path: root/spec
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec')
7 files changed, 453 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ActivitySummary_spec.rb b/spec/ActivitySummary_spec.rb
index b3d77b0..f949a8d 100644
--- a/spec/ActivitySummary_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/ActivitySummary_spec.rb
@@ -18,16 +18,27 @@ end
describe PostRunner::ActivitySummary do
+ before(:all) do
+ capture_stdio
+ create_working_dirs
+ create_fit_file_store
+ end
before(:each) do
- fa = create_fit_activity('2014-08-26-19:00', 30)
- a =, 'running')
- @as =, :metric,
+ acfg = { :t => '2014-08-26T19:00', :duration => 30, :serial => 123456790 }
+ fn = create_fit_activity_file(@fit_dir, acfg)
+ fa = @ffs.add_fit_file(fn)
+ @as =, :metric,
{ :name => 'test', :type => 'Running',
:sub_type => 'Street' })
+ after(:all) do
+ cleanup
+ end
it 'should create a metric summary' do
- puts @as.to_s #TODO: Fix aggregation first
+ @as.to_s #TODO: Fix aggregation first
diff --git a/spec/FitFileStore_spec.rb b/spec/FitFileStore_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91797aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/FitFileStore_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
+# encoding: UTF-8
+# = PostRunner_spec.rb -- PostRunner - Manage the data from your Garmin sport devices.
+# Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016 by Chris Schlaeger <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'fit4ruby/FileNameCoder'
+require 'postrunner/RuntimeConfig'
+require 'postrunner/FitFileStore'
+require 'postrunner/PersonalRecords'
+describe PostRunner::FitFileStore do
+ before(:all) do
+ capture_stdio
+ create_working_dirs
+ create_fit_file_store
+ # Create some test fit files
+ @fit_file_names = []
+ [
+ { :t => '2015-10-21T21:00', :duration => 10, :serial => 123456790 },
+ { :t => '2015-10-22T08:10', :duration => 15, :serial => 123456791 },
+ { :t => '2015-11-01T13:30', :duration => 20, :serial => 123456790 }
+ ].each do |config|
+ f = create_fit_activity_file(@fit_dir, config)
+ @fit_file_names << f
+ end
+ @activities = []
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ cleanup
+ end
+ it 'should be empty at start' do
+ expect(@ffs.devices.length).to eq(0)
+ expect(@ffs.activities.length).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'should store a FIT file' do
+ @activities << @ffs.add_fit_file(@fit_file_names[0])
+ expect(@activities[-1]).not_to be_nil
+ expect(@ffs.devices.length).to eq(1)
+ expect(@ffs.devices.include?('garmin-fenix3-123456790')).to be true
+ expect(@ffs.activities.length).to eq(1)
+ expect(@ffs.ref_by_activity(@activities[0])).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'should not store the same FIT file twice' do
+ expect(@ffs.add_fit_file(@fit_file_names[0])).to be_nil
+ expect(@ffs.devices.length).to eq(1)
+ expect(@ffs.devices.include?('garmin-fenix3-123456790')).to be true
+ expect(@ffs.activities.length).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'should store another FIT file as 2nd device' do
+ @activities << @ffs.add_fit_file(@fit_file_names[1])
+ expect(@activities[-1]).not_to be_nil
+ expect(@ffs.devices.length).to eq(2)
+ expect(@ffs.devices.include?('garmin-fenix3-123456790')).to be true
+ expect(@ffs.devices.include?('garmin-fenix3-123456791')).to be true
+ expect(@ffs.activities.length).to eq(2)
+ expect(@ffs.ref_by_activity(@activities[1])).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'should store another activity of a known device' do
+ @activities << @ffs.add_fit_file(@fit_file_names[2])
+ expect(@activities[-1]).not_to be_nil
+ expect(@ffs.devices.length).to eq(2)
+ expect(@ffs.devices.include?('garmin-fenix3-123456790')).to be true
+ expect(@ffs.devices.include?('garmin-fenix3-123456791')).to be true
+ expect(@ffs.activities.length).to eq(3)
+ expect(@ffs.ref_by_activity(@activities[2])).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'should find activities by index' do
+ expect(@ffs.find('0')).to eq([])
+ expect(@ffs.find('1')).to eq([ @activities[2] ])
+ expect(@ffs.find('2')).to eq([ @activities[1] ])
+ expect(@ffs.find('3')).to eq([ @activities[0] ])
+ expect(@ffs.find('1-2')).to eq([ @activities[2], @activities[1] ])
+ expect(@ffs.find('2-1')).to eq([])
+ expect(@ffs.find('')).to eq([])
+ end
+ it 'should check all stored fit files' do
+ @ffs.check
+ end
+ it 'should know the successor of each activity' do
