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_window_setup = function(wnd) // insert recording control into the page for which input is recorded { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_timeout_cnt = 0; var this_div = document.getElementById("record_control"); var record_control = wnd.document.importNode(this_div, true); Test.AnotherWay._g_record_random_id = (1000 * Math.random()).toFixed(); Test.AnotherWay._record_control_randomize_id(record_control, Test.AnotherWay._g_record_random_id); Test.AnotherWay._g_record_control_visible = true; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started = false; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused = false; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_checkpoint_count = 0; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_mouse_over_record_control = false; var doc = wnd.document; doc.body.appendChild(record_control); // opera sans-serif font is different if (window.opera) { cursor_over_indicator = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_cursor_over"); cursor_over_indicator.style.width = "18em"; cursor_over_indicator.style.height = "2em"; cursor_over_indicator.style.fontSize = "7pt"; } doc.addEventListener("keydown", Test.AnotherWay._record_control_keydown, true); doc.addEventListener("keyup", Test.AnotherWay._record_control_keyup, true); // doc.addEventListener( "keypress", Test.AnotherWay._record_event, true ); // replaying is not supported by any known browser doc.body.addEventListener("mousemove", Test.AnotherWay._record_on_mousemove, true); doc.body.addEventListener("click", Test.AnotherWay._record_event, true); doc.body.addEventListener("mouseover", Test.AnotherWay._record_event, true); doc.body.addEventListener("mouseout", Test.AnotherWay._record_event, true); doc.body.addEventListener("mousedown", Test.AnotherWay._record_event, true); doc.body.addEventListener("mouseup", Test.AnotherWay._record_event, true); }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_key_disabled = function(k){ if (k == "c") { return !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started; } else if (k == "p") { return !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started; } else if (k == "s") { return Test.AnotherWay._g_record_waiting_for_results; } else { return false; } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_ui = function(){ var keydown_color = "#fff"; var disabled_color = "#aaa"; var button_color = "#adf"; var active_color = "#fdf"; var display = {}; display[false] = "none"; display[true] = "inline"; var s_button = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_s"); var record_on = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_on"); var record_off = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_off"); s_button.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_key_disabled("s") ? disabled_color : Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown == "s" ? keydown_color : Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started ? active_color : button_color; record_on.style.display = display[!Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started]; record_off.style.display = display[Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started]; var h_button = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_h"); h_button.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown == "h" ? keydown_color : button_color; var p_button = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_p"); var record_pause_on = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_pause_on"); var record_pause_off = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_pause_off"); p_button.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_key_disabled("p") ? disabled_color : Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown == "p" ? keydown_color : Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused ? active_color : button_color; record_pause_on.style.display = display[!Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused]; record_pause_off.style.display = display[Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused]; var m_button = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_m"); var record_include_mousemove = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_include_mousemove"); var record_omit_mousemove = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_omit_mousemove"); m_button.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown == "m" ? keydown_color : Test.AnotherWay._g_record_include_mousemove ? active_color : button_color; record_include_mousemove.style.display = display[!Test.AnotherWay._g_record_include_mousemove]; record_omit_mousemove.style.display = display[Test.AnotherWay._g_record_include_mousemove]; var c_button = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_c"); c_button.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_key_disabled("c") ? disabled_color : Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown == "c" ? keydown_color : button_color; var record_indicator = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_indicator"); record_indicator.style.display = display[Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started]; var pause_indicator = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_pause_indicator"); pause_indicator.style.display = display[Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused]; var record_control = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_control"); record_control.style.display = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_control_visible ? "block" : "none"; var shift_button = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_shift_key"); shift_button.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_shift_keydown ? keydown_color : button_color; var ctrl_button = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_ctrl_key"); ctrl_button.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_ctrl_keydown ? keydown_color : button_color; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_format_time = function(t){ t = new Date(t); var m = t.getMinutes(); var s = t.getSeconds(); var str = m == 0 ? "" : m + "m "; str += s + "s."; return str; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_time = function(){ var time_display = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_time"); if (time_display != null) { time_display.innerHTML = Test.AnotherWay._record_format_time((new Date()).getTime() - Test.AnotherWay._g_record_start_time); } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_highlight = function(elem, style, event){ if (elem == null) { Test.AnotherWay._record_highlight_border(null); } else { var pos = Test.AnotherWay._get_page_coords(elem); if (style == "ball" || elem != Test.AnotherWay._g_record_highlighted_element.element || pos.x != Test.AnotherWay._g_record_highlighted_element.x || pos.y != Test.AnotherWay._g_record_highlighted_element.y) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_highlighted_element = { element: elem, x: pos.x, y: pos.y }; Test.AnotherWay._record_highlight_border(elem, style, event); } } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_decode_key = function(event){ var k = null; if (event == null) { k = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_wnd.event.keyCode; } else { k = event.which; } if (k == 83) { return "s"; } else if (k == 72) { return "h"; } else if (k == 73) { return "i"; } else if (k == 80) { return "p"; } else if (k == 67) { return "c"; } else if (k == 77) { return "m"; } else if (k == 16) { return "shift"; } else if (k == 17) { return "ctrl"; } else if (k == 18) { return "alt"; } else if (k == 19) { return "pause"; } else if (k == 123) { return "f12"; } return ""; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_keydown = function(event){ var handled = false; var k = Test.AnotherWay._record_decode_key(event); if (k == "shift") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_shift_keydown = true; } else if (k == "ctrl") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_ctrl_keydown = true; } else if (k != "" && (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown == null || Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown == k)) { if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_ctrl_keydown && Test.AnotherWay._g_record_shift_keydown && !Test.AnotherWay._record_control_key_disabled(k)) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown = k; handled = true; } } else { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown = ""; } Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_ui(); if (!handled) { // Test.AnotherWay._record_event( event ); // replaying is not supported in any known browser } return; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_keyup = function(event){ var handled = false; var k = Test.AnotherWay._record_decode_key(event); if (k == "shift") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_shift_keydown = false; } else if (k == "ctrl") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_ctrl_keydown = false; } else if (k != "" && k == Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown && Test.AnotherWay._g_record_ctrl_keydown && Test.AnotherWay._g_record_shift_keydown) { if (k == "s") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started = !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started; if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events = []; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_start_time = (new Date()).getTime(); Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_time(); Test.AnotherWay._g_record_update_time_interval = window.setInterval(Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_time, 200); } else { Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_highlight(null); if (!Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused) { window.clearInterval(Test.AnotherWay._g_record_update_time_interval); } Test.AnotherWay._g_record_waiting_for_results = true; // open a new window for self, pass a parameter to dump recorded events as javascript code there // (the easiest way to obtain a document from the same origin, so it's writable, is to open this same page again) Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused = false; var loc = window.location; loc = loc.protocol + "//" + loc.host + loc.pathname + "?recording_results=" + Test.AnotherWay._g_record_random_id; if (window.open(loc, "_blank") == null) { alert("unable to open new window for results"); } } handled = true; } else if (k == "h") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_control_visible = !