+ expect(@ffs.successor(@activities[2])).to be_nil
+ expect(@ffs.successor(@activities[1])).to eq(@activities[2])
+ expect(@ffs.successor(@activities[0])).to eq(@activities[1])
+ end
+ it 'should know the predecessor of each activity' do
+ expect(@ffs.predecessor(@activities[2])).to eq(@activities[1])
+ expect(@ffs.predecessor(@activities[1])).to eq(@activities[0])
+ expect(@ffs.predecessor(@activities[0])).to be_nil
+ end
+ it 'should delete activities' do
+ @ffs.delete_activity(@activities[1])
+ expect(@ffs.find('1')).to eq([ @activities[2] ])
+ expect(@ffs.find('2')).to eq([ @activities[0] ])
+ expect(@ffs.find('3')).to eq([])
+ @ffs.delete_activity(@activities[2])
+ expect(@ffs.find('1')).to eq([ @activities[0] ])
+ expect(@ffs.find('2')).to eq([])
+ end
+ it 'should rename an activity' do
+ @ffs.rename_activity(@activities[0], 'new name')
+ expect(@activities[0].name).to eq('new name')
+ expect(@activities[0].fit_file_name).to eq(File.basename(@fit_file_names[0]))
+ end
diff --git a/spec/FlexiTable_spec.rb b/spec/FlexiTable_spec.rb
index c3357cd..9b67ec6 100644
--- a/spec/FlexiTable_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/FlexiTable_spec.rb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe PostRunner::FlexiTable do
- t.to_s.should == ref
+ expect(t.to_s).to eq(ref)
diff --git a/spec/PersonalRecords_spec.rb b/spec/PersonalRecords_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23010b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/PersonalRecords_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
+# encoding: UTF-8
+# = PostRunner_spec.rb -- PostRunner - Manage the data from your Garmin sport devices.
+# Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016 by Chris Schlaeger <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'perobs'
+require 'fit4ruby/FileNameCoder'
+require 'postrunner/FitFileStore'
+require 'postrunner/PersonalRecords'
+describe PostRunner::PersonalRecords do
+ class Mock_Activity < PEROBS::Object
+ po_attr :name, :fit_file_name
+ def initialize(store, name = nil)
+ super(store)
+ init_attr(:name, name)
+ init_attr(:fit_file_name, name)
+ end
+ end
+ class Mock_FitFileStore < PEROBS::Object
+ po_attr :activities
+ def initialize(store)
+ super
+ init_attr(:activities,
+ end
+ def add_activity(a)
+ @activities << a
+ end
+ def ref_by_activity(a)
+ @activities.index(a) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ before(:all) do
+ @log =
+ @work_dir = tmp_dir_name(__FILE__)
+ Dir.mkdir(@work_dir)
+ # Create the FitFileStore
+ @store =, 'db'))
+ @store['config'] =
+ @store['config']['data_dir'] = @work_dir
+ @ffs = @store['file_store'] =
+ @records = @store['records'] =
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(@work_dir)
+ end
+ it 'should initialize properly' do
+ expect(@records.to_s).to eq('')
+ end
+ it 'should register a record' do
+ a =, 'Activity 1')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ t = Time.parse('2014-11-08T09:16:00')
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 5000.0, 20 * 60,
+ t)).to be true
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 5000.0, nil, t)).to be true
+ expect(@records.activity_records(a).length).to eq(4)
+ expect(tables_to_arrays(@records.to_s)).to eq([
+ [["5 km", "0:20:00", "4:00", "1", "Activity 1", "2014-11-08"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "5.000 km", "-", "1", "Activity 1", "2014-11-08"]],
+ [["5 km", "0:20:00", "4:00", "1", "Activity 1", "2014-11-08"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "5.000 km", "-", "1", "Activity 1", "2014-11-08"]]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'should register another record' do
+ a =, 'Activity 2')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ t = Time.parse('2014-11-09T09:16:00')
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 10000.0,
+ 42 * 60, t)).to be true
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 10000.0,
+ nil, t)).to be true
+ expect(@records.activity_records(a).length).to eq(4)
+ expect(tables_to_arrays(@records.to_s)).to eq([
+ [["5 km", "0:20:00", "4:00", "1", "Activity 1", "2014-11-08"],
+ ["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ [["5 km", "0:20:00", "4:00", "1", "Activity 1", "2014-11-08"],
+ ["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'should replace an old record with a new one' do
+ a =, 'Activity 3')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ t = Time.parse('2014-11-11T09:16:00')