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_control_visible; handled = true; } else if (k == "p") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused = !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused; if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_pause_start_time = (new Date()).getTime(); if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started) { window.clearInterval(Test.AnotherWay._g_record_update_time_interval); } Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_highlight(null); } else { var pause_duration = (new Date()).getTime() - Test.AnotherWay._g_record_pause_start_time; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_start_time += pause_duration; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_update_time_interval = window.setInterval(Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_time, 200); } handled = true; } else if (k == "m") { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_include_mousemove = !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_include_mousemove; handled = true; } else if (k == "c") { var o = Test.AnotherWay._record_checkpoint(); Test.AnotherWay._record_display_checkpoint(o); Test.AnotherWay._record_flash_border("#24d"); handled = true; } } Test.AnotherWay._g_record_keydown = null; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_ui(); if (!handled) { // Test.AnotherWay._record_event( event ); // replaying is not supported in any known browser } return; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_html_node_path = function(node){ if (node == null) { return null; } var path = []; while (true) { if (node.id != null && node.id != "") { path.unshift("#" + node.id + " " + node.nodeName); break; } else { var parent_node = node.parentNode; if (parent_node == null) { return []; // no BODY up the path - this node is screwed (browsers differ in what's above the body), discard } else { var i = 0; var found = false; for (var child = parent_node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) { if (child == node) { found = true; break; } if (child.nodeType == 1) { // count only HTML element nodes ++i; } } if (!found) { i = -1; } path.unshift(i + " " + node.nodeName); if (parent_node.nodeName == "BODY" || parent_node.nodeName == "body") { break; } node = parent_node; } } } return path; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_string = function(path){ var s = ""; if (path != null) { for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) { s += i == 0 ? "" : ", "; var elem = path[i].split(" "); if (elem[0].charAt(0) == "#") { s += elem[1] + " " + elem[0]; } else { s += elem[1] + " [" + elem[0] + "]"; } } } return s; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_node = function(path_str, doc){ if (path_str == null) { return null; } var path = path_str.split(","); var node = doc.body; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) { var node_i = path[i].split(" ")[0]; if (node_i.charAt(0) == "#") { node = doc.getElementById(node_i.substring(1)); } else { if (node_i < 0 || node_i >= node.childNodes.length) { node = null; } else { node = node.firstChild; while (node != null) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { // count only HTML element nodes if (node_i == 0) { break; } --node_i; } node = node.nextSibling; } } } if (node == null) { return null; } } return node; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_contains_id = function(s){ return s.match(/^#record_[\w_]+/) && s.match(Test.AnotherWay._g_record_random_id); }; Test.AnotherWay._record_checkpoint = function(){ var o = { type: "_checkpoint", time: (new Date()).getTime() - Test.AnotherWay._g_record_start_time, which: Test.AnotherWay._g_record_checkpoint_count++, target: Test.AnotherWay._record_html_node_path(Test.AnotherWay._g_record_under_cursor) }; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events.push(o); return o; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_event = function(event){ var unneeded = ["rangeOffset", "eventPhase", "timeStamp", "isTrusted", "popupWindowFeatures", "rangeOffset"]; if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started && !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused) { var o = {}; for (var n in event) { var needed = !n.match(/^[A-Z0-9_]+$/); if (needed) { for (var ui = 0; ui < unneeded.length; ++ui) { if (unneeded[ui] == n) { needed = false; break; } } if (needed) { var value = event[n]; if (typeof(value) != "object" && typeof(value) != "function") { o[n] = value; } else if (n == "target" || n == "relatedTarget") { o[n] = Test.AnotherWay._record_html_node_path(value); } } } } o["time"] = (new Date()).getTime() - Test.AnotherWay._g_record_start_time; var over_record_control = o["target"] != null && o["target"][0] != null && Test.AnotherWay._record_control_contains_id(o["target"][0]); if (!over_record_control) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events.push(o); } } return true; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_on_mousemove = function(event){ var path = Test.AnotherWay._record_html_node_path(event.target); var new_mouse_over_record_control = path != null && path[0] != null && Test.AnotherWay._record_control_contains_id(path[0]); if (new_mouse_over_record_control != Test.AnotherWay._g_record_mouse_over_record_control) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_mouse_over_record_control = new_mouse_over_record_control; Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_ui(); } if (event.target != null && event.target != Test.AnotherWay._g_record_under_cursor) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_under_cursor = event.target; var s = ""; if (path == null || path[0] == null || !Test.AnotherWay._record_control_contains_id(path[0])) { s = Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_string(path); } if (s == "") { s = " "; } var cursor_over_indicator = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_cursor_over"); cursor_over_indicator.innerHTML = s; } var highlight_element = null; if (!Test.AnotherWay._g_record_mouse_over_record_control && Test.AnotherWay._g_record_started && !Test.AnotherWay._g_record_paused) { highlight_element = event.target; } // highlight border disabled on recording - it causes page to scroll, issuing spurious mouseover/mouseout event //Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_highlight( highlight_element, "border" ); if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_include_mousemove) { Test.AnotherWay._record_event(event); } return true; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_display_checkpoint = function(o){ var checkpoints_div = Test.AnotherWay._record_control_get_element("record_checkpoints"); var p = checkpoints_div.appendChild(checkpoints_div.ownerDocument.createElement("div")); p.style.marginTop = "3px"; p.style.font = "normal normal 8pt sans-serif"; p.style.color = "#000"; p.style.textAligh = "left"; p.style.position = "relative"; p.style.width = "100%"; var checkpoint_text = ""; checkpoint_text += "#" + (o.which + 1); checkpoint_text += " " + Test.AnotherWay._record_format_time(o.time); if (o.target != null) { checkpoint_text += Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_string(o.target); } p.appendChild(p.ownerDocument.createTextNode(checkpoint_text)); }; Test.AnotherWay._record_save_results = function(doc){ // strange, but DOM-style append does not work here in opera 8. var append = function(s){ doc.write("

" + s + "
"); }; append("/* paste this data into your javascript and pass it as an argument to replay_events method */"); append("{ checkpoints: ["); var first_checkpoint = true; for (var i = 0; i < Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events.length; ++i) { var o = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events[i]; if (o.type == "_checkpoint") { var str = first_checkpoint ? "" : "}, "; str += "function( tst, wnd ) { // #" + o.which + " time " + Test.AnotherWay._record_format_time(o.time) + " cursor was over " + Test.AnotherWay._record_node_path_to_string(o.target); append(str); first_checkpoint = false; } } if (!first_checkpoint) { append("}"); } append("], events: [ "); var prev_time = 0; for (var i = 0; i < Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events.length; ++i) { var o = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events[i]; var s = ""; s += "{"; var n_first = true; for (var n in o) { if (n == "time") { // convert to relative time var cur_time = o[n] - 0; o[n] = cur_time - prev_time; prev_time = cur_time; } s += n_first ? n : ", " + n; s += ":"; if (o[n] == null) { s += "null"; } else { s += "\"" + o[n] + "\""; } n_first = false; } s += i == Test.AnotherWay._g_record_events.length - 1 ? "}" : "},"; append(s); } append("] }"); append(";"); }; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border; // border highlighting element under cursor Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes = []; // array of { color: color, timeout: milliseconds } Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashing = false; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_normal_color = "#d4b"; Test.AnotherWay._record_flash_border_timeout = function(){ var color = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_normal_color; var timeout = null; if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes.length != 0) { color = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes[0].color; timeout = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes[0].timeout; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes.splice(0, 1); } if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border != null) { for (var i = 0; i < Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border.length; ++i) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border[i].style.backgroundColor = color; } } if (timeout != null) { setTimeout(Test.AnotherWay._record_flash_border_timeout, timeout); } else { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashing = false; } }; Test.AnotherWay._get_page_coords = function(elm){ var point = { x: 0, y: 0 }; while (elm) { point.x += elm.offsetLeft; point.y += elm.offsetTop; elm = elm.offsetParent; } return point; }; Test.AnotherWay._set_page_coords = function(elm, x, y){ var parent_coords = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (elm.offsetParent) { parent_coords = Test.AnotherWay._get_page_coords(elm.offsetParent); } var new_x = x - parent_coords.x; if (new_x < 0) { new_x = 0; } elm.style.left = new_x + 'px'; var new_y = y - parent_coords.y; if (new_y < 0) { new_y = 0; } elm.style.top = new_y + 'px'; }; Test.AnotherWay._record_setup_highlight_positions = function(element, style, coords, positions){ if (style == "border") { var width = element.clientWidth; var height = element.clientHeight; var step = 0; var thickness = 2; var fudge_expand = 4; positions.push({ x: coords.x - step - thickness, y: coords.y - step - thickness, width: width + 2 * step + 2 * thickness + fudge_expand, height: thickness }); positions.push({ x: coords.x + width + step + fudge_expand, y: coords.y - step - thickness, width: thickness, height: height + 2 * step + 2 * thickness + fudge_expand }); positions.push({ x: positions[0].x, y: positions[0].y, width: positions[0].width, height: positions[0].height }); positions.push({ x: positions[1].x, y: positions[1].y, width: positions[1].width, height: positions[1].height }); positions[2].y += height + thickness + 2 * step + fudge_expand; positions[3].x -= width + thickness + 2 * step + fudge_expand; } else if (style == "ball") { positions.push({ x: coords.x + 2, y: coords.y, width: 2, height: 6 }); positions.push({ x: coords.x, y: coords.y + 2, width: 6, height: 2 }); positions.push({ x: coords.x + 1, y: coords.y + 1, width: 4, height: 4 }); } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_highlight_border = function(element, style, event) // null - hide border { if (element != null) { if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border == null || Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border[0].ownerDocument != element.ownerDocument) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border = []; var n = style == "border" ? 4 : style == "ball" ? 3 : 0; for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var b = element.ownerDocument.createElement("div"); b.style.position = "absolute"; b.style.zIndex = "1"; b.style.backgroundColor = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_normal_color; element.ownerDocument.body.appendChild(b); Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border.push(b); } } var coords = null; if (style == "border") { coords = Test.AnotherWay._get_page_coords(element); } else if (style == "ball") { if (event != null) { if (event.pageX != null && event.pageY != null) { coords = { x: event.pageX - 0, y: event.pageY - 0 }; } else if (event.clientX != null && event.clientY != null) { var doc = element.ownerDocument; if (doc != null) { coords = { x: (event.clientX - 0) + doc.body.scrollLeft, y: (event.clientY - 0) + doc.body.scrollTop }; } } } } if (coords != null && element.clientWidth != null && element.clientHeight != null) { var positions = []; Test.AnotherWay._record_setup_highlight_positions(element, style, coords, positions); for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; ++i) { var b = Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border[i]; var p = positions[i]; Test.AnotherWay._set_page_coords(b, p.x, p.y); b.style.width = p.width + "px"; b.style.height = p.height + "px"; b.style.display = "block"; } } } else { if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border != null) { for (var i = 0; i < Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border.length; ++i) { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border[i].style.display = "none"; } } } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_flash_border = function(color){ if (Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashing) { //already Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes.push({ color: Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_normal_color, timeout: 300 }); Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes.push({ color: color, timeout: 600 }); } else { Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashing = true; Test.AnotherWay._g_record_border_flashes.push({ color: color, timeout: 600 }); Test.AnotherWay._record_flash_border_timeout(); } }; Test.AnotherWay._record_prepare_doc_for_results = function(){ document.open(); document.write(""); document.write(" Input recording results"); document.write(""); // opera and mozilla disagree over who the opener is. if (typeof(window.opener.Test) != "undefined" && typeof(window.opener.Test.AnotherWay) != "undefined") { window.opener.Test.AnotherWay._record_save_results(document); window.opener.Test.AnotherWay._g_record_waiting_for_results = false; window.opener.Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_ui(); } else if (typeof(window.opener.opener.Test) != "undefined" && typeof(window.opener.opener.Test.AnotherWay) != "undefined") { window.opener.opener.Test.AnotherWay._record_save_results(document); window.opener.opener.Test.AnotherWay._g_record_waiting_for_results = false; window.opener.opener.Test.AnotherWay._record_control_update_ui(); } document.write(""); document.close(); }; // global initialization onload = function(){ if (window.opera) { var good_opera = typeof(window.opera.version) == "function"; good_opera = good_opera && window.opera.version().match(/^\s*(\d+)/); good_opera = good_opera && RegExp.$1 >= 8; } var span = document.createElement("SPAN"); span.innerHTML = "