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 5000.0,
+ 19 * 60, t)).to be true
+ expect(@records.activity_records(a).length).to eq (2)
+ expect(@records.activity_records(@ffs.activities[0]).length).to eq(0)
+ expect(tables_to_arrays(@records.to_s)).to eq([
+ [["5 km", "0:19:00", "3:47", "3", "Activity 3", "2014-11-11"],
+ ["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ [["5 km", "0:19:00", "3:47", "3", "Activity 3", "2014-11-11"],
+ ["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'should add a new table for a new year' do
+ a =, 'Activity 4')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ t = Time.parse('2015-01-01T06:00:00')
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 5000.0,
+ 21 * 60, t)).to be true
+ expect(@records.activity_records(a).length).to eq(1)
+ expect(tables_to_arrays(@records.to_s)).to eq([
+ [["5 km", "0:19:00", "3:47", "3", "Activity 3", "2014-11-11"],
+ ["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ [["5 km", "0:21:00", "4:12", "4", "Activity 4", "2015-01-01"]],
+ [["5 km", "0:19:00", "3:47", "3", "Activity 3", "2014-11-11"],
+ ["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'should not add a new record for poor result' do
+ a =, 'Activity 5')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ t = Time.parse('2015-01-02T10:00:00')
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 5000.0, 22 * 60,
+ t)).to be false
+ expect(@records.activity_records(a).length).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'should not delete a record for non-record activity' do
+ expect(@records.delete_activity(@ffs.activities[0])).to be false
+ end
+ it 'should delete a record for a record activity' do
+ expect(@records.delete_activity(@ffs.activities[2])).to be true
+ expect(tables_to_arrays(@records.to_s)).to eq([
+ [["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ [["5 km", "0:21:00", "4:12", "4", "Activity 4", "2015-01-01"]],
+ [["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'should add a new distance record' do
+ a =, 'Activity 6')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ t = Time.parse('2015-01-10T07:00:00')
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'running', 15000.0, nil, t)).to be true
+ expect(@records.activity_records(a).length).to eq(2)
+ expect(tables_to_arrays(@records.to_s)).to eq([
+ [ ["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "15.000 km", "-", "6", "Activity 6", "2015-01-10"]],
+ [["5 km", "0:21:00", "4:12", "4", "Activity 4", "2015-01-01"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "15.000 km", "-", "6", "Activity 6", "2015-01-10"]],
+ [["10 km", "0:42:00", "4:12", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"],
+ ["Longest Distance", "10.000 km", "-", "2", "Activity 2", "2014-11-09"]],
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'should not register a record for a bogus sport' do
+ a =, 'Activity 5')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ t = Time.parse('2015-04-01T11:11:11')
+ expect(@records.register_result(a, 'foobaring', 5000.0, 10 * 60,
+ t)).to be false
+ end
+ it 'should not register a record for unknown distance' do
+ a =, 'Activity 6')
+ @ffs.add_activity(a)
+ expect { @records.register_result(a, 'cycling', 42.0, 10 * 60,
+ Time.parse('2015-04-01T11:11:11'))}.to raise_error(Fit4Ruby::Error)
+ end
+ it 'should delete all records' do
+ @records.delete_all_records
+ expect(@records.to_s).to eq('')
+ end
diff --git a/spec/PostRunner_spec.rb b/spec/PostRunner_spec.rb
index f4dd33b..24ae0fa 100644
--- a/spec/PostRunner_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/PostRunner_spec.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# = PostRunner_spec.rb -- PostRunner - Manage the data from your Garmin sport devices.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 by Chris Schlaeger <>
+# Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016 by Chris Schlaeger <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
@@ -21,14 +21,15 @@ describe PostRunner::Main do
args = [ '--dbdir', @db_dir ] + args
old_stdout = $stdout
$stdout = (stdout =
+ @postrunner =
$stdout = old_stdout
before(:all) do
- @work_dir = tmp_dir_name(__FILE__)
- Dir.mkdir(@work_dir)
+ capture_stdio
+ create_working_dirs
@db_dir = File.join(@work_dir, '.postrunner')
@file1 = File.join(@work_dir, 'FILE1.FIT')
@file2 = File.join(@work_dir, 'FILE2.FIT')
@@ -37,15 +38,15 @@ describe PostRunner::Main do
after(:all) do
- FileUtils.rm_rf(@work_dir)
+ cleanup
it 'should abort without arguments' do
- lambda { postrunner([]) }.should raise_error Fit4Ruby::Error
+ expect { postrunner([]) }.to raise_error(Fit4Ruby::Error)
it 'should abort with bad command' do
- lambda { postrunner(%w( foobar)) }.should raise_error Fit4Ruby::Error
+ expect { postrunner(%w( foobar)) }.to raise_error(Fit4Ruby::Error)
it 'should support the -v option' do
@@ -73,62 +74,53 @@ describe PostRunner::Main do
it 'should list the imported file' do
- postrunner(%w( list )).index('FILE1').should be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(postrunner(%w( list )).index('FILE1')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should import the other FIT file' do
postrunner([ 'import', @work_dir ])
list = postrunner(%w( list ))
- list.index('FILE1.FIT').should be_a(Fixnum)
- list.index('FILE2.FIT').should be_a(Fixnum)
- rc = YAML::load_file(File.join(@db_dir, 'config.yml'))
- rc[:import_dir].should == @work_dir
- template = "<a href=\"%s.html\"><img src=\"icons/%s.png\" " +
- "class=\"active_button\">"
- html1 =, 'html', 'FILE1.html'))
- html1.include?(template % ['FILE2', 'forward']).should be_true
- html2 =, 'html', 'FILE2.html'))
- html2.include?(template % ['FILE1', 'back']).should be_true
+ expect(list.index('FILE1.FIT')).to be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(list.index('FILE2.FIT')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should delete the first file' do
postrunner(%w( delete :2 ))
list = postrunner(%w( list ))
- list.index('FILE1.FIT').should be_nil
- list.index('FILE2.FIT').should be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(list.index('FILE1.FIT')).to be_nil
+ expect(list.index('FILE2.FIT')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should not import the deleted file again' do
postrunner(%w( import . ))
list = postrunner(%w( list ))
- list.index('FILE1.FIT').should be_nil
- list.index('FILE2.FIT').should be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(list.index('FILE1.FIT')).to be_nil
+ expect(list.index('FILE2.FIT')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should rename FILE2.FIT activity' do
postrunner(%w( rename foobar :1 ))
list = postrunner(%w( list ))
- list.index(@file2).should be_nil
- list.index('foobar').should be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(list.index('FILE2.FIT')).to be_nil
+ expect(list.index('foobar')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should fail when setting bad attribute' do
- lambda { postrunner(%w( set foo bar :1)) }.should raise_error Fit4Ruby::Error
+ expect { postrunner(%w( set foo bar :1)) }.to raise_error(Fit4Ruby::Error)
it 'should set name for FILE2.FIT activity' do
postrunner(%w( set name foobar :1 ))
list = postrunner(%w( list ))
- list.index(@file2).should be_nil
- list.index('foobar').should be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(list.index(@file2)).to be_nil
+ expect(list.index('foobar')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should set activity type for FILE2.FIT activity' do
postrunner(%w( set type Cycling :1 ))
list = postrunner(%w( summary :1 ))
- list.index('Running').should be_nil
- list.index('Cycling').should be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(list.index('Running')).to be_nil
+ expect(list.index('Cycling')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should list the events of an activity' do
@@ -140,18 +132,18 @@ describe PostRunner::Main do
it 'should fail when setting bad activity type' do
- lambda { postrunner(%w( set type foobar :1)) }.should raise_error Fit4Ruby::Error
+ expect { postrunner(%w( set type foobar :1)) }.to raise_error(Fit4Ruby::Error)
it 'should set activity subtype for FILE2.FIT activity' do
postrunner(%w( set subtype Road :1 ))
list = postrunner(%w( summary :1 ))
- list.index('Generic').should be_nil
- list.index('Road').should be_a(Fixnum)
+ expect(list.index('Generic')).to be_nil
+ expect(list.index('Road')).to be_a(Fixnum)
it 'should fail when setting bad activity subtype' do
- lambda { postrunner(%w( set subtype foobar :1)) }.should raise_error Fit4Ruby::Error
+ expect { postrunner(%w( set subtype foobar :1)) }.to raise_error(Fit4Ruby::Error)
it 'should dump an activity from the archive' do
@@ -170,26 +162,5 @@ describe PostRunner::Main do
postrunner(%w( units metric ))
- it 'should properly upgrade to a new version' do
- # Change version in config file to 0.0.0.
- rc =
- rc.set_option(:version, '0.0.0')
- # Check that the config file really was changed.
- rc =
- rc.get_option(:version).should == '0.0.0'
- archive_file = File.join(@db_dir, 'archive.yml')
- archive = YAML.load_file(archive_file)
- archive.each { |a| a.remove_instance_variable:@sport }
- File.write(archive_file, archive.to_yaml)
- # Run some command.
- postrunner(%w( list ))
- # Check that version matches the current version again.
- rc =
- rc.get_option(:version).should == PostRunner::VERSION
- end
diff --git a/spec/View_spec.rb b/spec/View_spec.rb
index 538b71f..79c95a9 100644
--- a/spec/View_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/View_spec.rb
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module PostRunner
pages.current_page = file"Test File: #{file}", views, pages).body.
- File.exists?(file).should be true
+ expect(File.exists?(file)).to be true
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index dbb1e0e..dba6be6 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,16 @@ require 'fileutils'
$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', lib_dir, 'lib'))
+require 'fit4ruby'
+require 'perobs'
+require 'postrunner/FitFileStore'
+require 'postrunner/PersonalRecords'
+def capture_stdio
+ @log =
def tmp_dir_name(caller_file)
dir_name = File.join(Dir.tmpdir,
@@ -28,6 +38,29 @@ def tmp_dir_name(caller_file)
+def create_working_dirs
+ @work_dir = tmp_dir_name(__FILE__)
+ Dir.mkdir(@work_dir)
+ @fit_dir = File.join(@work_dir, 'fit')
+ Dir.mkdir(@fit_dir)
+ @html_dir = File.join(@work_dir, 'html')
+ Dir.mkdir(@html_dir)
+def cleanup
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(@work_dir)
+def create_fit_file_store
+ store =, 'db'))
+ store['config'] =
+ store['config']['data_dir'] = @work_dir
+ store['config']['html_dir'] = @html_dir
+ store['config']['unit_system'] = :metric
+ @ffs = store['file_store'] =
+ @records = store['records'] =
def create_fit_file(name, date, duration_minutes = 30)
Fit4Ruby.write(name, create_fit_activity(
{ :t => date, :duration => duration_minutes }))
@@ -112,4 +145,42 @@ def create_fit_activity(config)
+def tables_to_arrays(str)
+ mode = :searching_table
+ arrays = []
+ array = []
+ str.each_line do |line|
+ case mode
+ when :searching_table
+ if line[0] == '+'
+ mode = :header
+ end
+ when :header
+ if line[0] == '|'
+ mode = :separation_line
+ else
+ mode = :searching_table
+ end
+ when :separation_line
+ if line[0] == '+'
+ mode = :body
+ else
+ mode = :searching_table
+ end
+ when :body
+ if line[0] == '|'
+ array << line[1..-3].split('|').map(&:strip)
+ elsif line[0] == '+'
+ arrays << array
+ array = []
+ mode = :searching_table
+ else
+ array = []
+ mode = :searching_table
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ arrays